Lando reveals shaved head & Rosberg names his 5 greatest drivers! | Sky F1 Vodcast

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hello everybody welcome to the third episode of the sky f1 vodcast and what a lineup we've got today it's worth noting we should be in Vietnam right now and the racing around the streets of Hanoi all absolutely gutted that we can't be there but obviously there's very good reason for that and so here we go with our third of yeah what we think is becoming a bit of a series and a great lineup as I said live from Ibiza we have Nico Rosberg welcome the to think 2016 champion there Anthony Davidson from his living room up near brightly and special guest an internet sensation joining us today is a warm welcome to a Baldo Norris how are you land oh it looks we look resplendent what a haircut and great cause low how's it feel I don't know about the haircut to be honest yeah first way it's different I don't think I look great in it but yeah like you said it was for a good cause in the end of the day so I'm I'm not that first and I'm probably gonna have to stay in my house for quite a while longer so by the time we get to race one I'll probably look exactly the same as I did I want to attend in Australia so yeah it's going well enjoying myself having fun yeah it's kind of the same thing every day training simulator playing games whenever I can but yeah for those of you don't know Lando shaved his head off and for a good cause just to explain why he did it and then I'll come to why you didn't exactly shave it all off and only went for a great ball I thought it's going down to the phone's I thought that was the deal we're just saying have we got here well yeah I mean it was all for a good cause it was for the fight against code 19 I was forced remade which is a partner or hosted by twitch which is where I do all my streaming and I think we managed to raise in the end something like not myself personally but uh something like 2.7 million or 2.8 million which was which is pretty cool and and I played a small part in that which was I was very happy to do but my my 10k goal to amount to get 10k was to shave my my hair off I didn't say where that would be bold or how much I would shave off to shave some yeah and everyone obviously assumed that's gonna be completely bald by the end of it but I don't know maybe I'll get to that point I need to I need they're kind of stay with this for a while and get used to it or maybe eventually or for another another stream ideal end up being bold but um yeah as for the fight against kind of a 19 and helping the people in which are struggling what do you know I mean it's really awesome he did that it's so cool and thanks everybody is watching you who also donated and do you know where the money is going to go to more specifically what the like the primary focus of that or that the funds are gonna be you have an idea I don't exactly well today NHS to whoever basically is more not vulnerable but he's suffering a lot more for the people who are infected for the people who were trying to careful of those people for kind of everyone basically it's not anyone in specific but yeah you know I'm happy sitting here in my simulator and everything's all good for me so it's it's just spreading out to whoever needs it the most basic and we know it can we get your simulator I do a Mercedes day look at Stewart Sam is here three screens here one up here and to do my streaming stuff on then I got my you know proper simulates a steering wheel yeah you know about it really yeah I'm so gutted because I would love to join you guys in the eSports racing you should know but I can't because here in Spain it's literally like lockdown lockdown like you not allowed to go outside your home like it's nowhere and so there's no we're means again the steering wheel or anything as such it's not my computer so with the left and right arrow I think I'm surprised that you're not joining us you always have your race killed on the simulator and Mercedes it's quite a minor let me just say so it is right for Sunday yep on official and eSports race which is effectively for Fiat not be racing around Australian Ryland oh yeah yeah and you got Charlotte Claire Alex our bond George Russell Landon Norris Nicolas Latifi Antonio jeolban @c is just joining and I think here we go we have an exclusive your partner on Sunday part of McLaren team is gonna be Jenson Button general is that is it yes joined a race the other night on I racing and he was surprisingly quick like for the limited amount of time that I'm sure he's had on it he was a he was pretty good so I'm sure come Sunday he's gonna I mean hopefully you can be yeah he told me that he qualified 42nd out of 50 people or something ran low on that race so right I love to double-check that it maybe he's playing it down like it might have been out of 43 people or something he was he was not bad I think I'm like these different games are not easy to get used to and all quite different although they're just driving a car in the end of the day is so how are you driving the physics of the the tire model a lot of different like tips and tricks you need for each car each program each track so yeah for him to kind of jump on and go against me and a lot of the other guys you spend hours and hours and days in the last couple weeks on it he was let me ask one question about max tone because max max you know he's all over this you guys compete each err on a different platform right on redline yes why will he not come on this I mean is he is he running scared of man what with your message people oh yes absolutely no idea I got no clue like I think the f1 the f1 game is it's really good fun you know driving an f1 car it still feels quick the cornering speeds and everything and you get the feeling of driving a follow-on car in some aspects and you get to drive on a lot of the f1 tracks which is just good but then you have some of the other programs like I racing which is one we competes against each other on and there's just more variety you know you can do GT cars you can do single seats is you can do a lot more of different stuff and and that's what I guess he enjoys a bit more is there changing from one car to the other and then a variety instead of always driving on the f1 stuff so I didn't think he's driven on it much anyway and he always says you know when he joined something he wants to join and win so I didn't if he doesn't want to join because he know he's not gonna win all the facts that he just doesn't spend much time on it and and she's not very confident but I don't know Red Bull she just tell him that he needs to drive on it nothing could be better the most respect for so far in the virtual world it's difficult there is there's so many people which are like so incredible at these games like you watch their laps and it's like mesmerizing sometimes you see the consistency that they have from one up to another you know there's less variables on a simple gram then in real life so persistency in real life is it's probably slightly harder but then at the same time just to be consistent and do the same thing every single lap is still very difficult so when you you see some of these guys who do spend hours and hours and days on this thing and some don't even spend hours and days but they spend a lot at this amount of time the accuracy to every every apex every single lap is is pretty impressive even like you know coming from me yeah I guess I can just say that because I Drive in Formula One and therefore I can can kind of say it but then yeah it's something when I watch it like puts a smile on my face to see how competitive and how accurate these guys are and it'll be cool at the same time to see some of them eventually try a you know a real car and see how they in doing that we've had some examples in the past and there's been some really promising moments but yeah merely taking it all the way so far it would be awesome if one day it did happen yeah I think you know you get more of these competitions which are allowing drivers to do it and yeah we've seen more and more drivers come through from from simple competitions to race of champions to I think I go Frogger he was one world's fastest gamer he did TRS in New Zealand I think he won that and I was competing in f3 I'm pretty sure this year so you're getting more of this trend of people trying simulators doing well winning competitions and the price of these competitions is to go into actual racing um one of the things that we really enjoy is the fact that Croft he hates it that you're only able to change your helmet a couple of times a year wasn't it but they've relaxed rules on that talking the ones behind it and are you gonna have for next year I don't know twenty one twenty two maybe more each different practice session yes I mean already for this year just for fp1 on those ones behind you this one was just for pre-season testing but some people do that sometimes so yes already for this year I had pretty much one for every single race I kind of have a standard design none of these but a standard design which I was stick to but then every race I would have one special or one dedicated to this race which I keep and kind of reminds me and has good memories of that specific race or something but it's also my way or I Drive his way of in a way expressing themselves but also just to kind of keep memories of things that you want to add the year so yeah this year and and 100 percent for next year that's my plan every race a new shiny element this just there in Nikko because I've got a little chat screen coming up here and I just been message by one of my producers this is half the press f1 is now we're talking about game eco a simulator to you in a betta so you can be part of this for the next one amazing yeah okay I'm sorry Londo I didn't want to scare you live in the show that's great well you're part of it you and JB now we're gonna get everyone involved this is Johnny design yeah we need to see right why don't you say honestly well what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna watch you and comment and give you a few Twitter questions because they've been piling in obviously as I said 1.3 million fans on Instagram Vittorio's our favorite karting memory and when did you realize your dream of being an f1 driver could come true that's the mean that's the land oh that's the land oh I've got something you later Nico so hold fire so my greatest karting memory was I gonna have to say the World Championship I think just because it's being the World Championship I had a lot of good memories and a lot of things I I loved about karting carding was one of the best times in racing because it's so much more relaxed than car racing in a way and you just have so many memories that you keep from karting so I had a lot of good times but I'm gonna have to say the World Championship 2014 was my greatest memory and when was was it when did I first believed yeah we'll drive when you think you're gonna be question everyone yeah I don't know I I didn't always believe in myself like that much I know I believed that I was good and I I could progress and get close to have fun but getting into f1 is the the tough one of the toughest things you can you can do so you're going up against so many other world-class drivers from around the world you know thousands and thousands of drivers so to be one of them is is pretty special and and you have to be quite unique and have a lot of talent to do that but I don't know it was it wasn't until I guess around f2 or f3 really when I started believing I think if you can win therefore and Formula Renault and stuff you're still too low in the chain of formula racing to really know if you can make it to f1 so I think that's our kind of weight or more f2 and when I started doing the f1 tests when I did some of the fp1 stuff that's when and it kind of gave me a bit more hope and belief in myself that I could do well I think yeah nothing beats and nothing beats doing it before the actual time which was everyone in Monza if you want in Spa going up against the drivers rather than just being in a Ricky test or something you're not really knowing but yeah being an f1 do my time seeing where I was like compared to Fernando compared to Stoffel that was the first time it kind of gave me a bit more belief and faith in myself that I could get to follow I really like come walk before we go there's a lot on Twitter they've been asking about the fact that McLaren and a lot of stuff being furloughed and you yourself have taken the decision to take a pay cut can you talk us through how that happened and what it means for the team over there in the next few weeks and months um well it's it's the best thing for all of us including myself at the moment to make sure that everyone can continue their jobs when you get back so being able to go to work I mean this is a sad time that so many drives not drivers but drivers but also staff and everyone in Formula One but of course for myself and personally to McLaren so many guys and girls who work so hard over so many years and obviously over the winter to build the car and everything and you get to the point when everything is just poor on how old and yeah I hope not but you know we might not be able to even do much this year you know maybe we won't even do with some rate some races so to see everyone sitting at home when we love to be working on a car finding that time and and trying to win races it's a it's a sad time for everyone but it's the best thing we can do for our team to make sure that yeah when you can get back to work everyone can can get back to work and everything can return and go back to normal basically instead of things having to change so yeah it's the resort that we had to take for for everyone but it's the best thing for all of us well done and then where are you by the way the moment in the world just so I mean obviously you in your bedroom that's the view that I've seen of you on all social media for the last few weeks yes okay really see McLaren for my window okay no Sarah Mara also asks how's your fort collection coming on my your fault collection you don't remember she asked you about you only had one walk in your house no so you coming in non MTC after the launch and he was carrying a fork no I've got a fork so what you've got for me he didn't have anything at home yeah I hope you've expanded Andy I have I'm up to I think Five Forks now yeah I was I I need one fork I don't know where they all went um I lost folks somewhere then what McLean is doing I was down to one fork and I very kindly go given some folks by some fans and and I went out and bought a couple folks as well so now I don't need to use one and clean it and then use it again and clean and use it again I'm sure what time - okay we get this about 250,000 in the spirit of you know camara hot come yes in one member we get this 250,000 views on Facebook one member of the sky up on seats a bed I got it Simon Lazenby he's been winding you up Simon is my choice sorry but 50,000 then it's a deal still yeah I'm going to tell all of my fans to go ahead all right was it like social shares or what okay I don't care all the way off maybe I'll just do what you sell just do yeah all right thank you mate we appreciate your time enjoy going with with Jensen and really ship its it lovely stuff thanks thanks very much have a good day guys is Nico they go stitch myself up work out what I knew is not going to work out okay let's move on to you Rico know that is quite a challenge for you now if we get your simulates that's gonna be quite exciting yes no I am very excited that's gonna be really cool and I'm gonna make a charitable twist on it as well yeah raise money in a similar way that landed it certainly but the problem is the airport is closed so to this island here I mean boats I don't think there's any boats going either so it's gonna be a rather big challenge without one form of exercise a day so someone on a boat well use a challenge and it's analytical challenge that's Amazon we could get we can just get the biggest Amazon package of all time but even they car Guinness folks we've had a few questions in for you as well Nico on Twitter if you have one driver such as Tom a one driver back on the grid to race against this was in your time from history who would it be my I would love one Manuel Fangio because I would love to see if he would be just a spectacular in our time now as he was back in those days under completely different circumstances you know so I'll be super interesting yeah just people are winding me up on this chat about the hair thing at the same time if I'm seeming distracted and what's the most bittersweet moment of your career losing the world championship in 2014 not 15 actually 15 right yeah most of the new lean driver that you've ever raced against but I'm a huge fan of his like he's an amazing driver and so much fun to watch but my god having him around in the races like the the risk of an DNF for myself increases like tenfold weights the World Championship I had him around me every single race in last four races and you passed me I think on three of those four races like in a tussle you know yeah I can imagine he's annoying I remember talking to you about him in Monaco at that point you cannot let it go but there you go each I mean he's one of those drugs isn't he's gonna get elbows out you know what you're gonna do it's exactly that's exactly what we want you don't leave you out Julie's a husky and can we get the inside story on how Fernando stole your waxey I was probably just the easiest one for them to push her so basically they wanted him in the car so I think I was probably I was the only drive without a driver manager probably the easiest one this to push ourselves on a three-year deal at the time they probably thought you know if we he's probably the easiest one to move all started meaning he had to come in basically so it's gonna be one of the top six drivers there and yeah unfortunately it was me but like I say some drivers were only on a one-year deal I was on a three-year deal so you know I continued to work for the team in different different forms as him driving development work some Road car stuff as well which was quite interesting but yeah clearly you know I wanted to be racing but like say I'll probably just the easiest one to get rid of or not read it just to move aside should be say when did you cash in on the full amount until the end of the three years plus a penalty georgette just to taunt me there in the background its debate if you people Yumiko this is when you get your hair cut even smaller pinhead then Nico visit there's a people asking David f-86 this is boat to both of you if we get a curtailed season like we get they say we get ten races if they decided this is hypothetically to double up on the race we can't do two Grand Prix could you run it back to front the other way around the track or would there be safety concerns is that a legitimate idea it's in from as I said David f-86 you can do that there's no way because the tracks are that's almost certain yet maybe there's one track in the world that I can't think of where it's possible but I would read out it but nevertheless having two races on a weekend I think would be awesome to qualify in the morning two races in the afternoon I think all of us fans would absolutely love it so if it if push comes to shove I do hope that they consider that that solution what do you think and no totally agree with it with a second combination eco because you know if you even look at f2 races for example you have the same guys in the same cars same track and from one day to the next into different qualifying sessions and do them races you can have a completely different outcome in both quali on the race so I think you could run the same circuit multiple times and have a different outcome every single time so yes it would be good to see that but in terms of running it the other way around it would be you know the FIA take into consideration all of the gravel traps and runoff areas and barrier distances so stuff like imagines an for bombing down the straight the other way into that banked corner with a wall facing you going into there meaning you can't you can't do that and I have another question because you're the sim you're driving the Scimitar sadie's so you've driven the magical mysterious death system which is their device there what can you come on can you give us the world exclusive like an extra how excited are they about that is it just like hey we're gonna try it let's see if we learn something or we're like 100% or this could be a step we've got to get it on the car which one of the two is it well a function I can't give you the the world excretes you don't think it's been done to death already but now I have to burn it just once in there but that was just purely just a text the functionality of the thing which does feel a bit weird you know to have the steering wheel moving forwards and backwards is it does feel a bit weird if I'm honest but um in terms of the specifics of what it does and and how it affected things I wasn't doing that that day when I tried it was literally just their functionality before they went to Barcelona can you still work with the team remotely when when the shutdown is over and how does he work Beezus in driving out with Merc yes I was going to ask Lando the same thing actually seeing as he's so close to the factory has he been doing any sim work obviously it is a job that you can carry on doing you know you can keep a safe distance from you don't have to see anyone on a working day in the sim you know it's downstairs the engineer could be upstairs running the thing so I could I could go in and do a day or two without seeing anyone at all if need be but coming back from Australia the whole team the whole race team that's going to isolation for the 14 days as we know and I was past that as well I was due to go in I think after a week but then having been in Australia obviously it was had to wait for the two weeks then they took the early shutdown so plans were forever changing so we were just basically living every day like we all were really is this blowing up and and then the world was changing before our eyes we were living through it as well so I'm still in contact with them and yeah like safer ethically it is a job you can carry on doing but we're just waiting until the the shutdown period is ended we go askew me one thing one thing the hardest thing I think for the drivers is their neck training because these cars nowadays there have such incredible g-forces that if you're out of the car you can do only so much in the gym it's gonna be tough to keep the strength in the neck going for the next couple of weeks and come back I know you're involved in the tech space we get these daily briefings by number 10 Downing Street by the by the government certain advisers and everyone is paying tribute to this project pit lane but Mercedes is a part of and it's just remarkable we've asked a lot of people that would be close to these teams exactly how good these engineers are it's amazing isn't it when you sort of silo all the f1 engineer's together and get them working in the same space incredible what they can achieve yeah I mean this is the best proof that the engineers in f1 are just some of the smartest people in the whole world I mean we knew that but also their engineering excellence is right up there there's second to none and so when there's a problem like this arising they are the ones who are able to solve this problem in the quickest and the shortest time frame particularly team Mercedes has been unbelievable I mean develop this breathing aid and which is already now been been given the okay you know here by the NHS so it can go straight into use that's phenomenal it's gonna save so many lives and they were the quickest ones to it you know so it's just it's amazing and our project bit lane all the teams going together for another device which is going to be the ventilators and there's a huge need for those in the UK coming up certainly of course but there is as well I'm very proud that my sports and and my ex team is able to help in such a way okay give you before against your top 500 maybe top five drivers of all time I know that so do that I'll do a couple of news lines that have broken that is that there's a new Global Partner which in these times you know it's a positive for f1 has been announced in form of Saudi Aramco forty million US a year we understand from 2020 to 2029 I suppose that points towards the fact that potentially Saudi are gonna get Saudi Arabia we're gonna get a race sometime very soon would you say Nico 2021 a lot of people are talking about yeah I mean Saudi has been pushing hard to increase their sports events locally we saw Anthony Joshua boxing there if I'm not mistaken am I mistaken no you don't mistake me did yeah and yeah I mean I'm sure they're gonna get a great race track going so far as viewers on TV it's gonna be good okay okay congratulations or actually get well soon - JB some Hendrix who's recovering after hip surgery with JD posted a couple of things on Instagram he looks like he's recovering well so that's that's great news and congratulations to Bernie Ecclestone by the way we have to say this though me Nico he's gonna be a father again at the age of 89 right did you have you heard that yet did you read about that we believe is an April Fool's I hope it's not an April Fool annoys we're doing really stupid bone accounts yet congratulations to him they've announced he's gonna have a baby boy in July and then ask that from the farm in Brazil what it does means is him his first son but he's gonna have a half-sister Deborah who's 66 years older than him so they go they reckon that could be a Guinness World Record by the way and that's reading somewhere else that he's gonna be the 10th oldest man on record to sire a child Bernie oh my goodness but okay come on I know I know them I know them well and then it's a lovely message I'm really it so they're they're such a great couple as well because they live here they spend a lot of time here any beat so as well so they come to our my to my ice cream parlor so we see each other occasionally for an ice-cream now it's great use a typical Bernie fashion I haven't had a job for a while so I've had plenty of time to practice there you go I mean I shudder at the thought I really do all right guys before we go Anthony could you please tell me your top I'll start with you top five drivers of all time yeah the ones I would like to choose ones that really inspired me is there a child to get into racing and to continue racing once I started karting so as a five-year-old kid my earliest memory of Fulmer one was watching this guy called Niki Lauda in his McLaren on his way to winning the World Championship by half a point I think it was that year against Alain Prost honor although I can't remember the specifics about his driving style he was always that guy like the professional he knew he was world-class just by the way the commentators talk about him you see the guy standing up on the podium with a laurel wreath and you know as a kid to see there you know there's the scars still on his face he left quite an impact and so I clearly remember that so my earliest memory Niki Lauda and then you told your wife please so yeah number one was Niki Lauda and he was he was fighting a guy called Alain Prost that year and obviously I was able to watch Allan go on longer into his career were to the end of his f1 career he was the phenomenal drivers we know for work championships and he was he was the it's me of world class uber professional driver very political but silk smooth style behind wheel I really admired the way he would drive hey am i boring you that much you just left the room office bores got a lock on the outside I was just a bit shocked by your by you being able to remember niki lauda that's a little bit I know I know I can I gave the game way they just come clean unfortunately unfortunately in many ways I remember these guys and I'm glad I do because they were they were their great drivers so yeah Nikki and then Alan I really used to enjoy watching Alan and once had started karting by that point I sometimes had try to pretend like I was procced and drive smooth and you you like the idea you're inspired by these guys you like the idea of trying to emulate them one day so Prost was one of those drivers that really captured the imagination and there he was very very it was a cool customer and he was teamed up with obviously another one my heroes favorite drivers ed and Senna and that was for me that the best showdown in history in terms of driver pairings in the same team and which one where you're rooting for them between the two you can only move for one day well I'll come to that in a minute I'll come to that in a minute and it was just it was great watching the spectacle you know the Fife you got crossed the cool customer and Senna the the explosion you know the the fiery Latino guide and the - it was just magic to watch and I'm really pleased that I was from my era I could enjoy watching them and it's really weird from the I'll speak to the younger drivers that they've never seen Senna and Prost race in realize now I can't imagine that as a kid growing up watching them I can't imagine never having seen them race so but there was one guy and he was my hero though I always wanted to get into the mix and beat those two and it was Nigel Mansell yes he was the thorn in their side and it was great watching that like that three-way battle Nigel didn't care about those two he he did his own thing there was always drama around him whatever he did there you know it was a great showman yeah like I say it was always some kind of story surrounding Nigel and um he was a gutsy driver really gritty super brave and would really take the fight to those two and that that for me that was my ear of Formula One growing up as a kid watching watching that fight was brilliant and inspired me a lot and then my final driver who are still just at the end of my karting career before I got into film a forward was Mike Rowe Schumacher he was I'll never forget that moment when he arrived in Spa in that green Jordan with a 7-up livery on it and he just appeared out nowhere it seemed at the time the media coverage wasn't as good as it is today I remember just watchin spine this guy was from grit in a Jordan and you know that's like the equivalent today of seeing someone their first ever race jump in say like out from a oh and be p3 on the grid first it was sensational stuff really you know it blew people away and and we all know what he went on to do in the sport so yeah that's my yeah that's my top right brilliant I caught that you know seven minutes fifty so we'll have to trim that for the holidays relations a lot of it was partly because if you lack of office skills and not wanting to bring your family into would have loved to have seen yeah yeah no I don't get it great exactly give them a break right Nico your go so I know for sure Recker I was with him he's just a complete all-rounder from you best of all time then I'll go for fan Joe then I'll go for Senate then I'll go for Hamilton and then I'll go for last take another one frost frost my powdered hero is Mika häkkinen there you go you could have could put your dad in there but did you put Lewis in there which was very magnanimous of you that's good ice I mean that's a very solid fine you can't argue then you're back Kenny actually when you look at across I don't think anybody has missed out Sena it's a couple of mr. Schumacher always surprises me you know maybe the guy wants to yeah I suppose that's the way it goes Nico what your plans end so if we get you the same you're into the sim otherwise just stay safe in a bit yeah my wife will not be happy if the sim arrives because I'm you know they get up to speed the airport open so it's possible to start moving around again and then let's see how it's difficult to see yeah forecast how things are gonna go yeah we appreciate your time and on your predictions for Sunday and for the race I'm looking forward to watching you again well first of all I've got to get into the race those of you don't know I tried to raise last time around and somehow the race started without me and I was in a completely different race all by myself I still don't know how that works out but anyway just getting into the race would be good for a start and then I reckon I'm hoping just above midfield would be good I've got the sim I've been practicing I was chatting to Jensen last night getting him up and running which was a hilarious conversation though we were both on they're both on FaceTime chatting to each other and we're just in hysterics trying to get this thing up and running it's like he's like Dom and Dom you know thank you so much to tell everybody who's watching on Facebook to share and like right because we want to see Simon go bold in a place so we have to cross it viral with this video share like to whatever you need comment everything please so we can make this happen that was the most important message before the call Simon said to all of us he make sure to vote for Karuna politics work gurus the hairiest man on the team that's why we wanted it to happen but they go Niko thank you appreciate it we'll let you get back to your wife and children in a FIFA ad thank you very much both of you stay safe from C stay inside and just to remind the birds have gone freeze on Sky Sports from 8 o'clock Johnny ant Jensen Lando and many others and a bit of a treat for you on Monday we're hoping to read bubbles special because Alex albon is racing on beside Ben Stokes and we put in the call and my husband might get Ben Stokes World Cup winner on this as well just sort of do a bit cross-pollination across the sports thanks everybody we'll see you soon see you Monday have a great weekend all right thank you you [Music]
Channel: Sky Sports F1
Views: 267,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, F1, Formula One, Sky Sports, Sky F1, Sky Sports F1, lando norris, lando norris shaved head, sky f1 vodcast, nico rosberg, nico rosberg sky, greatest f1 drivers, best f1 ever, best f1, lando virtual grand prix, virtual grand prix
Id: VmnYSfpvDug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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