KV-1 Last Stand Leningrad

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[Music] during the German onslaught into the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941 one target was the northern port city of Leningrad nao-san Petersburg on the 20th of August 1941 a battalion of Tanks from the German 6th Panzer Division was approaching the village of Krasnov a desk now gatina in front of the city Soviet opposition had been shoved aside the Germans were confident but well the Germans hadn't reckoned on was one young soviet lieutenant who had conceived a brilliant ambush plan zinoviy kolobanov commanded a small unit of kv-1 tanks probably the heaviest armored vehicle on the Eastern Front in 1941 thickly armored and armed with a 76 millimeter gun the kv-1 was the tiger tank of its day able to absorb enormous punishment while delivering knockout punches kV in its title stood for Kliment Voroshilov a prominent soviet general and defense minister under stalin colab INAF knew the german vanguard was coming and he had carefully set in ambush his five tanks were dug into a grove on the edge of a swamp only one Road ran through the swamp so kolobanov knew that the German Panzers would come from one direction only the opposition consisted mainly of Panzer twos and threes armed with twenty or thirty seven millimeter guns but though the kV ones main gun and armor was better than the German tanks the Soviets would be massively outnumbered it was a reverse of the situation later in the war when technically superior but numerically inferior German tanks took on hordes of Soviet t-34s kolobanov's planning had been thorough each kv-1 carried twice its usual ammunition load the order that only one tank at a time was to engage the Germans so they wouldn't know the Soviet strength Calabar knov had done everything he could to ensure that the german vanguard would be in for a rough time he didn't have long to wait the 6th Panzer divisions leading battalion drove straight into the killing ground collarbone Ava's gonna Andre Rousseff engaged the leading German tank brewing it up the wrecked German tank now blocked the narrow road the Germans that were following thought the leading tank had driven over an anti-tank mine and halted but Rousseff soon disabuse them of this notion by knocking out the second tank in the line Calabar nerves kv-1 now knocked out the last German vehicle in the line trapping the Panzers in a death trap the Germans panicking started driving off the road into the swampy ground but the Panzers had narrow tracks and became bogged down was the kv-1s with their wide tracks cope better the German return fire was extremely fierce collarbone hogs kv-1 was struck repeatedly by German shells but his crew kept pumping out 76 millimeter shells of the Panzer column in an astounding display of accurate tank fire the kv-1 proceeded to knock out 22 German Panzers and two towed artillery pieces before its armor-piercing ammunition ran out collab on/off immediately ordered a second kV one interaction each of the remaining four kV ones each took a turn in the battle altogether a further 21 German Panzers were destroyed kalibanos small force completely obliterated the Panzer column the final tally was 43 German tanks knocked out for no loss to the Soviets astoundingly leftenant caliber laughs kV one had taken 156 German shell hits without being disabled or penetrated the kv-1 seemed to be in an early war tiger in recognition of their gallantry Calabar Knopf received the order of the red banner and his gonna use of the Order of Lenin kalabaw nose last an action for be German thrust on Leningrad and demonstrated just how good the early Soviet tank the kv-1 was in battle I hope you've enjoyed this tank story from the other side of the eastern front if you have perhaps you'll subscribe any thanks [Music]
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 917,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Army, KV-1 Last Stand Leningrad, Operation Barbarossa, Zinoviy Kolobanov, Order of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner, Panzer II, Panzer III, Eastern Front, Mark Felton Productions
Id: jvNGBPAsdoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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