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I am actually going to destroy my best friend's computer what it's my best friend's computer so guys check it out we have been using the same computer to film all these videos for a long time our old computer has a bunch of viruses it doesn't even really work anymore it's super old and slow and all the keys are broken so I decided what if I destroyed my friend's computer and surprised him with a new one this video will make you cry because my best friend has no idea what's going on he doesn't know that I'm gonna give him a new computer at the end it's gonna be so much fun so guys get ready let's go you guys today we're going to be doing an awesome drawing challenge in Roblox doodle Transformer so guys check this out this is a really fun game look I'm gonna draw YouTube right here and you can transform into that dude whoa anything you draw comes to life it's gonna be awesome now guys I'm gonna draw something that's really important to me guys we're gonna do a robot doodle transform challenge where we draw what's really important to us so guys I just drew YouTube and YouTube's really important to us so check this out I'm gonna draw us guys because um this is really awesome I've drawn the table I'm gonna draw where Adam and I make these videos it's gonna be awesome wow yeah guys this is actually the laptop that we record all of our videos on this is actually the laptop that we filmed all of them on and Justin loves this computer oh yeah this this computer is awesome it's built us for years and I use it to film all the Roblox it's super awesome look at it I'm trying you dude yeah it's kind of an old computer awesome I'm drawing all my favorite things because Adam you're my best friend dude and you're always so nice to me bro I think of all the videos that we've made on this computer a lot of memories dude um on this computer period this computer is awesome dude oh you're drawing me I see you on the left I'll drop myself dude it's gonna be awesome I'm gonna draw everything that's important to me bro oh no so there's us dude we're telling dude and I'm I'm I'm um I'm gonna draw me with like uh like in a gaming pose because I do all my gaming on this computer dude right guys that's cool Justin is a gamer guy we want to give you a little bit behind the scenes so we show you guys the computer uh this video check this out dude I'm gonna draw our Gold YouTube play button dude oh man the play button is awesome guys we've been working on YouTube for a long time and it's always been on this computer oops I kind of messed that up let me go back okay nice guys it's always about this computer this computer is super duper lit dude yeah it's really really cool guys what else are you gonna draw that's important to you um well I'm gonna draw why do I draw the computer oh right very important guys without the computer we could not make YouTube videos so this computer very important dude see I'm literally drawing it just like it looks like a real life I'm gonna I'm gonna draw a mouse dude this um I got the gaming mouse how bad would it be if something bad happened to this computer oh Adam that would be terrible dude yeah because we use this computer to do everything we play Roblox on it um and then um we um foxy and everyone edit some videos on it and then we post them and it's super lit um so so you'd be pretty sad if like this computer broke or something that would be terrible Adam that would be really terrible it's like one of my worst fears ever worst nightmares ever okay um and I'm actually gonna just so everyone knows um I'm gonna I'm gonna label myself here and uh because this this drive makes me happy dude I'm gonna say uh today today we're today we're today we're playing playing what like Roblox I go play Roblox oh cause Justin always says that I get it guys so he's literally drawing what we say guys I'm enjoying everything now you guys get the behind the scenes of our whole like setup our area I'm gonna draw guys I'm gonna put the pink wall behind us awesome check this out dude oh awesome it's actually just some pink paper that we put up it's really cool guys this is like a behind the scenes of everything in liking box now you guys see like our gaming setup like we got like this computer guys it's super lit right I'm drawing dude it's gonna be so awesome and Justin actually customized this computer with some lanky box stickers from the giant Mystery Box from Walmart and Target awesome do this one of my favorite things dude the stickers and the giant mystery box so um oh and it looks like I messed up drawing but I did I gotta use layers man how crazy would it be if this computer just got destroyed dude I already said that'd be really bad though we could play Roblox and um do a bunch of fun stuff yeah although I did kind of get worried because I thought last week um that this computer would have been hacked by uh Lucky Box dude how's that [Music] how's that that's not funny man all right guys look look look guys this is literally us right now this is literally Us in real life right now look at this huh hey stop laughing okay okay okay yes I'm gonna okay nice okay cool cool check this out guys thank you man check this out guys dude so cool dude this is like literally real life guys that's true this is so awesome um yeah this is so awesome wow um I'm gonna I'm gonna draw I'm Gonna Fill This in yeah yeah pretty cool oh it's the best yes guys I just am so glad that this computer is working and nothing bad hey hey hey oh you gotta be gentle guys this computer is really old so you can't like you can't do that dude you're gonna like mess it up right would hate to mess up stop stop oh sorry man videos important look at how important it is I'm gonna I'm gonna literally draw a smiley face because this computer makes me happy because I play Roblox and stuff on it and this is just something that makes me so happy right got Roblox and just hanging out here what else makes you happy um Lucky Box merch I should try that too dude yeah I should drop foxy bro I should draw foxy ah man I'm not uh I might go play outside pretty soon you can go outside yeah yeah okay in the backyard I can't join you though because I can't take this computer outside oh um well you might be able to no I don't want to because then it might get oofed or something right that would be bad that would be bad that would be really bad because then we can't make videos if this computer got oofed or smashed with a hammer or something what that'd be terrible dude yeah dude um especially because we borrowed this computer from Adam's mom right right right my mom gave us this like six or seven years ago it's a long time ago it's awesome it was for my birthday right it was all I don't know what it was for actually [Laughter] yeah dude it was awesome all right check this out dude I would draw foxy it's my best friend foxy oh it's foxy guys get yourself a lady box plushie look at Foxy man foxy looks so lit okay I'm Gonna Fill in the foxy and then um guys look we got Foxy look this is literally real life right here so I'm missing a couple important things I gotta um I gotta draw Adam I gotta write his catchphrase dude yeah my signature catchphrase I have catchphrases yeah I mean Adam has a catchphrase right right right I'll write it right here um and actually there's Foxy look at how awesome foxy looks she looks so cool um and before I transform I'm just gonna really just write down that this is important I'm gonna write the computer is important to us Adam because without the computer we can't play Roblox that's true we can't make YouTube videos right guys this computer is super important good I'm being very gentle good eat for something to happen to it yeah God stubby really bad I'll have Adam say his catchphrase oh yes I got two I'll get Adam's catchphrase um the first one is dance merch always get merch guys always get merch at Walmart it's the second catchphrase guys I think my drawing is done I would draw the giant mystery box next to Adam oh so how cool man I'm actually gonna head outside pretty soon okay cool yeah you like my drive dude hold on I'll be transforming to it man oh it's so cool man it's so cool hey guys I drew something very very important to me this is awesome guys oh awesome let me apply it really quick nice guys check this out guys uh oh wow dude look at how happy we all look dude oh wow look at this drug this man Adam and Foxy at the computer we're making videos dude so cool man so cool man I'm gonna I'm gonna go outside I'm gonna go outside what are you doing huh what's he doing what are you doing oh we're just hanging out man what are you doing oh I actually found this really cool Hammer at the store what are you doing what are you doing oh wow what are you doing check out this sticker with our computer man this is the best computer ever my computer it'd be so bad if something happened today I am actually going to destroy my best friend's computer what hahaha one more time no no no no what did you do man stop what are you doing oh sorry man was this your computer why did you do it oh man I didn't mean to stop hitting it with a hammer oh we're gonna get in so much trouble my bad man my bad your mom's gonna be so bad all right all right don't ever do anything like this ever I'll put this down all right why would you do this I'll put the hammer down okay [Music] why did you do this man I don't I don't understand dude [Applause] why would you do that bro well don't worry Justin because I actually have a big surprise for you oh look at the computer man forget your surprises what did you do this for man why would you do this it was an accident no it was it wasn't it was an accident Man but don't worry I actually have a big surprise for you well I actually think we are gonna be able to make videos let me show you your surprise oh man I am so sorry that the computer broke man I'm so sorry and we don't even have a computer to film on so guys this is all it's gonna be we're not able to play any more Roblox because we know longer have a computer I'm sorry man I'm really sorry are you okay why are you crying I was a computer [Music] are you kidding me oh please don't be Chad okay [Music] Don't Cry Justin guys Justin's actually crying don't cry man cause what if I told you that we might actually still have a computer it just broke our computer and well Justin why did you do that I know that we we've been using the same computer for like six years the keys weren't working the mouse was broken that computer had a bunch of exe and viruses it was super slow right and you've always and you've always been asking my mom can we please get a new computer and she always said no right you uh sure I like that one well I decided to save up my allowance for a whole year and I actually wanted to get you your very own new Macbook it is a MacBook Pro guys and look I actually put a foxy sticker a foxy stick sure so guys this is a really really good computer check this out foreign [Music] [Applause] yes this is ten times faster than your old broken computer because we were we were barely able to make videos on the other computer guys everything was broken about it it kept crashing like but this computer is brand new this is for me it's for you and I'll tell you what man we're actually gonna buy some merch on this computer okay wow so guys we are actually on on Justin's new computer but what about um on the other computer we had all of our baby pictures Well I and but now you have you have brand new computer it works the keys work the mouse works and now we're actually on I'll tell you what man you can actually get anything you want on this site pretty cool right man the other computer had all of our Robux on it well that might be true but guess what I actually got you some Robux gift cards from Walmart and Target we got them at the same time as the computer check it out man they sell um Robux cards at the Apple Store Yes Man yes dude me and my mom got this when you were out the other day at KFC you even redeemed them already for me yeah exactly I put them onto your account man yeah dude so you can play Roblox like twice as fast you're welcome man you're welcome I'm excited you're welcome now what would you like to get from um yeah let's get that and let's also go to Walmart and and we'll get some lanky box merch how does that sound okay okay I get this yeah go ahead really actually no I can't afford that so maybe don't buy that hey I already got you the new computer [Music] [Applause] I'll work on it okay I'll work on it okay we can go to Walmart at Target though I could get it you can get it in your head right exactly man you could get a switch case yeah exactly exactly I'm playing Nintendo switch in my head foreign [Music] Don't Cry Justin don't cry how about you go to and get some lanky box merch oh okay we're on Target and there's um where's the lucky box Mystery Box yes guys this is you can also get it on okay look it's us yeah man we're excited to show you guys all look at how happy you look there yep there's people playing with the merch yeah you want some merch huh you want to get some merch we can we can get that yeah I'll get some bud go ahead and add it to the cart I guess a bunch add to the car and boom man yeah so I actually surprised my best friend with a new computer man wow thanks Adam you're welcome dude thanks that's that's nice yeah you're welcome man that was pretty crazy man that was a good prank I guess okay maybe some of the MacBook Air when in your lunch because it's a MacBook Air right exactly thanks for ruining my life and then getting me a new computer you're welcome dude [Music] well what do you want to do now you want to play some Roblox oh man I would love to okay but wait a minute well the computer was logged into my Roblox account do you remember your password what was it we could ask my mom I think she wrote it down somewhere you could probably get back in okay yeah thanks for the new computer Adam this is great this is really great you're welcome man okay guys I'm back at ROBLOX a new computer hey it is a lot faster and here's my drug it's still here wow check it out man it loads everything so fast yeah this computer is actually way faster dude yeah see it's a lot better than our old one and our old one was basically almost fully broken guys it barely worked anymore this is awesome um okay now it's not so bad and I put um the Robux Adam got me on the account see exactly man pretty lit dude this is pretty lit I'll be honest I could draw the new computer yeah draw the new Macbook I'll draw a new computer dude all right guys check it out look at how happy he looks oh lit dude he is so happy oh lit dude this is you know Adam that was pretty funny dude I really surprised my best friend with a new computer that was pretty funny dude yeah it was really funny yeah we'll have to clean up the other one though you got me what I'll clean it up man you can play some Roblox you broke it there's you Adam there's you okay nice that's the new computer is this way faster this actually is actually a pretty it's really nice actually it all turned out for the best yeah of course man a minute wait a minute there's something in the back so here's the old computer right on the ground smashed into bits okay because it wasn't working guys it was already broken really and then who's this person looking at me really upset with her hands on her hips like this is that our mom push that's your mom because she that old computer was hers wow out of this was a great video it turned out great after all you you really got me dude I was really I was really scared there for a minute but that you got me a new better computer and it's it's we did it man yeah dude oh wait a minute [Applause] wow
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 2,726,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox prank, lankybox adam pranks justin, lankybox destroys best friends computer, lankybox smashes computer, lankybox drawing challenge, lankybox roblox drawing challenge, roblox doodle transform lankybox, lankybox surprises best friend, lankybox destroying best friend's computer, lankybox destroying best friends computer, lankybox destroying best friends computer and surprising him with a new one, lankybox computer, lankybox destroy computer
Id: wF0HJzMBWqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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