Kriegsmen Destroys Orks - Warhammer 40K | 4K Fight Scene (2023)

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[Music] is can you hear me you hear [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] h the city of Turan is under attack my city a dark tide of chaos is rising our best fighters are falling it's time to try new tactics something different something desperate must stand we take you the outcast and the criminal The Lost and the Damned because you have nothing left to [Music] lose so you're the scum we're counting on now and if it's come to this then God Emperor help us [Music] all R of T hear me we are the mobian six returned and redeemed their chains no longer bind us their bastians can no longer hold us once we were lost like you Blinded By Faith and acceptance only when our eyes were opened did we TR truly SE the lies for what they were we are your sons we are your daughters we have come home it is our solemn pledge to bring about a new and glorious age of freedom and prosperity join us and cast us the F of the earth enough of that ertic filth right listen up we got a well-trained traitor Army on our ends and this world for fell seems to be at the head of IT The Inquisitor wormwood agents have tracked their latest propaganda broadcast giving us the location of their staging area two of Wolf's left tenants the carac twins are leading operations in AB Zone HL 704 the carnival was never a nice area but now the Heretics are dug in like rats word is that some kind of steem is spreading through the streets making those nasty buggers even nastier see if you can turn the tide and get us a win on the board eh right you got your orders get out there and bring those Heretics to their knees prisoners all secure ma'am I'll check for myself if you don't mind of course ma'am but do be wary every one of them's a filthy heretic that one certainly is keep him intact no accidents my master wants to interrogate him as soon as we reach the hive of course ma'am upon my life this one however makes you wonder why we even bother shipping trash like that H save a lot of data slate work just to process the execution notice now what do you say criminal shall I put you out of your misery and ours you wor be quiet well nothing to say this is a mistake I am a loyal servant of the throne but of course I'll just let you out now then shame you'll never get to prove that TR teror we're boarded C now come with us brother we have a way out what do we do about that one nothing the popes will be here to feed soon [Music] enough this is explicate the Zola support request [Music] [Applause] urgent I am grindle it is my honor to serve the god emperor of mankind and fight the darkness that contaminates the Imperium the supreme power of the Holy Inquisition is mine to wield who am I I'm a warrior the high world of ATA CRI is a vital stronghold of Imperial power no matter the darkness no matter the racking storms of space atoma crimee must stand resol but a threat has come the very Darkness I am sworn to deny who am I I Warrior I have learned that atoma is C from the dark St trth chaos is the arch enemy of mankind it is the damn nation of the warp it is everything I have sworn to oppose who am I I'm a warrior it can only be cast out by the Light of the throne and the scourging touch of flames who am i warrior as an instrument of the Inquisition and no matter the risk to body and soul I will Purge the hi from top to bottom and cut out every scrap of Darkness I find who am I I a [Applause] warrior who am I War Warrior war war war [Applause] war
Channel: FightClipsHD
Views: 188,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game clips, game scenes, cinematic trailer, cinematic trailers, fight scenes, fight scene, gameplay, gaming, 4k, 4k fight scenes, 4k game scenes, full movie, game movie, game movies, playstation, ps, ps5, xbox
Id: aht2U9Eex98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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