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Hello, I'm Satori Yesterday we took a 2 and a half hour ride from Tokyo to Inaashiro After another half-hour ride, we arrived at Urabandai Plateau. Stayed here for one night Breakfast is ready at half past six Same place as last night's dinner As soon as you entered the restaurant, you saw freshly made French toast. Local specialty "Breakfast Ramen" As the name suggests, eating ramen for breakfast Bandaizan stone used to crack hot spring eggs The variety of breakfast seems to be a little less than that of dinner Freshly made French toast My husband served Ochazuke rice with squid I also packed this seaweed sauce You are a mix This French toast is pretty tough. You didn't add syrup? No, because it's pretty sweet on its own. Breakfast has less variety than dinner I feel like it’s not as rich as dinner But there are still many types Because it’s much better than what I eat in business hotels every time I go on a business trip. My husband packed Kitakata ramen Listen to what my supervisor said He said that Kitakata ramen is a relatively light ramen. So some locals also eat this for breakfast Let’s go for a walk next to Hibara Lake Yesterday, we walked from the snow path to the Goosenuma Exploration Trail to see the Gosenuma. Let’s go here now, Lake Hibara on the left Although it's not snowing now, it's very cold... You'll be there in about 5 minutes' walk from the hotel. The wind is quite strong today too And it started to snow again It's so cold next to the lake The wind by the lake is so freezing... There are sightseeing boats available on Lake Hihara But it’s not open in winter now Look at this. You can also see Guli at the bottom of the lake. Lake Hibara is one of the lakes formed after the 1888 Mount Bandai volcanic eruption. It is also the largest volcanic barrier lake in Japan. A village sank to the bottom of the lake after the volcano erupted Now you can take a sightseeing boat to see the ruins of the village at the bottom of the lake. Even at low tide, you can see the torii gate on higher ground. Originally, the lake was supposed to freeze completely in winter. Visitors can experience the fun of fishing in holes in the ice But this year there is almost no ice on the lake You can only fish inside the boat The houseboat in front should be the place where you can fish. Hibernating swan boat It's really cold. I need to go back to the room to warm up. My husband said he wanted to go to Gosenzuma again and have a look. I feel too cold. I need to go back to the room first. It's now minus 3 degrees outside It would be better to see Lake Hibara from the room like this It's really cold outside I just walked to the lake and felt like I was going to be blown away. There is less snow today than yesterday and visibility is better. There are still many fallen trees on the road My husband wants to go find the snowman I made yesterday first. I don't know if it's still there The snowman is still there! The color of Aonuma seems to be much darker today than yesterday My husband decided to walk to Liulicuma and turn back. The color of Rurinuma is also different from yesterday. If you look carefully, you can see ducks swimming in the distance. It’s really interesting that the color changes after one night Very clear growth rings I want to eat Baumkuchen My husband picked up dead branches on the ground and evolved the snowman. See you again by fate If you have the chance to come again, you must complete the entire trail. There is also a snowman in front of the hotel Let's check out We need to take the hotel's shuttle bus to Inaashiro Station The driver brother said he grew up here This is the first time I have seen winter with so little snow. He said that when he was a child, the snow would accumulate to two or three meters deep! Winter is really getting warmer now There are different opinions on the origin of the place name Inaashiro. One of them says that "Myojin Iwauchi appears and lets wild boars plow the fields." Hideyo Noguchi, who appears on the thousand-yen bill, was born in Inaashiro I am taller than him Because it's cold and you wear a lot of clothes You look stronger than him too I look older than him There are luggage lockers at Inaashiro Station Let's send the luggage Free your shoulders for 300 yuan We went to the waiting area of ​​the station to wait for the bus. We are going to Golden Bridge Take the 12:28 train There are only four buses a day on weekdays. It would be a disaster if you miss it. This section of road can be reached in about 10 minutes by car or an hour and a half on foot. I didn’t expect that we were the only two passengers in the car. Next stop Changbin Stop at the next stop Please wait until the bus stops before leaving your seat Get off the car... I saw a lot of birds Eh? Is it a duck? Or a bird? There are so many, oh my god They seem to be singing together Lake Inaashiro Duck Chorus Don't you think there are different voices? High and low, quite interesting There are duck footprints all over the snow duck leaving footprints It's so cute I can't bear to leave We'll come back to the lake later I want to go to a Tianjing Pavilion near here first It was the former residence of the royal family Go up this slope The turtle boat on the left is really eye-catching I just watched from a distance I thought that was Longye Only when I looked closer did I realize it was a turtle. The ground is very slippery, so I don’t dare to walk too fast. We are still 200 meters away from Tianjing Pavilion In fact, there is a Fukushima Prefectural Guesthouse nearby. But now it’s closed in winter Fortunately, Tianjing Pavilion is open to visitors in winter. Walk uphill to Tianjing Pavilion It takes about ten minutes to walk from the ramp entrance Wow! It's so beautiful! It really feels like a villa There's quite a lot of snow here too. In 1907 AD, Prince Weihito traveled to Lake Inaashiro. Attracted by the beautiful scenery here Decided to build a villa here The name "Tianjing Pavilion" is taken from Li Bai's poem "Mirror Falling on Minghu Lake" The admission fee is 370 yuan for adults It seems like there should be no one inside. Only shoes for the two of us The orphanage in the movie version of "The Promised Neverland" was filmed here You can visit in order from No. 1 to No. 9 its tickets Press the machine to call someone. It’s a pity that its meals will not be sold until April. Not now when it provides meals It seems like you can eat in this cafeteria guest room The chandelier in the guest room is the most luxurious in the entire mansion. ball room It says that you can sit on this chair and experience it Sitting here you can feel the feeling of being a royal family It’s a pity that I can’t experience playing pool it's sealed Golf clubs favored by His Royal Highness Prince Nobuhito of Takamatsu Palace This inkstone is huge I used to dislike sharpening ink strips in calligraphy classes. Because I don’t think mine can be polished black, and my classmates’ handwriting is very dark. You must have bought a low-quality product. I think mine turned black pretty quickly. Go to the second floor and have a look It’s super quiet inside I feel like my words are echoed This is written by His Royal Highness Prince Weiren. The calligraphy is so beautiful Even the things he made are collected here. This room is a bedroom This is the dressing room Can't I go into the toilet? Can't come in. It's locked. The view outside the sink is also very beautiful Maybe it's because it's snowy now I think it’s beautiful no matter how you look at it throne room It's the study And the marble bust of Prince Willen This is the west guest room Prince Weiren travels to Northeast China Take a trip around Lake Inaashiro I decided to build a villa here He should like it here very much This should have been written when this building was named Tianjing Pavilion. This toilet looks quite cute. The balcony is so beautiful too There is a tower room on the third floor Observation Room Have to go up again There's no such thing as a cave Put a big sofa and a big TV in this room It can be used as a small cinema But there's no heating here and it's so cold Spent an hour inside Let's go out and take a look at its local products. There are mirrors from Tianjing Pavilion for sale So delicately done Various Red Bull peripherals This year is already the Year of the Dragon So rabbit stuff is on sale I have to hand it over to the dragon. Pig Miaodai natural water Curry at Tianjingge Tenkyōkaku’s own Nagasaki cake Looks so awesome And the box is still gold we didn't have lunch Feeling a little hungry now Want to buy its cookies You can buy drinks here Can be used internally We ordered two cups of herbal tea (200 yen including tax) Then add biscuits and Fei Nanxue It's a pity that you can't eat here From April to November, curry, croquettes and cakes are available for internal use. We just left Inaashiro Station Take the bus past the Noguchi Hideyo Memorial Museum Then come over here Where to take the sightseeing boat: Nagahama Then walk up to Tianjing Pavilion Now that the sun has come out, the atmosphere is completely different from just now. This villa is very beautiful What's a pity is that there is no way to eat inside now. But after drinking that cup of herbal tea just now, I feel like my whole body is getting warmer There is blue sky now The color of Lake Inaashiro has become so beautiful. That turtle boat really stands out and... Now that I look at it, I realize that it is a double-layered turtle. We walked to Lake Inaashiro The mountain rises Then the mountain rose This place is sinking After the Inaashiro Basin was established, Lake Inaashiro was gradually formed. The sightseeing boats in front are "Shiratorimaru" and "Kamemaru" Today's voyage has ended The color of the lake is really beautiful now Lake Inaashiro is the fourth largest lake in Japan The area is 103.3 square kilometers Because the lake water is clear and transparent like a mirror So it is also called "Tianjing Lake" Why are there a bunch of ducks? Come to the parking lot in droves They're looking for tour buses We have to wait in line to get on the tour bus. Looking at it this way, it's actually a bit of a trypophobia attack... From November to March of the following year You can see many swans and ducks coming from Siberia to spend the winter here. The number of ducks is amazing Thank you all for your hard work on the long journey. It was the first time in my life that I saw so many ducks I think I was visually shocked The ducks all quack together. This sound Quite amazing No dogs allowed Obtain a group of duck minions You can buy 100 yuan of duck feed nearby to feed the ducks Those two eagles (?) want to catch ducks So the duck just ran away Will they take it away? say goodbye to duck We took the bus back to Inaashiro Station The 3:49 class There are too few flights, so don’t miss it We chartered a car again for the return trip. Next stop Inaashiro Station Stop at the next stop We're back at Inaashiro Station. We have to take the 4:53 bus to Aizuwakamatsu Have to wait 50 minutes at the station Our luggage was stored for 3 hours and 57 minutes it says goodbye to us Red bull and monkey are taking a hot spring bath together There are obviously more people going to Koriyama. The closer you get to Aizuwakamatsu, the less snow there is. We arrived at Aizuwakamatsu The station also wishes the graduates a happy graduation These are the mascots of the Aizu area There are many Is that a pumpkin in the lower left corner? I think it looks a lot like a pumpkin taking a bath in a hot spring I only know the little red bull "Akabe" who appears very frequently This should be the four gods Because it says Qinglong and Xuanwu Sure enough white tiger I don’t know why the blue dragon should be put in the most conspicuous position Maybe it’s because Qinglong sounds more handsome. Red Bull also came to cheer up the candidates It is written in Chinese characters one two three four Our hotel happens to be right next to the station You can already see it from here We will stay one night at a hotel next to the station today Come back tomorrow to explore Aizuwakamatsu Thank you for watching until the end. See you in the next video.
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Id: 0RkfW47Vjp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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