La mejor tortilla de patatas de los hermanos Torres - Menudos Torres | RTVE Cocina

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Eggs, potato, onion and garlic. I'm going to give it a touch of garlic. Man, onion. This is the traditional classic. Garlic, normally, not so, but come on. -Come on, get on with it. We are going to start with the recipe, with this traditional tortilla, and the most important of all are the products. What we have? Sour potato, it's a potato that... Whoops, whoops, whoops. What? Nothing, nothing, keep going. Sour potato, very good for frying, is the best. Why? Because it has little water and is very buttery, it is very silky. I'm going to make it with another type of potato, which is the Mona Lisa, which has water..., - Uy, ouch, oops. ...more water, huh? Then, the eggs, which you have already seen come from here, kilometer zero, but, well, they could be normal eggs. Onion, sweet onion. From Fuentes de Ebro. Hello, dad. -Hello Dad. And, nothing, and garlic. I like it with garlic. But with crushed garlic or minced garlic? No no no. Now you will see. Peel potatoes. - We're not doing well there, huh? -But, okay, yourself. Peel potatoes, helper. Id taking note, that there are two tortillas that are very different. You say: "Man, garlic is not much of the potato omelette or the Spanish omelette". - The truth is that it doesn't take, Javi. Well, it's going very well. I love it. And I'm going to give you a touch, my touch. Do you know what works very well for him? The tender garlic We are in season too. All the vegetables now spring, that's perfect, that is... Well, the truth is that the tortilla goes well with everything, -With everything. With a good salad. For me, the omelette with salad... It's the best. Yes, but, Sergio, I know you are going to make an omelette... He says: "A different omelette." Healthy healthy. I just leave it there, healthy. The tortilla... The traditional tortilla... is the best, with or without onion. Really, to make a good omelette, don't skimp on eggs, make sure they are good. Today they are very easy to find. The potato, the sour one, is the best, for me, and then, onion and a touch of garlic, which will be very good. I have the garlic, I'm going to put it now. Whole, huh? I have peeled it. You know that there are four types of onion. We have the Fuentes de Ebro, which is sweet, then there is the red one, which is very interesting, but it is used more for salads, and then the traditional onion, which is darker. Reddish, right? And, well, there are these types of onion, but the sweet one, oysters, goes very well. For me it goes very well with the potato omelette. And why not with spring onion? Bu... How boo? I do not see it. How do I cut the potato? In squares? No, in little cubes like this, look, because this is another touch. I'm going to teach you, okay? You are going to learn today, Sergio. Come on, okay, come on, come on. Don't hesitate, we already know how to make an omelette. We take and we do... Because normally it's a baker, tachán, baker. Panadera is cut in half and pam pam pam, very small, but I make it into little cubes. For what? Why? Because it is better in the mouth, much more interesting than bakery. You'll see, you'll see. Okay, no, no, if I... You've already learned one new thing. My omelette is going to succeed, kid. And so. Look, do you see? Dice. Take. Come on. There. They say that one of the theories of the potato omelette is that they invented it in times of famine so that people could eat because it is a food, really, very complete, eggs, potatoes..., nutritious and, on top of that, it is cheap , I mean, that's a... Of course. ...a theory. Be that as it may, we don't know very well, we don't know for sure... -What we do know... ... where the tortilla comes from... ... is that it's Spanish. Man, that's clearer than water. That's... Who doesn't make an omelette... at home? Who has not ever done it? The potato omelette. Yes Yes Yes. I think we've all done it. Now, like this... And of all it is a... a dish for all ages. I think students, potato omelette. Family, potato omelette. I'm going with the Tupperware, potato omelette. For everything, that is, it serves as a sandwich... Talk, Sergio, but don't stop, eh? No, no, I don't stop, I don't stop. It's just that he doesn't know how to do... He doesn't do two things at the same time. He either speaks or works. It's just that I'm... If not, we won't get there. And at this hour there is a hunger... I have a hunger that, come on, I fainted. It's just that it's the critical hour and, furthermore, now here, with the little smell of garlic with the oil, well, we're already getting hungry... Tremendous. By the way, friends of bars and bars, this is a very... Very bar recipe, very bar recipe. ... yours. Very bar. I, there, next to work, we have a... That's it . ... a restaurant that makes tortillas, really, like this. Yeah, huge, huh? But some tortillas, which from time to time Javier and I escape and a little cap of that, come on... That 's it , Sergio. I do not do more? No. Come on. Look at the temperature of the oil. I'm going to go up a little bit now, a little bit, but it has to be a light oil. First, olive oil, a good olive oil because that transmits a lot to the potato and it is also the secret, another secret, for... - It is important not to raise the temperature too much so as not to burn the oil and thus be able to reuse it - because if it burns... Dictionary. Poach. What does poach mean? Well, cook gently. Cooking... There's the potato, the whole garlic and I'll add the onion. -Already? What? No, no, I'm just asking. We are asking. I mean, yeah. Voucher. Sure, what's up? Nothing, nothing, then put it on. I zero problems, Sergio. I make everything easy, I make it easy. Well, mine is not complicated. I, a little more time, yes. Well, it's also true that... he's confiding, he's confining. Ok, fine, but the potato, from my point of view, takes longer than the onion, so first I cook the potato a little if I do the traditional one and halfway through cooking the potato I add the onion. I'll tell you why. Well I, I, I. I'll explain. Because the onion, when it caramelizes, when it cooks a lot, it removes the sugars and it is much better, so, if you put it now, it will be very good. Well, speaking of onions, one day we are going to make an onion cream to cry, to cry with happiness. Let's teach, you'll see. Yes. Never better said. Ok, let's trust. Hey, there's no need to be in a hurry here. -Okay, now what? The eggs, what? Nothing, we leave, right? We leave them. Come go. Look what a look. This is the important thing. It has been cooking for about 35 minutes and now look at the onion and garlic, which is caramelized. That is what I taught you before. Oil raft. I don't like that oily. Oil raft, no, Sergio, because now what we do is drain the oil very well, which is a good olive oil, right? Yes Yes of course. Now we're going to put it... here. Come on, the eggs. How many eggs do you want? The six. Ah okay. Well come on. -We have taken all six and I want all six. Ok, it seems very good to me. You don't have to go overboard because then we're going to turn it over and I don't do it on a plate. Sergio yes, but not me. I do it in the air. If the tortilla drops... Look, if the tortilla drops, we're going to laugh. Well, not laugh, because I want to eat. I don't think so, but I'm going to play it. Salt and pepper. Do you put pepper on the tortilla or not? Yes, man, of course I put it. He peppers everything. - A little salt. There we do agree. Pepper is very healthy. You have to eat pepper. Yes. Not alone, but... - But freshly ground. Have a mill at home. Grinder, freshly ground. Bring out the scent... It's worth it. Very good. Another thing that I do, I put the hot potato in the egg. Oops, oops, oops, oops. Nerd. And do you know why? Because it cooks the potato a little and it will curdle before. Come on. Kitchen what? Egg? Of course. If you put the potato, it somehow cooks it. I understand that you want to exalt your... Look, look, look. ... your omelette and the whole thing, but, boy, don't tell us hoaxes because... And look at the potato cubes. Those potato cubes are great, they're... they're different. Bakeries are also good. We have mixed... I don't crush the potato, I don't crush it, and I leave it that way. Let's see, a little oil from... This oil, which we haven't mentioned... This has to be saved, eh? Yes, you have to save. It has to be saved. This oil is good and is used for other stews. - For more elaborations. It should not take long to consume it, yes. It is stored in an airtight container and, hey, for the next few days, but don't take too long. - This for some fried eggs... Great. That good. Ok, we put a little oil and we will keep it. And now... Let it cool down and then we put it in a pot. We turn up the fire. There. It has to be a little hot. don't tell me That candied onion with that candied potato... - The truth is that it smells good. ... with a touch of garlic... Tell me what you want, Sergio, but... - Well, there are two versions, we're not going to make a fuss. It is true. It's not pique, it's not pique. It's not pique, but... less is more. Less is more. - Yes, yes, no. If that phrase... You will see in all the recipes that we are going to make that I always make them much easier... Well, you will see. I don't say anything. Okay, it's hot. Shoot... Buah. Hey, hey, hey. Come on. And now here we are going to let it curdle a little. We are going to move it. "Yes you can move it", exactly I was going to tell you. So that it curdles a little more. In the end it looks good on you, the tortilla looks good on you, nothing happens. oops But are you going to give it a spin or two? A. How one or two? I do not understand you. - In the air, I mean in the air. No, one, one lap. And this... Well, there are people who like the most well-done tortilla, there are people who like it... We are slugs. Undercooked. Babosa is when it's inside... a little juicy because then, in addition, it lasts longer if you have to heat it up, or cold too, it doesn't matter. Me, I'll make the tortilla rare. Either way the tortilla is good. A few cubes of ham there weren't bad either, huh? No, it wasn't bad. Well, if it is very curdled, that is, cooked, it is Cordovan style. There they make the potato omelette... cooked. And liquid in Betanzos style in Galicia. Oh yes it's true. Which they also have in Galicia. Hello, friends from Galicia. Hi friends. How is that land, my God, and what a good potato you also have. Yes, because there is an amazing potato. There you are the potato kings. - Okay, let it set a little until it sets so much... because otherwise it is very difficult to manipulate. I don't know whether to do it in the air or not. Oh, you're already... Oh, oh. No, no, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it. Well, you have to practice turning the tortilla because, above all, what you have to be careful about is putting it on the end and then turning it over. It's not either... We don't have to take risks now with the issue of turning it over in the air. Well, I play it. Because he's a pimp and he says: "Well, I'm going to give it to him", but... I'm playing it. ... but it is practical. Now, I tell you, I, like my grandmother, the little saucer, fireworks, and that's it, and that way you're not in danger. This is big, this is an omelette... Well, the truth is that you can drop it sometimes, yes, but... you learn from that. Or split. What bends you like this... - Ah! Wait, wait. Roll, roll. Are you going to give him? Yes, yes, I will give it to you. Come go. What? No, that seems fine to me. - Are you afraid? No, I'm not afraid, I don't care if it's not mine. Sergio, yes... No, Sergio, shoot him, shoot him. Voucher. But go ahead... Let's see if it doesn't stick to the ceiling. Yes or no? Yes? Come go. - Come go. One, two and three. oh! Well, it's out. I have saved it. By the hair, huh? oh oh By the hair. I think that just for this you have to reward this super omelette. That has nothing to do with it, I give it to him with... Hey, if you have photos of your potato omelettes, send them. Touches of your potato omelette, send them because we are going to make more tortillas and we would like to match those tortillas with you. Let's see what's up. Now yes, bring a plate, Sergio, we'll put it on a plate. Let's see. Plate, plate. Hmm... Take this one. This... There are some special tapas that are tortilla wraps. Or some pans that go one pan with another pan, that you simply close them, turn them over and you already have the tortilla. Well, I don't know, turn tortillas. I don't know what it's called, but... Wasn't the plate bigger or what? Well... Let's see if it's going to fall off now, which is the easy time. Wonderful. It has a smell... The traditional, the classic, the authentic... It has no winner. Man, does he look good. -Omelette omelette, are we going to open it? -Come go. Let 's see how juicy it is, you'll see that it's perfect for me because I don't want it to be very... Look! You see that it is juicy, spongy, the confit onion, the very well cooked potato and the garlic that you find out there. Okay okay okay ok, let's see mine. -Come go
Channel: RTVE Cocina
Views: 152,426
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Keywords: rtve, rtve cocina, tve, hermanos torres, recetas rtve, receta, torres en la cocina, recetas faciles, torres cocina, cocina fácil, top recetas, cómo hacer, cómo cocinar, menudos torres, recetas menudos torres, tortilla de patata, como hacer tortilla de patata, como se hace la tortilla de patata, receta tortilla de patata, tortilla de patata receta, la mejor tortilla de patata, totilla de patata con cebolla, receta facil tortilla de patata, tortilla de papas, torta de papas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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