Krist Novoselic FINAL MOMENTS With Kurt Cobain (Sad Story)

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friday march 25th 1994 an intervention was held for kurt cobain at his home in seattle to try to get him off of drugs and into rehabilitation the whole intervention deal blindsided kurt and he was pretty upset that it had taken place at all but he did agree to go into drug rehabilitation in los angeles and now we fast forward to march the 29th where bandmate chris novoselich was enlisted to take kurt to the airport to go to fly to los angeles for rehabilitation and here is where our story kicks off that tuesday reservations were made for kurt to fly to los angeles and chris was enlisted to take him to the airport when curt arrived at chris house it was obvious he did not want to go as they took the 25 minute drive kurt sobbed and yelled and screamed on interstate 5 near the tuquila exit kurt tried to open the door and jump from the moving car chris couldn't believe this was happening yet with his long arms he managed to hold on to curt as he drove even as his car swerved they made it to the airport a few minutes later but kurt hadn't improved chris had to drag him by the collar the way a schoolmaster might escort a ruffian to the principal's office in the main terminal kurt punched curse in the face and attempted to flee chris tackled him and a wrestling match ensued the two old friends brawled on the floor of the crowded airport terminal cursing and punching each other like two drunks in an aberdeen bar brawl kurt freed himself from his friend's grasp and ran through the building screaming few as shocked passengers looked on the last curse saw of kurt was his blonde mop turning the corner chris drove back to seattle alone sobbing cursed had such a huge amount of love for kurt shelly recalled that's chris former wife we both did he was family to us i'd known him for almost half his life as a teenager shelly had flipped kurt free big macs from behind the counter at the aberdeen mcdonald's and kurt had once lived in a van behind chris and shelley's house and shelly would bring him blankets to make sure that he didn't freeze to death christ and curt had driven what seemed like a million miles together and they had told each other things they had never told another soul but that tuesday night chris told shelley he knew in his heart he would never see kurt alive again and he was right so that was the final time that chris novoselich ever saw kurt cobain alive that was tuesday march 29th so obviously kurt didn't end up going to la to rehab that day but what happened the next day on the 30th that is when kurt got his friend dylan to buy the shotgun and kurt did fly out to los angeles for rehabilitation on the wednesday the following day but he only stayed in that rehab center in la for just a very short amount of time he actually flew back to seattle just a couple of days later and of course his life ended not too long after that that was such an event like when kurt died and the way he chose to to die and you know it was such a media spectacle and um so you get you know you get all this like this mythology then there's books and articles and like all all those kind of things speculation and uh it's just i don't know it's just too bad like the again those are personal things that that were handed kurt and you know one thing led to another and he he just should have stuck around i don't think he you know just i don't know you just shouldn't have done that that's all i can really say it's like an understatement it could have and he could have done anything he wanted to do he could have been a painter a sculptor he could have lived in a uh he could have done anything he wanted to do thanks guys for tuning in to the video quite a sad ending there that kristen kurt had some people out there may not have even known about that story but that's the way it all went down so thanks guys for watching as always leave a big thumbs up on the video much appreciated shows you guys are liking what you're seeing consider hitting that applaud button down below and becoming a channel member there's more information on that in the description box and we'll catch you next time guys [Music] you
Channel: Grunge & Rock
Views: 77,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4vn610Eg3iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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