KSP: Capturing a Magic Asteroid!

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hello everyone and welcome to this week's video where we begin on the map screen looking at asteroid and that is because we're going to be capturing an asteroid in this video if you didn't already look at the title we're tracking this particular bad boy here you can see that green trajectory marker that I selected this one in particular for reasons that will become apparent later on the plan is to rendezvous with it as it with his past kerbin and then bring it down into a circular equatorial low-carbon orbit we can do science stuff with it or enough while tracking there's another asteroid manage to just capture itself into curving orbit which is wise and that clear so if you want to capture an asteroid but don't want to fly anything just track a bunch of asteroids in the tracking center and then just time warp at maximum it doesn't take long for one to get a man assist or simply just glitch its way into a stable orbit but that's not what we're doing today we're doing this mission properly now if we look at the asteroids trajectory on the map screen we can see it's going to be flying faster than almost completely polar inclination and it will just a fuel and make the whole mission much easier we're going to be launching ourselves into an orbit of the same inclination right off the bat rather than doing an expensive orbital maneuver and order to change our inclination later on I did this by looking at the map screen and estimating what kind of mouthal heading eyes need you may find it useful to apply some good old trial and error for this bit and then just go ahead and doing it you'll need to wait until the launch pad is directly below the trajectory of the asteroid either with a pad on the same side or the opposite side of kerbin whether that doesn't really match if you're lucky enough to have an asteroid on an equatorial plane but unfortunate I was quite a wrestling tap happen you guys need to make sure you're heading in the same direction of your choice I'm just showing the ascent its entirety kind of thing trying to force my pro-grade mark on the nav ball to sort of line up with where I sought to be all that I would need would be and I think we did a pretty good job this rocket here you can see is a ludicrously powerful the final stages we uses nuclear engines and it has about 9,000 Delta V that will drop significantly once we attach ourselves to the asteroid because going to add a lot of weight to this thing but when you're doing this especially if you've not done this before you really don't don't worry about efficiency and you want to really try to I would recommend over-engineering your initiative ships or you could add IRS you and add some drills to the front of your craft so you can actually mine the asteroid for resources but we're not doing that because I wanted to keep this thing nice and pure so it would be are not contaminated by anything when it comes to actually doing some research on it and there go the fairings and you can see this ship there we've got four claws on it you don't need four but it looked cool so I added a cool but ship design aside here we go making the maneuver so what we're going to do i time walk to the point where the asteroid was just about to enter curved incidence and should have spend much time in orbit we're going to start out by getting ourselves into a rough into a pretty low curve Anor which i went for one hundred and twenty three thousand meters because you know why not it doesn't really matter too much but i'd recommend keeping it low as you can see we've got a pretty good job here getting our inclination to be the same as the asteroids but you didn't quite get it right you could just change it now and then we're going to do going to create a maneuver no to get our app elapses to intersects the asteroid then we're going to click the next orbit button which changes the maneuver know to occur on the next subsequent order going to press the last few times it's gonna be eleven days we actually do this firm and you can see we've got a separation of about four hundred and sixty five kilometers between us and the asteroids that's pretty close for now just going to fast forward through the time warping to the maneuver nodes though because i don't want you to have an after that particular speed yeah okay so we're doing our burn it's pretty short because you've still got this big rhino engine which is nice and well it has a great thrust to weight ratio which is avoiding not the same for the nuclear engines but you know or whatever and there goes our uneven area the nuclear engines are way more efficient which is the other side of them and we can use a yes for a lewis we can get our maneuver no nice and close actually got a separation of 18.2 km/h Jose when you first do this you know you can always do fine-tuning later on now I'm just taking the move out here just to try and bring our encounter to be a little bit closer so nor point three kilometers is very close so we're going to just use one of the nuclear engines that's at low thrust so we can be nice and precise because already doing two meters per seconds we don't need a very powerful engine we're gonna start burning but unfortunately the minute I messed up and then we start getting farther away so you know that's wrong with the stock maneuver no sometimes didn't work too out in the end I just started doing it manually to burn a little bit pro-grade you can burn a little bit adding a little bit radial just playing around we're not using them a great amount of fuel here so I'm not worried about efficiency just gradually forcing that separation down so just giving a little bit ahead in this video just because it wasn't the most engaging thing to watch just a separation of a Menino gradually coming down by the decimal point so we've give a little bit ahead here we've got a nice separation between the target and our vessel itself you can see the asteroid coming in hot but luckily since it's quite far out from curving itself it's going to be going not it's not really going too fast you only saw a particularly big burn in order to match its speed so we're going to wait till get nice and close and then we're going to start burning prout retrograde relative to the targets you can see on the nav ball we've changed our the nav ball setting to beyond about the target not the orbit and we need to change our speed by 465 meters per second which is not too bad not too bad especially with the Rhino and we can do that fairly quickly and you can see our orbit very very quickly and matching itself up to be the same as the asteroids now I wouldn't recommend doing a mission like this until you've done two things done an interplanetary mission and have mastered orbital rendezvous asteroids capture missions are hot like harder versions of both of those things because they have massive inspire Cerie orbits like a planet but don't have gravity wells so you have to intercept them like you would have to intercept a space station so it can be pretty tough for people that never done it before so I recommend playing other things in the game first before attempting this but it's pretty satisfying it's not actually it's not too difficult to be honest so you just saw me there once our speed was zero relative of target I then pointed towards the target and burn so now we're accelerating very quickly towards it and now we're a mere two kilometers away from it so we can burn retrograde again once more to kill our velocity relative to the target and then burn towards it again there's 40 better ways of doing this this is just a really easy way of doing it so we're going towards it now we have a separation of a hundred meters and they touch you see it so we're going to just separate ourselves from the Rhino stage point ourselves retrograding target and there it is and you can see it is of course I smashed into it there started burning with PRCs try and kill off speed as I realized I'd massively overestimated how powerful the nuclear engines would be as well but yes we can see that it's a magic asteroid a gleam magic asteroid as well which is a color I kind of wanted I thought about which color I'd like and I decided I'd like green not sure why that's relevance but yeah we're just going to very slowly move towards it nor when to meter second I don't think we saw it there but what I did was right clicks the asteroid and press target center of mass this way when you push it it's not going to be horribly out of balance so that's what you want to do so that's what I'm targeting at the moment on the nav ball and there we go we're all docked so now unfortunately it's not all over yet we are still on an escape velocity from kerbin so now we need to change the nav board to be relative to orbit again which it should have done automatically actually come to think of it and then we're going to wait until we get to our kerbin pay up statistical we burn retrograde to bring our orbit back down to low carbon orbit now you can see we've selected the Mun as a target the reason that it just makes it easier to see if you're getting yourself into an equatorial orbit fine fine so there we go you can see our orbits the same as a mundus we're going to kind of do quite a few burns to get ourselves into the perfect orbit if you have next Jebb that you could use next years but i don't so I don't know okay so 600 foot 5 meters per second now our 9,000 ish meters per second of Delta V drops to 5,800 when we attach to the asteroid so it wasn't a big hit we have more than enough fuel but if you've got a bigger asteroids enlist then that extra surface of fuel may come in handy and of course you can download this in the description if you want I don't like recommending downloading my crossbow because I think you learn a lot more and you get a lot more sense of satisfaction if you design the class yourself but you know whatever if you want to just download this you can anyway we nearly finished our series of berms we have another one now 278 meters second I may be aiming to put this in a low kerbin orbit of around 350 meters 350 thousand these studies say about sea level so nice and high just because we have all kind of radiation or magic or other combinations of this thing could contains we're going to keep it fairly high with the atmosphere we're starting out going to have a periapsis of about four all I think I change it's fallen in fiscal year I did to change it's 450 then we're going to bring it down just because it can be hard to be precise in getting circular orbits right off the bat so our perhapses will drop during this term because we've got a 661 m/s burbs it's coming hard to make that not influence the periapsis so if I keep up appearances - now and then we'll just do more fine-tuning burns later on so than that I guess we'll just time warp down we'll start burning a little it before than the new verges because nuclear engines don't have great thrust-to-weight ratios with metals not going if we get to the manoeuvre no because we're going to be cutting very passing over the movie note during this burn anyway there we go so our house is now 350 meters 350 thousand meters again should say above sea level but the Apple apps is unfortunately still 500 so we'll point ourselves retrograde at periapsis and start burning once more just gradually start to force it down now paris's is too low but I have absolutely still too high to continue to burn it passes for a bit point ourselves retrograde once more there we go just doing very low thrust burns with a nuclear engine so now we need to raise our pay axis by about 2,000 meters and then we should be pretty golden so we'll time warp up there make sure we're pointing pro-grade when we get to the apoapsis before closing here now boost are taken over the autopilot and doing very small puffs there we go so that's even using very very small tweaks there but look at that very small separation and of course when I detach the asteroid it flung itself away so actually it wasn't quite as perfectly circular that's what we have now so but doesn't matter too much it's still very very very circular mm-hm anyway it's time to get Jeb and Bill home some of you may have noticed that my spacecraft does not have any parachutes or method of getting Kerrville safely back to the surface and this was not a mistake this was not a design oversight because I never make design oversight and I never ever make mistakes ever in fact what I actually plan on doing to save this vessel it probably will won't survive re-entry and when it hits the ground it's going to just explode and probably kill the crew then I had an idea there is an asteroid there is a rogue asteroid in kerbin orbit we could use that because I also felt like I still have loads of Delta be left over I kind of wanted a an excuse to justify why my vessels are so massively over engineered we're going to get an encounter with this asteroids we have to change our inclination once again to match it and then we're just going to basically grab a maneuver node and just sort of play around with it until we have a point that intersects the asteroids orbit and once we do see the orange toward purple target market here we're going to just drag retrograde gradually and you can see we can force an encounter to appear so first things first we need to do the initial inclination change berm which is going to be past a kilometer of second half a kilometer per second half a kilometer plus 500 meters per second nearly doing our burn here so you can say most of this video if it wasn't already obvious is played at four times speed in post-production these burns are quite long such as a new cranium though we do have six of them and we are rapidly losing liquid fuels we're getting light to write a second and enable it which are doing the same thing as before dragging the retrograde mark again separation of about 15 kilometers don't worry about getting it too close at this point because the stock maneuver no maker is quite an actor it doesn't do well when it comes to dealing with very precise encounters so we'll do this burn sir then we'll do another Gans later on I was saying this is already three engines six P point four meters per second we're just adding like fractions of only per second to it where it's not only accurate so we'll do the get as close as you can first roughly and then we'll do the accurate the more precise if later on but in fact he was using puffs of RCS and look at that there we go see a once you get to the end of the burn we can just do some RCS to do the final tweaking just doing the extract and then there's nothing else to do other than just walking around make sure you don't overshoot like I always do with these things and then put yourselves retroactively target only a 36 meter per second of difference in speed the reason is you can see how close our orbit was to it anyway we barely have to do any changes to get ourselves match and now we killed a fall our relative velocity we just call ourselves towards the target and you can see we're getting a separation of just a hundred meters once again so we'll just time warp until that point point ourselves retrograde and there it is so unfortunately it wasn't another magic Boulder if it was I probably would have put this alongside the other magic one and then we could have two together so we can come down those I think I like to use the locked camera just so we can get the best cinematic perspective for the benefit of the viewer the turn and then now we'll just press 5 is the action group I used to toggle the cause and we'll just target the center of mass and gradually move towards it and there we go this body looks a lot faster than it actually was because it's playing a fast speed but the claw is pretty hardly to be honest don't worry about going in like part of each of the second and anymore not all explodes we have a lot of surplus delta-v so I'm not really worried about we're on executing the deal that learn I'm just going to do it we'll go burners on retrograde and bringing our perhaps is nice and though they want it to be too low just because I didn't want to risk I don't know I don't really know what what what I'm talking about anymore pointing ourselves pro-grade and we're going to actually activate model felon because I'm sure you might be able to see this doesn't I mean you see you see my access to it before the clinic generally sort of pointy sleek aerodynamic this this is none of those things this is just a giant rock with a thing of an explosion there and they get enabled temperature gauges for the record this is all done 100% reentry heating case anyone was wondering we actually have the modern Palin thrusters activated there with the SAS nrcs holding the pro-grade marker then we're actually running out of electric charge that we didn't have although we have 2150 units of electricity it takes a monumental amount of power just to keep this thing stable on reentry and we'll get all back when we never get the set of panels exposed you have all our electricity back now when we actually start going into this nexus final aerocapture what we're going to do we can actually start burning the nuclear engines because they have an alternator on board and because it's not very powerful even though a burning pro-grade is not going to have a great impact on our ability to decelerate so once you start running low on electricity we can actually start burning pro-grade and those new car engines will start recharging the factory we don't still we're still going pretty fast acre than Ukraine still going pretty fast so if we lost our alignment now we'd probably explode it would not go well so just keep on cutting it around trying to keep it nice and straight we're not that much more opponent left as well but then again we are very low in the atmosphere and we're going sub 2,000 kilometers per second now 500 second barkeep game come to the meters mixed up this point though now I'm just going to get away from that something now very going very slowly now we're spinning quite wildly it's not helped by the fact that is being played at fast motion in Sony Vegas but you know it was that all you sit through a 15 minute video me reentering and nothing really dramatic happening don't worry I'll slow it down to the final impact now this point I realized I hadn't actually quicksaves prior to doing my arrow break so I was pretty nervous at this point I was worried that this wouldn't work but well you'll see for yourself it did work or not I playing a normal speed I'll go show up for the step yes the Kraken smiled upon us this day so we survived and no kerbals died today we we did it against all odds and where is the asteroid well there it is and I thought one core is remained attached so pretty hilarious anyway the me the original purpose of this video was me to capture that magic boulder down and then construct a space station around it and then we can do some stuff with it but I thought it would be nice to make a video dedicated just to the axis capturing it so next week's will be building a Space Station to it if I've already made that but it'll be the top left video here otherwise I would just be a random video top right is last week's video where we sent a strata launch vehicle to minimus and bottom right is one specially selected by YouTube's algorithm just for you so enjoy and thank you for watching
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 1,234,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, magic, boulder, magic boulder, asteroid, easter egg, easter, egg, magic asteroid, comet, explosion, funny, re-entry, easter-egg, british, commentary, nerd, epic, fail, claw, tutorial, asteroid capture, capturing asteroids, 1.2, 1.3, guide, how to, matt, lowne, matt lowne, matt lowne tutorial, part 1, part one, space station
Id: GYrw_OHuvQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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