Landscape Plein Air Oil Painting Demo

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hello I'm Claire Bowen and welcome to my YouTube channel wow it's so good to be back uh me and Mr B hello um we are here in West Sussex in the lovely Countryside and I'm going to be doing this gorgeous chalk path the early morning shadows and I can't wait to start so I'm going to use some Cobalt Violet it is um it looks really intense there but actually it's quite a weak color and it's really good for on under painting because it's translucent I'm using a little bit of gamsol to thin it so I'm going to just map out the basic shape so the thing that I love about this subject is the chalk path especially the Shadows so that's my emphasis I'm going to have that as the kind of the the um what would you call it the main element the focus what is that the trees all the Shadows no the shadows so when something when you're doing planner you've got to do the thing that's going to move the quickest and it's this it's going to move this shadow um so that's why I'm starting on that first and making it the um the emphasis I guess [Applause] so I've got to decide how long it's going to be how hype has my Horizon so it's possibly a little bit big I'm working on a smaller slightly smaller board than I had been this is a 10 by 12 and it's acrylic primed three layers on an MDF board I think the MDF is two and a half mil I think is quite a good thickness for um carrying about it's not too heavy because it's um translucent it's not got any white in it I can take it off very easily I'm going to get the horizon line in because I think that would help me the sky is a bit there's nothing really much going on in there so I'm I'll get that in first making sure that I've got it you can kind of measure to make sure it's straight because that would be uncivil to have a winky one there is somebody coming up The Path but I'm probably not going to put them in at this point if at all so I'm getting some structure in here I'm looking at the shapes rather than the lines and that tree that I'm going to put in is a little bit ugly so I'm kind of taking it from other trees as well kind of a an amalgamation of others a bit too Lemmy leggy whatever you call it foreign structure in and as you can see I've done the path as um kind of the main feature getting those shadows in put a little bit of ultramarine in there as well just to accentuate where the Shadows are I've got the at the moment the tree is going over the horizon line that might change but at the moment it's breaking through which can help composition it's about just under a third so it's just slightly bigger so it's about it's quite a pleasing amount of Sky not too much and three quarters quarter or two-thirds a third I mean uh yes I think I'm about ready to now start I've I've all my purple areas are the darker areas and the where the board still is is the lighter areas and getting these shadow shapes in because they're going to move quickly just we got here a half seven in the morning it's a lovely time to be here and yeah it's gonna obviously the sun's gonna come around like that um so yeah I'm getting these shapes in quick but I also it's quite nice that it carries on up here even though I can't really see it very well but I will have it going into the grasses as well because it it's nice that it doesn't stop here it gives a kind of continuation and it describes the roundness of the Bush of the grasses too which is quite nice it's a little bit you're going to say about not having that first right tree as well so there is I've got a little tree a little kind of Roundy tree here but there is one here too but as you can see it would be quite close to the edge of my board and it would it would be too much um like two pillars the composition wouldn't work so this small and then this big foreground one works better so I've left them out no one will know except for you I like that for me and that's okay um so I tend to then try and once I've done this I'm now going to do the bit that's next to it so then I can compare if it's right and working and all of that stuff Greens Greens so greens are tricky um I tend not to use a mixed green for when I'm out in the landscape um I use not a pre-mixed a pre-mixed I mean so I don't tend to use my Viridian that's more of a Seascape I use that for so I might start with doing the trees I think on this maybe get in some of the dark structures now um so I'm going to start with ultramarine and I'm still going fairly thin at this stage as it's a kind of still mapping and then I'm going to go with cadmium yellow it's just a mid yellow that one and I'm going to make it fairly blue to start with uh and let's just see how that works maybe just a bit too blue because it's going to be the um Shadow shape in the trees is that running yeah as you can see I haven't yet got any white in this mix um I might actually put a little bit of Cobalt Violet in there just to warm it up a little bit [Applause] [Applause] so the trees that are in the distance I've added a little bit of white to the mix and a little bit of yellow because the white really um it lightens it but it also cools it and I don't want to cool it too quickly it's going to be cool back here but not too much down here um yeah [Applause] taking rather nicely thanks Mr B so yes so Mr B and I have had lots going on family stuff and haven't been able to video so yeah we've missed missed doing it and I hope you've missed us too um and I think it might be time just to say hello to Mr B I think so it would be rude not to are you running no you're not no I'm not no here we go hello Mr B hello and as you can see it's perfect conditions for videoing so I'll wait to get going that's so cute it's nice to have your log I've missed you oh thank you I've added more white and a little bit of lemon yellow this time to get the distance you can see that it's much cooler almost too cool I want to grade it back but there's a definite step and I'm just gonna wipe almost wipe the brush across in Broad Strokes cute little dog coming so again this is just a blocking stage and then it will I can paint over the top morning thank you thank you so Fierce so I'm I'm kind of experimenting with getting this color of the these grasses there's foreground grasses they're yellowy Bluey ready you know there's quite a lot of color in them and I'm just kind of getting a middle range color and tonal value um to see if it's right or not this is kind of a shadowy color I think so as I've got that color I'm just putting in the shadows so the colors I mixed together were Cerulean Scarlet Lake raw Sienna and CAD yellow and kind of a combination of those foreign [Applause] ER I'm adding some white and CAD yellow Scarlet Red Scarlet lake so in other words it's making it kind of an orangey color it's quite pretty these grasses they're quite a rich um quite a soft fluffy feel yeah but also a rich color too quite nice I'm making sure that I um make the path interesting too by by you know making the lines almost follow each other and come in and out so it's not just a straight path down interesting curves hmm which it has it does I'm not using much paint here I just want to get it in to give me a feel of not a white board the color in the foreground is going to be the most colorful so in other words the most intense and as you go further away it gets grayer and lighter or Bluer aerial perspective we'll talk about that a bit later morning morning [Applause] so I'm just thinking about you know the next stage I've kind of blocked in that and now the next stage is these two um and you can see I don't know if you can see in in the um the diet the photo we've got of my subject that it's I've really extended this and in real reality it only comes to here but I want to emphasize that that the path going through here and this as a subject I want it quite chunky I don't want it too narrow so I've also widened it um it you don't always have to copy what is out there you can accentuate the bits that you want to make a a painting work um the landscape gives you something and you can enhance it so keeping my colors um as fresh and clean as possible I tend to use keep my brushes um a color per brush and um if it's if it's similar then I might just wipe it on my kitchen towel and then use it so I'm going to just use this color for my field at the bottom and it's it's quite a yellowy color compared to this closer up stuff and I want to um make sure that there's a difference so I mix it next to my closer up stuff yes my grasses so it it can show me what the difference is if I did it over here then it would be harder to tell um yeah I'm using CAD yellow and again Scarlet lake with some white um and I squint my eyes to look at the subject and see whether it's cooler or warm I go from that to the subject and I think okay it needed a bit of warm so there we go the green that's um in the field and the mid distance is quite light quite cool in color so I'm using Cerulean um it's got an undertone of warmth as the Earth so I'm just using a little bit of the mix next door as well just to harmonize and then I'm going to try it it's not bad um I think maybe just a little bit not bad this is um needing to be worked on because it's going to change as I said and also then I can link it to the sky because it kind of reflects the color I've done a really light thin Cobalt Violet in there just to give a kind of Base uh because it's got a pinky yellowy color in that so I'm going to start with the darkest version of it um I'm using raw Sienna and the Cobalt Violet and some white so it's kind of got a little pinky color in there Pinky yellowy thank you I'm using a big brush too this is a rosemary and co-classic short flat and it's a size 10. so it gives a nice bold marks I'm not going too thick yet that's going to come in a minute if I want it a bit cooler I can add some Cerulean in there I'd use Cerulean because it's a naturally light color in tone compared to a ultramarine which is darker [Applause] all right I'm not going to wipe this brush and use more white foreign [Applause] so because I'm now using doing a light my light kind of side to it in in the light I'm using brighter and more intense colors um and then a little bit of Scarlet maybe would go with the permanent Rose instead and some of that Violet too I haven't put any um what you call it gamsol I'm going to make sure that it's warm enough because I can always add more white to make it cooler later what sort of white have you got there titanium get these this path in and it really starts to bring it to life so I'm focusing on this side because the light is coming and it's hitting this side of the path and it's got you know this kind of edge is the the important bit when I'm putting these lights in I'm linking the shapes linking the whites as much as I can because it flows better if you have lots of little marks then it's it's looks too bitty [Applause] starting to take shape I'm going to just add in that dark side of the I want to say the Moon is that a song Pink Floyd lovers will be do you want to sing it Mr B oh it's a whole album I think it's good and then of course we'd be infringing copyright next time okay folks catch us in the pub later did you know that Mr B is in a Male Voice Choir yes he's very talented you know we get that secret yeah we did sorry mousel Male Voice Choir down in Cornwall yes it's got how many people in it over 80. men in it yeah it's the most amazing sound I just love it really cool it gives you Goosebumps especially when they do a um uh us what's it called yeah see shanties and outside as well they do it in mausole Harbor and um when we watched recently and it was just incredible to see them and hear the voices and um look at the look at them and then look at the boats behind them it was very very cool so yeah I was a proud wife one of the members has been in the choir for 70 years wow that's amazing so the Shadows are obviously way too strong at the moment so um strong in the purple yeah and the purple so I've I've added some more raw Sienna so raw Sienna is my equivalent of yellow ocher but I like it because it's more translucent yellow ocher can be quite overpowering sometimes a bit deadening yes that one so he looks like yellow ocher it's just not quite so milky as as it hasn't got so much white in it a complimentary of what of your purple yes yes you are so clever Mr B yes cool he learns well I thought I'd been caught out there oh on the spot yes so um he's right so the Cobalt Violet which is obviously a violet and then the raw Sienna is a yellow so yellow and violet are complementaries and they mix really well together I like the combo it's kind of a new combo for me foreign exactly I'm just taking ideas from the um the Shadows that are at the moment he's too big and you can vary it by adding more violet or um a bit of blue as well if you want I'm also making sure that these are different I don't want them to be the same because every composition you know every shape in here has to be different for variety it helps the eye likes it better like that so quite often we tend to do the same shape so I have to keep going back in and going okay is this does this need to be changed because it's I've done it the same again and a bit like that see that and that are too similar break it up and come back to that so I think this is important now the thing that kind of isn't done as much as everything else is that so that's what I need to work on the sky the sky correct oh as quite a nice fluffy just going by if you want to get that Mr B which are that fluffy Cloud which which one's that one yeah fluffy um I'm gonna try and get him hello fluffy he's quite pale but there's something there which gives me some sort of structure in the sky which helps the nice ones behind that dead tree as well what that tree to the right ah oh yeah coming I'm using the brush on the side um to kind of make I'm looking at the direction of the cloud the kind of the the marks that it is and the way it's moving and I try and copy that with my brush stroke this is a rosemary coat ultimate long flat size eight oh [Music] I'm going back in with my path colors the lights are the path even though there's not much light on it in real life I want something on mine and you think that a cloud is white but it's not now there's always color in there it's a bit like snow and like this path as well you know you think it's white but it's not it's light definitely it's amazing how black might be closing to get further away darks disappear it all merges into a creamy creamy I'm mixing a bit of Cerulean with the The Violet and a bit of lemon yellow to do the sky so I don't I want this to be a step down internal values to that I want that to be the the brightest lightest thing but it can connect By the Light clouds um and also I'm going to have some of this color into here as well because it reflects down which makes it quite nice too adding a bit more Cerulean as I go up to the top I can add some more white a bit later if it's too dark I'm mixing uh ultramarine Cobalt violet a little bit of lemon yellow I want a distant Greenery so I'm going to just try this now not bad so I'm kind of I'm doing steps back so there was you know the brighter than a mid and then it's lighter here and Bluer so I add more blue and more white to the mix and also I use lemon yellow um instead of um card yellow because it's a cooler color and now I'm gonna just wipe that a bit and then um make a purpleer version so I'm going to add some of the Cobalt Violet and do it next to it and mix some of the color with it so you can see I put a splitter Cobalt Violet in there and white and I want it to be the kind of the distance see how that works they're not too shabby what do you think this would be I think much less than shabby okay rather fine wine and dandy good so this is where I'm using a lot more paint I'm kind of scooping him out it's quite fun this is for the path yeah this is the path so I don't want it white it has to have some color in it but um and then I want to stick the land into it as well I'll show you what I mean so it needs to come down a bit this Edge um it helps to have the um I think of a word and in between you know between these two there is that step A Greener step and it and I you know you can kind of is softer as well you know it's a softer Edge it softens so I'm using the brush as a kind of a flicky sideways thing and also I can shape it to as well yes that kind of softens and defines the birds doesn't it yeah nicely put B and that's interest too we like interesting yeah I'm making the greens stronger as they're in the front I'm mixing it with the the grasses so I mix a little bit of Cerulean with the grass of this color I so this side is more in this in the light a bit of light is touching that too we've got a bush there that I haven't stuck in in there if you want to see some proper fly action Turtle doors your video yeah yeah wow it was so bad the um the ants were coming out of their nests and I think I was on top of the nests had come out in kind of clouds of Vantage yeah in my ears and yes in all areas but I finished the painting that's the main thing and didn't fall off the cliff in the assignment yeah I'm just looking at some Shadow shapes in here and also I can make these shadow shapes I want to make match them to what they look like on there I think that this area now needs a bit more work I'm making it thicker and I'm defining some of these um some of these Hills and Greenery so it tends to be quite straight when it's at the top here top of it of a field and then at the bottom of it if you've got trees it's kind of lumpy like that so I'm adding lemon yellow blue and white the ultramarine and white and I'm changing it to whether it needs lightning or darkening so that needs a bit more white in there and possibly a bit of blue just to make it feel like it's going back behind these see there's a difference there that's better I'm not going to try and exactly replicate what's there because it's too complicated I'm getting the essence I want to put in a little field in the distance [Music] sit back there on the back here [Music] [Music] nice thanks bee when you cut into bits it does help so there's a cut in just here and it just gives a little bit of shape to it that helps and also over here to better and behind it the um the fence needs to go in because that will help with the structure and bringing the eye in as well I round so I'm going to use um Scarlet Lake ultramarine and some CAD yellow so it's kind of a neutral dark you can see if I mix some white with that it makes it a sort of a warm gray like that I think it's slightly too dark I'm going to add a bit more yellow in there I don't want them to stand out too much [Music] and they can make them disappear a bit if I think that they're too strong by adding some light to them be a bit strong [Music] [Applause] it gives the feeling of going down which is quite nice I don't want it too defined at the end because obviously it's going away you want it most defined in the in the foreground I'm looking for any kind of accents that I can add especially the lights so as the sun's out at the moment I can see some light in here which really helps and there's some light coming in here as well I have to make sure that it makes sense with a um the Shadows I don't want to do it in the shadow bit [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I'm going back to this foreground tree now so it needs to be quite intense but not too light because I want it to sit in front of that landscape I'm looking for where the light is hitting the branches but of course I've made up the shape a little bit which is tricky because it's quite a funny shape it's a funny shape yeah [Music] I'm not picking out every leaf I'm just looking at the main kind of shapes of what there is [Music] [Music] I'm going to go back to him as well and just make him a bit stronger but I don't want it the same color always variation [Music] he's got a bit more red in it so I'm putting some Scarlet Lake in there what a paint um great to be back and I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have and painting with Mr B again um really enjoyed this subject even though I've done it we've made a little appearance Mr B woo hello he's actually the star um yeah even though I painted the scene loads it's still great to do it again especially with those morning Shadows I hope that you've learned some stuff about the mixing and how I do it and I'm happy to answer any questions so hope to see you again do subscribe to my channel I'd really appreciate it and like this video so bye for now from me and Mr B bye
Channel: Clare Bowen Artist
Views: 40,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clare Bowen artist, beginner oil painting, beginner painting tutorial
Id: LCeaFB21L58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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