KTM New Zealand Adventure Rallye - full feature

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our neighbors the Kiwis our once comrades in war the NZ bros privately tucked away in a far corner of the southern hemisphere they're go-getters they play hard and a really good at riding motorcycles for the simple fact New Zealand is one of the planets ultimate off-road playgrounds [Music] 1190 farmers about what if you're lucky you have a good farm boys I'm trying to do for its third year running the KTM New Zealand adventure rally is elevating to a whole new level ready to race yes [Music] not only will riders experience one of the most challenging courses of its kind this year's event will also host Kate Ian's ultimate race qualifier a means to extract the two most capable adventure bike riders in the country and send them to the Mizzou ger rally of Morocco but now it's time for adventure and the obligatory warnings that come with it and it doesn't you know well actually it's they ready to wrestle up like serious grass I want to expand on that a bit one we've got a hundred and ten orange Lao motorbikes going through tiny rural communities we have a really really big impact on this area and it's very important that we do everything we can as positive impacts as possible awaiting most of us the excitement of six days riding off-road through picturesque New Zealand right oh then I guess it's gonna be a wet one two hours in and it hasn't stopped raining it's not flogging with rain but moisture is constantly hitting us in the face [Music] the tracks become narrow and the pace is lifting all as well until I try to rely on traction I never had good okay so this is the reason why Chris Burch runs motocross tires on his 1090 [Music] and who should I find in the fray a v8 supercar legend Greg Murphy happier than a pig in helping riders up the hill you get smelly Jace's welcome to New Zealand maxi [Applause] the rally is officially began Chris yeah 30 minutes later I've encountered the optional black breakout and there's no one to be seen except a lone roadster dressed in a waxed farm coat either he's lost his way on the course or he rides this every day at home just to round up his cattle ah Baga there's no whale get moving from a standstill in here lucky the old farm boss eats this stuff for breakfast it comes to my aid ha the only decent thing to do of course is go back and return the favor thanks Peter that's the gnarliest bit of trial I've ever ridden an adventure bike through [Applause] is this what you signed up for or yeah do you want to get your money back and go home it's just beginning that's right pretty awesome eight oh and you're running the saddle bag what's in there everything you know there's a luggage truck don't you know you like mr. Fixit just waiting for someone no what about you Brenton Mae how did you get to this wild country I live here really what other inferior motorcycles have you owned or been riding there okay updating the facebook status so tinder what's this accent that you're running Australian really and now you live in New Zealand what's to come are you sure things be good yep Tsubaki River is that a good decent crossing [Music] [Music] what was I supposed to turn there [Music] Rosi Lalonde now Canadian Australian queen of Adventure she runs these rallies like clockwork and can hold her own on the bike in any terrain - what happened out there don't we just enjoy the beach idea did you do all the breakouts skip and a second one don't come all the way to New Zealand just skip the breakouts second okay so nervous hey you'll be right tomorrow a few of you obviously didn't quite take me seriously when I said it was slippery and ratty and whatever so today when I tell you it stops and whatever what I mean ten goes from soft or possibly soft so when I say softer and softer nice a very soft inside [Music] [Music] so this is a KTM adventure rally you your bike of choice riders in front riders behind and a seemingly endless supply of trials and forest roads [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] contemplating doing the breakout Devin though [Music] [Music] hot on our heels was Young Gun Sam Brown he bought this old KTM 990 rally bike purely to enter the KTM ultimate race qualifier and something tells me he could be in with a chance Pacific Ocean on the side the Tasman Sea on that side meeting in the middle what do you know about this joint right I know this is the windowless north the rain seems to be coming upwards into our eyes seriously how good would they also be bored with the Denis and the rest 12 Marni's yeah what's a popular choice probably popular choice 10 9 [Music] Carl blundin of KTM Australia a factory mechanic come National motocross team manager - now Events Coordinator it's his first outing on a KTM adventure rally and he seems a little surprised at the capabilities of these twin cylinder beasts they take a solid beating do you live in this country yes what's happening out there today what can we expect Rosie talking we need to be world champion to take on any other breakout you gone straight in there I wonder that I've hit a month holiday in the US and rode up yesterday from Oakland on the plane really for a broken ass Todd no foot and did you bring this old warhorse over from Slovenia I am giving my first time living the dream what are you gonna do today I'm gonna have a good ride you're gonna have a safe ride I'm gonna enjoy myself you know Blagh the guts out of that 690 something like that I mean where are you off to yeah then what yeah you reckon you got day three covered you've made it this far piece of cake it's time to drop the pressures isn't it yeah yeah no I mess it around you know we're hitting clay today and that mate what's in there is it leave it maybe go just alright go to 18 this whole training they go to 18 is it really 14 there is 100 percent chance of no dust today we've got a which I'm as it turns out the Kiwis have a chili system to measure the intensity of the breakout loops one chili being mild to being hot and three well and there will be lot of kettle rats yeah packed and then it dries out in the summer so it'll be yeah Kevin Archer an enduro racing legend with multiple New Zealand championships under his belt on any other day he's a farmer but today he's here to line up in tomorrow's KTM ultimate race qualifier let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you writing oh you know orange one yeah yeah well I got some did you drain that out of the bike rattling itself apart is it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you story Tom well I'm I know what's the situation really just a cop coming the other way she pulls out on the side street in front of the coffee bean right in front of me and I had me hands off off my jacket just posting so this is Tim now affectionately known as sweet Jesus he's a regular at these events and this year is trying out for Katie M's ultimate race qualifier but motorcycling aside will later discover his real hidden talent was obviously a creek out there and then the second layer of that story was that Harry was standing on the handlebar Oh even the water and the water was up to his chin is this like an 80 psi in Birch's rear wheel again like this is like that just doesn't happen but maximum you lost your bike yes I did I'm sorry my English is not so good but it's real tough so we had a lot of photo and I really Singh seemed to dive to find my bite the things that my bike ISM is back not starting yet I expect maybe tonight if someone is interested I've got to sell it because I live back to France I can make a good crisis got any inputs funky moving we're not real sweet every McDonald's Burger King City and while Betty has a quick word for all the riders about tomorrow's transit day rosie has an important announcement - we will have the first three challenges take place this starts with a pass-fail bike lift it has been followed by a wheel change back at the hotel Maxime is hopeful KTM Australia's Harry Norton can bring his bike back to life a few hundred K day and we're into the bivouac the usual holiday ambience is now engulfed by the buzz of competition what do you know about your Kiwi competition this is pretty much you first adding on the big adventure bike isn't it yeah and you're yeah you reckon you can fast track your way straight to maracas I'm guessing you going into this ultimate race yeah good on ya now why the hell not yeah well let the qualifying begin for Katie M's ultimate race they'll have to put on their best race face in hope of qualifying to compete in an exclusive KTM 790 adventure class in the Missoula Rally No [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone passed the first test the boys are fired up the next challenge is a special test three laps timed twice and what a sight to behold big bikes charging a slippery grass check [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] exactly isn't it watching those guys punch those pink bikes around that track you have to do the Coromandel they call it famous for what we're looping out into the Coromandel today to witness the next stage of the ultimate race qualifier and it seems we've overshot any chance of a decent breakfast this oriental grocery store will have to do I'm spending the day with two motorsport champions from around the world both of which have discovered a passion for adventure bike riding five times u.s. national enduro champion am i right yes yeah and now going up to posture on adventure bikes I know pretty big change is last time I was in New Zealand that was this year racing bikes yeah but now I actually get to spend a little bit more time less pressure and just checking it all out on the big bike enjoying yourself it's great isn't it and I think the you know the the stigma if there was one of it being a bit of a geriatric exercise isn't really there is it it's it's cool no it is cool I think you know average age is still a lot above my own but yeah for sure I can see just a lot of potential for the like kind of you kind of my age group getting into this sort of thing a man's what I want to do yeah explore see how that goes being so much tong and the sate and rod on Simon's different Terrenas you know six-day period it's just water it really is taking you places that are and you wouldn't necessarily normally go probably should go you're doing wrong by giving it's your own backyard yeah yeah you I wouldn't be doing it on a box so yeah it's it's surreal actually look excited for that there you go [Music] here we go again lunch at an epic little estate Port Jackson our riders raised two thousand dollars for the local school the next stage of KTM ultimate race qualifier this will be the end of the road for some who are struggling to even make the siding lap of the special test [Music] race time currently the Sam Brown is just getting enough drive to climb the hill those precious seconds may cost him dearly [Music] [Music] good effort sweet Jesus but it's the end of the road for you my friend [Music] another successful day's qualifying in the books it'll be interesting to see if the tables have turned for some of the writers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well Sam Brown and Matt Nash have been knocked off the top steps by the experience of Elliot Kent and Kevin Archer and so it begins why day six the final day of the rally and one last black breakout loop the majority of riders are nowhere to be seen as this section has been given a 6 chilly rating further pronounced with the title the Carolina Reaper arguably the world's hottest chili I guess it's gonna be impossibly slippery and steep somewhere ahead the ultimate rice competitors are rounding out their qualifying race but back here in the muddy depths of the Carolina Reaper a few of us are living the adventure bike dream well sort of it's not always about perfect conditions happy trails and movie set scenery it's about grinding into the unknown with your mates working as a team to reach your destination sweet Jesus what's the situation this is pretty gnarly just like Chrissy yeah is it on its side or a zit on its stand [Music] so I convinced the boys to come along we got in the gateways and it started to rain this or help force again [Music] and gotcha free and steep and birches words mang true if you don't have an ox then don't do it - well the thing was on my head and to help was a must two little pointless payments promised of brown fluffy stuff ah could see where the open top five and pastures [Music] [Music] it was a pleasure to have a chance to visit your country that was the first time for me New Zealand and I'm happy to get their home back at least and then there were two good luck in Morocco boys to get some training it's been a week has been 18 years since I raced the mobile then you jump back on typical years the last 15 okay [Music] and then I get a phone call from cave the other day he said we talk to each other pretty big there so what are you up to you guys don't come on you're a wanker it's a fun tidying and all the help is obviously the put it to you that idea what an awesome experience and even winning us and Benelli enjoyed coming here a bit of a plane and pulled off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ARiemann1
Views: 221,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Zealand, KTM 1090 Adventure R, Adam Riemann, Chris Birch, Enduro, Motocross, Adventure
Id: NsceUHpoHXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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