Kraven Anatomy Explored - What Makes Kraven More Powerful Than Captain America? And More!

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not share while Spider-Man has faced several dangerous villains across his story arc Sergey kravenov also known as Craven the hunter is certainly one of his most memorable opponents while some villains plant their wits or strength Craven is quite the deadly combination of both these traits known for his tactical mind as well as his experience as a hunter Craven had quite a tragic childhood that shaped him into a deadly force of nature that he is now he has a wide range of powers such as enhanced speed and stamina and he's also cursed with immortality today we will also explore his unique physiological features and tell you all about Craven the Haunter now just before we go into our video we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you now let's begin thank you who is Craven and how did he become one of the deadliest Spider-Man villains born in Russia during the peak of the Russian Revolution in 1917. Sergey kravenov's family soon fled to the United States to escape the war he lost both his parents and then traveled all over the world by himself until he finally reached Africa and settled down in Africa Craven realized he was a talented Hunter and also made quite the career by hunting down large animals in the wilderness he also met with a witch doctor named Calypso who gave him a potion that enhanced his strength and made him even more powerful after earning quite a reputation as a hunter Craven came across Spider-Man who managed to catch his eye Craven then studied Spider-Man for quite some time and even set his sights on him however he could not defeat the superhero on his own and he later even joined the Sinister Six along with the likes of Dr Octopus Sandman Mysterio vulture and Electro to bring Spider-Man down how did Craven get his powers while this theory has not been confirmed the trailer for the upcoming Craven the Haunter movie suggested that he got his power hours after the blood of a lion fell on an open wound and mixed with his DNA when he was younger Craven encountered a line during one of his haunts and he took too long to attack the animal when the lion noticed Craven he attacked him and even chomped all over his body while Craven was wounded the lion also suffered some damage and a droplet of its blood fell on Craven's injuries after the Lion's blood mixed with his blood it caused some changes to his DNA and even gave him extraordinary strength and stamina among other powers the story has been explored in the trailer for the upcoming movie but the Comic version of this character got his powers through different means in the comics Craven approached the witch doctor Calypso and asked her to give him a magical potion Calypso practiced Voodoo and she gave him a horrible potion that was created from rare and exotic jungle elixirs Craven often consumed this potion to enhance his strength and speed which also helped him go on for hours before feeling any fatigue the potion gave him superhuman stamina enabling his musculature to produce fewer fatigue toxins than a regular human even though Craven has aged over time the potion helped him maintain in the physique and health of a 30 year old and blessed him with stamina and Longevity moreover The Elixir also granted him superhuman curability and made him resistant to any attacks or injuries is Craven the Haunter stronger than Captain America after Craven consumed Calypso's potion he gained several new powers and his body also underwent numerous enhancements that made him stronger than ever these Newfound attributes made him the best of the best and it's even said that he was stronger than Captain America after drinking the potion his body had evolved beyond the scope of human evolution and he truly became a deadly adversary who surpassed many other supernatural beings in terms of physical strength how physically strong was Craven the Haunter now that we've established that Craven was even stronger than Captain America at the peak of his physique we know that he was an extremely strong being possessing superhuman strength he was strong enough to lift around two tons in weight without batting an eyelid and he was also known for his speed due to his history as a hunter Craven could move faster than most athletes and he could even Sprint short distances at a speed of 60 miles per hour while most hunters relied on guns or bow and arrows Craven was skeptical of such weapons and he typically preferred to haunt animals with his bare hands it would take forever to wear him out during a fight he did rely on a mystical serum to gain strength but he was also quite powerful on his own without consuming the serum when Spider-Man tried to attack Craven by punching him Craven's body could easily withstand the blunt Forest trauma without suffering any consequences he was also incredibly agile and his body coordination and balance were on par with Spider-Man typically Craven would haunt his opponents or even Animals by weakening them beforehand and then going in for the kill when they were too tired to defend themselves what made Craven earth's best hunter Craven was quite the natural when it came to hunting and he also had several skills that came in quite handy when he was out there on the field for instance he was a master animal trainer and he could subdue almost any animal he could also train them and make them follow his orders with such Perfection that people even wondered if he used some form of mind control over these beings for instance Craven could train two different animals to a point where they would function in complete synchronization to follow his orders besides taming animals Craven was also a skilled Hunter and tracker he could track down any animal's Trail by noticing Minor Details and his experience also gave him quite a lot of knowledge about unique hunting and tracking methods he had also developed many new techniques to haunt supernatural beings such as Spider-Man and he could even track him even when jumping across rooftops and buildings Craven also possessed vast medical knowledge regarding medicines poisons and their effects on humans and animals he also knew the different kinds of exotic poisons drugs and tranquilizers that were readily available in nature and all this information eventually helped Craven become Earth's Best Hunter Ultimate Marvel's Craven genetically modified his body a newer version of Craven was introduced in the Ultimate Marvel Comics wherein he seems to have genetically modified his body while Craven typically rely is on temporary enhancements and herbal potions to become more powerful the ultimate Craven went one step ahead and permanently modified his physique to become more powerful in this story arc Craven was a reality television star who was trying to locate Spider-Man and then bring him on his show where he would kill different animals on screen with his bare hands when the general public decided to cancel his show Craven decided to intimidate the audience and even promised to kill Spider-Man on live television he soon went after Spider-Man and even hunted him down while he was caught up in a fight with Dr Octopus Spider-Man was quite annoyed by this Interruption and he easily defeated Craven with just one single punch Craven was then arrested for endangering the public but he didn't give up so easily and Ben decided to genetically enhance his body even broke several genetic laws in an attempt to gain attributes of all the animals he had haunted to date but his actions caught the attention of the ultimates who arrested him and put him in a shield containment facility he somehow man managed to escape with the help of Electro Norman Osborne and other such Spider-Man villains but he was later recaptured and put into another Shield containment facility with even more security can Craven father children crave and can most certainly father children and he's even been involved with several different partners over the course of his life he has also had many children and he has quite a complex family tree to begin with Craven had an illegitimate child named aliasha kravenov with a mutant woman ages ago this child was introduced in The Spectacular Spider-Man comics where we learned that aliasha was left all alone and had to fend for himself in the Deep jungles of Africa he eventually traveled to New York City and then he continued his father's Legacy of fighting superheroes and he had also inherited Powers such as superhuman strength speed and healing Factor eventually Craven's youngest daughter Anna haunted him down and killed him because she wished to build a new family Legacy and didn't want to include illegitimate children Craven also married a wealthy Russian woman named Sasha and he had two children named Vladimir and Anna with her Anna hardly had any contact with Craven but she sought his approval and hoped he would Mentor her in her attempt to get closer to her father she hunted down his other children and as we mentioned and killed aliasha in an attempt to prove her worth on the other hand Vladimir took quite a different approach and adopted a new identity as the Grim Hunter after Craven committed suicide in the Spider-Man comics Vladimir was determined to avenge his father's death by defeating Spider-Man he also held a grudge against his father who hardly gave him any attention during his childhood and instead sought out a fight with Spider-Man Vladimir used his father's serum to gain superpowers and become more powerful but he was still killed off by Peter Parker's evil clone Kane eventually his mother resurrected him but this ritual turned him into a lion Beast after Craven was resurrected he took pity on his son after realizing that he had been reduced to a hybrid beast and he then decided to euthanize him Craven also had another son named nitrochi talingarten who sought out aliosha and tried to kill him after trying to get close to him while natrochi insisted that he wanted to be close to someone else who shared the same blood Craven's brother chameleon showed up at the scene and killed natrochi before he could harm aliosha Craven also had a relationship with Calypso who had also used to supply him with the horrible potion that made him strong Calypso has often stirred up trouble for the kravanovs and she wants even poisoned alyosha and Spider-Man and then hypnotized them into fighting each other eventually alyosha fought back against Calypso's attacks and even killed her during this encounter Craven certainly had quite a complicated romantic life bothering numerous children who either hated him or fought against him to win his favor did the curse make him Immortal during the last haunt storyline Craven temporarily managed to get rid of Spider-Man by shooting him with the tranquilizer dark he then buried Spider-Man at his estate and then went around the city in Spider-Man's costume after creating chaos for some time Craven decided to do some good and captured one of Spider-Man's most formidable villains Berman in the meantime Spider-Man came back to life and then confronted Craven who boasted about the fact that he was able to capture Berman while this was something Spider-Man had been unable to do so far Craven was quite satisfied with himself and even felt that he had restored his honor he then handed himself to the police and also took his own life later on Craven's widowed wife Sasha decided to perform a ritual to resurrect her husband and bring him back to life Sasha's family also helped her capture Spider-Man as they intended to sacrifice him in order to resurrect Craven however the mistakenly captured Peter Parker's clone Kane and then killed him this mistake led to the ritual going horror terribly wrong and Craven was then cursed with immortality unless Spider-Man himself killed him as soon as he returned to life Craven approached Spider-Man and begged him to kill him but the superhero refused to do so in a fit of rage Craven traveled to Savage land with his family and even killed Sasha when she refused to live there after accepting his fate Craven decided to become more powerful than ever and he also asked the high evolutionary for help in creating 87 clones of himself Craven then decided to raise an army of Cravens but he later returned to Savage land and learned that only one of his clones had managed to survive this clone explained that he had killed the rest of the Clones to prove himself worthy and Craven then named this clone the last son of Craven Craven and his soul clone then created an elaborate survival area in Central Park where they hoped to invite other hunters and then kill them Craven even invited Spider-Man to the arena while he still hoped that the superhero might kill him however Spider-Man simply freed the hunters from the arena and still refused to kill Craven Craven finally understood Spider-Man's reasoning and morals and embraced his morals and spirit he then puts on Spider-Man's costume out of respect for him and then asks his soul clone to kill him since Craven had finally embodied the superhero Spirit he was freed from the curse and his clone was able to kill him after his death the last son of crave and discovered a note that Craven had left behind where he declared that his clone would take his place as the new Craven the hunter his new Avatar in the upcoming Craven the Haunter film Craven has gained a lot of popularity among Spider-Man fans and recently a craven the Haunter movie was also announced by Sony Pictures Entertainment while the movie has been developing for a while the film finally has a release date and is slated for the 6th of October 2023. Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been cast to play the titular role and this movie also depicts Craven in a new form he appears to be faster and more agile than his regular self and he also has a few deadly weapons to Aid him in his haunting missions the trailer for this movie was also released recently where we can see Craven as a master hunter the film also explores his backstory and sheds light on incidences such as when he gained his powers after the Lion's blood dripping into his wounds and mixing in with his DNA the trailer seems quite promising and it also shows Craven in a deadly form where he haunts animals and humans alike conclusion to sum it up Craven the Haunter is undoubtedly one of the most legendary villains that Spider-Man has ever faced his excellent haunting skills Supernatural strength and deadly Instinct make him a monstrous entity and we can't wait to see him on the big screen very soon and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't done so already otherwise have a good one and be safe thanks everyone thank you I stare death in the [Music] thank you
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 262,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a2DlDjbd7a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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