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good evening campers it's the review you've all been waiting for yes the follow up to the looted disguise now before we talk about the next book how did i leave it with walton in my last review it was trash from the first sentence you you like completely put me in this zone of what am i even going to read read a lot of debuts i know you're meant to improve with each book but like i don't think you can get worse if i be completely honest but you you cannot publish another book like that you can't for free i will read your upcoming book right reach out i will proofread it for you i'll read it for free i'm i'm happy to provide that service it's not even like it's not even like credible oh that's why i'm giving this a 0 out of 10. i'll be reviewing academy i'll spend my hard doing dollars like a like i did that one i'll review it walden saw the video and did two things one promised that he wasn't going to write another book that would irritate the hell out to me to which i responded that i would be gunning for him and secondly a few weeks later possibly a month he removes this from salem you cannot buy this any more and in his video when he announced the release of academy he said that you don't need to read this you don't need to read this that it makes him feel nauseous when he reads it and walden i don't think when it came to this book you took any criticism what you have done is pretty much stuck to your guns i'm going to rip this book apart because you're ripping people off let me explain the looted disguise yes it was up for sale i don't think many people bought it with the absolute rise in your channel people want to read this and you were charging 10 pounds or thereof equivalent for this book which you claim you have developed your writing style you're an avid reader you want to hone your craft yet you have done none of those i will talk about this book from the cover to the cover i'm being quite literal you took no criticisms in you have not listened to anyone in regards to how to bet yourself you are in a university where you are constantly criticized and challenged on your thoughts your writings and your readings of text you should be used to this by now because there is no way that someone as devoted as yourself that you claim to be could produce this furthermore i would like to add that this is the fifth draft of the academy but it wasn't just walden's eyes who went over this apparently there were five editors warden i would like you to release the names of those editors not because i want to use them but i think you should publicly shame them for the atrocity that they did in not proofreading or doing any corrections they are minefield of issues of typos grammatical sentences of sloppiness once again you say that you're passionate about your craft but you're really spitting in the face of anyone who works and slaves away at developing their writing you only produce this because you have an audience it's not because you're proud of this work you're doing it for a quick buck that is solely what i believe i don't even have to open this book to show you how little walden has proof read his own work or that he passed five editors because l'academy is a french word and on that first e where's the accent where's the accent right there just this little one here don't tell me it's a stylistic thing because you managed to put the apostrophe here by the l where is it i would like to know i am going to reiterate this at the end of the video walden take this book down before the international release date do not mug your audience off you should not be profiteering you are a cowboy writer respect the audience that follows you and has given you your platform do not charge for this book get it off get it actually edited and actually do a good job it is cretinous that you even charging for this book and if you have read this or if you haven't and are still holding walden as a great writer you are equally as jaded shall we start on page one no i'm not finished within the front of the book you attribute the line innocence once lost can never be regained darkness once gaze upon can never be lost to john milton walden next time you write a book mate could you at least like message me and say what aren't i doing for my phd because i'm going to catch up on these things you said the learning disguise was a faustian tale it is not milton never said that in paradise lost or paradise regained now i'll give you some credit you didn't actually attribute it to either of those works but if you don't believe me because i could just pick up my copy of paradise loss that i have been studying and just tell you that well it's not in here you might be reluctant to hear my views so i did what anyone could do i went on google i typed in the complete works of john milton on project gutenberg it's public information and they are a list of all of john milton's works to a great degree type in the word innocence walden it doesn't come up type in the word darkness walden your quote doesn't come up guess what i know where that quote comes from you've not quoted lucifer from paradise lost you've quoted lucifer from neil gaiman's sandman you've quoted a graphic novel specifically volume 4 episode 2 in seasons of mists where lucifer says and here is the proof where the quote about darkness once gazed upon i'm not entirely sure where that comes from but if you can prove to me if you can give me a source a line a reference you are in university you should know how to do this i'll take that one back i'll take that one back for two years you have built anticipation and hype for academy and you have not once looked over this i do not believe it i do not believe the five editors went through this book thud and i think now we could talk about chapter one our main character is eddington i'm gonna call him ed for simplicity and the fact that most of the characters call him ed ed lives under a regime called the regime there's a lot of this trust me all the people under the regime we're hubert and these you birds allow them to get any information that they want there and then and they go to academy to learn that let's let's think about this um for a sec so basically what walton has done is said that everyone basically has wikipedia on their phones but hourly even though they can't engage with that at any moment they have to go to l academy they have to go to a place why because surely the place is obsolete don't worry about this i don't think walden's thought about this ed is equally submissive and complicit to this regime he doesn't want to stand out but something happens called the cross where memories seem from a distant lifetime ago ebb in and cause him to remember a life very different the event the event or the cross takes up many pages but we're just gonna park it aside for the moment but we will pick up on it at some point trust me we do pick up on it let's go back to the streets on signs in black and white it tells you to report double rods what are double rods well you're really thrown to this dystopian universe ed and us are trying to figure out what exactly a double rod is and we're going to meet ada ed is in a cafe speaking to the man of history where we understand that within academy it's all about factual recall the man of history questions ed on something and ed has to regurgitate the information as fact ada walks past and places a rod in ed's hand and here we go ah double rod i see what's going on here no it's like a little bit of a red herring i don't even know why that happens ada and ed do have a conversation about what a double rod is and on page 62 ada shook her head double rods do you know much about physics a bit double rods induce a chaotic pattern yes yes then imagine something change i would just drop it voldemon just goes well that's my answer i'm walking away we're not going to talk about it at all he doesn't really know what he's talking about but what i think he's getting that is oh it might be called a double rod in australia so this doesn't mean nitpicking but it's it's a double pendulum in fact if you have a singular pendulum or a single rod you can you could track the motion you understand that it's ordered and you know what it's going to do and you can predict what's happening next insert animation here when you have a double pendulum you can't track it you have no idea what it's going to do and there's no reason behind it it's you can't track it you can't predict anything that's what double rod is someone who isn't conforming i think again walden really hasn't given you much on this and will not discuss it any further but who is ada ada is part of a group of rogues that are interested in ed because he's obtained a book and who's he got that book from archer arthur turns out to be a double agent in the end yeah that's all i'm going to say about that archer's only real purpose apart from some interactions towards the end is there to give ed a book what about book he's given let's talk about that he's given the copiers on paul's hearts nausea and this is a prohibited item books are banned you aren't able to have them in your possession ed takes the book home and in the bathroom starts to read he understands the words he processes them and then becomes nauseous this book is extremely literal and i don't think a metaphor has even sneezed on this book and in some way i would like to think in a parallel universe walden wrote this book but instead of nausea he put in the grapes of wrath by steinbeck and then a fruit bowl attacked him and in some way i would have preferred that hey hang on a minute buddy i got you here you said the reiji was only president omnipotent there were eyes and news everywhere why is no one picked up on this yeah yeah you're right it seems as though the streets are completely managed but every single alley and every single stairway in this book they just haven't bothered the cover yet they probably just don't have the budget i know there's one walden reader there thinking yeah he's critiquing the economy and capitalism no i just don't think he knows what he's talking about and can't plot a story yeah you can go anywhere in these alleys and even your own house well only the bathroom probably due to privacy laws and again the entire novel could be set in ed's bathroom and everything would be fine ed and the rogue sitting in the bath go in hmm just 20 more minutes of the time we all blow dry each other's hair garbage season will be approaching all the books are taken during garbage season again not really explained it's just there you go who are the rogues we have ada joe and frank and what are the rogues like well you're probably sitting there going i think i know what a rogue is like take that stereotype and cookie cutter approach that's exactly what you have apart from joe who has an accent and did i say some of them have a palm shawl for smoking tobacco who knew smoking could be a character trait all the shifty characters here smoke and we get long descriptions of people puffing on cigarettes and then stamping them out with their boot who would have known joe's accent however does not make any sense because walden uses apostrophes in order to bring a sense of colloquialism but if you have a look on page 113 and page 114 you will see that he is using words like sweet and pants and like that don't make any sense walden do we have to go through what an apostrophe is you're in university you're studying literature you read books all the time you know how to use an apostrophe what are you doing five editors saw this remember that five editors looked over this and went there's nothing wrong there and you don't even have to look that much further because on page 107 this book's absolutely surreal at times ed has read some of nausea and begins speaking french within his sleep when he wakes up the rogues are going what language were you speaking in why are we pretending that france and french don't exist and i'm not being facetious here all the way throughout this book we are talking about the french revolution we have big french characters we have jean-paul sartre in this they would know what french is surely in academy if you can recall anything at any time wearing you but you would know that on top of this ed obtains a different book but the cover has been removed so we don't know the specific title of it but it doesn't take a little bit of knowledge or even a google search to type in the character to realize this is jack kerouac's on the road and ed's going ah the united states of america imagine that similar to the french revolution the american revolution even crops up in this book before this why are we pretending that the united states of america isn't a concept this is absolutely bizarre and just mind-boggling how walden after spending two years writing this after drafting it can't even keep tabs on his own story i am struggling who would only not notice it if you're not paying any attention to the book at all and i'm going to prove to you the walden isn't even looking over his sentences and the things just don't make sense page 152 ed is going to ask the man of history his name that's it he's going to ask what's your name because he doesn't know it to show i'm not pulling any smoking mirrors or i'm taking anything out of context beside me here is the entire page before it where ed is over here in a conversation that has no relevance to what is about to happen 152 and i'm just going to read from ed the man of history stood up you can read before it you could pause it you can read it yourself i'm not pulling any tricks here ed the man of history stood up hi um eddington paused he'd never know the man's name and never bothered the ask five editors hi um the man of history mimicked him tilt in his head stop lingering there will you what's your the man was even more confused only remembered you as the history person edinton shrugged ah there we go the name's thomas but you can call me tom how could common sense payne thomas thomas eisglohd yes how have you overcomplicated what's your name how does tom know what the question is what's your and ed deduces it as common sense what's going on none of this book makes any sense at all i'm trying to give you a sense of how the narrative itself is frayed that it doesn't really know how it connects because we're ripping off every single dystopian let's just add the handmaid's tale into the mix with a dual timeline where ed is in a world before the regime took over where he has a copy of the iliad and he wants to read it to his love interest at the stream this then goes right towards the end this is the the climax of the book where archer the double agent tells ed that his love interest is dead he goes by the regime an archer goes don't spy disease by the way i got it all of this book is incoherent babel and the message that i thought walden was thinly trying to get across was the books are important because the more that you read the more likely that you're able to retain that knowledge that you build empathy not just sympathy when you engage with a text that you're able to put yourself within the time period you're able to experience things outside of your comfort outside of your life i thought that was the case until page 2 6 2 a conversation between tom and ed how do you remember that i've read it edinton said so you say it if you read something you'll remember it tom said only the relevant stuff really the what's that why is that going to be that's what that's what academy is doing what is the point that you are trying to be i don't think it is a point you lay it on thickly that's the criticism of academy that you should read because you you just undermined your point again walton i don't think you've thought about any of this and to quote you on page one eight nine would it be crazy to say that reading is hard yes when it's this badly written and why you do all the characters when they have a conversation have to say the name why there's so many ellipses the characters almost take on what i imagine is walden's writing process where he sits down writes a word and goes ah how am i gonna like propel this story along let's everyone just take five it's almost a sadistic parody that when you release this book the video sponsor was a tldr service that oh you don't have to read the book just condense it out get the bits that you need to know which is what academy is doing honestly walden why are you charging people for this book you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself you should be ashamed there's so many issues with this none of it makes sense until the worst bit is even on the front as we've discussed you spelt like had to be wrong what are the last mentions of it two eight nine you've you've missed the le out of it you've missed you've just called an academy you've you've written this word a hundred times you have built hype around academy how on earth did you bloody miss that how did you do that if you took this entire book ripped in the woods and stuck it on microsoft word there would be a field day on spell check it'd be like it would just be a rave of red lines blue and green going what what the hell is going on here do that for me mate there's a text file somewhere send it to your mates sticker on microsoft word and just see the absolute monstrosity that you would charge in 10 pound for i dread saying it but i genuinely thought that you were going to write something better than the looted disguise but in hindsight the learning disguise at least had a plot that i could follow this was incomprehensible you have no idea what you were talking about what you were writing about sometimes and you know i thought it would be funny um but really it's it's it's even sadder that i bought a number one birthday blue so i was gonna give you a one out of ten and then the ending happened where in the fight scenes oh all encounters quote shakespeare oh it's i've taken it away i'm taking it away you are i can't tell if you're a genius by fooling everyone or you're just a scumbag well no you know what we're going there robin i don't know how egotistical you have to be in your own work and caught up in yourself that this is what you deem as finished did you did you finish this and you're like i'm really proud of what i've done i know someone's gonna say oh but he was a young everyone keeps saying that about you robin you're 20 years old you're in university you know exactly what you were doing let's not play let's not play the innocent card that's not play that i was a young writer and i wrote myself out of misery this should stay locked away take it off from sale do not mug your audience off you cannot profiteer from this work you should not be making a single penny of this book and anyone who has told you this is good was lying to your face or they're lying to themselves or they're not doing it because they like you guess what walton once is a mistake twice is a pattern i said in my video you cannot produce another book like this i offered for free that i would edit i would proofread your work and you didn't didn't take the offer you messaged me on instagram we arranged a time and then you blocked me you asked for people to review this book to ask for a review copy and i did walton and i would have done this way nicer via email but you ignored it rightly so i ripped your book apart by selling that you have no respect for your audience who has given you your platform you have no respect for them you are taking impressionable and sycophatic fans to the bank and rinsing them and you know what i would much rather have my dignity my self-worth and most importantly my respect i would rather be truthful and say i wrote this and it was awful as someone who appreciates literature as someone who is currently doing their phd as someone who reviews books this just laughs in the face of literature you are you're not even humble about it you think you genuinely think this is great and everyone around you will not tell you that you just cannot write nobody in your private life is going to tell you this anyone within your circle is never going to tell you this but i am not going to pat your back i'm not going to tell you you did a good job when knowingly you must know you cannot be that delusional you cannot be that delusional alden the first time i've ever done this world and for a consecutive novel you have the zero you have the big fat golden goose egg that you can sit on and go they're just haters oh they don't like me they just hate us take the book down walden don't stoke the fire because it is never a pleasure to burn
Channel: KDBooks
Views: 14,110
Rating: 4.6569767 out of 5
Keywords: kdbooks, book review, book reviewer, booker prize, booker boy, l'academie rc waldun, l'academie book review, l'academie review, the learned disguise book review, the learned disguise review, rc waldun book, rc waldun review, rc waldun l'academie, lacademie book review, lacademie book, r c waldun, r c waldun book review, r c waldun review, RC waldun reviews, RC waldun books, RC Waldun
Id: 3GyChCD3rdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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