La nouvelle objectivité, c'est quoi ? - Une histoire de l'art | Episode 2 | Wladimir autain |

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climb aboard and head for the Nouvelle station Objectivity we are in 1937 an exhibition called degenerate art takes place in Munich the exhibition is neither organized by a nor by a curator organized by the Nazi regime the works on display are deliberately misrepresented misrepresented and labeled as examples of decadence of modern art this art goes against the so-called official art of the heroic Lardy regime these artists are considered degenerate and a threat to the German nation but which movement in particular was able to attract the fury of a united Germany, and how to explain it? that this movement was considered dangerous these artists were part of the current New Objectivity, a movement that took off in Germany from 1923 [Music] a little earlier, in 1920, Expressionism had become commonplace, this movement was breaking away with impressionism and academic realism expressionism was a cry from the heart against the horrors of war exacerbate it had to be it had to be powerful if it was to be heard by all. to amplify reality, but today it's time a return to more real feelings closer to the reality experienced by the population in 1927 German artist Auguste Sanders published a book entitled Face Off time the book is a collection of photographs of ordinary people in Germany representing a wide variety professions, social classes and ages the book was quickly criticized conservatives and nationalists who saw the photographs as an attack traditional German values yet Sanders continues to defend his work explaining that his intention was to show the diversity of German society and to capture the objective reality of life at the time. explains that I photograph not only what I see what I see, but also what I feel I try to show how people live how they work and how they think many young german artists will paint reality as it is, from a distance, to show the subjects will be more sober, more concrete more sober more concrete more rooted in reality at the same time in France Pablo Picasso returned to figurative art to the concrete and the real. return to figuration New Objectivity will make its mark in two major cities, Berlin and Munich in Berlin, the left-wing branch included such as Otto Dix Georges Gross Christian Chade in Munich the right-hand branch, linked to to the cities of karlsr and nearby Munich classicism stands out with artists Alexander canalt Georges shrimpe and Franz rat Vivi groups of artists form a common movement called New Objectivity, but where does it come from? name the movement found its name in 1925 at a at a highly publicized exhibition of expressionist positions, held at the held at Kunster High in the town of Manheim no manifesto or program was written unlike Surrealism, which developed at the same period in France, it was a spontaneous movement spontaneous movement that spread throughout Germany the new objective has been extended to other such as drawing, photography and film when Hitler came to power in 1933 many artists chose exile and the movement eventually died out. movement took off in a period that art had to be as close to reality to be as close as possible to reality utopian, which at the time was no longer known to the the avant-garde of Expressionism. still one of the most influential movements movements of the 21st century if you enjoyed this video and would like to learn more learn more about this movement download for free our special ebook on the New Objectivity you'll find a focus on various leading artists as well as an exclusive interview with a contemporary artist influenced by just click on the button at bottom right or in the link in the description.
Channel: Wladimir Autain
Views: 2,612
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Id: k7iMYdCYCx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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