Lapua 180gr D46 Rebated Boat Tail | Sent by UJ, Test with 308W

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what's up precision shooters so today I want to go over a special bullet that has since dominated the competition market since 1930s it's a special bullet made by l'a kueh and yes that is the correct pronunciation how to say Lapua so anyways this bullet is the Lapua delta 46 there is a few variations at how this bullet was made for the 30 caliber they came in at 175 green and the one you see here is a 185 grain not only did they have it in a 308 dammit err it also came as a 310 the d 46 was actually an upgraded version of the d 166 that had the original driving ban now thanks to Uncle Jim he sent me 20 of these bullets to try out in my 308 Winchester a lot of folks if you look up the history of this ran it in 300 Win Mag as well to quote from La Paz website the legendary D 46 is a Full Metal Jacket boattail bullet perfect for mid-range and long-range shooting and one by which all other rifle bullets of its type are measured manufactured to the strictest tolerances in concentricity uniformity of shape and weight the 30 caliber d 46 bullet has shot its way to the record books since 1930s all the way up to the 21st century what makes this bullet very unique is the odd shaped boat tail that it has this type of boat tell that you see is referred to as a rebated boat l and it's not often seen in the market probably due to the up cost of manufacturing it now tests and research are stating that they rebated boat l is supposed to offer the stability out of the muzzle like a plane based bullet but still have the reduced drag of a boat tail and of course many individuals tested this rebated boat tail system versus the regular traditional boat l and found no difference but if you dig into some of the research of some of the UL d bullets ultra long distance you'll see that some of these bullets are using a rebated boat tail so obviously there's some kind of research done behind it and it's proven to work and with today's slow motion capture videos you can see that a plane based bullet can redirect gases at a 90 degree angle and on this short little video from a slow-mo guys you can see this 50 caliber bullet has to pass through this cloud of turbulence now research has proven that that little bit of turbulence very minutely disturbs the bullets stability very shortly and then it restabilized is a little bit further down so this brings up another subject and which I later referred to and how the gas is exit your muzzle now it's often talked about an 11 degree crown being really optimal for precision long-range shooting but for my finding I've been seeing a 90 degree crown for target shooting or precision long range has really benefited accuracy and I'll be going over that in a later video but to go over the facts of this bullet like I mentioned in 1930s this was developed and had boasted a ballistic coefficient g1 rating of a 506 g7 rating of a 254 the weight variations are very minimal down the point to grains in averages around a 185 point to the bullet overall length is approximately one inch in 312 thousands the bullet has quite a bit of bearing surface and it sports a secant style ogive also it appears that this bullet was switched backwards from typical bow to hollow points or the tip of the bullet is the base and in the rebate of bow tail being the top portion now I took an average reading of the base of the bullet to the ogive with a hornaday comparator and found a deviation of four thousandths of an inch so not the best but like I mentioned these were pretty old and manufacturing process back in the day wasn't as good as today's I would really like to test accuracy potential but like I mentioned I only have twenty of these so I'm gonna use a load that seems to work for a majority of bullets which is vard yet at forty three point six greens and secant style bullets seated twenty thousands off the lands using CCI primers number 200 this puts the overall length for my rifle two inch eight hundred and thirty seven thousand okay so let's get any initial velocity number I got the magneto speed I'm gonna shoot three shots at 100 yards get some velocity readings and then Raziel the rifle without the magneto speed Hey 2787 2802 one 8:09 alright 2805 so it got pretty tight a stream spread numbers 2802 2805 2809 I did have one little flyer its first shot 2787 I was a cold war so I delete that shot I have an extreme spread number of seven so that standard deviation on this load let's see if I can see here showing three point four extreme spread of seven whenever we moved that first shot so it's uh that's pretty good and average of 2805 FPS so we'll use that for Scurlock well let's see what the sink is you had a thousand yards stir lost call for 31 MOA of adjustment elevation and six for win we have roughly a 10 mile power crosswind so I'm pretty curious to see how a cursor lock is I'm gonna go ahead and try something a little different [Music] oh man just to the right [Music] [Music] all right folks well here's the target nothing to be really proud about unfortunately nothing in the ten ring but we did get one two three four leaf five impacts let's see yeah nice I'm counting only four on plate anyways yeah just wanted to see how well that bullet does maybe a little more load development might tighten this up a little bit but uh not it's not shooting bad capable of thousand yards of course but the Hornet II LDS are definitely shooting a lot better so that's that well guys just want to say thanks for watching stay tuned there's always more video some long-range shooting some load development techniques little tips and tricks are you going to talk about little fpv camera as a target camera I been working on a different version with my friend Wes could be in a Dodge so stay tuned I'll be going over that in a later video well folks as always be safe and I'll catch y'all on the next video [Music]
Channel: Eagle Eye Shooting
Views: 3,265
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: lapua d46, 308 varget 180, rebatted boat tail, rbt bullet
Id: 57joj5T0Ekg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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