L' Aconcagua, Colosse des Amériques (film)

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Hello, my name is Vincent Saura and I will try to reach the highest high peak of the Americas. For 21 days I walked over 130 kilometers, climbs 3 peaks over 5 000 meters above sea level, at 24 years old, alone and without assistance. Throughout my journey, I became aware of the beauty of the landscapes. meager loneliness, difficulty of the expedition, I had to accept the laws of nature and submit to adapt. My expedition bring me to meet different cultures. All its beautiful things don't make me forget the real goal of this adventure, to reach the summit of Aconcagua. I experienced intense physical moments, facing the most extreme elements always pushing my own limits. I must have refocused enormously about myself and relate to the basics so that the mind takes over. I am Vincent will know and I will tell you about my adventure. Mendoza 4th largest city in Argentina land of sun and good wine. It will be my starting point for climbing Aconcagua. The bus drives slowly and crosses a few rural villages, I contemplate the high peaks true to the adventure stories that I got read. I discover a wild nature a Indian Argentina and exceptional sommers . I meet Alfredo my he will drop me off in an old decommission station which acts as an inn . The old railway track runs towards the horizon. The pampas opens up to me. At the bend of a path Aconcagua is our first meeting. My expedition begins at 2800 meters above sea level , Horcones national park entry point . I'll have to reach the first camp , Confluencia. From there I would acclimatize at the foot of the south face at Plaza de Francia . Finally I will reach the base camp Plaza de Mulas. It's the start for more than 4000 meters ascent, scorching sun, cold, of wind and surprises. in the center Aconcagua and it's 6962 meters, majestic. I carry a total load of 32 kilos of what to hold 3 weeks in autonomy. We distinguish the first tents of the confluence camp . Tomorrow i'll get up early i'll get used to it at the foot of the south face of Aconcagua. Today, the objective will be to rally Confluencia at Plaza de Francia. at 4300 meters altitude to go see the south face of Aconcagua and also acclimatize. Little by little under the clouds the south face of the colossus of America is timidly revealed. It is sumptuous and gigantic. and constantly draw to the face like magnetize by this vertiginous wall . I am currently in front of the south face of Aconcagua. this morning I walked from Confluencia until here a little further from there is Plaza Francia is a camp so named in tribute to the first French expedition who successfully climbed the south face .and this extremely vertiginous south face it has nearly 3000 meters vertical tomorrow the goal is to go to Plaza from Mulas base camp, I will not delay to go there the weather is covered and the weather changes very quickly here. At the bend of a path I see an old horseshoe I take it hoping it carries me luck later. I'm back at camp of confuencia. Back at camp I do knowledge of Simons and Andreas I am admiring, they are very experienced, we let's share around my aunt on food our experience and our philosophy of Mountain . Under 50 degrees in the sun, it's 25 km walk and the start of a long climb with a flat and stony bottom. The valley is extremely arid, no way to protect themselves a burning wind starts to blow . Hello. I meet caravans mules that carry the equipment and refueling on steep trails and stony. Hello. While the slope gets stronger, I get some lowercase snowflakes. I raise my head, the summits are in the clouds .It is snowing .After 9 am walking plaza de mules the base camp l'Aconcagua 2 nd largest camp of base in the world after that of Everest. A snow storm hits the camp. Aconcagua's reputation is not usurped. I'm finally at base camp plaza de mulas. My goal now is reach several altitude camps . camp 1 at 5000 m, camp 2 at 5500 m then camp 3 at 6000 meters it will serve me from launch pad to reach the top. Before climbing to the top I continue my acclimatization I made round trips successive between base camp and attitude of 5000 meters. 150 km from the Pacific Ocean, Aconcagua is exposed to very strong winds up to 250 km / h. Its physiological altitude is estimated close to 8000 meters above sea level. 4700 meters I have the pants closed which just peter. I was setting the goal to climb higher to cross the bar 5000 meters above sea level. I am completely disgust the closure of my pants is break it and I don't know if it's careful to continue there is a lot of wind there is very cold. I eat a bite and I would see. My determination, the desire to reach my objective will prevail over the incident. I would find the Germans gone a few hours earlier. I still decide to pursue skinny the faulty pants , now I go back down to the base camp . As soon as I return to base camp the radio resounded, the guide of Lionel a Belgian announces that 60 cm of snow fell last night , they will not go further. weather forecast up to -47 at the top on days to come. Aconcagua is a project personal, it plays a lot in the mind . I was unlucky with the weather, a lot of snow. it's the mountain. this is the mountains are not easy. guide told me this is his 14th season on the mountain is one of the first times that he sees snow like that, he has no never seen so much snow. he told me the mountain with snow and the mountain without snow these are two worlds apart. Tonight with Lionel, we will share a moment of conviviality and fraternity with altitude carriers. This is Steeve he saw that was throwing heavily task he offered to help me carry my gear. After spending the night at 5070 meters altitude I decided to do half tour there is too much wind, the forecast weather forecast is not good at all so I prefer to go back to base camp and wait for a next weather window favorable. back to base camp an employer of a shipping agency to provoke a lot of damage, material is flying away more than 1 kilometer from base camp. This summit without technical difficulty dominates the base camp and will allow excellent acclimatization, at 12:45 local time, I reach the top . A wide panorama opens up to me, it's a master painting whose backdrop is the Aconcagua 2000 meters higher.The summit of Aconcagua just here that went so close and so far to the time. the landscape around me is lunar the tent is on a plateau beaten by winds strewn with more or less stone block large. La, the Mercedario 4 th highest peak of the Andes Cordillera. With Steeve we decide to go to camp 3 we will acclimatize us. In the distance we see a tent that twirls and jumps. 3 people run after him desperately. The tent will end its crazy dance in the bars rocky. with my jute bag, I cut precious blocks of snow they will be used to hydrate me All night long. Simon and Andreas descend from the summit after their attempts from the top they suffered cold and we prefer to turn around and come back to base camp they will ring again experience later. towards camp 3 at 6000 meters above sea level . The effects of altitude cause a great agitation on my body. My past made slower. The more I rise the more the view becomes spectacular. Sit there on the side of the trail. Heavily charge a fully exhausted carrier. he wanders. Shipping columns pass to rate without paying him the slightest attention. I feel that something is wrong. I approach and finds that his crampons are no longer set they are detach they failed drop it to the bottom of the precipice. I hands him his crampons and helps him to get up, I follow suit and him means I stay behind him, if he needs me he can count on me. Shipping columns progress slowly , oxygen is scarce. Admire a little this view. Magnificent. It is priceless to be here Here is the first refuge says Berlin completely cashed by snow and here the second refuge completely cashed and also unusable . 5 o'clock in the morning let's go, the sky and beautiful, starry, clear there is a bit of wind it's going to do it and clear I leave the tent . the day begins to break I distinguish the horizon the silhouettes of the mountains stand out against a sky that turns orange to yellow. on my right the pyramidal shadow of the aconcagua covers part of the mountain range andes. Here is the independancia refuge 6400 meters above sea level last point decision before continuing in direction from the top or not. This is the famous cross which leads to the top. I come across a mountaineer expedition which turn around, our eyes meet none verbal exchange only takes place at 6800 meters altitude the summit is visible on my left, fatigue due to hypoxia reached its maximum. at more than 6800 meters above sea level the brain is not only slowed down by the lack of oxygen but also the cold hunger and dehydration, my body is falling apart. nothing left right nothing left left am for the first time i set foot on the highest peak in the americas. I head to the foot of the cross and to its base I proudly attach the flag of the association to it. Months of effort for a few moments ! After 31 days of walking after 130 km solo walking parks I realize that my expedition ends. The end is over difficult as the finish I got deeply attached to Aconcagua. I learned to put into perspective I realized that wealth is not necessarily material. the world he doesn't need me to turn. We all have our own dreams and we are all capable of achieving them.
Channel: Vincent Saura
Views: 43,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aconcagua, argentine, aventure, amerique du sud, climbing the seven summits, traversée des andes, montagne, exploration, mendoza, chili, expedition, cordillére des andes, road trip amerique du sud, arte, documentaire, reportage, court-métrage, desert, horcones, ruines, pampa, aconcagua montagne en amerique du sud, aconcagua sommet, aconcagua summit
Id: kgZjfGwseD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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