КВ-6 и СМК - НАМ НЕ ВЫЖИТЬ ! - Мультики про танки

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Brother, you are alive! We missed you so much. We really needed you. Where am I? Who are you? Why are you calling me your brother? Don’t you recognise us? We are your younger brothers! You must be confusing me with someone. I don’t know you and I don’t remember anything at all. Nothing at all? It’s all foggy. I have just begun making sense of things. When I opened my eyes, I saw you. Gosh, they are here again! Defend yourselves! Who are they? I don’t have anything to shoot with! Gosh, we are in a difficult situation. Let’s retreat deep inside the forge. It’s a dead end! What shall we do? Seems like this is the end! I rescued you at the right time. How did you manage to resurrect the brother? We found a stone splinter after the battle between Hybrid and KV-44, but he doesn't remember anything. Fools! He is no longer your brother. You have just restored the outer shell of your brother. He said that his memory is foggy. Maybe he will recall it. He said that his memory is foggy. He will recall it.
Channel: HomeAnimations - Мультики про танки
Views: 503,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: мультики про танки, world of tanks animation, world of tanks cartoon, танкомульт, homeanimations, танки мультики, про танки мультики, мультанки, мультикипротанки, мульт про танки, про танки, мультики танки, танки, левиафан, новые мультики про танки, все мультики, хома, wot blitz, перерождение, морок, кв-6 хоум анимейшн, кв-6, kv-6 live, НАМ НЕ ВЫЖИТЬ, КВ-6 и СМК, KV-6 and SMK, воскрешение кв-6, resurrection kv-6, страж кузни, kv-6 homeanimation
Id: 89RWfiOtGcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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