La Paloma (Eletric Guitar) by Patrícia Vargas
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Channel: Patrícia Vargas
Views: 1,133,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patríciavargas, patriciavargas, patriciavargasguitarrista, lapaloma, instrumental, guitarra, eletricguitar, peacecustomshop, luckyguitar, clean, distortion, reverb, mulhertocandoguitarra, meninadaguitarra, espinhodecobra, patriciavargasmississippi, música, music, brasil, brazil, guitargirl, woman, mulher, mulhergaúcha, guitarrista, guria, guitar, alavanca, clássico, guitarrabrasileira, cultura, mulherguitarrista, delay, moçatocandoguitarra
Id: Mx20sF712XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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