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Don't move , you bastard , Zhao Cheng, don't leave . You can't run away. Brother Cheng, leave quickly, daddy , daddy, daddy, daddy, leave early . Everyone , I believe you are all aware of the information you have. I don't know if any of you know anything about this demon hunting operation. I have no confidence in you, but I have no confidence in you. The Hanshan criminal group has always been rampant and contemptuous of the law. In the past few years, our police have not been able to bring them to justice . Why? Because that guy Hanshan is too cunning, isn’t it? Every Hanshan He didn't come forward in person for any transaction. We didn't have enough evidence to arrest him. It was wrong because we were too careless and didn't have a detailed plan in advance. That's right , Officer Tang, you are very smart because we were too careless , so every time we failed, now is the opportunity. Tomorrow at 12 noon, Han Shan will have a very huge transaction. According to reliable information, Han Shan will personally take action. Can I know who is dealing with him? Qi Ren, who is closely related to the Golden Triangle, and Shang Tao. Where is the transaction? The demon hunter of Qinglong Water Park is calling the man. Are you ready? We are ready as planned. Wait for instructions. You are not allowed to leave the post without my order. 369, how are you over there? Everything is normal. It's over. There is no suspicious target No. 2 for the time being. Don't alert the snake 147 when it appears . Target No. 2 is walking toward you. Target No. 3 appears . Be careful. Don't expose your identity. Target No. 2 passes by the Ferris wheel. Demon hunters, please give instructions to the brothers. Stay at your posts and don't act rashly. Sir, buy one. We are raising money for the elderly in Pok Oi Hospital. Buy one. Thank you Demon Hunter. Target No. 1 has entered the gate. All units should focus on Target No. 1 and take action at any time. Target No. 1 has come to the swimming pool . Please Buy one, sir. Please buy one. Don’t block the road. What are you doing? We are raising money for the elderly in Pok Oi Hospital. Get out of the way. Don’t be verbose. Okay, did you hear me? I’ll buy one. Didn’t you hear that big brother wants to buy a flag ? , Brother Cheng, this is a good deed. Good deeds are rewarded. Thank you, thank you. What happened just now? A girl sold a flag to him to raise money. There is nothing suspicious. Continue to monitor Aqi. Thank you. 369 calls the demon hunter. The prey has begun to gather. Wait for them to come into contact. Take action now. It's over. Miss, please do a good deed. I don't want it. Get out of the way and buy one. Please buy one. Get out of the way. What's wrong with you? I'll pick it up for you. It's a police detective. Wait, what are you doing? Stop, what's going on? Something happened. My gun was snatched. All units should pay attention . Surround the prey immediately. Take action. Don’t run. How dare you betray Mr. Shan? What are you talking about? Police, don’t move. Be careful of tourists. Don’t shoot indiscriminately. Stop , stop , don’t run. Stop, don’t run. CID. Do n't run this way , get out of the way, get out of the way , hurry up, hurry up , dad, what should I do? Come up, get my goods, stop... Don't run, get up, get down , 147 stop him, don't let him run away, dad, get down, I'll get down, get down , jump down. Hurry up, let's get in the car and chase them separately . Don't let them run away. Stop the team . Sir, please shut up. I didn't ask you to speak out. The whole team's hard work and deployment were wasted because of the two of you's negligence. How do you ask me to explain to my superiors what I was doing? The police have been stupid for so long. I have seen idiots. I have never seen anyone as stupid as you. I went to the bathroom at that time. This time it was purely an accident. You can't shirk responsibility. Awen's gun was snatched away and shouted. In that situation, you won't react . Sir, go out . Sir, what's going on ? Sir, this matter is none of their business. It's my improper command. I 'm sorry, sir. Sir, can you give them a chance ? Sir , thank you, sir. Goodbye, sir . I am very angry. He suspects that you two have reported to the police. My surname is Qi, who has been around for decades. Everyone knows who I am. I will betray him. Of course I believe you, Uncle Qi. But there is nothing I can do about it when Master Shan is in trouble. So, What does Han Shan want? If Uncle Qi is willing to give him all the goods, I think Master Shan’s anger will naturally dissipate. This is an open robbery. You should understand what Master Shan is like. How many millions does he want to be alone? Xiang, he has now found a young man to negotiate terms with me. Dad , it will not be good for us if you fall out with him. Hanshan has a large number of people. Don’t go hard on him. Are you still afraid that he will eat me? Dad, we are doing it now. Why take this risk when doing legitimate business ? Taking risks , I grew up in risks. I will be afraid of him , not you, but me. I'm afraid of you, okay? Don't say so much. You made an appointment with Uncle Huang for dinner. Let's go. He wants to bully. I'm not dreaming, Dad, don't be angry again. What kind of stomach problems can you get if you get angry while eating? Forget it. It's totally unreasonable . Remember, when you eat, be sure to put a smile on your face. I know, Dad , Dad, Dad. Dad , is Han Shan that bastard dad, dad, Qingtou , Liao Benlin, what are you doing to me? Qi Ren was killed by Han Shan . It’s my turn next. So you want to cooperate with the police? I know you wanted to arrest Han Shan. I can do it. What are the conditions for helping you? I want you to protect me. Han Shan has always dealt with others. I handle most of the transactions. I can help you catch him . Where is Han Shan, get out of the way ? Stay out of the way . Xue, I rented you a few boxes of videos. Take your time and take a look . Thank you, Uncle Tiger. Is there any news about my dad? I haven't contacted him yet. Don't worry, he will be fine. If there is news, I will tell you right away. I have been hiding here every day and can't go out. Dead people Axue, I promised your daddy to take care of you . You must never go out. If something happens, how will I explain it to your daddy? Acheng, why did you kill them? They reported to the police and betrayed us. I had no choice but to kill them. Qi Renshang Tao has been working with us for a long time and has a very good relationship. He will never betray us. So what should we do? Those two old guys are dead now. What do you think we should do? Brother Shan, actually this is better. In the future , the Golden Triangle can make a lot more money by directly trading with us. Money, you have to know that I am thinking about the organization and I am doing you a favor. You also said you were helping me. Do you think of me as your elder brother? Don’t you think of me as your elder brother? Don’t use this tone to lecture me again. You are old. Do you know that? Ah, your way of doing things is too backward and too conservative. Brothers will no longer listen to you in the future. Your decisions no longer count . You bastard, you dare to treat me like this. I think you should understand the current situation. The police issued a red of fifty. Qi Ren's son will never let you go even if he comes to arrest you . In short, you have no way out now. If you want to be the boss, why don't you shoot me ? I won't kill you. On the contrary, I still have to protect you well now. What about you, Acheng? I know your plot. Don't think that even if you use despicable means, you won't get what you want. Then just wait and see. What does A Bing Tongxing mean? Where is the Tong Hing Shipyard ? Don't go there in Saigon. It's very dangerous. I know what to do . Anyway, you have to be careful. Who are you looking for? Is Mr. Qi Yue here ? Please wait a moment . Miss Li, there is a female police officer calling the boss . She's waiting. Sorry, police officer, the boss can't see you until one hour after the meeting. We've been talking for so long. Do you have any opinions? Why can't you go in ? Mr. Qi, I have something to talk to you about. Everyone, let's break up the meeting. Everyone. What do you think? Write a report to me. Good police officer, what do you want from me? Mr. Qi, your father was killed. You don’t seem too sad. If you want to express your condolences to the family, you shouldn’t come here. You should go to the funeral home. Don’t waste my time. Okay, everyone, please don’t. I'm wasting my time. I want to discuss a business with you. What business? Han Shan killed your father. You must want revenge. Yes, no one knows where he is. I know. Why tell me. Of course there are conditions. How much do you want me ? I don’t want money. I just want to cooperate with you to catch Han Shan. It’s that simple. After catching Han Shan, you hand him over to me. I want to kill him with my own hands . I’m sorry. I have no interest in cooperating with you. I will handle my father’s affairs myself, okay? You can continue with the meeting. Wait a minute . Miss, if you don't mind, I want to remind you to change your shoes next time you pretend to be a policewoman. Tongxing Shipyard is not bad. Han Shan is hiding there. Why did you inform me of this news? I want to bring Han Shan to justice. Why do you hate him so much ? Do you have a grudge against him? Han Shan committed a crime and he should be punished by the law. It is really harmful for people like him to stay in society. Who are you? Don’t worry about me. Anyway , if you want to catch Han Shan, you have to cooperate with me. Do n't move . Is it you who gave Officer Tang the information? I want to see Officer Tang . My boss is over there. He has something to ask you. This is Superintendent Zeng. Where is Officer Tang ? Is Han Shan, the commander of this operation , in the shipyard ? Miss, you have nothing to do with me for the time being. Please stand aside. Our police will handle this matter. Stop, you can’t leave here. We will ask you again when we catch Han Shan. Confession: There are conditions for my cooperation with Officer Tang. What are the conditions? I want to capture Han Shan alive. I am not allowed to shoot him. Please tell me what your purpose is. People like Han Shan should be punished by law. I don’t want him to die so happily . Don't worry, our police will not shoot and kill casually. I really want to know who else is there besides Han Shan in the shipyard. There are more than 20 gunmen protecting him. Awen, please take two brothers to see if the officer is hunting. Demon hunter Han Shan and his gang did find out in the shipyard. Xiao Zhang looked at her. The others are following me . Chief Han Shan , no one is allowed to touch the shipyard. Listen, you are already surrounded by our police. Don’t do it. If you mess around, I'll give you three minutes to put down your weapons, come out and surrender, don't move, put down the gun, blow the door open , be careful , Awen , Awen, please hold back, Awen , Awen, call Flying Eagle , Flying Eagle, Flying Eagle, go to Big Wave Bay immediately and intercept the one behind. Two speedboats, hurry up and leave. This is my resignation letter. The information from Tongxing Shipyard is what I got. I should carry out the mission. But you have no confidence in me. You have to take command personally. Since you think I am an imbecile idiot, there is no way I can stay. Just because you want to resign does not mean that you have backbone. You have always been very ambitious. I still remember that when you entered the police academy, you once said to me that you have to rely on your own efforts and your own ability to get results. You don’t want to rely on any connections or even rely on them. Because of my cousin relationship, I specially arranged for you to follow me after graduation , and every time I was very strict with you and deliberately scolded you. I hope you can be a good policeman. Being so strict with Awen is nothing more than hope. She was a good police officer , but she sacrificed her life. Everyone is sad about Awen's death. I hope you will continue to investigate this case and bring Han Shan to justice. I will not accept your resignation. Mr. Zhao, this patient should be admitted to the hospital or not. It's none of your business. It's none of your business. Go out. Didn't you hear the doctor say I have to go into the hospital? Brother Shan, how can you go into the hospital? The police are looking for you everywhere. I'm the safest here. It's safe. Don't you want me to die early? How can I? I will miss you when you die, Brother Shan. Now the doctor takes turns taking care of you day and night. You are dead and I have lost a lot. Brother Shan, where are those gems hidden? Maybe I can ask your daughter to come and see you. You will feel better. What are you doing ? Don't mess around. Brother Shan, if you are willing to cooperate, I won't mess around and rest. Are you here to tell me where Han Shan is again? I want to ask you if you know his whereabouts. I have checked everywhere and there is no news. Actually, there is no news. There is a place you can check Where is Huasheng Bar? Do you think he is hiding there ? Of course it is possible. I know there will be clues there. Whether or not Han Shan is caught depends on luck, right? What is the relationship between Huasheng Bar and Han Shan? The owner of the bar is called Fu. Jian is a confidant of Han Shan and is very good at flattering him. He changed his ways and opened this bar two years ago. I heard that Han Shan paid for him to open it. Thank you two ladies for coming for a drink. I am a police officer . Do you recognize this person ? Do you know where he is? Where do you say I don't know the police officer? If you have something to say slowly, if you are smart, please speak up quickly. I don't know what I should say. Han Shan is your boss. There is no way you don't know where he is. I, I really don't know. Speak up quickly or I'll call you even. No business can be done. I really don’t know where Hanshan is , but someone may know who it is. A Yuan Kuituo, do you like to come during the day? Do you have to have sex day and night? You are prettier in person than in the photos . Come on now. I only have an hour. Your work ethics are so bad. Why are you messing around? I'm so sorry. If you are willing to give me a little more tip, I can stay with you all day long and tell you where Han Shan is. He is in the Xintian Xintian fish pond. Stop running around. I am a policeman. What are you doing here? I am not here. I don’t know if A Yuan is here. I don’t know if he was taken away. Go up and take a look. Do you know where they are? I know they went to the Xintian Fish Pond. No one can do anything. I know where they went. Brother Shan, please hand over those gems. Then you won’t have to suffer so much. Don’t you want to immigrate? I have a way. Help you. I'm sure you won't be in trouble if you go far away . Beast, you can torture me as much as you want. I won't say Brother Cheng. The phone number is Yanhu. Please pay attention to him. Brother Shan, your daughter will come to see you tomorrow. Think about it carefully . You didn't lie to me. Just go over there and see what's going on . Brother Cheng, if you don't want to die, come with me. Follow me quickly. Who are you? Why do you want to save me? I'm not here to save you. You and I send you to Xitian , what do I have to have no grievances and you, why do n’t you want to die, do n’t talk about it , hurry up and just get closer to me, what do you do with me and jump. Hurry up . Policeman Han Shan, I want to arrest you. I'm sorry. Han Shan, he wants to come with me. Let's get in the car . It's not surprising that Mr. Ajian Shan caught the criminal and was kidnapped. But I didn't expect you to be restrained by someone's hands. It's really a big deal. News: Officer Tang, you are the first in our police force. I should ask your superiors to give you a certificate . Where is your resignation letter? I admit that I made mistakes , but I have no intention of resigning. I have reported to you about that girl a long time ago, but you have been I can't find her background . In fact, you are also responsible for this matter. Hello, sir. You are not an idiot now , but you are still a little confused. The girl's name is Qin Bing. Her information is all in it. She is Han Shan's youngest daughter. It is impossible that Han Shan only has one daughter named Han. Xue , Qin Bing is his illegitimate daughter . She was born to Han Shan and another woman. Take the information in your hand home and study it slowly. Hurry up and get it done. Do you understand? This is Master Shan. He has caught a cold and eaten. Take the antipyretic medicine and rest for a while and you'll be fine. Come on , Ajian. I'm sorry to trouble you this time. Please don't say that . I have never had a chance to repay you for your kindness. Now that you are in trouble, I should help. You can rest here and rest here. It's safe for me. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid that Acheng will cause trouble for you. If he really comes to me, I know what to do. Don't worry. Brother Yuan has something to say to you. Brother , let's go . Yanhu, tell me where Han Shan is hiding. Ayuan. You know I haven't seen Brother Shan for a long time. I know, but where did you hide his daughter? I don't know what you said. Where is Han Shan? I really don't know. Stop, don't run , walk. Stop, stop, report. There is someone on the street. A few people were fighting and disappeared . Uncle, why is your face bleeding? Yes, why did you come back? The two children are waiting for you to eat. Dad, you are back. Mom and dad are bleeding . Don't make noise. Brother Tiger, why are you so injured? What happened? Nothing happened just now. There were two Taibos in the back street who wanted to rob me . I was not careful, so I got injured. You were robbed. Yes, I think back then, when you fought with gangsters, four people couldn't beat you. What four people? Last time, it was six. Yes, I know. You are so powerful that six people can't beat you, but two people beat you like this. Think about it, you are already dozens of years old and you are still so restless. Even if you don't think about me , you should think about the two children. Mom, my belly. You two are hungry . Let's eat first. Daddy, please eat. You saw what dad looks like, right? Fighting is not good. Mommy doesn't like it. You know, come on, eat quickly. Hey , Brother Tiger. I'm Mr. Ajianshan here. I'm here. He said he wanted to see you and asked him to bring Axue. Shanye said he asked you to bring the eldest lady. Okay, I'll come right away. Wife, I'll be back after I go out. Brother Hu, where are you going? Just here. Who 's coming ? It's me. Come in, Master Shan is in there, Daddy, Daddy, what do you think, are you okay? I'm fine , Brother Shan, just be okay. Ahu, did Acheng hit you? It's a small matter. You don't have to worry about Brother Shan, Acheng, what exactly does he want? If you want those batches of gems , Daddy, what kind of gems, Brother Shan, let’s talk about it slowly. You guys sit down first. Brother Shan, hiding here is not an option. The wind is so tight. It’s best to find a place to hide. I also have this plan, so I'm here to discuss going to the Philippines. I have a few old friends there. They can take care of you, Uncle Tiger, as soon as possible. Uncle Tiger, it's all up to you, Brother Shan, if you have no objections. I'll contact you right away. Once we've made contact, I'll tell you to board the ship. What's the news, brother ? Han Shan was rescued by a guy halfway. Do you know who did it? I don't care what method you use, no matter what, get that. Why did you catch the old guy ? Where is Han Shan? I do n’t know where Han Shan is. I don’t know if you know now. I don’t know where Han Shan is. Even if you beat me to death, I won’t tell you. I’ll give you another chance. Han Shan is here. I don't say anything , mom. What are you doing? Where is your husband? I don't know who Arjun Arjun is feeding ? Yanhu? I'm Zhao Cheng . Listen honestly. Your wife has something to say to you. Brother Tiger, Brother Tiger, think about it for the sake of the child. Find a way to hear Zhao Cheng. If you don't embarrass my wife and children, everything can be discussed. As long as you hand over Han Shan, I promise not to harm a hair on their head. I want to see you. I'll wait for you at Mount Mosing Ridge. Where are my wife and children in Zhaocheng? They are very safe for the time being , but you can't see them. Your grudges with Brother Shan are none of my business. Why are you arresting my family? Because you are the person Han Shan trusts most. Where is he? You must know very well that I don’t know where he is. He has killed so many people and he has no way out. I know that he will come to you sooner or later. I know that he will not kill people indiscriminately. Qi Ren and Shang Tao were the two people who were killed by you, right? Yes, I killed all of them , but the police and his enemies all thought it was him who did it. It's none of my business. If you want your wife and children to go home safely, you have to find a way to hand Han Shan over to me . What can make me believe you? Because you have no choice, Brother Shan, you don’t have to be sad. I have arranged the boat and it will leave here tomorrow. The boat has arrived. Daddy, Uncle Tiger has arrived... · Come closer, come closer, okay, Brother Shan, come on, come, Brother Shan . Come on, Brother Shan, someone will pick you up when we arrive in the Philippines. Thank you, good brother , take care. Goodbye, Uncle Tiger. Goodbye, Brother Shan. I don’t know if it’s you who are unlucky or I’m lucky. We meet again. Yanhu is a good husband and father, so Brother Shan, you can’t blame him. Yeah, don't let Brother Shan stand here and ask him to come into the cabin and sail the boat. You bad guy, what do you want? Shut up, sister Acheng. What you have to deal with is me. Don't hurt my daughter. As long as you are willing to cooperate with us, there is absolutely no problem. Let's sail the boat . I killed him and left. Why did you come? Everything was done by Zhao Cheng. Now you want to save your father. I think revenge is not enough for the two of us. So what do you think? It's best to go to Officer Tang and don't want you. Shut up you bastard and let her go! Brother Shan, if you tell me where the gem is hidden, your daughter will not have to suffer like this. Don't have any delusions . I have plenty of time to tie up this person Zhao Cheng. Our police have no information at all. It's a pity that we have always ignored this person Zhao Cheng. This time we are doing this for a batch of gems. Where are the gems? I don’t know. You don’t know anything. How to check? Is there anyone who might know ? Yanhu Yanhu , take all the tickets. You and the two children will go first. I'll go back to the factory to tidy up and come over to you tomorrow. You two have to listen to your mother, you know? You want me to kiss you ? Zhao Cheng, come out, come out quickly, Zhao Cheng, Zhao Cheng, if you are brave, come out to Zhao Cheng , Brother Yanhu Shan, don’t come here, Brother Shan, I betrayed you, I’m sorry for you, please stop talking, you have been with me for so many years, I know you will come back, Yanhu. Brother Yan Hushan , I'm sorry for you. I can't save you. Superintendent Yan Hu Zeng. I am Yan Hu. I know you have always wanted to arrest Han Shan . But the culprit is not Han Shan but Zhao Cheng. Zhao Cheng plans all criminal actions and puts the blame on Han Shan . Force Han Shan to hand over a batch of gems. This batch of gems is worth tens of millions and belongs to the fund of a criminal organization. Han Shan hid it in a secret place. It is a building like this. Sooner or later, Han Shan will not be able to withstand the torture of Zhao Cheng. If Zhao Cheng gets these gems, his black organization will expand. Officer Tang strongly recommended the two of them. She said that you can help our police arrest Zhao Cheng. Even if he doesn't help you, we will go to him to settle the score. The problem is that Zhao Cheng is not easy to deal with. Let me emphasize once again that this mission is very dangerous. You two can think about it clearly. I will not force you to keep this operation very confidential. Superintendent Zeng asked the three of us to be the vanguard to investigate. I will lead the brigade to support you at any time. I hope Do you understand that we can get a breakthrough this time and close this case ? Superintendent Zeng, don’t worry. No matter what the situation is, we will do our best. Thank you if you need anything. I will do my best to support you . Thank you . Good luck to everyone. Zhao Cheng, you got what you wanted. I can do it. Let's go , let's go. Zhao Cheng, you bastard , bastard, Zhao Cheng, don't go , you can't run. Brother Cheng, go, daddy, daddy, daddy , go .
Channel: 千年血戰
Views: 161,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 抗战, 悬疑, 谍战, 战争小剧场, 功夫, 美女英雄, 特种兵, 抗日, 狙击手, 枪战, 游击队, 热血, 二战, 战争, 激战, 土匪, 战争剧, 短片, 中国剧集, 大陆剧, 电视剧, 八路军, 抗戰, 懸疑, 諜戰, 戰爭小劇場, 特種兵, 狙擊手, 槍戰, 遊擊隊, 熱血, 二戰, 戰爭, 激戰, 戰爭劇, 中國劇集, 大陸劇, 電視劇, 八路軍, movie, drama, suspense, espionage, Kungfu, hero, chinese drama, short play, warfare, war drama, beauty hero, special forces, 短劇, 大陸戰爭劇, 大陸熱門劇, 中國電視劇, 中國戰爭劇, 熱播劇, 短剧, 大陆战争剧, 大陆热门剧, 中国电视剧, 中国战争剧, 热播剧
Id: n0ijAtxpjU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 15sec (5475 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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