Kubota L2501 - 50 Hour review

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alright YouTube here's a lightning review 50 our review roughly of my Kubota l 2501 will hit a couple things I like disliked about it as well why I chose it etc we'll get rolling I got to say that the primary reason is the color orange now it's not why did I get a Kubota they were at the time one of the only ones that I saw that we're doing 0% financing so I got this guy 84 months 0% can't hardly beat that I have a now I have a tractor payment never had a car payment I got a tractor payment and I'm ok with it any of you looking out for used tractors and trying to find the one with the combination like I was a front-end loader four-wheel drive and and maintained and looks like it was kept up well and for a decent price that's tough stuff to find they hold the value so well so I just debated it for years and years and years and never finding anything and finally just decided to go new had had the right time the right financing to do it so what did I get I got a quick attached front-end loader wouldn't trade that that was definitely a good deal for me I have a pair of pallet forks I use them half the time so I'm constantly swapping back and forth moving to removing gravel and dirt with the bucket and moving logs and other stuff with the forks it's a huge time saver I love them are four tires and you can kind of see it's getting dark here so we'll see how how well it comes up this is winter here still in the mountains you can kind of see the middle and it's been raining so I have some tracks here in my yard and I think if I gone with the are ones what I was already bout is it tear it up even more this kind of spreads it out I'm happy with them traction wise you can kind of see my property is pretty steep in places not had an issue yet trying to mow it have traction issues at all so very happy with the our floors got a day the other key thing is weight if you're going to use one of those front end loaders you're gonna want weighting it back in and you can fit more in the hour for tire than you can in the r1 r1 is those skinnier AG tires so you can kind of see how much beefier these like plus they look better to don't they let's see I got hydrostatic do I like it yes do I not like it yes sometimes sometimes it's loud that's kind of annoying honestly if you're up at mowing speed on the engine it doesn't matter anyway just kind of whining but that's the way hydrostatics are it's good strong not not not had any worries about it being a weak transmission or anything like that it's just that it's a little noisy the thing I didn't like about the the gear drive is the shifters kind of right here it feels like it'd be even your way kind of an awkward place to shift I don't know if that's true or not but that's the way it seemed when I was sitting on a couple of them one thing that I've seen just you know I'm gonna mention this real quick trettel pedal I see a lot of stuff on this trailer pedal which is this thing right here where I have the treadle pedal for Kubota and other other brands have a side-by-side and one's better than the other you're gonna get used to whatever you got don't let that be I can't imagine this would be anybody's make-or-break feature on a tractor but don't let it be it's really not a big deal I've that I've used both and that's perfectly fine you get used to it there's no loss of function there one thing I don't like about this L it's not that big a deal but you can kind of see if you were to get off on this side and be working on something there's no step they don't really want you to get in on this side because of the loader handle on the three-point you got to kind of you got to suck it in and get through there if you're gonna get on and off this I now do I do that anyway yep sometimes especially if I've got my three-point up it opens it up a little bit more and squeeze in easier I don't mind having a loader handle there honestly it feels pretty natural to me I like being able to take the loader on and off you know taking my time so I don't do something stupid and get in a hurry and break something it takes me three or four minutes to take this loader off and about the same to put it back on its really I saw some some guys say you could do it in 30 seconds now you know you might be able to do in 30 seconds but you'll make a mistake at some point and you either hurt yourself or your tractor doesn't seem smart so but realistically three or four minutes just sort of taking my time getting it all set up right and popping it off popping it back on I really doesn't take hardly any time at all a little plug for four dealers here pick your right one the first dealer I went to with the package deal I got this box blade with it sort of hemmed and hawed made me feel like they're doing me some big favors to come up with a price and I've called another dealership I'd heard about that's a little further away they came in twelve hundred dollars under roughly right away right away I'm gonna have to do anything so I don't know what that's about there's a if this one came with a one of these three-point quick atashi leaves on there and oh well they call them up said hey forgot one of your quick touch for your three points and it ended up on my attractor if you're looking for it I got it and the guy said nope you're good we just had one sitting around thought we'd give it to you okay well that's a that's a good thing that's a good sign I think they also kind of threw in these slidin what do you call these sliding turnbuckles they threw these in just for free a lot I think stock they come with the screw type stabilizers little turnbuckle stabilizer things and they threw the sliding ones in on this it can only speak to the slidin ones I'm not use the turn ones but imagine I've heard their pain I can see they'd probably be a pain these sliding ones are great so that's two things that were thrown in which would have cost me hundreds of more dollars at the other place so pay attention to your dealers don't be afraid to shop around don't take the first thing that comes your way make sure you're getting a good deal you'll both be a lot happier in the long run if you do that what I don't like paint scratch is super easy I know that may be silly but her attractor I would expect some tough rugged paint I don't know it's not I've ended up putting this vinyl protectant stuff you can kind of see the bubbles cuz I'll do a very good job of putting it on but I'm just trying to protect the paint in some of the common wear areas I've got it on the fender on the fender wells here I've got it on the the top of the hood and a couple of their spots high wear areas just to try and protect the paint this first new thing I've ever had I want to protect it I'm gonna protect it may be silly but that's the way it is and let me talk about the weight of the tractor because this this is not and you can either you look at it two ways it's a it's not a pro or con to the weight of it the it totally depends on your application so I've got a close to a mile gravel road that comes up to the house that I maintain man you want that weight doing anything with ground engaging plowing disking uni that you want the weight mowing your nice manicured lawn which mine is not you don't want that weight better better tractor probably for my property is the b-series but the cost came out to about five hundred bucks last seven hundred bucks less than the L and when you look at those tractors side by side at just I don't know it just feels like you're getting a lot less tractor with the B Series I'd have probably been happy with it anyway but I've really enjoyed this one so far other than that there's really not much I can talk bad about it it it's a workhorse I feel like it is definitely under Specht on paper to what it can do I'll talk about that maybe in another video when I get into more detail and a couple things get into some paper Wars a loader loader ratings and what it can lift three point what it can lift and I don't know axle sizes and all kinds of weird little things that may or may not matter so I may do another video on that just what I do with it what I can do with it quite honestly it's been a great little tractor I'm glad I hadn't regret at a time yet there may come a time when I don't want that monthly payment but for right now hardly a day goes by I don't hop on it and do something I keep my pasture mode with it keep the driveway nice and smooth with it I keep the keep my firewood going with it hauling logs and I wouldn't trade it for right now so anyway that's pretty much it leave comments or questions below and until next time
Channel: HighTech Farm
Views: 59,976
Rating: 4.8362069 out of 5
Keywords: Kubota, L2501, 4WD Tractor, Tractor w/loader
Id: EXGWN8sjJlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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