KSI responds to Gordon Ramsay's brutal Prime reaction

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no one knows what the he's talking about surely I I what is he now if you haven't heard of the energy drink Prime then clearly you don't have anyone under the age of 14 in your household it's an energy drink made by the YouTubers KSI and Logan Paul these things no word of a lie I think they they're meant to retail it like I know three quid or something yeah they're selling for about 20 quid I know people get on the train and travel all over the country to find and buy them anyway last week we had Gordon Ramsay on the show now he knows a thing or two about what things taste like so we managed to get our hands on the bottle and we asked him to review it Gordon as is Gordon was very honest [Music] KSI has heard his review uh on our show he yesterday put out a video to his 16 and a half million followers the ultimate review is here guys oh here we go scoring Ramsay he hates everything yeah it's like the sort of dregs of a sort of dear de Campo I don't know if that was an insult or if it was complimented I'm fine I think it's in itself by the way she's laughing but like I don't know how much of it it's all oh what a good yes I love it his laughs as bad as mine exactly well let's get ahead of ourselves this is hard
Channel: Heart
Views: 71,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heart, KSI, Logan Paul, Gordon Ramsay, Prime, Reacts, Reaction, Review, ksi responds, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares
Id: YV2OfByf6hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 37sec (97 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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