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it is an exciting day here on the child because we're gonna be once again exploring the new potential that we have in curb with space program now that robotic parts are part of the stock game and I thought you know one of the things I've always wanted to kind of do with robotic parts of this game is some kind of unfolding station I've actually done quite a few single launch space stations on my channel that involve launching this big clump of pieces into the interspace and then they all break apart and then sort of guide themselves as separate ships with the monopropellant thrusters and steer themselves around and reordan themselves it's kind of a clunky way of doing things in the stock game without using things like you know mods they would let you do that using hinges but I always thought it was kind of a nice charming way of doing things but we no longer have to work with such limitations because of course we can now build hinges rotors Pistons all that good stuff in the stock game provided you have that new dlc of course so I thought you know what better time than to try and redo one of the things I do a lot on this channel but actually do it in a somewhat realistic way I know there are gonna be a few cracks here in there in terms of the realism of this project but I think it's a darn sight more realistic that has been in the past so there's a few different components here we have those two peripheral laboratory and habitation modules that are you know remain flush to the body of the station for the launch process and then they unfold out into a better orientation once the craft is in space and then we have the two solar arms which first of all like the other modules remain kind of parallel to the body of the space station and then they will unfold and then extend in length to get the solar panels nice and far away from the space station so that they're clear of any potential future expansions or indeed ships planning to dock with this thing because you know that does kind of Segway on nicely to the second part of this video so this video is in two parts the first part is gonna be the construction launch and you know final assembly off the space station and then we're gonna launch an SSTO with the crew to go and meet it and rendezvous and it's gonna be a grand old time so I think the time-lapse era is playing a little bit slower then perhaps my time lapse is normally are because I wanted to give you like kind of the best per set per perspective of how things get built I'd remember uploading a space station construction time-lapse video just on its own as its own thing and people responded really well to that so I figured people enjoy watching space stations get built now in terms of this thing a lot of form is placed before the function as you can as you know probably with with Kerbal space program you only really need one laboratory unit and a command pod I guess not even that and a few solar panels and that's really it space stations are still a fairly pointless endeavor aside from the fact that they look pretty cool and that's good enough for me and it's not even that hard to build them if we're just doing it in one launch so kind of got that go for it as well so you may notice a few bits appearing and then disappearing here and there at the edges of the screen that never actually work their way into the final build that's because I tried out a lot of things with the with the roads and stuff a lot of it didn't work out so if you see some bits like some busy bits of the space station appearing and then disappearing without actually being shown being constructed if that makes sense that's why they didn't work out well so I got rid of them now I've got those four kind of cone-shaped structures with loads of struts attached to them there this thing is very very wobbly when not strutted together if that makes sense the hinges themselves don't have much holding power when you know under a lot of g-force so when launching this thing as a cargo as the payload of a rocket for example it's going to be wobbling all over the place it's not gonna be very safe so the thing you would do is put struts everywhere to keep it stable but when struts are attached the the Pistons can't actually counterbalance the struts so it's not like detaching payload where the struts just disappear when you stage when you fire the Pistons or hinges the struts remain at the same length so the Pistons and hinges won't work if they're all structured together so my solution was to have a separate stage that just served as a structure for like holding the whole thing together during the ascent and then once we're in space we could attach those four conic structures and therefore get rid of the struts because you know because they're attached as a separate stage as soon as they're detached the struts will disappear and the modules will be free to unhinge unfold and extend so that's the purpose of that you may notice as well that there's some prove cause and batteries and the solar panel as well as lots of solid rocket boosters on those small pieces just because obviously we'll be detaching them once we're in our final orbit and we want be able to deal with them you know - they're not leaving clutter in space so that's why those engines and command modules are there so we can deal with them and keep our low kerbin orbit nice and free of any space junk so that's the main construction of the space station pretty much done we're going to use one other part or some of the parts from the previous dlc the making history dlc because as you can see we have an incredibly widen obscure payload so it's a good excuse to break up a massive Saturn five parts that came with the making history expansion pretty much the best reason for me to get that DLC was the big Saturn 5 parts so they are being used they're not much more to really say about the construction of this but really so I guess without further ado or we can skip ahead to the actual launch itself and there we are on the pad getting ready to get clear of the ground and make our way into space I'm using the mod camera tools to get this nice cinematic pan up a lot of people one of the things like asked a lot it's how I get camera tools you can get camera tools - guys I don't have like some secret code from some secret forum on a secret website it's literally just the KSP forum care camera tours itself I don't think is being continued by the current like the original developer but it's now part of BD armory so just download BD armory and for me I just installed the camera tools module of BD armory you don't need to install any of the rest so that's how you get camera tools please stop asking me okay camera tools video here yeah I guess there's not much to discuss about the ascent it's pretty much the same as all my sense just gradually tipping over until you get to 45 degrees by the time he reached 10 kilometers above the surface of kerbin let's say the Earth's surface surface off kerbin it's funny I said factually because I was a guy's obviously I just said that I was thinking about saying the Earth's surface rather than the surface of carbon usually when talking about real life space stuff I'm always wanting to say kerbin instead of Earth these days like wow I'm talking about low Earth orbit I want to abbreviate that as lko rather than Elio because I'm so used to saying lko whereas Elio doesn't really come up in day-to-day conversation for me at least because I don't really converse with many space enthusiasts and even now - do you know Elio isn't really something that would come up in conversation unless you actually piloting the rocket and since I pilots a lot of rockets in this videogame lko is a rose farm or off the tongue far more nicely off the tongue for me so I often slip up and say the kerbin things rather than you know the real life things like I still have to do a double-take and I'm thinking about Earth's natural satellites I shouldn't even say satellites should i Earth's natural satellite being the moon like oh yes but we got minmus as well and I think nope that's a curb or thing we only have one moon here in the real world sucks doesn't it the graphics are terrible here everything's bad so here we are getting into games were raising our power-ups this I a PO abscess I should say although we have been burning so long like this that our pair up sis has emerged although it is still well within the atmosphere so we only still a secondary burn at a perhaps is to get circularized I went for a nice and high orbit I think it's about 320,000 meters there's no reason for this other than the fact I was thinking I was aiming for 300,000 meters and overshot it slightly so I thought let's just let's just keep let's just stick with a 300,000 meters and we'll go from there so now we can do some lights I still can't get the ambient lighting quite as bright as it was I don't feel actually changed in version like the versions like if 1.7 the ambient light boost doesn't work quite as well or if I just haven't figured out the settings if it wasn't one of my mods in fact I think planets shy and has an ambient boost feature I don't think I've said that planets shine properly on this save just yet - maybe that's why either way we're trying to as many things as I can on the daylight side of kerbin just so that you can see exactly what's going on so first I'm gonna do now that we're in our designer we're gonna detach the lower stage just there because like I was saying early we got those conic structures that hold the whole thing together with struts we need to deal with those but we can also deal with this as well and I thought you've got lots of fuel in here let's try and recover it just like last episode I don't have the Pistons on this this time I thought let's see if we land if we aim for the sea you can just splash down and we don't need landing legs and we can save the engine that way however I'll end up being nighttime by the time I landed and I tried guessing and as you can see I got it I got it a bit wrong so I probably could have just cut away and said that I landed it and everyone would have believed me probably so maybe I shouldn't have done that either way these things are definitely gonna crash into the ocean and be destroyed because I haven't put any means of them being recovered because they're very cheap you know solid rocket boosters the most simple probe cores and batteries one can get you know it's not a great loss there's not a great loss to our budget by having these things be expendable there's only so much we really need to do before it becomes a little bit overkill guys so here we are deorbiting at the last one and we can get ready for the moment a lot of you have probably been waiting for and that is the unfolding of the space station itself get ready you're going to get to see it happen right after this message [Music] [Music] [Music] now for the final step finally a book that you can listen to don't you wish that there was an easier way to listen to your books I used to wish that too until I was introduced to the company that actually really sponsored this video audible for those that don't know audible is an application that lets you listen to a gargantuan library of fully narrated books original audio shows news and comedy on your device today go to www.skybanditz.com [Music] exercising cooking or sobbing in the shower and is becoming one of my go-to s when facing long car trips as well I'm currently reliving some of my favorite literary adventures in audio form one of the ones I've recently finished is something a lot of you may have heard of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy it's a pretty well known book by this point but it's space themed and it's British so it goes well with my channel and the audible version is narrated by Stephen Fry so I would basically be doing a criminal injustice by not recommending this one explore all of the ways that listening to audible can help improve mind body and soul with your free and exclusive 30-day trial by visiting www.subply.com I'm stable because it did tremor a little bit as it finished unfolding but for the most part it was pretty rock-solid so yeah I said the Traverse rates are pretty much the lowest unit that you can set it as I think it's like I'm feel like it was said of like three or something I can't know what the units are for there it's great isn't it great great for a cold space program informative videos I don't remember what the actual units they use are but every when you're in the space plane hangar or the Vehicle Assembly Building and you see that slide you can just I think I set it to about three I'll put it I'll put a craft file in the description anyway so you can have a go with yourself and speaking of craft files obviously it's all well and good having that station unfolded but it's not a great thing to have no crew aboard we need to get some crew aboard so I thought it'd be kind of cool to do an SST oh because I've done SSTO for you know at least two days now so I should probably do another one and this one III call all my lko SS tears of the vulture series just because that's the class of s as soon as I use for lko flights like volt class SEO is commonly go any further than low curve in orbit and they usually always have just rapier engines or a jet engine but I thought this time we'd go with rapiers but also a nuclear engine because we got too much higher orbit than typical space stations are constructed at so I thought it'd be useful having the extra Delta V that's facilitated by a nuclear engine and honestly nuclear engine and rapier setups are very very efficient and they're pretty good for all kinds of SSTO is really so that's the the methodology behind the build of this thing here everything else is fairly standard game to be honest I've got a couple of RTGS clipped into the cargo bay I know it's not a cargo bay but it's like a docking port and it's so big there's lots of empty space inside it that I thought it was kind of acceptable to her click up clip our RT G's inside and it wouldn't be seen as a quote-unquote cheating so our space station is pretty much directly above us to be honest so we're going to be doing a very very fast ascent because I could come up with some excuse as to why I some story reason as to why I thought it'd be an essential to get into space as fast as possible I don't know what if the co was on board having a bow like I did last time that wouldn't even stand but the truth be told I just massively over engineered this thing and it turns out it has a little bit more thrust to weight ratio than I thought it might so we can get into orbits very very very very fast and for the whole of this flight you'll see no temperature gauges appearing I think and that's because it's not because I've got rehydrating disabled or turned down or whatever it's just because I disabled to the temperature gauges because I wanted to get nice and some cool cinematic shots of the SSTO and I thought would having the tempering temperature gauges there jeopardize that division somewhat so don't worry rest assured this thing does work at normal reentry heating but that's why you're not seeing any temperature gauges appear even though these things do get pretty toasty at the speeds we're going so I'm gonna fire the nuclear engine between about 180 20,000 meters above the surface and then we're just gonna coast our way to orbit I'm basically holding a fairly aggressive angle at an angle of attack for an SST flight just waiting for my rapist to run out of air and there they are they are now using oxidizer in their closed cycle mode so well it could be very very easy getting into orbit I wasn't really thinking too much about the flight in fact this is actually one of the best flying SS eries I think I've ever made when it's when it comes to getting into lko I think if you've never managed to get into low command or what with an SS stay before I would be pretty confident insanely you could do it with this one I'm very happy with how this turned out again ludicrously over engineered never built to what it really needs to do and it does have a bit of park clipping with the nuclear engine I know I said the RT G's are clipped and it's kind of ok but there is definitely a fuel tank clipped into that rear adapter piece that's probably pushing it a little bit too far but that's mainly for the aesthetics rather than the actual performance gains with a Zed so I don't think it's too much of a problem here we are watching our elapses intersect our space stations orbit and let's see how close we got to an encounter there it is so our target is slightly behind us we're going to keep on burning a little bit so our app elapses is above our targets height so we're in a slower orbit and as you can see once we uh once we pass our purposes and get to our second encounter we're getting much much closer only a kilometer away which is good enough for me we'll just execute that burn and you know do some adjustments after that so I set up that manoeuvre note there just to put ourselves into a roughly similar orbit to our space station just so I could gauge how long it would take to reduce our top our relative of velocity to our target zero which in this case was about two minutes so I knew to start burning about a minute before our closest approach and we'd get an optimal encounter situation so now that we're fairly close we're in eyeballed distance of the space station there it is jamming bowel admiring the structure in the distance we can just burn towards our target at about you know it's between five and seven meters personally I've got a six and a half meters per second there or actually what I'm doing here is a boosting up the ambient lights just try and get our visual is looking as bright as possible now they're on the dark side of the planet and here we are looming interview so just before we get close we're gonna kill off all our target velocity here and then we're gonna choose a docking port to dock to so to speak so I went with this one here for no particular reason other than the fact that it's nice and clear from any kind of sticky-outy bits of the space station I guess aside from the spur solar panels speaking off sticky-outy bits of the space station I know I did say that I have those arms coming off the edge the the laboratory and habitation modules I should say completely unnecessary from a functional standpoint that only they're from a static purpose although I'd guess I did say at the very beginning that space stations are 99% of for the aesthetics anyway so but yeah they didn't really need to unfold to provide any additional function but I guess it doesn't mean that the solar panels a little bit more clear and it does open up the the open up some space for extension more so than if they were just left flush against the surface of that I guess it's because I sort of docking arm almost hasn't it so I did have to be careful with the SSTO swing not clipping into the solar panels I've got jebadiah on TV a to provide some lighting for us which didn't work out too well but at least he could open up the solar panel over the solar panel open up the shielded docking port because obviously no one is aboard the space station right now so we needed a curved wall to get out and manually open that clamp all the way I'm pretty sure there is a probe core on board this thing so another moot point but it's a it looked cool okay guys that was the main motivational factor and there we are Milner's as well that Jeb is wearing his brand new spankin spacesuit that he got from the DLC so I the color-coded are kerbals here because of course we now have provided you have all the DLC we now have three space suits for the curb ORS we have the original spacesuit we have the making history spacesuit and we have the breaking ground spacesuit I guess there's also the orange spacesuit for the original for curb was as well but we can just ignore that and that of course means that we can color-code kerbals because there are three kinds of curb was we have pilots we have engineers and we have taught we have tourists we have tourists so there's actually four cancer covers boo ignoring tourists we have pilots with engineering we have scientists so for general normal missions that means that you can put your scientists in one suit engineers in another suit and pilots in another suits you can see really really quickly what their roles are without having to tab through and look at there evie a portraits or anything like that and I guess it's nice that they all get their own uniform for their role like on I don't know Star Trek kind of so that's one of the things you may notice in this video but you probably wouldn't only a few of you might notice unless I specifically pointed out that's the thing but I might start doing in future videos actually is the color coding kerbals uniforms so we're gonna do a quick tour of the space station with jebediah here those four Marquand passenger bays all in that big cluster I meant to serve as the habitation modules because we've got four curved was aboard they will get their own little tube to live in we've got the rotating dishes here just so that they're always in constant connection with something and they're always changing their orientation pretty pointless pretty unrealistic but it looks very very cool I hope you'll agree and so that was the main reason did I say chair but I was doing the tour I meant to say Valentina was doing the tour I forgot I forgot that I'd actually put a jebediah back on board and switch starker was around in fact was was it always Valentina on TV eh I can't be bothered to go check her I'm just gonna continue and hope that it was a hope that it worked out okay but it didn't I've now clarified it so either way it doesn't matter too much so we've got a nice flyby slow flyby shot of the space station docked with the SSTO and that is the core phase of the missions complete but now of course we need to get our s sto back so Jebidiah and val aren't here to stay they're going to go home and our spread the good word of the brand-new space station in loco and orbit in fact the space station in no coming off because as you can see we don't have any of our normal infrastructure in orbit air and that's because I've started a new save specifically to showcase the new breaking ground stuff because the old saves to my knowledge at least what I was told old saves don't have all the new stuff like surface features and randomly generated things unless you update the save file manually and then those things will get added retro actively but these think that probably that can sometimes cause bugs and glitches here and there so it's probably better at least from my point of view where I want I want my safely flawless even though this commenter has definitely been far from flawless and as indeed the rest of this flight what with me crushing the lower stage unintentionally and all that but I thought you know just try and keep things as clean as possible I should probably start and use save file just for showing off the breaking ground stuff which brings me to a new series I'm thinking about doing now and aerospace to title is a work in progress there I thought it would be nice to another or scatter a suddenly glaze out there in the atmosphere this don't you hate it guys when the atmosphere just disappears but it came back don't worry and it well I say atmosphere it's the clouds isn't it the clouds disappear for a few seconds then came back so it was fine we can just polish over that like I'm saying it would ice to another Lau no space series to or we unlock the tech tree all over again right now I've just cheated the tech tree to be unlocked which is fine for videos like this because I just want to showcase specific things but for a place that would be nice and you know for my own peace of mind when it's my own personal safe file I like knowing that I have I unlocked all the parts properly a quote unquote so I hope you nice to do a playthrough I'm bid toying either career mode or science mode but honestly I think career mode just isn't very well suited to play throughs in Kerbal space program because there's a lot of grindy missions what with a lot of missions and contracts consisting of testing parts at specific altitudes and there's a lot of faffing around doing things like tourists to lko and back again whereas the things i want to do in my videos are a little bit more ambitious than that so I don't think career mode lends itself to well to a playthrough so I think I'll do another science playthrough I did try ultra-hard career mode and goodness gracious me it was the most grindy thing I think that would be as too boring for a video series so as I compromised for those that want a career playthrough I think about doing the science playthrough as the core it is a secondary series I'm thinking about doing life it was like a livestream series of doing a career mode so maybe I'll do that like a livestream career mode I don't know what days I'd do this maybe on Thursday I haven't thought this far ahead I don't know how much time we'll have to regularly do big long live streams but it's an idea I've had at least so I've got that going for me so that could be a compromise we do a normal playthrough series with science mode and do like a career mode series live and that is the SSTO landed I deployed the antennas you could see them even though I forgot to deploy them on the actual mission itself oops here's a final little shot of our brief kerbals aboard the space station and here are some videos on screen last week's was of course the first video I did of breaking ground - it's a Juno mission where we deploy all the surface science the one on the right is just so chosen for you by YouTube's algorithm don't forget to check out or double in the description and all the other stuff and I hope you have a great day guys
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 634,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp breaking ground, dlc, breaking ground, kerbal space program, ksp, kerbal, space, program, matt lowne, matt, lowne, space station, spacestation, station, folding, unfolding, robotic, rotor, pistons, hinges, ssto, LKO, low kerbin orbit, kerbin, jebediah kerman, new DLC, breaking, ground, funny, commentary, british, nerd
Id: ZOUom5EKX7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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