Laravel 5.8 Tutorial From Scratch - e19 - Handling a Contact Form Using a Laravel Mailable

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up next in our learning I want to start talking about sending emails another important task that most websites need to do we're going to start from the basics and later on when we start talking about events and jobs we're gonna be able to do this in a much faster way for the user but for now we're gonna do it inline in our project we have this contact us page and right now we're not doing anything with it my idea is to turn this page into a form that someone can fill out and send us an email from fairly simple and straight forward most websites actually do this so let's tackle this real world example right now so what is our first step as we've learned before we need a controller and then we're going to need some routes let's start with our controller PHP artisan make controller contact form controller alright so we have our controller now the first thing I want to do is I want to refactor our web route to start using this controller you see right now all we are doing is showing a view we're not actually fetching a controller so let's rewrite this right now to use that controller route get contact and we're going to be using the contact form controller at create so why are we using the method creates well you got to remember that create is what displays the form so in continuing with restful controllers we got to find the appropriate verb for a current action we can think of a contact form as the create method similarly to our customers and new customer right this is our create method so of course our contact even though we're not gonna call it contact slash creates it goes to our create write and that's what makes sense it's a form it's being displayed it wants to create a record in our database and send us an email of course so we need to call it the create method so there it is so we're using the create method this is a little bit tricky I gotta admit first is difficult to find the correct verb for each of the actions and a lot of times what you will find is that you're not using enough controllers as you get more and more experience you'll actually find yourself using tons of controllers and sometimes your controls will only have two or three methods in them and each method will only have one or two lines of code but that's the beauty of controllers they're free you can make as many of them as you want and as long as they're named appropriately it's very easy to have many controllers so with that being said let's get rid of our old contact so we need to go to this create method now my contact form controller and let's create that method now public function create and for now we're just going to return a view and we're gonna have to move our view right now let's go into resources views right now our contact page is just called contact that played that PHP but we know we're gonna have to move that into its own contact directory or you can even call it contact form if you want it to and then inside there we'll have a create view in my case I'm just gonna say contact create and I think that'll make sense so let me go ahead and create that directory now new directory contact and let's move our contact form into contact and let's rename it refactor rename create okay let's go into the create and let's actually just check it out in the browser first we're still all set with that all right so I'm gonna borrow some logic from our previous form that we've been working on just because I have this nice and setup already so I will bring that over let's put a form right here we'll worry about the action in just a second so we'll have a name and email and we need a message as typical forms will be so this would be a label for message will say message and it's not going to be an input this will be a text area name of message and let's give it a class of form control all right if you have any errors for message so the last thing I do want to do is of course if validation were to fail we do want to put our old data back in so old message now we have worked in this section here before but we're actually not gonna need any of that so we can simplify everything to just look like so reformat so our form is looking good we have three fields name email and message let's check it out on the browser see what we have refresh and there we are okay so we have our name our email and our message everything's looking good alright let's add our final step of course we need a button all rights a button of type submit' and let's add some classes here BTN and BTN may be primary and then we'll say send message all right let's see there it is so we have our contact form okay so let's talk about our form action where is this gonna be posting to if you remember in our previous lesson our create method actually posts to just the base contact but using post so let me create that route right now so we're gonna post to contact and that is gonna hit our store method contact form is create method and then it posts to our store method remember typically this will have a create attached to it but because we're dealing with just a simple contact form we're not going to do that to the URL so we'll keep it like that and that's okay so we're going to be posting to slash contact with a method of posts and one last little bit is of course we need our CSRF field so CSRF and that's it that way laravel won't fail so this will post and this will come to our controller and this will be calling this store method so we'll have the store and for now I'm just gonna die and dump the request just to show you that all of our data is there so request all it's what we reduce let's see if we can make it work refresh new customer new email our message okay send message and there we are so we have our name our email and our message great so what's the next step of course validation let's validate this request so we'll say data is equal to requests validate and we have three fields so we have our name of course your name is required then we have our email which is required and it needs to be an email oops email there we go and then we have our message which is just simply required that's our message and that all right so then if we get to this step then of course this is where we need to send an email and we'll get to that in just a second let me just confirm validation is working we head back I'm gonna hit refresh and I'm just gonna hit the forum and sure enough the name field is required the email fields required and the message field is required okay so let's talk about sending an email laravel ships with something called May labels and think of available as a template that's ready for you to start sending nicely formatted emails right out-of-the-box we could start by sending emails the very plain way where we're actually doing everything by hand but I just don't find the value in that when most the time you're really gonna use the mailable in a more advanced topic we can talk about how to create your own mail and what the benefits of doing that would be but for most cases Mela bowls are perfectly fine and you won't have to reinvent the wheel from scratch which is why you're using layer well to begin with right you want everything to be simple so let's head back over to our terminal and let's run PHP artisan and let's find the command so of course this will be a make command because we're making something and we have that right here make mail it creates a new email class let's run PHP artisan help make mail and let's see what kind of options we need at the very least we need a name but there are some options and specifically there's this markdown option it creates a new markdown template for the mailable now these markdown may labels was something that was introduced a little while back in level and ever since it has been extremely easy to create very good-looking emails right out of the box so let's run the command again and we'll say PHP artisan make mail what are we gonna call our mail well it makes sense to call it contact form mail and then we'll pass in that markdown flag this markdown section will actually create a view for our mail and that's the way that mailer bows work with markdown it creates a view and you can actually take a look at the view in your browser and preview your email it's really really convenient but it creates a view inside your views directory but this view is not used for your browser of course as every other view in there so what I like to do is nest them inside its own email folder that way the email folder will contain all of my mail views inside and I know as long as it's inside that directory I don't have to worry about it so I use the following convention emails after emails I use the exact same convention as we've been using before so my next step will be contact so that way it follows the same convention but inside the emails subdirectory so contact and then what are we going to call this contact form all right let's give it a go let's go back to phpstorm and see what we got so we have again this new emails directory that we just created and then we have contact which matches the view for contact and then inside of that we have our contact form and if we open our contact form we get this pre-made email we'll take a look at that pre-made email in just a second but for now let's ignore that so how do we send this email now for testing purposes there are services like mail trap which we're going to use today which will basically show you an inbox and you could use it for testing once you deploy into a real server you'll probably use something more like mailgun or something like that to actually send your emails but for the purposes of development mailtraq works amazingly so we'll use that today but let's start with the first step the coding part of it so how do we send an email so we have this view here but if you actually go up to app you created a new folder called mail when you ran that command so we have this contact form mail and this is the one that actually calls that contact form notice that it looks a lot like how we call views except that is calling this markdown and then it's going into emails contact and then our contact form so this is the class that kind of handles everything for us you see it extends mailable all right let's get this email sent let's say mail and we're using illuminate support façades mail and if we look up top it imported it up here right so it's mail but you have to add the use statement up here now phpstorm of course does this automatically which is nice so we're gonna send a mail to and what's the email we're gonna send it to well for now I'm just gonna send it to test a test comm not a real email address and we're gonna send a new contact form mail and that's it laravel is now able to send that email it really is that simple so let's go through the steps one more time so we're sending a mail and this mail facade is being imported up here at the top if you get an error like mail doesn't exist the class then that means that you did not import it at the top so send me an email too and then this is the email address that we're gonna use for now send the new contact form mail and contact form mail also get imported up here as app mail contact for mail so technically if we ran this right now it will send an email however we don't have any email setup so we need to go to our EMV file which is remember where we have all of our settings and there's this section here for mail and we have not really used it up until this point so it actually comes set up for using mail trap but the username password is empty it's no which means that we actually have to set this up so what you will need to do is go to mail trap dot IO and create an account in mail trap I've already created an account it's very simple to create so I won't run through the steps of that but once you have mail trap again this is for email testing this is for development you would never use this in production but this will help you create emails and send them to yourself so you can see them right away once you're in here and by the way mail trap is free there are some premium services that you can pay for but for the most part the free version works perfectly fine once you're inside your dashboard you will have this demo inbox if you click in demo inbox you will see your credentials down here these are my credentials you need to have your very own credentials otherwise you wouldn't be sending emails to your mail trap account you'll be sending them to mine and then you'll never see them so make sure that you get your own account and you create your own numbers so user name will go ahead and copy this over paste and then let's take a look at the password copy and then paste and that's it setup is done for mail trap you don't have to do anything L live L kind of ships ready to go for mail trap let's fill out our form and let's see if we can actually get an email sent to us new customer new email testing Mela Bulls in laravel all right let's see what happens send message okay we're not returning a view or a thank you message or anything like that so that's why we're getting this white page but if we visit mail trap there we are contact form mail and we have sent ourself our very first email through laravel obviously this view hasn't been modified this is what it ships with so let's go ahead and change that now remember inside our views directory we have our emails and then we have this contact form so this is what actually got sent to us right makes sense we have this introduction the body of your message thanks layer so introduction body of message and then we see thanks and then a config name app which we have not set up and ships as laravel great so how do we get the form data to our mailable so that's the next step a lot like how you pass data to a view you need to pass the data into our mailable so let's go back to our controller contact form controller and we have this data but we are not passing it to our mailable so you pass it right here data that's where the data goes so you're passing contact form mail and in the parenthesis we'll pass the data so let's go to contact form mail and let's accept that data so we'll say data up here let's initialize the fields and here's the cool bit of this we have this private data but if we make this public now that data object is actually available to our view we can just simply call data and it will work so let's do that now back in our blade let's erase all of this for now the only thing you really need is just this component mail message that's all that you need so let's say thank you for your message and in this file this is markdown so you could use a mixture of markdown or even HTML so I could say strong name and then how do we output the name well we have that data let's just call name name is simply just a form name that we had so we have our name we have our email and let's just have our message and I'll just output that right on the body data message all right let's give that another run back to Chrome I still have my post here so I'm just gonna hit refresh hit continue and that's just send us another email and see if it comes in right here there it is open it up and there we go so we have thank you for your message name new customer new @ email testing may levels in level great the very last thing I just want to touch up on is in our controller after we hit this door method the nice thing to do is to display a thank you message of some sort but for the purposes of demonstration I'm just going to return or redirect and let's go back to our contact that way we see the form again so let's try that one final time refresh and we should be headed back to contact and there we are so it simply just returns back now we are not giving our users any feedback at all which will bring us to our next episode where we're gonna be talking about flashing data to our session so we can show things to our users such as a thank you message for filling out the contact form so stay tuned
Channel: Coder's Tape
Views: 42,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laravel 5.8, laravel 5.8 new feature, laravel news, laravel new features, laravel best practices, laravel 5.8 tutorial, laravel 5.8 what's new, laravel 5.8 install, laravel 5.8 deprecations, php framework 2019, laravel preview, laravel, laravel 5, laravel from the ground up, laravel from scratch, laravel for beginners, restful controller, laravel eloquent crud, laravel contact form send email, laravel mailable tutorial, laravel markdown mail, laravel markdown email
Id: iQoRh_9LkjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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