Lamborghini Restorations Part 2 | Tyrrell's Classic Workshop

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hello Craig hello Ian well this looks a bit different to the last time we saw it you've given these a deep intense clean haven't you yes yeah and they've come up fantastically well really I mean this carpet is 50 years old isn't it yes as you can see the the rubbers come up nice as well yeah considering that's that's before we've had to go at cleaning it and this is yes yes yeah so that's the this is the original rubber heel mat yes from 1970 yeah that was the one that was damaged which we mentioned in the last that's right have you cut yes because it was a bit jagged and also whoever tried to fix it it's owned it with fishing line so this kind of thing you get off a strimmer well that's really hard no wire yes yeah okay so I took that off and now I've taken it up a couple of notches so it's straight and then we're going to reglue it right and you can't you can't see the jointer no no no that's great and that so that but even though that's all everything we're looking at there is 50 years old yes yeah it will still go back in them yes as soon as that's glued in that'll be that will be flat as well and we'll sew it back on as well right and this is these are all original bits of cards again and this is the main bit that goes between behind the seats yes yes yes and look at the condition of that and you can see the you can see the indentations in it where the swaging on the bulkhead yes I was talking about earlier on the body that's what they did to give the panel some straight yes stop them bending and bowing that so that carpet will go back on there perfectly won't it yes it's cleaned up really well as well I mentioned that there was a hole in yes there was a there was a hole the the carpet fixings the crown that goes through the face and through onto the bottom had gone through the carpet so it'd gone through the Hessian on the bottom so we put we put a patch we put mohair hood patch which is which is blue on that side then after that we're gonna fix that to there so it's back to the Hessian so it'll look like right that's fantastic and I get I mean I remember there was a hole here wasn't there yes yeah and you can't see it no well that's great and have we managed to we managed to salvage just about every bit of carpet yes yeah nothing was that's the biggest damage yeah yes there was to it yeah I mean this is remarkable because normally cars of this age if they've let in a bit of water or something yes yeah the first thing to go is the carpet is yes yeah and also you don't quite know how well it's going to come off until you start taking it off which we mentioned last time yes and they've all come off in one piece yes I know yeah yeah and it still holds the shape and the binding is all in one pieces which is great yeah I mean you've done incredibly well to get that off like that yeah can we just talk about the door trims for a moment the the door panels yes so that's obviously the right-hand door panel yes and you can you you can restate this can't you that's not a problem that's good that's gonna be refix t' we can tighten that up because it's become baggy yeah so we'll retighten that up and then the and again this is all fifty years old yes absolutely original yes yeah and and considering again it's in brilliant condition yeah if that's the worst thing that's happened to it then you take that any day sure yeah and this here is the that's the segments into there and you've got lots so that fits into there so I've had to take that off so I can tighten that up yeah as soon as that's been reglued that segments goes back into the wall yeah if it's like that and is this is this segment okay if I can just it's that's all right actually yeah it's in good condition see again even the staples these are normally rusty yes I know yeah it's incredible um and that's that's been signed by the person who made it in 1970 and this is billed number five one six Bertoni build number five one six which is actually one hundred a head of Lamborghini for build numbers so the car is billed for one sixth and Lamborghini made them a hundred a head so that they could differentiate their numbers from Lamborghinis numbers but isn't that wonderful to see you know that somebody sign that's off yes and I noticed I mean the thought this is hardboard it would be tragic to throw that away yes something we can do with it we can reinforce there's only that that peg there that's gone I think there's another one there but we can reinforce that with something because all the other all the other pegs are fine and they fit in they fit under there and then that's closed in so other than that that's fine that's that's more than doable right yes yeah the only other car I've seen to this magnitude where people have signed their names on it is Rolls Royce Silver Cloud you take a seat out or a carpet yeah and somebody's actually in yes yeah back of it it's brilliant it's beautiful yeah try finding that it on your modern production car no that's brilliant really really good is there anything further to add we've got we've got the headlining out in one piece didn't we and yes we did yeah so that came out in one piece and that again is yep and actually we'll just put it over here yeah so you've managed to peel this back and yes carefully take it off yeah this is vinyl of course which goes really hard with age yes I know but that contour this profile is it's difficult to get as well and it's because it's still intact you can use yes yeah you can do something useful with this well that's great so that's the whole original interior from 1970 yes 1969 yes yeah yeah back in yeah this will all clean up and reuse yes there's nothing wrong with that as I say so this is all folded over and yeah yeah yeah that's that's the back window that's where the rearview mirror goes of course that there the Sun Visor mountings yes and you've managed to completely peel this off yeah without breaking that's fantastic because it really it wasn't you know who was thinking about 50 years on yeah 2020 we were all walking on Mars in 1969 or 70 weren't we we would never have thought that we'd be taking it out to put it back in as well exactly yeah but it what a delight okay well that's that there's something else I would like to talk about while we're here and that is we're actually doing a llaman for a customer overseas and this is the original headlining is it yes yeah so I've had to take it apart because we needed to do a new one so I use this as the pattern yep so this is this is the condition it was in it was quite it was quite worn and discolored is that there's the headrail yep yeah it's the backs this has not fared so well no no in comparison this is more normal isn't it yes yes exactly yet the mule is the exception not this yes yeah so okay this is the snakebite headlock yes yes this is really tight yeah so you've used this obviously that's where the sun-visors go there's stereo really mirror again so they're the old bits yes and we have a look at what you've done so this is so that was the that was the original right and this is this is new snake yeah everybody's got a new trimmed one yes yeah that's the radio yes so this is ready to go in now it's yes let's finish now that's complete and here is that is the new headlining I see waiting for the car to come back from the paint shop and this is ready to fit them yes and the pins are in it as well ready to go how are same things have been fitted how Isis yeah Wow well that's gonna look a bit different and this is the original snakebite material yes yes yeah that's going down the pillars by the windscreen that's fantastic we'll look forward to seeing that in the car yes no pressure no but that's that's great Craig really good so that's it ready to ready to fit ready to fit okay all right cute right well we're going to move on and look at another Lamborghini now a mirror with some gearbox things to talk about well this is another mirror that we've got here at the moment and the transfer gear cluster is a little noisier than it should be so we're trying to get to the bottom of that it's quite an interesting setup on the Miura you've got obviously got the engine here this is the main the crankshaft as its called where the power is comes out of and this sits on the end of it like that and then you've got transfer gears which go across here and this is the main input to the gearbox here we've got two gears here this is the intermediate gear which goes there and these are helical spur gears which mesh like that and the reason that they are called helical gears is because if you describe a curve through them it's actually a helix and the reason why these are like this is because as the gears mesh they actually slide against each other the teeth they're sort of doing that if you like and whilst this exerts slight sideways force on the gears it's trying to push one or the other that way depending on which one's driving and it does the whole point of helical gears is to make them quiet it's quite interesting because these these teeth are actually 25 degrees from the axis of the shaft the the more helical the gear is the more angled the teeth are the more power they consume because they're sliding to keep them quiet against each other the whole point of this is as they slide they dampen the noise of each gear that's why straight cut gears as they're called that the use in other parts of cars like reverse gears on quite a few cars and things like that are actually much noisier because the teeth are hammering against each other and clashing against each other without any dampening effect and a very good example of this is the mercedes-benz 300sl Gullwing from the early 1950s it was a very uncompromising very raw Road car for tastic car to drive but you know not for the faint-hearted and if you drive a 300sl Gullwing the gearbox is quite noisy you can hear the teeth whining away and that's because the gear angle was 15 degrees so quite a shallow angle and when mercedes-benz brought the 300sl roadster out the convertible version which was designed for user friendliness things like that and they actually Mercedes actually altered the gear angle to 30 degrees to make the gearbox super quiet so that you didn't have this whine going on inside the cabin when you were driving it just made it more of a luxury car but it's up to power so to compensate Mercedes actually added 10 brake horsepower to the to the engine so we're going to just do some work around this the as I say these generate sideways forces as they move so we have bearings which sort of compensate for that it's quite a complicated little cluster this this is the main main shaft off the other mirror that we're doing and we've stripped this out from the gearbox in the cylinder block and what what we're looking for here is I can actually read this and tell how the cars been driven over the years so T the synchromesh cones and the synchromesh hubs if somebody's been driving it really harshly and the thing that suffers most on Italian cars is second gear it's always second-guessing Ramesh people drive them from cold into second and that's why the second gear takes such a hammering and also from third people turned to downshift quickly whoever has been driving that yellow Miura for the 29,000 kilometers of its life has been driving it really well because none of the synchromesh hubs are worn these little teeth on the syncro rings here these are a real indicator of how worn it is because these actually enter into the syncro hub here as they're as they move like that and they're all in beautiful condition and this tells me that whoever has been driving that car knew how to use a gearbox so they probably didn't force it into gear well they didn't and use it harshly they quite possibly double D clutched as it's called there is an argument for leaving that B we won't we'll strip and double-check everything but this car has been driven super sympathetically and as I say these tiny little teeth ridges on the teeth are perfect and that tells us that somebody's been driving the car who knows what they're doing so we're going to look at another project now that's on the go and just arrived well we've got a new victim that's arrived over the last few days and this is a Lamborghini Countach that is the correct way to pronounce it by the way after decades of wandering I spoke to some people in Italy fairly recently two people from the Lamborghini Factory and they both sent Countach is the correct pronunciation which means Wow or whatever it can mean various things actually some of them we can talk about in sum we can't but anyway Countach is the correct pronunciation this is a lovely car it's all original never had any paintwork never had any leather work mr. 9600 kilometers from new and it hasn't run for a number of years for various reasons so we've just got it into to try and get a tune out of it haven't we we have yep yeah we you've got the you've ascertained that the fuel pump relay wasn't was wasn't working on it is that right yeah it's working through it slowly it seems to have more than one issue fuel pumps were not firing up because we've got a faulty relay that's pretty easy to bypass then we discovered it's got a stale fuel in it it's contaminated so we've pumped that out put some fresh in so then we thought we'd try and start it and we got nothing so then we check for sparks we've got no spark so where I've got to at the moment is the testing of the ignition module right which is hidden on the wing here yeah as you know they're renowned for not being very good the original yeah the valley system yeah just dry joints on soldiering and it could be something like that I mean having read up on it it seems most of these cars have thrown away the old Morelli system because they don't last and you can't get them anymore yep people have fitted aftermarket systems this has still got its original kit so hopefully given the originality the car we can do something with it that's that's the hope so we haven't got to put a non original part on but if that's what we have to do to make it fun and that's what was she to do yeah yeah we can make a decision at every step of the way can't we yeah yeah yeah worried as always is it going to fail again yeah yeah absolutely the other thing to bear in mind is when people wash them and this car hasn't been washed that much but when they wash them the water drips through these vents and on that side you've got a relay pack the ignition system and a load of fuses right underneath the vent it's not the finest piece of industrial design is it not really not really it's just like this sort of a breakdown waiting to happen yeah Lee yeah but I mean wonderful car and this is particularly rare it's a quattrovalvole Countach four valves per cylinder which was introduced in 1985 but this is special again because it's called the 88 and a half Countach because it was brought out halfway through 1988 and it's got the it's got the body skirts on the sides and it's got slightly revised rear suspension geometry which means it handles better but this was so rare they made I think 18 right-hand-drive Countach eighty eight and a half QV so it's a super rare car this actually but to get back to so you think you're on the scent with the electric to you yeah as I said we we haven't got a an HT spark and the ignition packs original ignition packs on these renowned for failing so that's what is delving into and I think I've narrowed it down their peers to be some bad connections on the multi-plug when it plugs into the box so that'll be my next test is to clean those up and then see if we get any any life out of it so well fingers crossed we might or might not get a tune out of it then we might we run in the balance it's hanging in the balance I think we know about it when we do there's a we were all there definitely with this exhaust yeah I mean it does need it needs a lot of other things checking over cuz it hasn't run for so long so you know the distributor cap is dirty inside etc etc so we need to run through everything yep really be you know before we before we're satisfied but yeah very good hopefully won't be too long before we get a tune out of it good job you like a challenge PC yeah yeah yeah indeed definitely gets the old gray matter work in this one okay thanks very much okay well that concludes another episode of tear old classic workshop I hope you've enjoyed it I hope it hasn't been too nerdy for you so thanks for watching and thanks to House of cars for helping to make this possible and we'll see you soon
Channel: Tyrrell's Classic Workshop
Views: 123,243
Rating: 4.9741826 out of 5
Keywords: Iain Tyrrell, Tyrrell's Classic Workshop, Classic Car Expert, Classic Car Restoration, Classic Car Insights, Classic Cars Cheshire, Lamborghini, Miura S, Black Forest, Barn-Find, Countach, LP5000 Quattrovalvole, Jarama, V12, 5000 QV
Id: fRYFtfJViI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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