LA COMIDA ITALIANA es un ENGAÑO COMO la CONOCEMOS | En ROMA es 100% Diferente ft @angelianak​

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Look how they tie it and observe the filling there, that looks good. Here in Italy they have the super grandmother. Hello, how are you, friends? Welcome to a new video. For those who don't know me, my name is Gabriel Herrera and I'm Angie. Friends, as you saw in the title of this video, today we are going to be trying truly Italian food, -Since we are where? -Trastevere Trastevere, an area famous for its streets, its restaurants and for being the place where, for us, you can eat the best pasta in all of Rome. Is the food we usually eat in America different from that in Italy? Well, that's what we're going to find out, and you will be surprised because surely there are certain details that are deceiving us in Latin America and that here are very different. Right now it's noon. I don't know if you're hearing the bells, that's something common here. In the past, it was said that at 12 the bells rang for people to adjust their watches. Well, you already know that curious fact, but if you want to know more curious facts about Rome, you can watch the video that Angie has prepared on her channel, which will be in the description of this video. We're not going to waste much time in this video; I'm going to have lunch. I haven't had breakfast because I left Berlin very early, as you know, before this trip to Italy we were in Berlin. If you want to see those videos, I have excellent videos about that city and all its history. We left very early from there and we haven't been able to have lunch, so now I'm here with Angie to eat. As you know, Angie has her Italian roots and, obviously, we had to eat a delicious and true Italian pasta. This place we chose to eat the pasta is a favorite that we visit every time we come here to Italy and we found it like this, by chance, and we loved the food so much that, I mean, it was crazy. We had never eaten a pasta as delicious as the one we ate here and it is also very, very affordable. Well, look, the name of the restaurant, which is not paid advertising, is Carlo Menta Restaurante, and I want you to see something curious: they brought me the menu, but it wasn't necessary because I'm going to order spaghetti carbonara and I want you to see the price of 5 euros. The curious thing about this is that the first time we came to eat here, the price was exactly the same and that was 7 years ago, that is, in 7 years this menu has not changed a single cent. You can't imagine the heat it's making here, I ordered a Fanta, but I wanted to show you that it has a somewhat strange color because it is made 100% here in Italy, with Italian oranges. Look here at the little flag, it seems strange to me because in Portugal it is very, very orange and the taste is different, I don't like it that much, but it's not bad. Angie ordered a Sprite and also tells me that it tastes a little different, right? It tastes a little different, yes, smoother, not so gassy and not so sweet, it seems to me. -Are you hot? -Yes. -Are you ready for the pasta? -Super ready, I already want it here, with me, in my life. -And what are you going to want for dessert? -I don't know, I would have to see what's available -because I don't really feel like something sweet, honestly. -And an ice cream? It could be an ice cream, you can't miss it here. Something that did surprise me that I wanted to tell you is that we are totally alone in the restaurant. It does open at 12 and it's 12:25. We must be among the first, but it might also have to do with this whole pandemic thing that there aren't many tourists. So, I don't know if Italians here also have a specific time for lunch and don't eat lunch so early. Thanks! We have good news, the food has arrived. -How do you say it in Italian? -Il pranzo è arrivato. -Il pranzo è arrivato. -Yes, something like that. As I told you, I ordered pasta alla carbonara, which is spaghetti, if I'm not mistaken, with bacon, right? Diced like that and they make it with eggs, right? Yes, that's exactly the original carbonara. That's the big detail, right? What's the difference between a carbonara eaten here in Italy and one we usually eat in Latin America? That here they usually make it with cream, some kind of cream or they buy it ready-made or make it with flour and milk and they still call it carbonara, but no, this is the original one, only that in America almost no one makes it like this. -Angie, what did you order then? -Well, thanks to my vegetarianism and before that it was also my favorite, I've always liked it, it's spaghetti only with sauce. I was never a fan of Bolognese, which has meat, or white sauces, the one I like the most, honestly, and an Italian watching this comment will kill me for saying this. I hadn't tried that pasta like that because we don't usually make it that way and one of my favorites is this and the poorly made white one, the carbonara we know in America are my two favorites. -That is, the carbonara made with milk instead of egg. -Exactly. They have also brought us cheese here which, unlike many places, I think this is the first place, or maybe the second that they bring us cheese like this so you can serve yourself and use as much as you want, and for the price it's quite strange because this cheese is always a bit more expensive but well, we're in Italy, I suppose it doesn't cost them that much. Well, I'll leave you the honor of starting to eat so you can give us your opinion on that delicious truly Italian pasta dish. Well, I'll try it like this because unlike many Italians or many people in general, I don't like pasta with cheese. -How is it? Did you find any difference? -It doesn't have much difference from the one I make, obviously, because we usually make or prepare the food the way we like it. I love this pasta, I loved the taste, the pasta is super al dente, I find it delicious and the sauce tastes very natural, it's not one of those sauces that come in a can and it's all dark red like red wine. Well, another thing we didn't show you that they brought us was bread. Here they usually serve you bread with meals. However, be careful because in some restaurants, first before bringing you all the food, they put bread on the table and then you eat the bread and it turns out it wasn't included in the price of the dishes you're buying and sometimes the bread is more expensive than the actual meal because it happened to Angie and me once that a bread like this, something like this more or less, almost cost us 8 euros, so be very careful. Now it's my turn to try this delicious pasta I can't wait to dig into this. So look, I'm going to do something, I'm going to eat a little spoonful like this and then add the cheese -because I do like it, I like to eat pasta with a lot of cheese -The opposite... I don't eat pasta with cheese, I eat cheese with pasta, but well, I'm going to try it like this to taste it better, let's see... Very tasty, truly delicious, the flavors are very intense and it's totally different from how we make it in Latin America, without a doubt, I mean, tasting it with the true flavor, the real way of preparation has no comparison really, look at even the color, the color is very different obviously, I have to add its cheese, I'm going to be very generous with the cheese so let's try it with cheese to see how it tastes... -You're going to say it was the missing touch -The missing touch, definitely Angie knows me well, look, for me to eat pasta without cheese, I wouldn't eat it really, sometimes especially the pasta that she's eating, the red one, I love that pasta, but with cheese if there's no cheese in the house I don't eat it or I quickly go out to buy cheese -How do you say delicious? -Espectacular Spectacular, the best pasta, the best... no, there I mixed in Portuguese -Well, cheers guys -Cheers! Here in Italy they have the super grandmother Here the water comes out cold -look how the bottle turned out... -It's all sweaty... -It's very good and refreshing with this heat... Well, now we have come towards the center, a little more towards the center of the city let's see what things we find there to eat since we've been recording all day, we've only had lunch and haven't had any snacks and we feel like eating something sweet and obviously we want to have dinner, so let's see what truly Italian food we can find Well, something that you see a lot here on the streets of Rome are these little stalls where they sell all kinds of souvenirs all kinds of food, it could be clothes, and we're walking down a very famous street because it's the street that precisely takes you to a place where everyone wants a photo and throw a coin over their shoulder to return here to Rome and it's... the Trevi Fountain. I believe that throwing the coin into the fountain truly works because we threw it 7 years ago, it does take time but it works. Now that we're here at the Trevi Fountain we can't miss trying a delicious ice cream because if there's something Rome has, it's ice cream shops Well, we're going to try the ice creams: Angie wants pistachio, cherry, and stracciatella, which is this one. Well, the sun is already setting, I think I can take off my sunglasses and Angie is going to take a little taste of her ice cream. Which is pistachio, cherry, and stracciatella Oh my God! -Is it good? -The best pistachio I think I've ever tried in the world. No kidding, the pistachio ice cream is good. -Wow, what an intense and delicious flavor! -So good, friends, we're not exaggerating. Although a larger ice cream in Portugal with three flavors costs 3 euros, here it's 6 euros. But I think it's made with quality ingredients and the flavor is spectacular. This is a true Italian ice cream. I'm going to buy at another place to try another flavor. So, let's go there to see which one is better. Among so many ice cream shops, I chose this one here. Let's see... Thanks! Look at this monstrosity of an ice cream, I did go a bit overboard, here for 6 euros I got it like this, I'm giving you the info, let's try it... This flavor has Nutella, let's see how it is... It's good, it's good. I'm going to try the pistachio one... Well, to be honest, the pistachio one doesn't have as much flavor as Angie's did, but the Kit Kat one is very good. This is melting, you can't imagine the heat. Well, look how my hands turned out, but now we're going to try the amarena one. I managed to get here... Let's try it, it's right here. Let's give the amarena one a chance, let's see. It looks very red... Here's the difference: the amarena one here is better than Angie's. -Try it because I'm going to give it to you... -I already tried it and I found it better, it has a mix of the three. Imagine trying it alone... It's super strong. If you are amarena lovers, come here. If you are pistachio lovers, definitely go there. We totally recommend them, they're very good. Friends, and today is a new day where we're going to continue trying delicious Italian food. Right now we are at the Pantheon in Rome. Look, it's this building here, very beautiful, by the way, it's worth visiting. I'm going to look for something to have for lunch because I haven't had lunch yet, so you're going to accompany me. Well, and I found the perfect place to show you the next dish we're going to try, which is typical of Rome, and I'll show it to you now. It has a little particular history. Our next dish is this, it's called supplì, but everyone knows it as supplì al telefono and you'll see why it's called that. Its price is only two euros, it's not very expensive, but it's something typical from here in Rome so you can know a bit more about the food here. Angie is preparing a classic bread with olive oil, salt, and a little Parmesan cheese. Here they always accompany your meal by giving you a basket of bread. How did the combination turn out? Something very simple, but very tasty. And surely you're wondering why they call it supplì al telefono? Is it because you order it by phone or something like that? It's not exactly because of that. Do you remember that phones used to have a long cord? That you would go to talk on the phone and they had that cord and depending on the length of the cord, that's how much the phone stretched. Well, this has something particular when you open it that you'll see now. Well friends, and the thing I wanted to try at this moment has arrived... It's something, let's say, breaded, that is, it's fried, right? Breaded, inside it has rice and the rice is seasoned with mozzarella and meat sauce, but the important thing about this is to open it, you'll see. Well, they call it supplì al telefono because let's see if it happens what I wanted to show you... Let's see... It didn't happen, but well, look. Almost, almost, almost had it on the other side. What happened is that I opened it in the wrong place, but well, I'm going to try it... Let's try it here with the cheese, where the cheese part is... -It's a weird but good flavor... -As long as it has sauce it has to be good. Yes, I mean, what happens is that the rice and the sauce... it's like you're eating a pasta dish but instead of pasta it's with rice. Well, I'm going to make a second attempt because I ordered two. Let's see if we get it right with this one... Now yes, look, how cool! That's how the other one was supposed to look. This time I opened it right. Well, and this is what Angie is going to eat again. You know this is her favorite pasta, you can tell because she's having it again at another place. What's going on? What's the problem? And my favorite part of the day has arrived, my sweet, my dessert and we're going to try something called crostata di visciole. It's this thing you're seeing, it's like a tart, exactly. And the filling is cherries and ricotta. So let's try this to see how it is because it looks very tasty, it really looks very tasty. I'll give the honors to Angie, you try it first... -How is it? Is it tasty? -It's very good. I like this kind of dessert, but they don't drive me crazy because they're kind of dry, but Gabriel will love it, try it. Let's see, look... It's just hard like the edge and the inside is creamy and sweet. It's very tasty, really. Look at this butcher shop how it decorates its window. It looks like a candy shop, but it's a butcher shop, look how they arrange everything. -And not just a butcher shop, there's a green hamburger here, like for me -Yes, like vegetarian... Friends, and I've found the next dish to eat, and it's that right there, friends, look at it there. -That's it, I'll explain the name here in Rome it's called... what is it? -Porchetta Porchetta, that's it, pork with wild fennel stuffed with pancetta, -which is the translation for bacon. -And finally, liver and heart. So that's what we're going to buy, there are two ways to eat it, either alone or in bread. I like things in bread, so I'm going to eat it like that to enjoy it more. -Okay, I want that, but in bread -With bread? -How many do you want? 1, 2, 3... -One. -Hot? -Yes, please. -Look at the piece of meat... come closer to see it, I'll show it up close. Look, here we have it closer, see how they tie it and look at the filling there. Wow, that looks good, I've never tried it... Look, there they're putting it for us, look how delicious... -Here we have one, the two and here we have the second one. -Thanks! Thanks! This bread looks super soft... It's time, let's see how this is... It's very good, I'll tell you what it tastes like. This tastes like, at least for those who watch me from Venezuela, to give you an idea, it tastes like pork leg, like a pork leg sandwich, just like that. If you want to try one of these sandwiches, it will only cost you four euros, just like you heard, four euros, it's not expensive at all, really. -We couldn't resist again having a delicious ice cream or drinking... is it drinking or eating? -I don't know -Drinking, right? -However you want to say it, I think it doesn't matter. Look, a little horse... And we couldn't end this video without being at the Trevi Fountain, which we have right here, a very beautiful place, one of our favorites here in Rome. And well, we're going to finish eating this delicious ice cream, hoping you enjoyed this gastronomic tour of the city of Rome, trying typical Roman and truly Italian food. And remember that I'm also making videos for my channel about the city, so it's very interesting because it has very curious facts and we visited some incredible places. And really, go to her channel, you have it in the description of this video. I won't leave without inviting you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Activate the notification bell so you always know when I upload a new video. You can also follow us on our Instagram accounts, Angie's is @angielenak and mine @GabrielHerrera_ Friends, from here, from the Trevi Fountain, we say goodbye. See you in the next video. Bye bye! Love you all!
Channel: Gabriel Herrera
Views: 848,371
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Keywords: Gabriel Herrera, venezolanos, venezuela, gabriel herrera italia, angelianak, angeliana khiyami, comida italiana, roma, verdaderamente italiana, verdadera comida italiana, pasta, pasta carbonara, pizza, helados italianos, gabriel herrera en roma, probando comida italiana, asi es la comida italiana, viajar a italia, 2020, comida callejera, comida callejera en italia, como es la comida en roma, probando helados italianos, diferencias de la comida en italia, comida en italia es diferente
Id: 3NI_vsq5tjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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