L-1.3: Asymptotic Notations | Big O | Big Omega | Theta Notations | Most Imp Topic Of Algorithm

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hello those so gate smashes make us forget there is freedom um this is Ken a GRA asymptotic notation skip RMA or he algorithm cough one of the most important topic I keep URIs levers mayhem discussion got their asymptotic notations keep so guys this freedom um be cool basics Lak sorry important point is Ganesha range of up to competitive exams yeah fear optic quality a university level exams Kelly a barge other beneficial otherwise what about say video Co like Camden channel subscribe choreography that happen a man he can please press the bell bottom that kepco sorry latest notifications method him to starting up their asymptotic notations both a care asymptotic notation of the mathematical way of representing the time complexity am they already they cocky prior analysis qiyam basket air or prior else is my math lappam algorithm Co without execution some who ski analysis Kathy uptime Co calculate agar apni Carla without execution tome calathea number of times quiz statement kidney were executed Oriya that is called I iteration frequency or we can say number of times function of Naraku call Cara the number of times Kamiya pick a career represent Carmichael America coochie notations to a that give a proper way say represent cursor Co Kiska is algorithm key time complexity ethany a looser algorithm to time complexity if Nia tachea mindo no Co compare because secure better the Joey algorithm EBSCO find out cursor Kaito Yahweh representation may subsequently amuse got there Big O notation then big Omega notation then we have theta notation is Kalama purpose for that little oh and little Omega so many happy to have a Athena P that is Big O big Omega and theta notation so sub severa starting at there Big O notation say Q key maximum time up connotations you have of the yogi in terms of Big O so Big O notation yeah Parvati care Americas graph a graph may appear basically a n and is what input values or here Marcus ki by axis mid time avianna Pisco casa Serena hibakusya be functional FM a PF n function care boy the problem and who say we problem token because all Carla let's say maritime law graph y Amira function do have okay f em up F and go again Monsieur LeClair in terms of let's say order of Jian it's comic lip care Jian will always be greater than C daughter G M like this Muslim Efrain America's give an L or again Haram nice could represent camera in terms of Big O so yeah pick G and jayegi Jian should always be greater than equal to C daughter GL or happy seeker constant term which should always be greater than zero and the value of n is your input value in linear this n should be greater than equal to K and you can say K should be greater than equal to water it should be greater than equal to zero we are talking about this case so yah hop a mere pass FN is equal to order of G n comma Club a FN is always less than equal to C daughter G n so ARP is Kagura example citizens 30th of October clear Raja let's say mayor Pasco the problem and Coby algorithm a who scores all chemically a Mary pass your total time lager to n square plus M symbols of Nepali a let's say FN is equal to 2 and square plus and americo FM could represent karna in terms of order but love F M is equal to order of what a be a half a miracle filling the blank put karna so filling the black could connect Amitabha F&K to M square plus a and and it should always be what less than equal to less than equal to C daughter G M and G and value that and value you have to choose obviously given a function to mo ecology biology avi scope article maketh labelled her me up image about Katya upper about a big o-notation Kerry President Carter upper Gorm buckle up buddy value that is also called at most Muslim kisi become poker name a Javas each other at maximum of coconut I'm la Giga that is a big o-notation happy happy upper bound comic labelled 2 and square plus n may say buddy term cones here a buddy technically Kelly obviously a pecan a bodega yappy of check en scale and scare care quadratic function or reappear embark array M that is a linear equation the quadratic or linear Mekons dominating ob-obviously and square kov dominating can say FN k value Co put kuru let's say and K value Co hundred put curve there so n K value Co hundred put K at 100 but L square key thrown jaga 10,000 a get up and keep and Luka one Kuroda put kuru be obviously n is 1 crowed and what is the N square one crowed keep power 2 so that value of n square is much bigger than M tropical risk you represent became much a Theo is 3 km represent Delta n is what linear time what about n Square and square will obviously grow more than M but not for the small values cookie small values Oh get up and give aloooone put karaage a 0 put karaage toe up to the other difference you have been a Yara making larger values Kelly a cones you dominating air and square - yeah period medical upper bound lickin a meth lab make ogre buddy value written here to my n square licks at though elixir thumb and cube will accept O Lakes at a and 4 and 5 2 power n and power and here sorry Jo a bow is term said bigger a lake in Yahoo recognize GBM upper bound keep a skirt there always remember least upper bound MATLAB how many self closest value Jo have a choose garnier upper value like in bill closest to close this topic area and square to a point to a upper represent Cara that is 2 and square plus n should always be less than equal to C daughter G and square opieop a value Carolyn ear key value do a pitch was can hear C key value lyrically a obviously negative C key value code to locate sequel du Boga up to log a so 2 and square bun jaga but love 2 and square plus n should be less than equal to 2 daughter and square looking obviously a so obviously Hogan eqqui RP + mb f so c key value co-op carlo c key value go home lay there 3 talk of my psych eval you go 3 let all those caught up so are local to theta man jaga and is less than equal to - 1 square is not Shailaja n square both side and say divided at all it will be 1 less than and this complex at the end should be greater than equal to one MATLAB for all the values of n for all the values of inputs m greater than equal to one this condition will always hold and the C value should be three so yamir posaga c key value 3 and for n is greater than equal to 1 this condition will always hold button up to n square plus n can be written as order of n square but C key value given even is a 3 and for all the N value greater than equal to 1 this condition will hold so is 3 cases um Big O notation to represent Kathy so our mara FN is 3 que se para tu mera agar big of g le canal to GN muslim is say upper bounds you have au of kalique name is curry presentation coming up gasps key is K key value say Palio sector k value chhotya theory a buddy of the GRE a fluctuation lake in k key value k bar jessamy up a ogre NK value put Caray of any key value 1 put kuru to put karo 3 put Kuro for put kuru to up checker o heavenly value who measured you have Oh buddy I gear up check our sector let's say and give me Luca man 5 put car thought oh yeah Makaha 2 into v square plus 5 is always less than equal to 3.5 square to they cook this is 25 into 250 that is 55 less than equal to 25 into 375 so the coop proves bigger sectio key ha sorry value Skelly n is equal to once a lake a up jovi value put karaage for c3 it will always hold the condition of order of n square so this this is how we represent the Big O notation then embark up a big Omega key big Omega comic lobby I pick out their combat Cathay Apple lower bound key that is at least mclubbe come circum katana time la Vega kisi Camco Carla me so algorithm bath Korea pay is ko represent case I got there - yup a representation car maker MATLAB a key FN is equal to this is how we are representing FN is equal to Omega of G and himiko a leak near please cover love karaoke f should always be greater than equal to see daughter GN so they go FN a chimera is three kiss a bad rap so G dot and C dot GN should always be less than equal to the value of her effing to'em they appear to receive same function collects Amira a friend to her to M square plus n a origami could represent karma in terms of aegean ab g ki g n value K 3 unity G n values Sikh community is succumb to hot lava and square velocity of a kala and be less active log and less active log of log on here sorry value system sakera chhoti like in jumpy embark at a lower bound ki toh Misha Jana we have to take the greatest lower bound MATLAB closest just a file set sorta 4br 3ba to be a lake in America one near zero Elena miracle files it closes to go on a substitute ax for tomorrow epic greatest lower bound you have Elena Jesse up a upper bound later least - yeah p.m. the greatest lower bound to yoga my bath guru and square B LASIK Theo a kala and will accept a log and Billy still a key napkin nearest value live near the nearest value is again and square only about Co confusion agario KL square K CIE a graph C key value Co 3 la loge a so obvious only prove key i ka buddy I github lake in yada kana seek even look Fe Rocco carefully choose karappa daga yeah pay up to see Kim and Luca choose girl no - up seek if I'd never get my choose got total they could - and square plus n will be greater than equal to 2 daughter and square to the clearly a paddock rare 2 and square 2 n square table robbery or ERP + NB a to this term will always be greater than this term or Agra proof garage ratatouille apiece co-op n greater than equal to 2 m square co-organizer layer 2 to n squares into n square - okay Jonnie for all values of n greater than equal to 0 and capital Omega P care this K will have any key values of couch we put kar sakte o alaikum 0 sale a.k.a grab Bharath Ajay will get 0 1 2 3 4 5 up to n this condition will always hold but C value should be what C value should be only see how you can be one also one kilovolt Garriga linking up closest value you have a choice come here so see key value to Kelly a this term will always be less objective Matthew let's say again five value put Carlo it will come to be 55 and it will be what 50 so here Tom Jobim is chicagee is say less I so this is how we represent the big Omega that is at least or greatest lower bound third of that theta notation theta notation cover clubber average is comb represent contains three key see that FN should be greater than C 1 dot G N and it should be less than C 2 daughter Jean here the co if we have a function FN FN key values you have Oh sieve and dot G and C by D or lick in C 2 dot G and say short even each I am already calculate catch okay Yap is even towards the end of our club care I remain I - at 2 and square plus n so GN k value epic Aggie and square or Yahweh we may pass GN k value kg and sql-like in c1 key value its value Co opening a corner less them karna those even K value up to catch was the vapor take a 2 or a off su 2 key value kalalau 3 so you need 2 and square plus n is always greater than 2 n square and it will always be less than 3n squared so you have represent kurt there in case of theta which is a average case time complexity agora pisco simple racism in Ajaccio let's say memphis copy a of his coffee maker up TC topical search carillo beau indexing co a hashing boutonniere - 8 - octopus square best wikis best case comic Lebec Omega metal about me Jesse Penn Pella page delta of code topic of 'no million lake in what is the meaning of worst case worst case cover club can add max to add mixture of love karaoke up a key card advantage REO Meghan opto desire Topeka pamela last page Pamela mclubbe linear search Olegario without any sorting and all torn or málaga Rimini I could totally III bein pages I own co-op Co search kenapa Digga or average case comma Club care not Oaxaca topic panel appear in the last May up Co on an average half pages Kosovo movement karna padega to home journey represent Katya big o Houska reason care K maximum time Metallica so is came there obviously best case and average case apnea per include holiday so this is how we represent the big o big Omega and theta representation from Bath Korean little okie the little o massive simpler differences key less than equal to may Yahweh equal to NYADA in case of little o equal to near the rest of the front insane or embark on a little Omega key to little Omega maybe happier Graham vodka right - a Jew greater than hominid lecithin let's say F n should be greater than or equal to C dot G n this is in the big Omega in little Omega F and should also be greater than C daughter G and this is the only difference between these two of Geneva time complexities they can get searching sorting algorithms key sorrow may opcode representation I agree in terms of big go best-case average case and worst case but remember this is important this bigger representation is much more important than the other representation thank you
Channel: Gate Smashers
Views: 390,541
Rating: 4.9245472 out of 5
Keywords: asymptotic notation in daa, asymptotic notation in hindi, asymptotic notation in data structure in hindi, asymptotic notation, asymptotic notation in data structure, asymptotic notation algorithms, asymptotic notation and its types, asymptotic notation analysis of algorithms, asymptotic notation big O, asymptotic notation big o omega, asymptotic notation big theta, asymptotic notation big omega, asymptotic notation big theta examples, asymptotic notation small o
Id: 7dz8Iaf_weM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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