LANCER EVOLUTIONS.. 500HP EVO 6 vs 510HP EVO 7 vs 440HP EVO 10

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[Music] oh so close [Applause] so what's going on gas gang that's right we're back with another epic generations race and this time we've got a trio of mighty mitsubishi evos prepped and ready to do battle and we're all about to find out just what happens when old school meets new don't go anywhere this is gonna be sick let's go to officially got [Music] let's get it [Music] so welcome back once again to another intense generational race between free mitsubishi lancer evolutions aka the evo and today we're lining up three similar powered examples the six seven and ten to see exactly what happens when two tuned old school manual evos meet a new school top spec modern dct example and in partnership with race logic and as usual we're gonna be running four different tests first it's a zero to sixty next up it's a quarter mile run after that it's a drag race to the quarter mile and finally we line all cars up for a quarter mile roll race let's get over and meet all cars and their owners so first up welcoming back lee to the battles and his 510 brake horsepower mitsubishi evo 7 built and tuned by norris design modifications include a forged 2-liter long rod engine gt 262 cams id 1000 injectors a ross sport hp b9 turbo and a link g4 x ecu the evo 7 is running on michelin ps4s street tyres and weighs in at an estimated 1400 kg giving him a power to weight ratio of 364 brake horsepower per ton and drives all four of its wheels via its manual transmission and he's going to be stepping up against the newest of the bunch introducing kieran and his ultra rare 440 brake horsepower mitsubishi evo 10 fq40 mr so modifications wise the car is actually near enough stock however standard equipment includes k n air filters a hks turbo and a jam speed exhaust the evo 10's running on dunlop's sport max street tyres and is estimated to weigh in at around 1650 kg giving him a power to weight ratio of 266 brake horsepower per ton quite a bit lower than the sevens but drives all four of its wheels via its dual clutch transmission and we're hoping its speedy gear changes will make up for its power disadvantage and last but certainly not least introducing simon driving the oldest of the bunch his 500 brake horsepower mitsubishi evo 6 maintained and recently re-tuned by autotalk believe it or not this engine was built over 12 years ago and is still running strong modifications include a fully forged 2-liter engine a precision turbo a twin plate clutch and a link g4x ecu the evo 6 is running on yokohama 808r tyres and is estimated to weigh in at 1300 kg simon's running the car on low boost today as the car can make a lot more power but for a fair race is running at 500 brake horsepower and giving him a power to weight ratio of 384 brake horsepower per ton it also drives all four wheels via its manual transmission lee welcome back to the channel brother thanks for having me bro it's my pleasure you've come back today and uh last time you were actually racing a subaru yeah this time you actually have uh two diff it's three different generations of the same car um you're in the middle you've got a younger brother here and an older brother how do you reckon you're gonna fair today um i don't know it's hard to say i know the old brother is got a secret up his sleeve he's holding back personally um but yeah i want to beat my times i've done last time so okay not 60. and the quarter mile yeah so as far as winning the day though and beating your siblings um i reckon my chances are quite high you know good we want confidence too yeah if i win i'm standing on the bonnet naked nah ah all right anyway let's put my driving shoes on all right cool cool bro listen it's going to be fun uh let's get into it yes mate let's go kieran bravo welcome to how you doing mate i am good i am good bro listen you brought down uh a really cool rare car today it's a bit special and um you're going up against um you know your older brothers i am i am so hopefully the new school can beat the old school there we go well that's why we're here to uh to find out i just want your um predictions on a day you know zero to sixty quarter miles i think zero to sixty i'll probably beat the others with the sst gearbox i'm hoping fingers crossed and obviously car stock so we'll we should we shall see uh caught might be quite interesting um looking at what they've already done already they look quite good so yeah i'm looking forward to it okay cool cool but you've got a fight in winning spirit oh yes new school beats old school okay that was fighting words where we love it all right wicked nice simon welcome to the channel mate mate you've come down in a well in fact this is the most powerful car here by far but you've turned it down right i haven't did yeah it's it's running low boost at 500 instead of 670. wow so uh but yeah it's um it's still a bit of a boost to drive yeah yeah i've seen you practice here um i mean you're up against your younger brothers today yep a lot younger a lot younger right um how do you reckon you're going to um fair i mean quarter mile everything yeah um i think it's very difficult to get off the line and the problem is the way the boost comes on i feel like everything's quite happening quite quickly so you've just got to it's down to timing yeah a few times it right i think i'll be fine but before i get to the line i'm running out of revs in the fourth and then i turn to the fifth and then it's a it's a bit of a leggy gear yeah got you but overall are you confident that you might take some form of a win today no you've gotta turn her up there mate i think you know it's a bit of a good experience today um a bit of a um an interesting thing for the car to see how the car performs um but yeah it's uh you still got to have some kahunas yeah yeah yeah yeah it's uh it's quite uh scary should we say so um yeah listen good luck all right thank you very much let's do it excellent perfect so first up it's zero to sixties all of these cars have grip for days so there's no excuses but before we get going let's get a few sound checks [Music] [Music] up first it's simon and evo six um [Music] and simon manages a 0 to 60 time of 4.58 seconds next up is lee in the evo 7. let's see what he can do [Music] oh and the best lee can manage is a 4.91 so next up is kieran and although the evo 10 has launch control apparently it's very temperamental and today it's not playing ball so he's just going to floor it right let's do it [Music] and the evo 10 goes zero to 60 in 4.26 seconds so taking a look at the og battles all-wheel drive zero to 60 manual leaderboard you can see that although lee runs a 4.91 he maintains 7th position from a previous battle simon drops into 9th position with his time of 4.58 seconds and taking a look at the all-wheel drive auto leaderboard you can see that although the evo 10 runs the fastest time of the three the 4.260 to 60 fails to make it onto the ultra competitive top 15. and although he didn't make it onto the leaderboard round one still goes to kieran and evo 10. so next up is the quarter mile tests let's see how they get on uh [Music] and simon runs at 12.44 [Music] oh ah that's really poor and the best time that lee can manage is a 13.33 [Music] come on come on go and once again without using launch control kira manages a 12.82 second run so taking a look at the all-wheel drive manual quarter mile leaderboard you can see that simon and the evo 6 drop into 7th position with their time of 12.44 seconds at a speed of 114 miles per hour the evo 7 runs a 13.33 at an identical 114 miles per hour but once again lee holds onto eighth position from a previous battle then taking a look at the ultra competitive all-wheel drive auto leader board kieran and the 10 run a 12.82 at 109 miles per hour but it's just not quick enough to make it onto the board and round two goes to the evo six and next up is the quarter mile drag races their times ain't drastically far apart so this could be anyone's race place your bets right come on [Music] uh [Music] wow they're fast wow perfect bad lord's bad bad and the oldest of the bunch shows its younger siblings who's boss and hands out two dirty gappings the evo 7 also manages to hand out a big old nasty gap into the evo 10. let's line them up and do it again [Music] um [Music] come on run round him oh so close so close good old girl thanks for that now i've been beaten by a 440 break evo no no and once again simon hands out two bus length gappings and takes the win the fight for second position between the 7 and 10 is extremely close this time but the 7 just manages to get the 10 by about half a car length water come back by lee and round 3 goes to simon and the evo 6. so next up is the roll races the idea for this one is to roll together at about 50 miles an hour the evo 6 is the pace car and as soon as they hit the start marker it's go time [Applause] um miss the game i got that car so fast look at the smoke [Music] that black car is rapid and once again the evo 6 shows its power and weight advantage over the others and beats the other two by a bendy bustling the evo 10 manages second position this time beating lee and the seven to the finish by about two car lengths let's line them up and do it again [Music] so come on come on come on you little white peril [Music] dead and the two old school evos drive around the evo 10 in an amazingly close race to the finish but after watching the finish line footage back you can see that evo 6 once again just manages to take the win by about a car's length what a race that was really good boys enjoyed that and once again round four goes to simon and the evo six so after an epic day of battles it seems the old school comes out on top the evo 6's power and weight advantage just seems to be too much for the evo 10's heavy body and lower power output regardless of his dual clutch transmission however things could have been slightly different if his launch control actually activated who knows but as always guys let me know which is your favorite generation of evo and which of these three you would prefer and why and once again a massive shout out to these lads for showing up and laying rubber so guys if you have enjoyed this week's og battles don't forget to smash that subscribe button and stay tuned for the next epic showdown peace out [Music] you
Views: 918,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evo 8, mitsubishi evo, evo 9, mitsubishi lancer, evo ix, evo 10, car review, evo viii, evo 6, evo mr, evo x, mitsubishi evo vi, mitsubishi evolution, top gear, drag race, rally car, subaru impreza, lancer evo, evo 8 build, fast evo, mitsubishi evo 8, evo fq, evo 8 sound, evo 8 review, evo 6 vs evo 7, evo 9 vs evo 10, evo fq 440 mr, fq440 mr race, evo 6 race, tuned evo, fully built evo 7, tuned evo 9, 1000bhp evo, evo og battle, tommi makinen, evo fail, race
Id: x75zNdSTCU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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