Landscape Quilts Piece by Piece - Piecing fabrics - When to Iron!

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hello come in today we're going to talk about ironing your work and when to do it it's important that you are in all your fabrics before you cut them so that you cut accurately it's equally important that you don't on again until all the pieces are sewn together because there's a risk of distortion as you can see none of these seams have been pressed so far and I'm going to show you how to do that now with your work face down for the backside up we're going to get a water source I've got a little spray here I'm going to spray it spray it the spring so it's thoroughly damp down and then we're going to roll the bottom up to the horizon leave it there and we're going to roll the sky down to there because what they're being down there's just a risk that the darker colors might bleed into the sky colors and we leave them there for a couple of minutes so here we are back with our damped down landscape and we're going to unroll it and just have a look and see what's happened in the meantime you can see that where we have free seam allowances the fabrics are going to feel very comfortable going in whatever direction seems right for them and if you want to find out more about free seam allowances go to my video on that particular topic free seam allowances and we're going to start from the top and I'm just holding with my left hand the bottom just to hold it in tension while I do this bit of ironing now you can take your time over this it's not a rush job I think that one might prefer to go that way but we'll see can always check these from the other side once you've done it and see how well it looks and if you've done it wrong you can damp it down and do it again make sure the seam allowances from the sky here is facing down so that you don't have a darker color of seam allowance poking its way through on the other side underneath the sky color now I'm pressing quite hard with this dry iron don't use steam at this point this is all about wetting the fabric and getting it comfortably into position there we go I think that one actually want feels don't wants to do that and you may find there's a little luck like that as well may or it may not show on the other side let's just have a look and see how it's turned out here we are not bad at all not bad at all and we just go over it gently just with a little bit of heat I'm not pressing at all where are the little threads now you might find that that it's not quite to your liking again we can go back and we can correct that I'm going right underneath you and you might even want to use a tiny teeny little iron yes to get some of these things sorted out but there we are all done I hope that's convinced you that it's a good idea to leave the ironing of your work until the sewing is all done for more hints and tips subscribe or go to my website Effie gallantly don't code at UK where you can purchase my book patterns in landscape see you soon
Channel: Effie Galletly
Views: 68,857
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: quilt, landscape quilt, effie galletly, Scottish Landscape, Western Isles, Hebrides, Patterns in Landscape
Id: ruDjxdpWFNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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