Laravel + Inertia Js + Vue Js + Tailwind CSS com Fábio Vedovelli - Petiscando #045
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Channel: Beer and Code
Views: 14,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beer and code, fabio vedovelli, laravel, inertia js, vue js, inertiajs, vuejs, tailwind css, inertia js, inertia js tutorial, inertia js vue, inertia js routing, vue js, vue js laravel, tailwind css vue, laravel vuejs, laravel inertia js, laravel inertia js vue js, laravel tailwind css, laravel tailwind, laravel inertia vue tailwind, laravel com tailwind, laravel com vue js, laravel com inertia js, inertia js laravel, inertia js vue js, vue js tailwind, vedovelli, vilt stack
Id: q7dj2Lt4PcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 8sec (10148 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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