Landlord w 70 Rentals Reveals How He Built a Section 8 tenant Empire

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so i'd like to introduce you to my friend mark he's got 70 rental properties that are on the section 8 program and further we're going to go out in the field mark's going to show you what he does to get ready to pass his section inspections on the first time he's actually renting out one and two bedroom units and doing very well so i want to show you how you can do this too during the times of all this uncertainty that's going around let's roll greetings class this is chris haskins with my mission and ministry is to raise your financial literacy through real estate investing in entrepreneurship today you're going to meet my friend mark we're going to go on site and walk through one of his properties but i got to give you some of the backstory of what brings us here today this eviction moratorium that's going on has me concerned and i'm i'm praying that you are concerned too not concerned to not do anything but to go out there and take action take your future into your own hands that's why i'm doing this matter of fact why i created the landlord's guide to section 8 housing because i want you to have certainty in these uncertain times eviction moratorium first let's understand what is a moratorium chris what does it mean okay right here in your barons definition book if you don't have it go ahead and get it there moratorium a time period during which a certain activity is not allowed the activity in this case is evictions how do they do that well the cdc just just issued an order and we're going to go over this order here very quickly and this eviction moratorium is creating so much uncertainty in the real estate economy and the real estate markets around this country i'm concerned for the future of our real estate market is it going to go up even higher because we're at the top now are rents going to come in basically this moratorium is allowing we don't know who's going to abuse this right but let's take a look at this uh federal register here a temporary heart halt on residential evictions to prevent the further spread of covet 19 isn't that something the summary of this order the summary of this order and you can get this right on the internet right at uh federal summary of this order the notice in order and subject to the limitations under applicability right a landlord owner of a residential property or other person with a legal right to pursue eviction or possess a reaction shall not evict any covered person from any residential property in any jurisdiction to which this order applies during the effective period of this order now you can go do do your own research and find out who a covered person is but the crazy thing about this roundup is this is happening right now this order came out september the 4th which is now and i had a long talk the other day with the local sheriff he told me he hasn't processed an eviction since april and he has orders not to do any more evictions until october writ of possessions is what they call them in virginia he has orders not to do anymore until october right and he says he thinks that they are going to actually extend that so i'm concerned for my landlords and my real estate investors so that's the summary and uh with all this uncertainty what i want to give you with this video when you're going to meet mark is unknown this section 8 uh program is going to give you a known in your life something that you can count on each and every month to come in right the rinse on top of all the unknowns that we have with this chronobyte let me tell you why they even the cdc even created this thing look at this the background this is going to blow your mind uh there's currently a pandemic of respiratory disease covate19 caused by virus that is now spread globally including cases reported in all 50 states with the u.s plus the district of columbia territories as of august 24th 2020 there were over 23 million cases globally on 800 000 deaths over 5 million cases have been identified in the united states with new cases being reported daily over 174 deaths due to this disease roundup this is serious and i hope that you are taking the future of your rental property and the future of the state of this real estate market seriously like we're doing here we're hedging against loss of income we're hedging against business shutdown underemployment all that stuff and i want you to do the same roundup okay so why are those numbers so important why are those numbers so important well the cdc says uh the eviction and the risk of covet 19 transmission here evicted renters must move which leads to multiple outcomes that increase the risk of covet 19 spread specifically many evicted renters move into close quarters in shared housing or other congregate settings according to the census bureau american housing survey 23 percent of renters reported that they would move with friends or family members upon eviction which would introduce new household members and potentially increase household crowding studies show that covet 19 transmission occurs readily within households household contacts are estimated to be six times more likely to become infected by an index of k by affected by an index case of covet 19 than other close contacts so i'm presuming that the cdc is taking evictions and this is what they're saying here serious for people possibly being homeless staying with friends and family so this is something that we have to be mindful of as we move on especially through the holidays so this is going to show you a proven strategy when we mark when we walk through mark's properties i was even learning with mark he was showing me some of the building materials some of the light fixtures some of the plumbing fixtures he's using some unbelievable stuff roundup and you're going to learn a lot from mark too 70 units the man knows what he's doing he's got it down to a system okay so if it's something you're interested in doing there will be a link below that you can get signed up for the landlord's guide to section 8 housing as we move through this holiday here i wish i wish nothing but the best for you so let's get out there and see what mark can share for us and take a second before you move too fast to subscribe to my channel like this content and share it with any other investors that you think may be affected by this pandemic all right let's go see what mark has to say so i'm hanging out with a landlord that has 70 section 8 rental properties he's going to walk us inside of one of the one of his properties it's only a two bedroom show us how he passes his inspections and not only that but what does he do to maintain the property the little things he puts inside to make them bulletproof so they don't break down quickly today i get the honor to hang out with my boy mark he's a landlord in the hampton roads area how you doing mark you're doing good man doing really good today so we're going to go inside your property first of all thank you for taking the time to do this always my pleasure yeah you're pouring into my roundup as you're pouring yep absolutely absolutely try teaching something that i may have spent quite a bit to learn we both did time money headache energy headache lots of headache so if you can avoid any of those it's definitely well worth the time yeah so let's go over the numbers here a little bit mark tell me a little bit about your your your your ideal tenant and what what the the section that you pay yep absolutely my ideal intent for this property would be a single mail from the va is usually the program that we do section eight uh this property whether it be well this property specifically we'll get uh one thousand fifty dollars per month we do include utilities um we get an extra usually be eight fifty we get an extra two hundred dollars in utility credit um and when you go inside you'll see how we try to save on that so we actually make money off of the utility portion nice yeah again putting in some a little bit more energy efficient some more expensive things but did the math and it does pay off in the long run to do it nice so a thousand fifty bucks so you have to include what on an average on something a unit like this what would be your utility cost yeah utility costs are gonna average about 100 to 150 a month you see that roundup that's what i want you to see he knows it knows the numbers off the top 100 i know i can tell you absolutely know my numbers um but that way i figured a little bit extra in the beginning 50 to 100 extra in my pocket every month hey creating value with existing inventory with prices being high um definitely okay with that so how long has this place been vacant this one has been vacant two days two days literally in roundup i want to tell you as we're pulling up tenants are walking by the unit yes they are we're known for being good landlords um the other especially within the section eight community hey my landlord's cool that we come and fix things fast so we're kind of well not kind of we have the reputation now of being good landlords and them telling neighbors and friends where it gets out absolutely absolutely so less than three days vacant um we probably should have a notice for security deposit tomorrow for the full 1050 as well and probably have somebody moving in i would say within a week nice yeah so the roundup we're doing this because i'm concerned about the state of our market i'm concerned about the real estate economy in general mark has insulated himself against any recession depression including us including us we do the same thing bad choices that we we both did private pay rentals at the beginning you know i just got out of that business let me ask you mark how long did it take you before you got out of the private pay business ooh seven eight yeah it's about seven seven years of terror it was it was like being held up every month my own property it was rough i don't miss those days it's good down now what would you recommend for anybody that's doing private pay today private pay sell that big house and get some small little ones get more more units and why not just get the check automatically sent into your account on the first don't have to chase anymore maybe maybe you know you have to up your skills a little bit in the maintenance department but it sure beats the headaches of having to chase your money oh my goodness chasing money yeah i'm not i'm not for changing money i've chased a lot of things i'll come fix your toilet i'm not gonna chase you for the money that you're supposed to be doing so i'll take care of my end i can take care of my end this way you just enjoy your life round up i'm just i'm here with the man we're living it i'm i'm i'm not recommending you to do this i'm just suggesting very gently that section 8 is going to be a good way that you're going to have a known in your financial life okay i mean anything else well a lot of stigmata with the sick mother stigma section is that they're always in bad neighborhoods this this isn't a bad neighborhood looks good to me no good neighborhood section 8 can be anywhere yeah absolutely anywhere so let's go inside mark you can take inside and show us what show us the magic sounds good all right let's do it and this building here we're going to walk you through it so you'll see post how to pass your inspection on the first time and i want to thank my cousin jamon for working with us with the camera man thank you my brother get a nice pan here tell us a little bit about the exterior here mark all right exterior strategically done to be low maintenance um and less things to break we have all new vinyl windows everything's wrapped in metal that can be wrapped in metal um new roof and then we always are a big fan of the vinyl siding um just less maintenance and try to make it as clean as possible yeah so when did you pass this one by the way this one is here it's passed multiple times we just finished yeah it's gonna be um shoot probably about a year ago okay no problem yep so this is the duplex yeah this is duplex yep i have two of these identical buildings actually do you want to tell them about the windows something you said oh yeah they're uh simonton windows there's a couple other brands that uh do it but um someone throws a rock through it they replace it for free lifetime guarantee used to be 155 window and i'm not sure what the price is these days but uh literally i just had one come in today no questions asked break your window give you a new one it saves a lot of money a lot of money i don't know aluminum does that too yeah well that's actually who i got out of them yep no questions asked bring the sash in you hear that that's a tip that's worth the work that's a right ear downer local window company go ahead yep especially i mean home depot these are much superior windows than home depot maybe 20 30 bucks more yeah i mean the first first broken class it's my money's hit yep done so for what is it lifetime warranty right it's lifetime warranty anything yeah those windows brother that saved me oh my goodness you take it in they read the little uh inside the little label and they they'll get a new one in the week they know the numbers so this is do tell me tell me about the utilities who pays me yep on this one since it's going to be going through a section 8 va program we actually pay all of the utilities so we were conscious when we did it everything's insulated all new plumbing new roof insulation in the attic some of the real key features we have may split hvac system okay in this one so tell us for our listeners and our viewers that don't know what a mini split is jay let's see what is a mini split mini split it's like a traditional central ac unit but without the ducting um you still have your outside condenser units but then inside is kind of a fancy space-age looking blower coil and that cools and heats the whole house and cooler yep and usually runs on i don't know 50 bucks a month in the summer 60 bucks a month in the winter nice so yeah keeping them down everything in here is led um usually have integrated in there so no bulbs to steal no bulbs to break replace this one because of some of the corks in the design we weren't able to incorporate it everywhere like we do normally um so mark we got i see here one of those lights you were talking about tell me a little bit absolutely no bulb um up in there there's actually the four little yellow dots those are your light bulbs unless you really know what you're doing you're gonna be taking that this is new to me hanging out with these old dudes man they go with the magic key open this bad boy up that is watch your eyes watch your eyes look at this the light is in the fixture yep and i have a problem with tenants leaving lights on during the day during the doesn't necessarily matter when it costs like a dollar a year to keep it on because of the led this roundup always something new to learn you would learned a lot on this one and what is that called um they're integrated led integrated led light fixtures keyword is the integrated part this is something here this is something we have the low flow shower head faucets yeah and this is where i was telling you about that toilet the one that actually flushes it is actually here for you to see all right let's do it let's get inside hit a perfect example of avoiding a service call uh number one service call we have in all of our units is i locked myself out of my house 12 o'clock at night can you come unlock the door for me and no i really don't want to i want to charge you i'm angry i don't want to get out of bed but i know what do you charge by the way 50 bucks but we never we never get it and they're going to break your window they're getting in one way or another so usually i just go do it 50 bucks for you lose your keys 50 bucks solve the problem completely get rid of the bottom lock no lock no lock no bottom lock so you get that one round up can't lock it no bottom lock so you can't even leave the house without locking the door there you go wow that's pretty sharp simple and item number two on this one is all 60 units one key one key but individually have their own key for the tenants but one key opens up every lock i love it it saves having to take them all around and it's simple enough where i can learn how to do it before we even go in i'm looking at the floor here mark tell me about this yeah this one we were i usually love saving hardwood this was unsavable when we were trying to redo it so we unfortunately had to go with um one of the deck stains this is slate gray from home depot package color so it's consistent every time so you just painted the paw wood yeah this is good again it was a little bit different situation upstairs has refinished hardwood um but normally we try to definitely save the hardwood it lasts a lot longer steel doors for my rounduppers that don't understand the concept because i was a big proponent for carpet years ago i want my carpet i want to go lay down but go ahead mark so people understand yeah oh no carpet i i got the most fancy carpet ever you could pour bleach on it wouldn't stain it it stains it it stains it tears it rips now oh it stinks the padding yeah no carpet no soft surfaces anywhere is my opinion things um yeah it just makes life a lot more how often would you have to replace carpet as opposed to however these hardwoods no doubt are older than all of us combined oh absolutely no doubt absolutely these i think we had a patch in a couple and we had some spots where it was too messed up but that mean yeah these have to be 70 they're old oh that carpet it'll last you what five years maybe if you're lucky first first maybe two tenants yep two events that's depending on how it is all right so show us some of the stuff that you are this is what i was talking about the ceiling the trim the walls everything all the semi-gloss uh package white from sherman williams one pink one paint one color is it necessarily the fanciest nicest no but guess what it passes inspection on the first time it's done i see you've got the same paint here that's here and for your trimmer yep and sometimes on our trim depending on what it is we manufacture a lot of our own this one we made it out of one by stock could you kind of break that down a little bit for people that may not understand what you're talking about yeah literally it's a solid piece of wood one by either four or six inches wrap around the windows some people don't even know what that a lot of tenants like to nail things in to cover their windows a little bit more so now we're giving them a better service to do it instead of fancy trim which crumbles after the first time so this is round up a piece of wood as opposed to a i against a piece of manufactured casing casing exactly so he can put a piece of wood here because it doesn't have to be fancy he's not selling it no what i'm presumed nope this is cash flow rental i buy purely for the rents that come in on the front slope now would you use this say on a two hundred thousand dollar absolutely we have absolutely not these these homes i'm gonna show you are specifically built for section eight passing section eight being durable and then worrying about us having to come in next time to turn them over and you'll see um hopefully soon one of our places that someone just moved out of how easy and how inexpensively it becomes for us to turn them over when we did a lot of paid a lot of expensive education to get kind of where we are now and i'm sure there's still better ways but you talk about to get to the the cookie cutter yeah absolutely wherever unit is the same if you're doing it for section 8 cash flow which we are um that's all we do so y'all want y'all to hear that man he's using stuff that's very simple to fix and it's duplicatable this one by here i'm just like it's a piece of wood and cut it as opposed to trying to match up the old clam shell in different sizes inside the old side standard of the new size tell them about that that's important go tell them about that this actually on the floor is the original clam shell trim you you can't buy that no you can't well the number guys might be able to get it but they're closed yeah and you have to mill it uh which we were able to do but we won't do that no we don't want to do that now i want to make it nice and easy simple um if this ever got messed up again we would go right back to one by get it over and get it over with we do redo all of our electrical in the places okay the wiring is good and keep the wiring but every probably depending on how long a tenant stays every four years we do switch out all the receptacles switches just keep them fresh for 39 cents or however much they are saving the first electrical fire money well spent yeah good good okay so i like this room looks pretty basic yep this is what we're doing now in the rest of the houses we actually finished installing this today this is the luxury vinyl planking uh from home depot it's 1.48 square foot tell us about that a little bit about how we install that yeah it's tongue and groove snap together when you do it you start at your most kind of long run yep put it in literally put it click it down and you just keep rolling it staggering your seams um and this actually was just finished today nice yeah did you go to vp is really in now it is especially because the waterproof we were using uh what was called uh laminate for years before yeah absolutely explain tell us and it is still still a good product uh switching on the board here and there but now we're able to run the same product through the kitchen the bathroom everything instead of having a sheet vinyl in separate rooms so that's this is going to be now kind of tell them if one of these goes bad if you to pull it out put a new one in absolutely and sometimes you have to undo a couple little take a piece of trim off pop a couple things up but uh each of these are individual so if one does get drastically damaged um you can actually switch it out and save the money this stuff here whole room of carpet yeah all right anything else in here oh here we go fancy little mini split system mini split system so go ahead your inside unit got your what is it uh your blower your coil for cooling um medium cools one ton unit cools this entire place down to right now it's 67 in here nice yeah still solely humid but um i mean but this does heating in here heating air it's got 17 different functions it's pretty fancy wow um i think we were getting them for the entire unit inside and outside when we were buying a bulk it was 700 bucks for central ac and then we install it but no it's really this is 110 so no 220 technically you could go to a regular plug and again super energy efficient i think this one that's was it 17 seer yes pretty high that's high it's very high it's very low electric bills especially when we're paying them the smarter we can be the more money in our pockets and i'm all about more money in my pocket okay you want to do the bathroom real quick yeah absolutely um this is one normally we have different light fixture um that's integrated i think one of the next properties you'll see that but this is again standard we try putting trim in as many different places as possible to avoid settling on older houses for drywall repairs again it's not a 250 thousand dollar flip and the feast of resistance hopefully it's clean it is is the niagara toilet it's uh what is it i think it's 0.8 gallons per flush so you're saying that one is your favorite toilet there it is now when you take it apart again obviously for the energy savings features of it it's amazing but that doesn't look like a normal toilet in there i have gear in there a lot of gear today we've had zero service calls on them which is pretty awesome pretty cool yep total different mechanism on how they function it's a bucket system it's money well spent i mean actually it's 149 dollars so it's really not even that much more bucks you know the regular people will buy for a rental would be 99 yep we spend a 50 more bucks this is a2 um tub system from home depot looked a lot of places ferguson big retail sellers and this is the best one in my opinion for just simplicity snap it in yep longevity and just durability yeah how about the do you have a stopper there or do you have the drain oh we actually have a plug on this one and then that's the niagara shower head still you get good flow you can still rinse your hair out which is awesome um but it's going to cut your water bill down a lot oh i didn't know that it's another kicker right or down here niagara what did you call it showerhead reduced it's reduced well niagara conserves i think what they call them okay that's going to reduce the oh absolutely but it's we've tried hundreds of shower heads i'm sure hundreds trying to find the right one where you're not going to still get my water pressure my water pressure still trying to save money on our water bill um and that has been the solution we found nice okay cool yep same with the bedrooms these are actually integrated leds oh i thought it was one better this is again the downside of the program that we do it doesn't matter if it's a two bedroom one bedroom if this was a studio we would get the same rent um but yeah not too exciting clean look at the floors i'm like look this is paint on the floor dude there's nothing fancy about what you're doing here nothing nothing wow coming here with a paintbrush and again the package color is the big thing there's no mixing you go in there you buy the package color it's the same color every time gray floor white all the way out ceiling one color semi-gloss wipe down a bowl um nice yep now i'm presuming that you have done research to see that this is the fastest and most effective effective this is yeah i mean i'd rather not have the painted floor this is kind of just a extenuating circumstance oh okay yeah the animal floors are the luxury vinyl plank in the hallway all the way through the house okay absolutely yeah i prefer that um we're hardwood if we're able to but few and far between you prefer okay cool and another extenuating circumstance this place didn't have gas so we had to keep our standard uh electric water heater which what do you usually use normally use we uh the gas tankless instant hot water here again saving utility bills which is nice so you this is okay too bad i thought this is one i think this one right here is a good example yeah no bulbs in these it's got the integrated leds into the actual light fixture can't really take it down the whole thing comes down but there's a whole bunch of light diodes in here um i've taken i have one out and the truck i got taken apart okay it's a little computer board that's got uh leds all over it and this thing i mean no heat um never change the bulb really lifetime warranty you take this from here every once in a while you get a driver that breaks on them starts blinking a little annoying but um yeah you take it home depot and they switch it back out for you for free i didn't know that it just did it right before i got here so that comes with the light fixture light fixture bulbs never change a bulb ever again and again i'm trying to get my guys in and out of here as fast as possible i've noticed through through history bulbs always i don't know where they go they disappear led it doesn't matter just take that out of the equation again controlling what i can control i can control there not being bulbs here so so the fixture has a light that's attached to it it when you i show you outside literally there's like a computer electronic board that's got little light diodes all over it um we were lucky enough to get when what was it uh waterfront lumber went out of business we bought out their entire inventory of door hardware this isn't the standard we just have a couple hundred left to use before before we use them yeah i'm seeing your doors more typically you know landlords i'm going to say generally speaking they want to have six panel doors or they wouldn't have two or something fancy montpar yeah you have nothing fancy no if i could ideally every door would be solid or flat panel door i don't care how good a tenant is somebody gets angry puts a hole through it sometimes you can patch them with one patches and still make them look fancy but again yeah i'm really yeah it's like 19 her door okay see you got the smoke detectors in each bedroom yep smoke detectors and every single room in main hallway area that's where uh people get hit quite often yep you gotta have it so look at this jeremiah i can almost touch the walls here i just want you to get a kind of an aware of how big this kitchen is i mean it's not that big it's not that big definitely not that big um this is yeah not very big kitchen wow again as far as what we're doing i'm not renting it to the regular public as long as it's clean nice everything's functioning we're gonna pass inspection on first go around um again steel door this is what i was telling you about they're not necessarily the prettiest things in the world but they sure prevent this is a piece of wood it's a piece of wood that we use a router go through that round it over um again it's going to stop that door from sliding into the wall i mean how about it pretty good using our noggins but look at this cube i mean this is we've got one two three three cabinets here that's it this one's a little a little different than one of our normal little houses but uh this is unreal man i'm like why not get a nice back shot jake and then this is obviously telling your last ones the fire stoppers literally every single place what is that you missing that on your interview catches fire here start going up this little fuse catches the entire shoots out this white powder and puts out the fire save yourself one fire 20 grand they paid for itself what is it magnetic yep magnus these ones they also have them that go underneath microwaves if you have a nicer upscale one they have them that a little more low profile you mentioned that this kitchen is i'm like man simple three cabinets and one of the cabinets is the sink base and this again i mean where's your countertop space i guess you don't even i hate saying it's not my product yeah you're providing a service for a niche or niche however you want to say it clients normally then again this one's a little bit extending circumstances normally they do have a good amount of counter space another thing a lot of people get hit for is the basket strainers every single sink tub has to have some type of stopper and then no this isn't the one in the bathroom is a little bit messed up you always have to make sure that the bottom of the cabinets are clean now line them with vinyl but also a lot of them get painted it's just a lot of times that we used to ah we forgot to pair the failure inspection have to redo it and then we just it's one of our main things to focus on you're putting vinyl under there yeah it's actually it's white vinyl um vinyl sheeting that can get wiped down we just put them in put cord around around it so if it does get too messed up torn pop it in pop it out but um it's one of them another another sore area is underneath sinks yeah the bathroom's too big absolutely and we hard plumb everything in usually so the bathroom that's cool i see you got like a little that's back here wayne's coating almost it's metal with a baked on gloss enamel i mean good it's again again i've had paint panty over grease and everything this now just wipes right off i mean it's 20 bucks 20 bucks look at this y'all saves saves time money that's genius mark because i mean how many times have i had to put a degreaser on sheetrock right wow this is another thing we use all glacier bay it's not the most high-end brand and the only reason that we do it is because all the cartridges are readily available yep we use low-end so again this is another niagara product that i mean but still saving quite a bit in our water bills wow so that faucet fixture there saves on the water pressure too yeah it creates good water pressure but also gallons per minute low we're trying to be energy efficient cost effective you or something yeah do something still give a good product i would still i mean i'd like a bigger place obviously but i mean it's clean it's going to pass there's nothing it's safe clean secure sanitary everything yeah that's what they want absolutely okay somebody's been homeless for a while this is this step up and some of my mentors say crazy so a place to live is a step up for somebody absolutely absolutely step up for somebody actually this new flooring is nice than most of mine this heats the entire place i'm that is the best thing i ever found um with these mini split ac units they're so simple occasionally there is a uh the condensate line gets clogged so we now put this the vinyl that we put underneath the sinks on the wall so again it can if it gets look at this water that's the sheetrock nope so this if it gets water when it just rolls right off it rolls right off you do something man do something bro nothing fancy so this is mark's central heating and air system for his property go ahead mark yep up off the ground um why no while they're off the ground grass clippings animals urinating on them um just keep them out of the way less likely to be damaged how about growing legs walking away this is definitely harder first off i don't think anybody's going to know what they have to do with these right now this is nice they know they can cut the copper no there's obviously copper in them but i don't think anybody doesn't even look like something that's not attractive to thieves i would think it's how did you come up with this design dude trial and error and i mean this actually outside design of how we have mounted is what we consistently use quiet they're quiet and air to heat and cool your entire house i love it super cheap super super use those for my garage okay roundup family thank you so much make sure you subscribe to the channel like this content if you've got any value out of it further share with other investors this is what's going on right now mark has got a bunch of section 8 rentals and i i foresee him being safe as we approach the holidays as we are in this craziness with the pandemic yeah evictions five-day notices none when's the last time you did a five-day notice mark sure we had some issues and it was not in section eight so for a section eight tenant i honestly can't i can't even remember either one i can't remember this rent's already done i mean listen please consider section eight just consider it okay round up this chris haskins i'll see you next time peace
Channel: kris haskins
Views: 136,138
Rating: 4.9404683 out of 5
Keywords: section 8 landlord, how to pass section 8 inspection, section 8 housing, section 8 inspection requirements, kris haskins real estate, marc shlyk, landlords guide to section 8 housing, housing choice voucher program, low income housing, section 8 housing for landlords, section 8 housing investment, investing in real estate for beginners, pros and cons of section 8 for landlords, section 8 rental property, section 8 tenant
Id: F_2wIDzb0AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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