Explore the Magic of L.S. Lowry: The Artist who Painted Northern England - Art History School
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Channel: Art History School
Views: 100,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: L S Lowry, ls lowry, l.s. lowry, Lowry, Laurence Stephen Lowry, L S Lowry paintings, English artist L S Lowry, l s lowry documentary, carol Ann Lowry, learn about L S Lowry, art history school, artist in school, Adolphe Valette, The lowry gallery, English Artist, matchstick men, the Lowry, Portrait of Ann, famous artist, history of art, famous artists, Paul Priestley, Tate gallery, Going to the Match, Pendelbury, Mottram, Sam's Chop House, cotton mills, British art
Id: 0R3FP8NJiuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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