KUAM's Culture Club: Chloe Castro talks about the importance of the coconut

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[Music] the Culture Club is brought to you by Pepsi that's what I like and Valley of the lty where we celebrate our culture every [Music] day happy everyone guo see Chloe um so uh a lot of the time what we do here is um what I personally do here is we I make coconut oil and I make a coconut candy as well so um coconut is very significant to The Tomorrow People or um the maranas islands in general any Islanders um fish and coconut were the only resources we had back then so um we found every use for the coconut that they could and so we call the coconut tree Chun n the tree of life it provides us with so many resources from um using its leaves for shelter and um baskets um any type of weaving thatching um and then using the coconut for food drink um to survive um the coconut already has so many medicinal values to it um uh drinking it and then eating it and then also whatever you make out of the coconut you can use as medicine typically when you make oil it's used a lot in medicinal ways very important for us to preserve our our culture already I feel like um it's already been diminishing Like Me growing up already I'm part tomorrow and I can't even speak it I can understand um if my elders are talking I can get the gist of what they're saying but I me myself can only point out certain words not form full sentences and so I think it's important starting with the language but also other aspects like um our values our traditions and also our way of life like um um making coconut oil making coconut candy the traditional dishes it kind of food brings people um together in way so that's like kind of the easiest and fastest way to be in touch with our culture is through the the food and the dishes that we make um I want to say I do I know there's a lot of um organizations especially nonprofit organizations um headed by people of my generation Our Generation Um my age group that are very passionate a lot of the people I surround my um surround myself with are actually very passionate about preserving the culture most of the friends that I have um that are studying at uog are doing choral studies and doing ecotourism and all those things to try and uh try their best to find a place to start um preserving our culture in their own uh different types of ways so I think that our generation is really trying their best I'm I know I'm starting to try my best just working here um surrounding myself with um this family that we create here already I feel so enriched in my culture every single day Pap everyone GUI kloe um from myself and the family here at Valley of theat we are proud to be a part of kom's Culture [Music] Club the Culture Club is brought to you by Pepsi that's what I like and Valley of the lty where we celebrate our culture every day
Channel: kuamnews
Views: 591
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Id: aWpqzpPqs9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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