Krav-Maga Fight Science with Amir Perets

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but how the experts fight back when the assailant is the one with the weapon fighting back is your last option if you could not avoid it solve the situation as fast as possible and leave the area when fleeing isn't an option the first obstacle to overcome is panic in a life-or-death situation against an armed opponent how does someone conquer their fear and take control of their bodies natural instinct to defend itself helping us answer this question is Jonathan Dugas a police officer who's also a craft Maga instructor and Amir Peretz are self defense expert their first situation is all too common in street attacks an assailant with a club or bat okay what are my options if somebody comes after me with something like this well overall the concept and the main principle is to close the distance suddenly and explosively so the lower and closer you get you deal with less resistance the natural reaction to attack with a bat is to just to raise your hand over your head and cover up and that caused people to break the round because of the angle 90 degree angle human long bones are weakest horizontally so absorbing the full impact across the arm is a recipe for disaster just leaning forward and sending your hand forward you see that all you already starting to deflecting and redirecting the stick if you know yourself more the stick will be deflected away from the surprising secret don't shrink away from the strike lunge towards it it appears to work moving into the baton instead of a way and deflecting its impact at an angle but will the physics bear out the theory what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to test that theory out using a couple different things first of all we have a stick that we've instrumented okay so this is a standard kind of stick that you might come up against right mm-hmm so and what I've done is we've put a accelerometer on the top of it from way to have you actually test this theory on a crash test dummy in place of a real human is our crash-test dummy with its arms strapped into a common defensive position perpendicular to the angle of attack sensors on the baton will measure the speed and impact of the blow I'm here are you ready ready three to one strike amia swings the baton at 25 meters per second delivering a strike of 1076 kilograms of force the nightstick Amira's using is a standard police baton made of hardened nylon that flexes on impact yet it delivers over a ton of force easily enough to break both the ulna and the radius bones of the forearm the strike hits both bones across their weakest axis this injury could be debilitating the victim would have no chance of escape the crew repositions the dummy for the next test but now its arms are extended forward in line with the angle of attack the angle that experts recommend for self-defense okay is this basically how someone should react when someone comes at them with a bat and bow yes okay so kind of in this position that's correct okay okay you ready Ameer ready three two [Music] once again amia swings at 25 meters per second but the data is strikingly different because of the angle of the arm he deals the dummy only a glancing blow with a measured impact of just 90 kilograms of force one-tenth the force of the initial strike and not nearly is likely to break bones the club then slides down the side of the arm and is deflected away from the body it's pure physics and geometry the defensive move gives the defender a chance to escape okay I think we can see pretty clearly it's a lot different right the concept is again to close the distance you deflect and redirect the attack so we're talking the difference between having an abrasion or a scratch versus a broken arm well that's that's great information to know because I never would have thought of that but what if the attack weapon is a gun it's one of the most terrifying attack scenarios out of nowhere a gun to the back [Applause] when the attacker is a gun is a very dangerous situation you should only fight back when you have no choice and you must know there are things you can do is there a way to disarm an assailant in this dangerous situation ok we're going to show a defense against the threat with a gun to my back we are using a real gun with simunition rounds so it's extremely dangerous the set turns into a hot range now I want to see everyone putting their safety glasses on now Jonathon Dugas will serve as the bad guy in this scenario he'll be using simunition rounds these are training cartridges that far are non-lethal but sometimes painful die marker instead of a metal bullet amia will try to disarm his attacker without getting shot stay down stay down on your stomach on your stomach he took control of the situation but how did he do it slow motion reveals the secret behind a Mia's incredible takedown first he notes which hand his attacker is using to hold the gun and turns inward taking his body out of the line of fire this allows him to control the arm holding the gun Ahmir then seizes the weapon and uses the gun itself as leverage against the attackers wrists and trigger finger a Mia's expertise even allows him to reverse the gun and use it himself for the average person the goal is to wrench the gun free and get away fast the entire exchange takes under five seconds [Music] under stomach on your stomach it's clear the physics physiology and training can help fend off an attack turn an everyday object into a weapon and even turn the tables on an armed assailant but what if there was a way to actually predict an attack and prevent it from happening altogether they may be on their way home from work or returning to their car after shopping suddenly their life is in danger the medical system in the coffee and don't let me explain about the chicken the first step in self-defense is as simple as it sounds pay attention experts call it situational awareness situational awareness means being more aware of your surroundings so you know where you are you look around and you recognize a potential danger you can react earlier and you can actually deal with it much better to show how situational awareness really works Sports physiologist David Sandler has devised a scenario will compare the awareness levels of a self-defense expert to those of an average individual television director John Brenkus every day we wander around unaware of our surroundings and leave ourselves vulnerable to attack so we have John who represents sort of the average ordinary everyday person for him detailed a win is comes very low on his list of priorities I think that I'm like the typical person where I'm not paying particular attention to any one thing I'm usually on my cell phone and usually just sort of occupy to my own thoughts and we have a mirror who has over 20 years of martial arts experience three years in the Israeli military and has been teaching self-defense for over 15 years for amia a when is his second nature well naturally is to pay more attention to your surroundings meaning where you are who is around you I must stress not to confuse being alert with being alarmed it's not as if I'm permanent and I'm looking for attacks no I'm just more aware of where I am Joshua Jakob on from applied science laboratory's outfits both subjects with an eye tracker it will reveal everything they're looking at and what they're not all right so Jon while you're getting fitted here plan is we're gonna have you go for a little stroll and we're gonna see what happens as you're as you're taking your walk so this is saying exactly what I'm seeing exactly where you're looking for the objective of this demonstration is to illustrate the difference between an expert situational awareness and the untrained eye of our average man all right so John we want you to walk up the stairs over there walk down around and come back down the stairs and come back to us hi I'm gonna be on my cell phone like I always hear all right you ready ready go right away John is too focused on walking to the stairs to notice the two threats to his left the eye tracker records what John is looking at but there's a big difference between looking and seeing his sight lines are erratic and although he's generally aware of his surroundings he's not focusing on key details that could alert him of a possible threat now a me as trained I will be put to the test as I walk through I may prevent a situation just by saying few steps ahead a me as I sweep back and forth in an organized pattern I had the element of deterrence I don't seem like a victim if a potential threat do come up I know how to react faster and better because I was able to spot a fraction of second earlier [Music] the difference between what John and Amir saw is striking the eye tracking software reveals the John glanced at his subjects but he paid more attention to obstacles in his way Aamir's perception was rather different he scanned each subject thoroughly looking for small details that would indicate a threat level by just being aware one can increase reaction time by 300% looking at the waistband looking at the arms and looking for some bulge or protrusion something outstanding or suspicious Amyas heightened sense of awareness could have saved his life I didn't see anything really that Amir saw I was just concerned with from getting to where I was going if this was a real-life scenario and if any one of these guys was a threat I absolutely did not register with me not because I'm not capable of recognizing it but because I'm not trained to look at the world that way so step one in self defense is situational awareness and avoiding trouble before it happens but what do experts do when trouble finds them and they have no choice but to fight back the meta car keys give me the car keys don't play with me their first enemy isn't even the bad guy it's their own mind and our own body it's called the fight-or-flight response and it could either make them victims or fighting machines the body's first reaction to a threat is in the brain the hypothalamus region alerts glands in the body to the potential danger which instantly flood the bloodstream with stress hormones like adrenaline these hormones increase respiration and heart rate some blood vessels throughout the body constrict limiting blood flow to less vital areas others dilate sending nutrients and oxygen to the largest muscles like the quads triceps and calves to prepare them for action attention to hearing decreases pupils dilate and vision narrows focusing on the threat the physiological change is a transformation of mind and body the critical question is will he shut down or defend himself instead of running he chooses to fight back when you attacked adrenaline pours into your system through knowledge and experience you learn to use it to your advantage data shows that harnessing this adrenaline can actually increase a person's reaction time by over 100 percent and strength by more than 300% through training and understanding but you can move from a passive state to an aggressive state without hesitation stay down stay down stay down so being aware of your surroundings and understanding how to use the body's natural reaction to a threat are key in self-defense but what about an unseen attacker it's no accident that criminals often choose the cover of night or dimly lit areas to attack their prey criminals choose to attack in the dark because it's easier for them to sneak up on their victims and later it's harder for them to be recognized we wanted to know if fighting blind is really possible to test this attack scenario we've asked our self-defense specialist Amir Peretz to wear an assortment of special sensor modules the things they do for science [Music] 12 different sensors on your body right now and what we'll be able to tell from those sensors is how fast your arms are moving how fast your legs are moving how much power you're generating it's called the fab system which stands for functional assessment of biomechanics this network of three-dimensional sensors will track Amy's body movement in real time so the scientists can analyze the exact dimensions of his reactions okay we're all calibrated out so we're gonna simulate this attack so I think we're gonna make it a little more challenging right yeah we're not gonna make it that easy for you we'd like to see you do it with a blindfold on this is exactly the test that is most realistic because some defense means that you start in a point of disadvantage playing the aggressor is mixed martial arts fighter Sam Sayed we brought in a pro because a mayor will be fighting back for real okay I'm here in order to get our best numbers we want you to be able to go out as hard as you can on Sam so we've put a protective suit on champ because we want you to be as realistic as possible in terms of the moves that you make when you counter his attack so David you're gonna go ahead and put the blindfold on him so we're taking away your primary sense here this should be quite interesting when you attacked in the dark and your vision is limited you must rely on different senses in order to protect yourself if it's to touch if it's through hearing and feeling where the attacker is Amir has no idea where the attacker will be coming from or what he will do free one the struggle happens so quickly it's hard to see what really occurs the data and slow-motion footage reveal his strategy as soon as emmaus senses the aggressors point of contact he minimizes the space between them so he can control the situation without his sense of sight he relies on his sense of touch and actually pushes his body into the attacker determining his opponents body position weight distribution and possible exposures I grabbed him by the way and kept him closer to me see what his way these counter-attacks and do I know and it doesn't matter whether you are on within 50 pounds or 300 pounds you have to use momentum and leverage to your advantage this time Sam will attack from the front again the exchange is over in a matter of seconds and once again fighting completely blind amia comes out on top the data reveals how the moment amia feels the attackers hands on his neck he makes the split-second decision to react both defensively and offensively he focuses his defense on eliminating the biggest threat the chokehold he needs the attackers body backwards then he places his right hip into the assailants pelvis just below the center of gravity but he uses his right hand and actually grabs the back of the assailant pulling him into his own body from there it's simple leverage and within seconds the attacker is not only stunned and off-balance he's a human rag doll of course for the average person the knee to the groin may have been enough to affect an escape for one final test we've added yet another element of surprise the attacker now has a bowie knife and Amir doesn't know it three two one go give you money Amyas first reaction went straight to the greatest danger the knife from here he can both immobilize the biggest threat and detect his attackers body position amia moved his hands at 22 meters per second around 80 kilometres per hour then you can trust other senses to continue and counter-attack he follows it up with rapid-fire kicks to the groin to subdue his attacker entirely the whole exchange took less than five seconds a Mia's ability to gauge the relative position of his own body and the body of his enemy is called kinesthetic awareness kinesthetic awareness is where an athlete is really aware of all of their surroundings yeah Amir obviously has an incredible ability to be aware of everything around him you take away one sense his other senses are heightened and he's that much more powerful and he's still able to be in balance and have great coordination and produces incredible power the key to self-defense is being prepared both physically and mentally self-defence begins with a mindset of not thinking of yourself like a victim so what we saw here is that being aware of your surroundings being able to kind of use your other senses knowing the anatomical weaknesses he can pretty much fend off any attack even if you can't see it is very hard but it's important to remember there are things you can do through training
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Views: 1,803,391
Rating: 4.7868328 out of 5
Keywords: krav maga, fight, science, Amir Perets, martial art, self defence
Id: 5HZXiUouqII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2016
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