Kushina and Minato Moments with Rin , Obito and Kakashi - Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm Revolution

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hmm good you actually hit me hitting sensei that's amazing kakashi it was only one hit it isn't all that praiseworthy i could do it too you know nice timing right kushina [Music] you all doing your best they're doing great we're just about to take a break that's good here lunch here's your order it's kushina's special all right i love the food you make christina thanks [Music] you are such a good girl rin you know let me get this straight i take the time to bring lunch all the way out here to you guys and that's the kind of thanks i get from you hmm hey i didn't ask you to do that i'm not even hungry trying to be tough is okay but first go ahead and eat something i mean you can't fight on an empty stomach can you i don't want it i won't take anyone's hand out i can fight without food [Music] hey you're pretty manly yeah right like i'd ever say something like that to you now no more out of you eat being healthy is part of being a ninja what you said just proves that you're nothing but a little kid well you know what you're first that's just exactly okay you don't like violent girls just who do you think you're calling violet you know kakashi really is getting a lot better yeah you're right about that for his age he's doing great rain is growing well too they're really becoming a good team don't forget about obito he's hardly more than a bragging little half pint he's always tripping over himself he can't throw a shirt he can straight and this jutsu setup is just he'll need some work well just like he said obito does have a lot of things that he needs to work on but still his bright and outgoing attitude is really important obito being there deepens the bond between everyone on the team and that's a fact wait i don't need to tell you you know i mean he is your favorite isn't he oh you sure about that here you go thanks [Music] by the way is the location of your next assignment going to be decided soon yup i should find out for sure in just a few days time but i think that it's going to be at kannabi bridge i hope the war ends are you ready yes kushina see you soon all right be careful and do your best you guys and you obito what you're clumsy and you're hasty and you're a blundering fool too and add knucklehead to the list so be doubly careful out there because if you come back injured you'll get more than my fist got that who do you think i am anyway i'm gonna become hokage lord obito uchiha please there's nothing to worry about i'll make the mission a success and then come back with everyone without a scratch that's a promise you better keep that promise [Laughter] come to think of it i forgot to ask but why do you like him so much anyway it's because he's part of my dream dream one day if we have a child i want that child to be bright and forthright and grow up to be just like obito our child doesn't have to be smart and can even be cocky but i want our child to value friendship and have a cheerful spirit with a will that can't be broken i want our child to be strong like him this entire world will not end we'll end battle begins no my blood [Music] going to blow you [Music] time for a royal [Music] has been decided now you're part of the squash tomato family you
Channel: Hippo Reddy
Views: 12,059,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hippo Reddy, Game, Naruto, Kushina and Minato, Obito and Kakashi, Rin, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution, Naruto Shippuden, Anime
Id: 7DJ3a5D1B2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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