Laravel 5.8 Tutorial From Scratch - e44 - Policies

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welcome back in this episode we're gonna be tackling policies now policies is a very convenient way for us to authorize certain users to be able to do certain actions in our application the easy example of this would be that you may have two different types of users for your app you may have admin users and you may have just regular users of course administrators of your app can do certain things that regular users just can't do so what is the easiest way to handle this in laravel the easiest way is through the use of policies now the first thing to understand about policies is that policies attached to models so they are protecting a specific model they are for protecting resources of your application and what I mean by that is that they are attached to some sort of table in your database I think it will become a little bit more clear once we start to talk about what I want to do for our project let me jump into chrome and what I have set up here is I have this new user called admin user and then I have the same exact app pulled up as test user so we will be testing against these two users obviously giving administrative rights to this Left screen and just a regular user here on the right and I want to show you the difference between that so I am logged in as a user here and right now these two users can perform the exact same actions now if I go to my customers list of course I have this new add customers but perhaps I only want to be able to add new customers if I'm an administrator if I'm just a regular user I don't want people to be able to add customers to my list so I'm gonna say that that is an admin only type of thing so let's get right to it so we can get that done let's jump to the terminal and run PHP artisan as we've always done let's go back up here to the make and we have this make policy so let's check out what we could do with that PHP artisan help make policy so we see that a name is required and we do have certain parameters now the options that I want to use in this case will be model like I said policies are attached to models so what model is this well of course this is our customer model all right so let's make that command now PHP artisan make policy and what's the policy gonna be called it's gonna be called customer policy and we need a model like I said models need to be attached to policies so we'll run the - M flag and what is the model name customer that is the model we are looking for so there we go policy created jump back to phpstorm and let's go into apps and now you have this new policies directory and inside there we have this customer policy so this class is pretty much ready to go and what it has is each of the restful methods that we've been working towards since the restful controllers lesson if you didn't check out those I did a four part series on restful controllers a little bit earlier in this series definitely check that out because it will make this a lot easier to understand so with that being said we have it creates we have an update and delete and a restore and a force delete so everything here has been mocked out for us so let's start right away so the one that I want to do is that create method remember I said that I didn't want my customers to be able to add new customers unless they were an administrator so we need to get rid of this button on this side and we need to give it to this son so let's write the policy now so to create a method it gives us a user class and you'll see that across the board you see that each of these methods you get a user and if applicable you do get the customer in our case so you get the model and you get the user and now out of each of these functions you have to return true or false basically saying is the user that I gave you authorized to perform whatever this is on this customer and if they are then of course it will proceed if they don't then of course they get an error all right so let's say the create method how can we prove that a user can create a customer so let's say this let's return in or and what are we looking for we're looking for the users email and let's just pass it in an array of different emails so in my case let me jump the table Plus to show you what I have I have this test user and then I have this admin at admin comm of course you could always add a new column here and maybe call it administrator or admin and in that case you could just check that column I'm gonna do it by limiting what emails I am authorizing to perform so admin and admin comm will be authorized to create that so I'm gonna add that right here to this array and if you had another one of course you can make a new line and add as many as you want here again this is just one way of doing it you could do it in many different ways but I do find that this works for administrative purposes because typically you only have one or two of these super users so we are good to go that admin will be the only one authorized to create a new record so how do we actually apply this well to apply this lets go to the customer controller and then go to my store method and before we actually run the store operation we need to let our controller know that we need to authorize this request and we use that same keyboard will say this authorized so we're going to authorize a create and then we need to give it the model that we're gonna create so what are we going to create we're gonna create a customer class there we go all right so we should be good to go let's give this a shot and see what happens right here on the right side remember I am logged in as a non admin let me go ahead and add a new customer now and see what happens add customer nope can't do it 403 you are not authorized let's do the same exact thing over here on the Left where we are logged in as an admin any information we'll do add customer BAM we did it so we are successfully limiting someone from being able to do it unless they're an administrator great however it wouldn't really make any sense to have this add new customer button if our users are not authorized to perform that action so we are protecting our back-end meaning that they're not able to do it even if they went through the terminal and curl'd directly into our application they would not be able to submit that request so we are protected however showing this form really makes no sense so how do we remove this add new customer conditionally that's actually quite simple as well once you have your policy in place let's jump back to phpstorm and let's go to the index so index stop blade that PHP file and let's find that button and see right here add new customer alright so let me wrap all of this in a new directive that we haven't touched on before and it is can so can the user perform this and can and then inside of here we'll paste that back in so what do we pass to can we pass something very similar to what we had before so we are authorizing a create and it needs an app customer class remember this create method is kind of special because there actually isn't a model yet for it so in that case we're only gonna pass in the model class itself so with that being said head back to Chrome and now let's refresh this page and we see that that button is gone and this one nope still there it looks like we accidentally grabbed the customers list as well so let's fix that in just a second here yep there it is so let's pull this out and let's create outside of here some more HTML will say give me a row with column 12 and inside of that then we'll have our customers list so that should fix it hit refresh here hit refresh here so there we are so we are no longer showing that add new customer at all as you see there nope you can't see it that's pretty cool so that's how policies work let's do another one what if we wanted to only allow deletes okay so let's work on that one now back to my policy let's find the delete method and there it is so how do we authorize this we could use the exact same logic that we have here before I'm going to copy this and in my delete I will paste that logic in so only people that have that are able to delete now for the sake of this example just to prove how it will work I'm gonna go ahead and change this to maybe bananas and obviously that user doesn't exist I just want to show you how we will fail even for the admin now so let's go back to our controller and go to the destroy method and we also need to authorize this request so let's say this authorize a delete request and as a second parameter we don't pass it in the class but we actually pass in the customer model we definitely want to pass that in all right let's go back to Chrome and I'm gonna try to delete one of these records remember this is our administrator here and I will try to hit the leap and nope it does not let me do that okay so now let's change that email again so that it is the correct one admin at admin comm hit save go back hit delete and this time we are able to do it so that's pretty cool and that's how that works so a couple of things about policies remember that some of the methods have two parameters and some of them have only one so what are the ones that have one well the creates and that makes sense because there is no model yet but you're creating the model so of course you could not have a model if you haven't created it yet so for that you only need a user so when you use that method and let's jump up here to the store method what you pass it in as a second argument because you always do need a second argument in the authorized is you pass in the model class right what we're passing into it is the full model class not a particular model in our application does that make sense notice that here there is no customer however when we did it in the destroy method we are receiving a customer right so that's what we're gonna pass in instead so you authorize the request so that's one thing about policies remember that some have one and some have two so what other ways can we authorize a request of course as in many things with label this is not the only way that you can authorize a request another common one that you can do is through a middleware a custom middleware and those are pretty cool let's say that for some reason I don't want to show customers information unless your administrator meaning this view right here I don't want anybody unless you're an administrator to see the details of a particular customer of course this is our show view so we want to protect our show view and I'm gonna do it in a different way just to show you how to do it so let's jump back to phpstorm and let's go to view so view of course is pertaining to show and I will go ahead and bring the exact same code that I have here so that way only the admin at admin comm can actually view the records okay so now let's jump to the web dot PHP file and let's find that show I did jump into a resource for controller I will actually disable this for now and I will bring back all of this code here remember this code this single line here and this is the exact same thing but for demonstration purposes I only want to do it to one route of course it is possible to put policies in an entire resource but for this demonstration the show view is the one that I want to protect and here it is so when we call customers slash an ID I am hitting my customers controller at the show method all right let's that now and we'll say middleware and inside middleware will have a string and we'll say it can : so it can view and then what is the model that we are using we're using the customer model so we'll just use customer and this is the customer that I want to grab right here so let's do that now customer safe alright that's it let's go back to the browser I'm gonna hit refresh on this side and now we are forbidden but if we hit refresh as an administrator it looks like there's a name route here that we are not calling and that's the customers dot edit all right let me do that really quick let's see let's add name customer dot edit let's see now refresh looks like customer does destroy also need the name remember in the previous lesson we actually refactor this to use named routes so now when we switched out of our resource controller we no longer have those named routes let's just name all of them create store and finally update and there we are alright so that was just a little mishap from when we switched over from resource you see how that works so admins are allowed to view details regular customers are not so there we are if I click on one I am no longer allowed to do that then of course we can also restrict this so that you cannot click on a link because it wouldn't make sense for you to be able to click on a link if larvae already knows that you are not authorized to view that resource so I'll leave that as a homework assignment I want you to be able to control the link and let me show you where that would be if we go back to our index method right here this is the anchor tag that I'm talking about I only want to show this anchor tag if the customer is authorized to be able to view that resource otherwise they should not be able to do that so with that being said go ahead and pause the video and then I'll show you the solution so now let's go ahead and handle that case so all you have to do is actually just break this up into a new line and we can do this in one of two ways right so we can either wrap this line and this line together or we could just repeat it it's up to you I'm gonna repeat it because I think it'll look cleaner so let's bring the same exact directive in here and let's say can so if it can view the customer so if it can view the customer go ahead and give them the link and we'll just say and can and can down here and that's it so if it can view it then go ahead and show them that but what about the inverse of that what about cannot that's the other one we haven't learned that one so if it cannot view the customer in that case we're just simply going to grab the customers name and display that instead so and cannot and will reinvent that and there we go if we go back we'll hit refresh and no links at all as you can tell but of course in the admin page we do have links so this is clickable and this is not so that's it that's the overview of policies and level as another side project go ahead and try to implement the entire customer policy so that way you have a very nice customer policy running right alongside one last note to talk about policy is that policies are Auto discoverable notice that we did not actually register a policy but this is a relatively newer feature of Larry Moe if you ever needed to register a policy then you need to go into your auth service provider and right here under policies you need to put in your policy so in this case we would say model is customer so app customer belongs to the customer policy and that's it that's all you will have to do to manually register a policy so that's it for this episode go ahead and review the documentation on policy and see if you can find any other tips and tricks on how to use policies this is a very common thing for a lot of applications so definitely familiarize yourself with policies and when you're ready let's move on to the next topic
Channel: Coder's Tape
Views: 26,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laravel policy, laravel roles, laravel role permission, laravel role middleware, policy laravel, gate and policy laravel, laravel gate and policy tutorial, roles laravel, role permission in laravel, laravel admin permissions, admin laravel, laravel, laravel 5.8, laravel crud, laravel crud policy, crud laravel, crud laravel tutorial, tutorial laravel, laravel beginner to master, mvc tutorial for beginners in php, mvc tutorial laravel, php
Id: NrlY-xeqHBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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