Laravel How to send Email Verification on Registration step by step

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in this tutorial I am going to show you how to verify email address while registration in laravel so I'll show you everything step by step from the very beginning so this is just a fisticated larabelle project so in order to verify our email address first of all we need to create authentication in our laravel project so we are going to use gesture authentication so first of all let's go to our project directory so this is our project Lara build mail verify so let's just go inside and let's just open a command from here let me just zoom in so here we're going to first install Justin so here first of all let me just copy the command prompt here composer require laravel slash team so we'll copy this and we'll go to our Command Prompt paste the command here composer required levels test system will press enter so it will install Justin in our audible project so right now I'll just fast forward the video after adjusting installation we are going to run this command which is uh this one this position just team install Library so let me just copy this let's go to our common prompt here and press enter so this will install library in our project so I'll just again first for the video just installation is also done so right now we're going to say this command npm install and press enter after npm install we'll say npm run build again press enter now we have to give our last command which is PHP or person migrate so it is saying that database level mail verify does not exist because I do not create a database so would you like to create it so we'll say here yes press enter and here you can see database is created and all the table is inserted in that database so right now if we go to our browser then refresh here you can see we have login and register option here so in order to verify mail address we need to make some changes in our code so I already opened the project using Sublime Text so first of all we need to go to our app then models inside model we have user.php so let's go inside and here you can see use illuminate contacts auth must verify email it is comment out so we will just remove the double slash form here and after this here you can see user extent authenticable so after authenticator we'll say employment then here you can see merge verify email so you copy this and paste this here so after authenticable we need to say implements must verify email then just save this and you can close this so after model user.php we need to go to our config and inside config you need to go to 40 by dot PHP so in the 45 dot PhD we'll just directly go down and here you will see features image verification It Is by default off so we need to remove this double slash form here then set this and we are done for this audio by dot PHP we can close this so after this we need to modify our DOT EnV file so we'll just go inside dot NV and Dot in the dot and D we need to mention our here you can see mail mailer we need to make some motivation here so mail mailer will be SMTP and main host it will be then mail Port this one will be 465 and username so here you need to give a email address from which email address you want to use to verify a user email address so here I will say this here here Yamin on at the rate of so let me just copy this one at that of and here you can see main form address so it will be the same on let's just paste is here and here you can see mail encryption so we'll say here SSL and Main form name so you can give a name anything we'll just keep it the way it is and here you can see password so we need to give a password but not your mail password I'll just show you so here first of all we need to go to our email yeah here I am in on at the top so let's go to our browser let's go to our Gmail and I'll go to uh yeah yeah I mean on tson So currently here you can see my email addresses uh yeah yeah I mean on at the top so from here we need to go to this option manage your Google account just click here then we need to go to the security option on the left side you will see security and also going to the security if we just go down here you can see two-step verification option so below two-step valuation option you will see app password but for my case it is not showing the app password so auto window is that we'll just go inside this so we just click on two-step verification and then it will ask for your mail password so just give your mail password click next and there you go it will take you to this place and here you can see my two-step verification is on so we'll just directly go down and here you can see app password or application password so we'll go inside here we click on this Arrow sign so you will see something like this uh let me just delete those I just created those let me just delete them so even just see something like this so here if you click select the app you will see something like this and here you will see something like this so here we are going to choose the other custom name so in the costume name we are going to say here website and then click create so once you click create it will give you a app password so you need to copy this so I'll just copy this like this so Ctrl C and after copying it just click here complete so we just copy that password so we need to paste that password in our code dot EnV in this mail password field so we'll paste this here and you can see there is some spaces so we need to remove that space otherwise you will get a error so will you go to spaces from here let me just select everything on by on and there you go so right now just set this and after giving the main information just run this command which is a PHP or decent config clone cache press enter and configuration cachet successful so right now let's go back to our browser project SD fresh air then let's click register so right now we're in the registration page here let's say name then let's give a email let's say Yamin shocking seven at that let's give a password on two three four five six seven eight and control password after that we'll just click register since we did the email modification part uh in our code so even see something like this uh please verify your email something like that so if you now go to our main which is Yemen chatting 7 at that of here you can see here you can see verify your email address and if you do not see the main here make sure to also check your spam folder okay so if you click on it uh there you can see International seems dangerous test if you see this just click Loop set and then uh just click a few times if you are not able to click on the button and here you can see verify email address so if you now click on verify email address so you can see it's loading and it took us to the dashboard after verifying our email address so this is how you can make email verification when registering in laravel I hope this tutorial is useful to you and if you wanna know how to apply forget password in laravel then you can check out the video on the skin your profile is seeing right now uh forget password is this on so if you want you can check the video Forget or reset password in liable so thank you very much for watching if you have any question you can always check me in the comment section I will really appreciate if you subscribe thanks and for watching I hope to see in the future tutorials
Channel: Web Tech Knowledge
Views: 9,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Email verification In Laravel After Registration, Email verification In Laravel After Registration, Email verification In Laravel, how to make email verification in laravel tutorial, laravel email verification, email verification laravel, email verification, email verification in laravel after registration, laravel tutorial for email verification, how to verify email in laravel, laravel send email, laravel send mail, laravel mailgun, mailtrap laravel, laravel idea
Id: vrkg5F_DUCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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