Kratos WISHES he had Chains Like These! | Death Must Die

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hey everyone Jeff here welcome back to the channel we're doing something stupid on death must die today um someone mentioned an idea about an all chains of War build so that's what we're going to do I was looking through the characters about who would do it best I wanted to get away from lauran but unfortunately he just happens to do it best the problem with chains of War on a Melee character is that ideally the chains are going to get too large and I am not going to actually be able to hit things with a Melee character so we need a range character and Lauren is just able to use strikes better than Maris so we are using the usual extra dice level UPS strike damage strike slots luck Marksman package plus the bask build for extra crit extra bouncing arrows and then for our stats we're at 14 base crit a little bit of luck 400 HP um 16 Master offers 66 Legend I'm using this bow which is really good it's got 8% 88.8% crit 18% attack speed a lot of attack damage it's not perfect for this build but it's fine uh and then we have spinning amulet this is where it's going to get dumb because it's it should it should increase the rate at which the chains spin around us now if we combine that with a lot of area and hopefully maybe we get some rare area shrines we could have this the chains taking up the entire screen um I switched to a non unique chest piece for an extra projectile and duration using strategically pred rice so we can actually pull this off consistently since we're not starting mid-run queen of worms for our region waste cuz always then crit and then crit and then crit and then boots with extra Dash distance uh we're playing on difficulty 60 nope I was going to say whatever oh no we are playing on 61 my bad 61 why 61 because that's what happens if you TI one of all the boxes down one from there starting from Max uh I don't think this is going to be extremely strong that's why 61 is like a fun number to start with this is kind of useless honestly I'm going to take cast cool down cuz maybe we do something so God wise what I'm looking at here is obviously prom the more you take from death's realm and then the other things we would want are strike area obviously from nin and then strike duration and I do believe that strike duration actually comes from this guy right here that being the case I think we just take warped attack oddly over temporal Lord that's weird but I'm going to do it it's a very very unusual start but this should work out fine all right so we're going to reroll here for good stuff I think we're also going to banish blood swords I do want to take shurikens at some point because we have the talent that benefits us for having multiple strikes we could take expert chains of War that's fine yeah yeah it's it's it's going to be like this um so you must be doing we are also going to end up with alteration ritual which is interesting well I guess we'll take Quake there's no reason not to take Quake just get it out of the master pool if I had seen Master strike area there I would have taken it all right chains of War we're just going to upgrade chains of War as fast as we can the goal is for Trans of War to take up the whole screen so we also want to go find as many shrines as possible and hopefully stumble onto the rare Shrine that gives us a lot of attack area for um um you know duration which doesn't matter so much um we don't need more of this and R roll here I think we're supposed to take alteration ritual here simply for the fact that that gives us more opportunities to roll into pandemonium like every level up is a chance to hit pandemonium which is a chance to permanently upgrade chains of War to master which is like everything we want right now now that said we probably also want Force but I'm just going to alterate away we also want as much crit as we can get so because that's how we're procing chains of War right we're not proing it in the normal way of like it having a chance to go off when we attack which it will of course but we're mostly getting it from bask and greatness going off I guess we're going to need to pick up Force at some point too because it seems like there's just XP just all over the place um yeah I won't pretty good all right strike area no uh strike area is there all right let's banish landslide rroll I really want I really want the strike area to be like a master offer or at least expert I'll take expert Earth Earth Spike I'm going to banish Rock ands too yeah the one of the problems of this run we're going to run into though also is that Earth spike is going to completely take over uh and like the damage meter at the end for sure so I'm not going to put a lot of points into it I'm just going to leave it at the one but we'll we'll see what happens as it gets later on uh basking greatness Earth strike is Earth spike is one of the best builds in the game and it easily clears Darkness 100 so I'm not like trying to lean into that this is all about chains of War here so I'm not not going to touch this now we're going to do this we're going to roll Brees have larger area but I want it better I want it at least expert here we go there we go Master is even better those chains are a spinning it does help cuz Chains Don't Really the chains really don't have very good uh single Target I will take more more area how about some more area huh the chains haven't grown very okay there it is so I have a theory about chains of war that they work exactly like blades then cuz what happens with blades is that uh to prevent there from being too many they'll absorb one another and like stay small and because of that they'll like end up getting double damage so I wonder if we had somehow maintained the the uh the chains of War at a small at a small area they've been able to like do more damage um that's weird weird I mean I've never like messed around with chains like that but we rolled into tornadoes that's just that's just outrageous loran's not a fair character so yeah really looking for big area shrines here cuz this is this is about the memes right this isn't about winning um I guess we take engulfing Darkness an instructive lesson here or there throughout the Run isn't a terrible idea although we are pretty far removed from this patch coming out so I suspect most people watching this have a good idea of like what you're doing at this point you're still into death Must Die content I will continue to be the main source of that hopefully as it continues I'm looking forward to more updates and whatnot this is one of my favorite games it's just I've kind of done everything there is to do in this patch I haven't checked my actual time but I was at as of a couple weeks ago I was at like 150 hours so you know there's only there's only so much you can do in any game there's a few more things to do I I do need to make the lauran guide but at some time like I know the second I make it there's going to be an update um I'm going to be greedy here yeah that was greedy we're going to take guidance over Gemini even though Gemini is really good having more crits probably better I think I think Adept Gemini is a fine pick for the extra shots where is whereas I would much rather have expert um guidance for the crit these blades are moving uh we don't we do not need our attacks to knock things back can they get to us I mean that guy dashed in I know they can Dash in cuz they like huh huh interesting I could take the other stuff but let's just upgrade chains of War this is a very silly very silly World we're in right now well we haven't gotten God of War yet so that's like a huge bit of damage reling on the table we don't have Gem High I will take attack speed we probably are going to want fatality if I'm being honest um I guess I'll take one more level of Earth Spike just to handle the cursed a little bit easier again I don't want to turn this into a earth spike run but at the same time I do want to be able to win still maybe I should just be walking into people to put them in the blender it's kind of hard cuz they're getting pushed back so far huh yeah I don't know how you could ever do this with melee cuz they would just be immediately shoved back maybe I should have maybe instead of I should have tried this with uh Leong for uh hurricane and like put them in a hurricane and then walked into two set hurricane with the blades going that sounds like quite the build I guess there is more stuff to try all right curs well normally the ads are the majority of the problem here but I don't think that's going to be the case run um wow I don't think I've ever actually pushed him back this far he hit me with a run away and I hit him with the get back and I won and he's a [ __ ] ghost I'm just an elf time is sometimes dises that way though can I please have okay whatever I was going to say like can I please have God of orb but I guess it's not that time yet I guess I also definitely need to take Force I only put one point into attack range but we're still dropping enemies way off screen I mean this is still 61 it's not it's not free difficulty for sure it's just a difficulty where I feel a lot more comfortable fighting the insects at 11 minutes basically especially since I didn't know like I didn't know if we were going to end up getting Earth Spike or not and I know there's like this is not a ideal setup for handling insect bug ladies Like These Chains They Don't Really they don't really handle them well they just kind of like spin around you and then the insects stand off screen and nuke you which is kind of unfair to begin with if I'm being totally honest I feel empowered I feel like I have the power no I'm going to keep rolling oh okay I might take expert knockback I think I think that's going to lead to some Shenanigans attack damage I mean we are attacking um hey tornadoes are good who knew yeah obviously I could have gone Leong right like I could have done that but I didn't want to turn this into just like an average bask run right I wanted to do something a little bit different so that's why I decided to not go that route and honestly this is this is fulfilling that joy for me by just spinning in a circle and pushing everyone away I wonder if we can actually push the Jin back or if he's immune um I'm going to take deadlock here I don't really care about the damage from energy missiles so if we pick that up at any Rarity is fine but the duration of blades actually matter or the duration of chains of War actually matters there's a full heal there I think chilling next to a full heel going into the 11 minute um wave is one of the wisest things you can do now it is better it is better to go into it with a 100% damage up 100% cuz the best way to like deal with them is just kill them before they start blasting but before they start giving you the dny dito but in this case we don't have that option so standing next to a full heal to potentially heal between the first and second wave is a pretty good strategy I think personally I need I need some way to like vacuum them in yeah I think I think change is actually making this worse somehow expert blood I'm going to take shuriken right now oh um Inferno is interesting it doesn't really do anything though this this is exactly why we didn't do this on a higher difficulty for the record for this exact moment and it is it is actually worse than I thought it would be they just get pushed back and then start spamming at me oh good thing there was that heal there cuz we definitely could have died juicy and refreshing what is this Shrine oh oh it's going be the pool area sure still no God of War as well that's fairly notice I mean and no fatality those two together missing is rough uh I don't think I can skip Master War PCT I will say that upgrading chains to max level would be huge considering it gets plus 80% damage from the talent tree when we do that also that was terrible so we've had really bad Legend luck no God of War no fatality no Gem High it's not great um I'm going to take evasion also chains are a little bit obscuring it's not the easiest to see stuff right now sure is funny though all right God of War that's not it all right that's fine we'll take chains of War damage for it should go through the roof kind of sort of not really through the roof but it should raise significantly um we could Deadlock and that'd be cool but we're going to roll back to oh well oh oh this is happening if you haven't seen Max area Bas sickles before cuz I don't think I made a video on it at least with lauran but it's a it's a treat it's also extremely powerful keep thinking of new things to make videos on all right we will take Dash recharge down and get more damage insect Queen should um shouldn't be too much of a problem here should just stay in the blender okay maybe it will be a problem okay the push back is actually not good for us turns out this is not good I mean we're going to win and we're going to heal he says okay that was Dangerously close well now what I mean I think the answer is just go for God of War again yeah now we start rolling for it oh blood lust no we probably take blood lust everything's always ruptured right this does apply rupture rupture Plus knockback see if any of the gear we got is any good that's still a lot of status damage not much else but it's a lot of status damage we did take you know we did take warp strike which is a less than ideal um attack if we end up not getting Gem High so I guess that's something to consider too oh please please be good uh red is Strike 18% strike damage is fine that's fine we're just going to roll now for it fatality is fine the things that are a problem are no longer a problem with fatality that's basically how that works magnetic male gloves of execution you say what does that mean oh it's that effect it's the damage at less than x um I guess I just take blood lust up to banish blades take blood lust just like a a weird a very very weird line but it should work do we roll to try and get Jim High we just take deadlock right I should just just take deadlock so that as I talked about before the chains will coales and as they coales they should absorb damage of of you know new chains which would increase their damage in theory I will take 10 Max life and armor specifically for the armor cuz we are quite squishy that was te taking blood lust I guess so I've been playing a lot of the Steam nextx games if you guys haven't seen on my channel um there's some really cool ones to check out uh one there's one called soda man which is basically like cyber Punk this but just very early uh with guns but one thing I've seen on a few games now that I think is really cool I think this game should um copy steal what have you whatever you want to call it take inspiration from is showing when a skill is maxed out on like the side of the card so like when a regular skill that caps at 10 gets maxed out have it just say Max at 10 or if it maxes out at three max or One Max that way you know that you're not oh I'm not spending more points on it later it's not a lot you know know but I think it adds I it gives a certain feeling of polish that was that I found very nice to have like every time I saw that feature I was like oh that was that was great I'm glad that was there all right take you know what I should have taken energy missiles there it's 2% crit no it's not it's 4% crit I should have taken energy missiles 100% actually I should have taken it a while ago but I'm not going to say it I say to quote atlan Mor set you know this is the wrong one uh take heals this feels like a build that's going to die to the Jin which would be fair given what we did to him last time and considering the fact that I keep abandoning um Earth Spike uh are we going to die before the genin we're at 11 we're dead now that's odd I don't think I've ever died there huh that's so odd so here's what I would say not getting this to master was not good I would say time actually didn't really do anything for us at the end of the day nin was awesome I'm glad bloodlust gave us a 10% attack speed bonus that's a good use of three Master levels that's actually just terrible just abuse it's just egregiously bad uh we didn't get god of or we didn't get Jim high so I would say this run went extremely poorly from like the skills we got but I would also say our choices weren't exactly great and I think chains of War does not really scale high enough at 317 to 400 damage like Earth Spike 2 was doing 12 to 15 like it's just not enough um sadly it also doesn't scale with extra projectiles unfortunately so unless it does coales and you can somehow keep it alive for the entire time then maybe but even then I'm not sure but anyways that's a fun little little different build to try out maybe I'll knock out one of the other ones soon if there's a character or specific build you want to see let me know I've got you know basically all the gear at this point it's just some specific things require some farming so we'll figure that out but anyways I hope hope you have a great day I will see you next time don't forget to do the YouTube stuff like comment subscribe I appreciate it helps the channel as we push to 10K Subs now which is awesome I really appreciate all of you guys and I will see you all tomorrow have a great day Jeff out bye [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Gaming With Jeff
Views: 2,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death must die, gaming with jeff, death must die gameplay, death must die review, death must die early access, death must die game, death must die trailer, death must die demo, Death must die release, death must die win, death must die no hit, death must die darkness 30, death must die beginner tips, death must die act 2, death must die tutorial, tips and tricks death must die, death must die quick look, death must die letsplay, death must die darkness 100
Id: NxtizQj9Isg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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