KSN Iyengar Kitchen & Caterers Carrier Service In Hyderabad | V6 News

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daily carrier service we start from breakfast lunch dinner you will get a breakfast time about 7:30 8 in the maximum time and lunch time would be 11:30 to 12:30 is the maximum time and the dinner time would be about 7:30 to 8: in the dinner time so morning breakfast one day ID one day do one day P one day ra P one dayri one day B evening dinner same like morning like we are we have a maximum radius covered in our location Galu and other sweets like traditional sweets like Leu badha par jangar tradition it's a family business and you are all my family so that same thing you will be maintained Festival time separate online booking we have an online portal where you can order your sweet savories [Music] online the basic carrier system Char it starts from 200 per carer we have to pay the transport scales also we will provide you with a mobile app KSN lunch daily carrier service we are giving almost breakfast lunch and dinner car and we are planning to enhance our business in other state also Chennai and Bangalore and we have put an application open for franchis whoever is looking for a franchis in other state also they can upload their details we will get back to you on those almost 13 people we have 15 of kitchen staffs and 15 of delivery staffs for example if you want to intimate anything or else we have customer care number 73 6 8282 or any communication has to be informed are ready to [Music] come we provide food for senior citizens throughout the city and so customers
Channel: V6 News Telugu
Views: 338,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSN, KSN Iyengar Kitchen, KSN Iyengar Kitchen & Caterers Carrier, KSN Iyengar Kitchen & Caterers Carrier Service In Hyderabad, Carrier Service In Hyderabad, KSN Kitchen & Caterers, V6 News Live, V6 Live, V6 News, V6, V6 Theenmar Varthalu Today, V6 News Today, V6 News Live Theenmar Today, V6 Teenmaar News, V6 Varthalu, V6 Telugu News, V6 Velugu, V6 Live News, V6 News Latest, V6 Latest Updates, V6 News Updates, Telangana News, V6 Varthalu Latest, teenmaar news
Id: NO3UH5XRny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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