Kotlin under the hood: Understand the internals (Google I/O'19)

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Really interesting talk. In the last few slides they touch on the internals of coroutines, unfortunately they can't go in depth on this topic. If you are interested in this topic I can highly recommend this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrrUCSi72E8 by Roman.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Matthisk 📅︎︎ May 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

very informative, thx for sharing

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gorateron 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
[MUSIC PLAYING] CHET HAASE: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Kotlin Under the covers? Under the Hood. ROMAIN GUY: Under the Hood. CHET HAASE: We've called it many, many names. We'll call it this one right now. We want to look at the way some of the features and Kotlin work. I'm Chet Haase. ROMAIN GUY: And I'm Romain Guy. CHET HAASE: And let's do this thing. ROMAIN GUY: Yeah, and we gave this talk before, like, a few weeks ago in France. The difference is, today we have people from JetBrains in the audience. So we're probably going to say something very stupid. So feel free to yell at us, it's fine. CHET HAASE: Yeah, so we'll see if we were actually correct when we wrote the talk. So Kotlin, very awesome language. Very cool. Lots of interesting features. ROMAIN GUY: You're doing it again, you're taking my slide. CHET HAASE: Are you going to-- go ahead. ROMAIN GUY: So Chet has this issue. In the speaker notes right here, it says my name and he starts talking. And he keeps telling my slides every time. All right, so Kotlin is awesome. Who's using Kotlin here? AUDIENCE: Whoo! AUDIENCE: Whoo! ROMAIN GUY: All right, so we don't really have to convince you that Kotlin is great. But just in case, it's concise, you have less boilerplate, you get powerful extension libraries, we write our own. There's a bunch of AndroidX or Jetpack extension libraries for various APIs platform on that. Fully compatible with the Java programming language, and therefore, the Andriod APIs, which makes it very easy for you to adopt in your application. And it has a lot of modern language features, like coroutines. Chet, what are coroutines? CHET HAASE: Things. ROMAIN GUY: All right. And it's always evolving. CHET HAASE: But some of these magical things in Kotlin really are magical and mysterious. How do those things work, especially since we're compiling down to the same byte code that runs other languages that don't have these features. So how does that stuff work? So that's the whole point of the talk. Take a look on the inside and see what's going on. We're going to take a look at two different things right now. Today, we're going to look at how these things work. And we're also going to show you some tools to use to get this information. Basically, the tools that we used to discover this stuff. We're not going to do it in that order, we're going to do it in this order instead. So first, we'll talk about the tools. And then we'll talk about the features. So tools. ROMAIN GUY: All right. So there are two tools you can use. The first one is looking at the Kotlin bytecode, there's a special tool for that. IntelliJ and Android studio. And the second one, part of the same tool, is you can convert the bytecode back to the Java programming language, which sometimes is very helpful to understand what's going on. So you don't have to decipher bytecode yourself. Finally, the memory profilers. So not about the bytecode itself, but sometimes some of this languages features may create allocations, which may or may not matter depending on what you're doing, what kind of code you're writing. Which is a useful tool to know about in general, not just in the context of this talk. So here's an example, primitive types are handled a little bit differently. So in Kotlin when you say this, var i0 equals 5, obviously you're declaring an Int So capital I -nt. It's non-nullable, so it cannot be null. And it's equivalent to the lowercase "int" in the Java programming language. So it is still primitive type. Now if you specify the types yourself, same thing. It's an int, it's a primitive type in the Java programming language. But if you declare it as nullable, the only way we can handle that, with the current run times, is that it has to become the Int? Type in Kotlin, which becomes the capital I, Integer type in the Java programming language. And certainly, it's not a primitive type anymore, it's a full-blown object. And this can have consequences. CHET HAASE: So how do we find out stuff like that? Well as he said, one of the ways that we can do that is by looking at bytecodes. So let's look at some now. [LAUGHTER] That's pretty self-explanatory, so let's move on to something else. So in IntelliJ, there are different ways to look at bytecode, but fortunately, we have tools integrated directly into Android Studio, into the IDE. If you go up in the Menu, you can say, yeah, show me that bytecode, and then you get this viewer over here. So if you'll look carefully in the editor on the left, you'll see that the cursor is on a particular line of code, and then it highlights the equivalent bytecode on the right to show you what's going on. Some of the information in the bytecode, it gets a little noisy in there. There's metadata to tell you what line that's associated with, a little extra information. But there's a couple of instructions, in particular, which are the actual bytecode instructions. And then there is another way of doing this. On the command line, you can use Java p instead and that'll spit out a file that you can take a look at, nicely formatted bytecode. Just a different way to do it that's not integrated into the IDE. So for the code that we were looking at before, you have this var i0. We haven't told it it's going to use type inference, but it's set to be this integer value. So what's going on? We have a little bit of metadata about the line numbers. And then it says, bipush of the value of 25. So it's going to take that value, 25, extended to an integer, push it onto the stack, and then it's going to pull it back off the stack and it's going to store an integer into the first variable. So integer store, and then we go on the second line, we're not using type inference. We've actually said, no. No. We want you to be on int. We're going to assign you the value 78. Same thing happens. We're going to push a 78 extended to an integer onto the stack. We're going to pull that off, store it into the second integer variable. And then for the third case, where we have this nullable type, we've got i2, that's going to be a nullable int of a value of 14. First step is going to be the same. We're going to push byte extended to integer onto the stack. But then, we're going to call the method, we're going to call Integer.valueOf, which looks like this. It takes in a primitive int type and it returns an integer. So in the middle of that, it's going to box it into an integer type, creating that object on the fly. And then return the integer type. And then instead of storing an integer into a variable, it's going to store a reference to the object that we've created. So if you don't enjoy reading bytecode it's really not that complicated. ROMAIN GUY: You're doing it again. CHET HAASE: What's that? ROMAIN GUY: This is my name on the speaker notes. CHET HAASE: That's why I was introducing you. Romain is going to tell you what to do. ROMAIN GUY: Keep going. You started it. CHET HAASE: So if you don't want to read all of that bytecode, it's actually pretty straightforward. There's some simple reference docs out there that you can take a look at. You're pushing, your popping, you're setting. But if you don't want to deal with that, there is an easier way, especially a more concise way, to see what's actually going on. And for that you would use the bytecode-- ROMAIN GUY: No, keep going. CHET HAASE: --Decompiler. ROMAIN GUY: It's fine. CHET HAASE: You want me to keep? ROMAIN GUY: No, keep going. CHET HAASE: All right. Rest of the presentation is mine. Here we go. ROMAIN GUY: I'll go over there. CHET HAASE: What's that? ROMAIN GUY: I'll be over there. CHET HAASE: All right. So [LAUGHTER] let's say you've got this code-- could you go a little bit further, actually? [LAUGHTER] So you've got this code. You have the bytecode representation over there. And if you look at the top of that window, you've got this button that says Decompile. So you click on that thing, and then in your editor window, you'll be shown some Java programming language code that looks more like this. So you got the bytecode fairly verbose. All the things going on, each of the lines of Kotlin code may expand to several lines of bytecode along with the metadata. Or you can see this fairly terse Java code instead. You see, basically, straightforward things going on there. You have some int values, you have some integer values that got auto boxed, and then we're printing out the values there. Just like that. You want to talk about the Memory Profiler? ROMAIN GUY: No, 'cause it says you're name. CHET HAASE: It does. ROMAIN GUY: OK, so-- CHET HAASE: I'm going to talk about the Memory Profiler, there. The third approach that we have, using the tools to find out what's going on, is to actually see what's going on with allocations in collections in the system. So one of my favorite tools, when I joined the team and for many years after that, was-- oh, is this proof? ROMAIN GUY: I'm going to tweet that. [LAUGHTER] CHET HAASE: Allocation Tracker. Allocation Tracker was a tool that you would run in DDMS and you would start it at some point in time and you would use the app for a while. And then you would stop it and it would say, here are all the objects that were allocated on the fly. And then you could click on any of those instances, and it will show you the call stack. Really powerful, really useful, wasn't integrated in with any of the rest of the tools. So, kind of a pain to get to, a lot of people didn't even know it was there because actually finding it was a little bit tricky. So now we have Memory Profiling directly integrated into the ID with the rest of the profilers that have come online in Studio in the last few years. So this also allows you to track memory usage over time, you can see how big the heap is at any given time, you can see when Garbage Collections happen, and what happened because of those, and you can catch leaks, which is really powerful. This is another thing that, yes, we allowed you to do it on Android. But oh man, did we require you to jump through a lot of heaps. You would dump a heap and you would transcode that into a different format. And you would use some external tool and then you'd walked through this amazingly complex set of information. Now, all of that stuff is integrated directly into the ID. And after all of this, it allows you to track allocations, and that's what we care about today. So I wrote this code all by myself. Really simple thing. We've got this nullable int value. You've got a tight loop in there, in the method, we're going 0 to 10,000. So 10,001 times is going to whip through the loop and it's going to set. We know that that's going to end up being a capital I integer value set from the primitive I loop value that we've got. So we can click on this in the lower left of the IDE. You've got this little toolbar of little tools you can run. If you click on the Profiler, you'll get something that looks like this. It shows you all the profilers that we currently offer. You've got CPU, you got the Memory that we'll look into, you've got Networking, and you've got Battery Power Usage. So if you click on the Memory one, it expands to take over the whole screen there. And you can see heap usage over time. Now, what we really care about here is, what happened there? Right? I don't care when it's not changing. What I care is, what caused it to actually bump up allocations in heap usage and why was that? So you can drag the cursor along there. You can select this window of time to see what's going on. And just like Allocation Tracker, you can see all of the things that were allocated down below. And you can see that, in fact, there are a bunch of capital I integers they got allocated. In fact, there are exactly 9,873. Which is weird. We're in a loop going through 10,001 times, why do we not have 10,001 allocations going on? So there's the loop and that, for some reason, didn't equal 10,001 allocations and it's because of this caching logic that we have. When the runtime starts up, it knows that most applications are going to need some integer values. And so it caches values from negative 128 up to 127, puts them in a cache. And now when anybody asks for a value for one of those, it's just going to return that. It's already been created as an integer, it's not being boxed and allocated on the fly, which means the only values that are going to be allocated are outside of that region. Which turns out 10,001 minus 128 is going to be 9,873. Has nothing to do with this talk, I thought it was interesting. So the one that we care about are the capital I integer allocations. So we're going to click on that, and that brings up another window that shows each of those individual allocations, when they happen, and what was going on. We can click on one of those and just like Allocation Tracker, it pops up the call stack. And from that, we determine that, in fact, that was being allocated because of the boxing operation that was happening in that tight loop. ROMAIN GUY: Let's talk about language feature. AUDIENCE: Whoo! [APPLAUSE] ROMAIN GUY: I appreciate this. Thank you for the cheers. But maybe wait until the end. [LAUGHTER] CHET HAASE: Do you mind if I take this one? ROMAIN GUY: Yeah, I do actually. I can just leave if you want. Anyway, enums, your favorite topic. So please use enums but we're going to talk about them anyway. So here's an enum I wrote, all by myself as well, called Blend Mode. We have some values, it doesn't really matter what they are. And here's how I'm using the enum. I'm using a one statement, effectively the equivalent of a switch in the Java programming language. And for every value of the enum I call a function, that doesn't really matter what we do. What's interesting is what happens when we look at the dried bytecode. So here's what it looks like. The first thing it does, it's called this GETSTATIC up code. It accesses the [INAUDIBLE],, so that's the square bracket with the capital I at the end. So it's filled in a classical BlendingKt$WhenM appings.$EnumSwitchMapping$0. I never wrote a classical called this in my code, but there it is. And then what's interesting, is after it gets this array, it's invokes the ordinal method on the enum value itself. And then it does a IALOAD. So IALOAD takes the output of the ordinal method call, and then use that as an index in the array that we just fetched. And finally, does the actual switch. So it doesn't switch on the enum value itself, its first goes through another intermediate array. And we're going to look at what this array looks like, and then that's our code. So here's what the [INAUDIBLE] looks like. So what's interesting here, is that this is not specific to Kotlin. The Java programming language compiler will also do the same thing. But it's still interesting to look at it. So the code that gets generated does this. There's this special mapping class that contains an array that has the same length as the number of enum values that you have in the enum class that you declare. And then, the static [INAUDIBLE] code, this array is populated with the values of the enums and some special constants generated by the compiler. So what happens if we create another method in our code that does another when on the enum? So we do a when the same order, we switch over all the values of the enum. If you go back to the generated class, we can see there's a second array that was generated and it's also populated with enum values in some magic constants by the compiler. And actually, you can see that those two arrays are exactly the same. They're the same length and they contain exactly the same mappings. But if we use the enum once again in a when. And this time, we declare the enum values in a different order and we look at the generated code, we have a third array, as expected, also the same length, but the mapping's now different. I believe the reason the compilers do this is that if you change the enum, the code that was compiled before with the old version of the enum, will still work so they need this indirection. What becomes interesting is, obviously most of the time, you will never need to care about this. You should have a lot of when on enums in performance critical code. You're going to have extra code that gets initialized that runs out in [INAUDIBLE] in time. And you have this extra happy memory, but most of time, you don't need to care about this. Use enums. CHET HAASE: All right, let's talk about laziness. I know a lot about this. It's a very common pattern in software to say, I may need to allocate this thing. But it's going to cause a lot of work and maybe I don't want those allocations in the background work to happen to do that because maybe the code won't need it. So we'll do it lazily. We'll do it sometime later. So the manual approach looks like this. So caveat, really stupid example. Nobody should ever do this just to avoid allocating an int, no matter how it's implemented. ROMAIN GUY: It is a very stupid example. CHET HAASE: It is a very stupid example, there is a very real example that is almost as stupid, which is code that we actually saw. Which did lazy allocation for a Rect object, which is just four times less stupid than this. So allocating 4 integers, but for some reason, they wanted to do it lazily. Because why allocate if you don't need to? Right? So, bear with me, so we have this int. We're going to set it equal to 573. But, maybe nobody is going to need this, so we're going to make it lazy instead. So we're going to have a private member variable that's nullable. Now, part of the problem here is, we know from the earlier example is, well, now we have something that could have been a primitive but now all of a sudden we've made it an object-type instead just because we want to set it to null. But anyway, you've got this private member variable and then you have the actual thing that they're going to access. And you say, OK, when they actually call the getter, we'll see if it's null. And that's the trigger to say, OK, now actually set the value of this thing and return the value and you're done. Next time they ask for it, it's already allocated and set and you don't have to worry about it. That's the general approach, I'm sure we've all done this hundreds of times, hopefully, for less stupid examples than this one. All right, this is what it looks like at the Java level, this is essentially what it compiles to. If we look at the decomplied bytecode, it looks exactly as the way we would expect it to. You've got the same thing going on with ints and integers and it's doing the right thing there. But, there's a better way to do this with Kotlin. There's an automatic approach that takes exactly one line of code. Isn't that much better to use? Say, by lazy, we'll set it to 574. So it doesn't get set to anything until someone asks for the first time. And then it goes through some operations to actually allocate and return this value of 574. And the question is, what operations does it go through? So, I should explain first, lazy is implemented using property delegates in Kotlin and it's this generic mechanism they have for delegating logic somewhere else. So when someone asks for this variable, I want you to run this logic over here and return other information from there. The other background piece of information is properties. Properties in Kotlin do much more than properties in the Java programming language, which means, if you're going to access information on a property using reflection, well, how does that work through the bytecode since Java programming language doesn't have that capability? Well, Kotlin needed to add capabilities so that when you use a reflection it will go through their additional stuff to actually get that extra bit of information from their property. So they created this class called K Property. And now if you use reflection on a Kotlin property, it can go through the K Property and get that extra information that it needs. So that's the background, here's what's going on inside of lazy. First of all, when you say, by lazy, it automatically creates an array. Allocation brain should say, oh, there's an allocation. So you've got this K Property array where it's going to set up the information for getting things from this Kotlin specific property reflection mechanism that they have. So we've got the array, and the array consists of one item, which is this K Property that they've set up specifically for this lazy property you've told it about. You've got the class name. You've got the type. And that's basically it, you've got the name of the thing, right? So it sets us up array plus an allocation of the K Property inside of it. Then it sets up this call internally, this is, sort of, initialization time code. It says, OK, there's this lazy thing that's going to return a class of type lazy, and from that, we can get the value. So when you call the getter on that property, it's going to call into this code, which is going to call a get value on that lazy object. And then it's going to call int value on that. All of this could bottom out in reflection code to go get it from K Property, which is even worse than the allocations we've seen so far. At the end of all of this, you may end up in reflection code just to get an integer value. However, because of extension methods, they're more clever than that and they actually spit out this extension method that says, oh, if they're using the lazy class then we're just going to call this function instead. So no need for reflection even though K Properties stuff was set up and has reflection capabilities, we're not using that aspect of it. Instead, it will just call into this method and get the value, which is this. Simpler than reflection, however, couple of conditions to check, and a synchronized block in there, just to get this int value from this very stupid example I've written. In addition to that, when all of this is setup we go through initialization code, which in bytecode looks something like this. So, basically, whenever you get into this and initialize this object, this is what gets emitted on your behalf under the hood just to save an allocation of an integer object. As I said, stupid example, but real example is people doing it for small data structures like Rect. So lazy is awesome. It's really cool that you can do this in one line of code. And if you have a complicated data structure, or a lot of complicated object, when it gets set up and if it is not going to be used very often, totally worth considering. For avoiding the allocation of a simple int, probably not. ROMAIN GUY: So now let's take a look at unsigned numbers. So this is a new experimental feature that was introduced in the Kotlin 1.3. So Java has mostly sign numbers and Kotlin is finally bringing unsigned numbers, which can be very useful when you do graphics code. For instance, when you have a width and height, unsigned very useful as we know. As a type check that's you're not going to get a negative value, which would make no sense for dimension. So if you enable this experimental feature, here's how you can use the unsigned numbers. You can use the U suffix to declare a type to be unsigned. And under the hood, they're implemented using another experimental feature called Inline Classes and we're going to take a closer look at Inline Classes in a little bit. But first, let's take a look at this example. So I declared two unsigned numbers, and then I just add them. So what happens? So every unsigned number is just an integer that's pushed on the stack and storing the variable. So here, there's nothing interesting to see. And when we add them, we just load those two variables. We call the IADD up code in bytecode, which is just the addition of two integers, which are normally sine. But generally, they were very clever and they realized that because of the way that sine numbers and sine integers are included, it actually works with unsigned as well. So They didn't have to create anything new, you just use the existing bytecode, everything happens at their language level. The only thing that's really bizarre here, is that we invoke a static function called UInt.constructor-impl. And you can see that it takes an integer and returns an integer. So if we look at the [INAUDIBLE] function to see what it does, that's where things get a little surprising. And I'm sure the JetBrains folks would know why it does this. I have no idea. So we have this function, takes an integer, returns an integer, and here's the implementation. It loads the perimeter that you give it, and then it returns it. And that's it. So I don't know why it's there, it's maybe for the debugger so you can break on it. But other than that, I know that the [INAUDIBLE] or the ahead of time compiler will get rid of it or probably [INAUDIBLE].. So we don't need to worry about this. It's just a little strange that we have this extra bytecode for no reason. So if we look at the other operators, we saw that the addition is just implemented with the existing up code, add, same thing for the subtraction, same thing with the multiplication. So only when you do a division that Kotlin has to invoke a special static method because divisions works differently. So there's more code that runs here. So most of the time, unsigned numbers are basically free. So you should feel free to use them. Now let's look at what happens when you try to print one of those numbers. Basically, when you try to call toString on it. So here I have a signed number and an unsigned number and I print them both. For first, let's look at the sign number. So we have this variable called z, it's equal to 42 and we call println on it. So that's exactly what we expect. But when we use the unsigned number, instead of printing it directly, because the digital printing line in the runtime does not know about unsigned numbers, we have to go through something else. And because the unsigned numbers are implemented using inline classes we have box. So we called this function called box-impl. It takes our unsigned integers and wrap it into an instance of a class called Uint. And that gets passed to println because UInt has a toString method that's implemented and does the right thing. So even if you use unsigned numbers and they are most of the time free, you can end up doing boxing and therefore, allocation fairly easily if you just add them to a string, for instance. CHET HAASE: Let's talk about ranges. One of the curious things that a lot of programmers hit when they see Kotlin for the first time is the for loops. They, kind of, look for the syntax that they always knew from Java or C or C++ or other languages. And it's not that. Instead all of the for loops work with ranges. And there are many ways to do this. So you could say, for i in this range of 0 to 10 inclusive or exclusive until you get to 10. Or you could just say, repeat the following operation, give it the lambda there. Or you could put the range on the front. These all look the same to me, modulo that off by one error that we have in the second one. It turns out they're kind of different under the hood. So that first one works the way that we would think. It's, basically, equivalent of the for loop we would expect in Java. Second one same thing, except we're not going all the way to the last value there. Same thing for the third, like all straightforward iterations. But the way the last one is implemented is a little different. Instead, we're going to create an iterable object. We're going to create an int range object, and then going to use the iteration mechanism, which seems a little bit heavyweight for just having flip the range to the front there. Not a big deal, but kind of curious that they're all quite different under the hood. ROMAIN GUY: So in the traditional for loop with other languages you can easily increment the counter by more than one, so everything plus plus. You can say, plus equal 2. And the way you do this in Kotlin is you can use the step operator or infix function. So in that case, you're going to go from 0 to 10 inclusive and we wanted to increment by 2, we'd say step 2. And I would expect the code to look exactly the same as before, but we get this instead. So just by adding "step" the transition and the compiler basically disappears. And instead we have to create a range. We have to create this in progression and then the compiler calls get first, get last, and get step, which are in this [INAUDIBLE] constant. So it's not entirely necessary. And then we have a while loop that makes sure that we do it the right number of times. And it also happens if you said, step 1, which makes no sense to me. But assuming it's a missing optimization in the compiler. CHET HAASE: That first step is a doozy. ROMAIN GUY: Right, so inline classes, I touched on those a little bit when I talked about unsigned numbers. So inline classes are where to wrap a type 1 field effectively. And the point of inline classes, as the name suggests, is that they disappear at compile time. So that with unsigned numbers there are a classical UInts but really when you look at the bytecode, all you see in the end is just an integer. So here, I created my own inline class called, Color. And wraps an integer, because color is often defined as an integer or Android. And I've created custom properties to be able to extract the red, green, blue, ans alpha channels from the int without having to do that dance myself every time. So now, if we try to use that inline class ourselves, I created a print function that just formats a string using the different channels of the color. And I create and instance at the bottom in my main function. I called the printColor function and just declare. And here's what the bytecode looks like in the main function. So first, we push a constant on the stack, it's that weird long number that corresponds to the [? Higgs ?] additional value that you saw in the code. And then we invoke that color, that "constructor-impl" function. And you can see it's signature, it takes an int, which is expected because we wrap an integer and it returns an integer. So it's exactly what was happening with unsigned before, we saw that this constructor actually doesn't do anything. Just takes the input and just returns it directly. So there's nothing to see here. What's interesting is what happened to my printColor function. So in my source code, is take color instance. Well, you can see here, now it's called printColor- some weird name, it's probably a hash of something. Instead of taking an instance of color, it takes an integer directly. So the compiler rewrote the function to work directly on the primitive type I was wrapping. That said, sometimes inline classes are not free, we saw that with toString earlier. And the same thing can happen with the == operator. So here, I create two instances of my color class and I just called, I want to print whether or not they are equal. And I do it in two different ways. First, we use == and then we do .equals. And those should be equivalent, they should be the same thing. However, when we look at the bytecode, here's what happens. So when I do a == b, first we load one of the variables, I think it's b, then we call "box-impl". And you can see that call generating a color instance from that integer. Then we do the same thing again for the a variable. And then finally, we invoke a static function called, areEqual, that's an intrinsic in the Kotlin standard library. So just to be able to compare our two integers that we know are there, because we saw that the compiler sometimes it's smart enough to get rid of the class, we just boxed it back into actual objects. We created to allocations just to be able to compare those two integer values. If you call a.equals(b), things are a little different. We load one of the variables and we box the other one. So instead of having two allocations, we have only one allocation. And instead here, we're calling a method called, "equals-impl" on the color class. And you can see it takes an integer and an object. So if you're gonna use inline classes and you don't care about no ability, in the [INAUDIBLE] instance, you're gonna locate half as many objects if you say, a.equals(b) instead of a == b. CHET HAASE: Take a quick look at arrays. The implementation depends very much on little subtle differences and how you declare things. So here we're going to call intArrayOf and we pass in these things. And it's going to say, yep, here's a primitive array that contains those things. Or it we could say, arrayOf and we're going to pass through these things that we know that Kotlin is really good at type inference and these are obviously ints it says, yep, here's your integer array. Or we can say, give me a IntArray and actually ask for this thing specifically. And then it does the right thing with a little bit more code. We're, basically, initializing it inside the lambda there, and it creates that primitive IntArray to whip through that. ROMAIN GUY: All right, So with lambdas there's one [INAUDIBLE] case that can be a little bit tricky in. And we just recorded the but podcast this morning with the Pocket Casts folks, and Tor mentioned that. CHET HAASE: You just leaked that. ROMAIN GUY: Yeah. CHET HAASE: Uh-oh. ROMAIN GUY: So what you're going to see is a possible programming mistake. Thankfully, we have a [INAUDIBLE] check in androids for the ones who are against it. So for instance, a class written in the Java programming language, it's a widget of some kind. And you can register listeners, so we have this interface, it has a single abstract method, it's a sim. You can add a listener, you can remove the listener, and you can ask how in listeners are registered. Now let's try to use this from Kotlin. So first of all, we instantiate our widgets. Then I create my listener as a lambda. And if we go back, our single abstract method takes a widget instance as a parameter So we create a lambda that matches this signature, it takes a widget and then we do something with it, we print it. Then I call addListener on my widget and then I print the number of listeners that are registered. And finally, I try to remove that listener and a printed number of listeners that are registered. So what's going to happen is that, when we print a number of listeners after adding it, it's going to say there's 1 listener, that's completely expected. But after calling remove, the number of listeners is still 1. The remove did not work. And to understand why it doesn't work. We have to look at the code that's generated by the compiler. So here's what it looks like. Our listener, because it's a lambda, it becomes a function 1 type internally. And the function 1 is effectively your lambda that there's one parameter. But because that type is function 1, it is not the listener of type of which it expects. So the compiler generates this extra class called Widget_Listener that is of the type listener that we expect. And it passes it our function 1, our lambda, so it wraps it into something else. And it's that other object that gets passed to addListener. And you can probably guess what's coming up next, when we remove listener with our lambda, it gets wrapped again with a different instance. So we're trying to remove a different listener, and so we actually leaked our listener. And this is the kind of stuff that's Android Studio will warn you against. And the fix is fairly easy. You just have to be specific about the type of your lambda. Just say, it is a Widget.Listener and don't just use the naked lambda form. CHET HAASE: So let's take a look at how extension functions actually work under the hood. So you have this simple class that I've defined. Again, I wrote this code all by myself. We have a Superclass and then we have a Subclass, which extends that Superclass. Awesome. Then we have a couple of extension methods that we've defined, one on the Superclass, one on the Subclass. And they print out this value, or they return the string value that indicates which one was actually called. So the superInstance, we say, Yep, give me one of those Superclass objects. Subclass, give me one of those Subclass objects. And then we have one where it is a Subclass but we cast it to a Superclass. And then the question is, what happens when we call getIdentifier on each of these things? And then we have one more example, where instead of pre-casting it, we're casting it at runtime through a Superclass. So the question is, when we call getIdentifier on the SuperVal we get-- anybody awake? AUDIENCE: Super! CHET HAASE: There we go! What a super answer. All right, how about the next one? AUDIENCE: Sub. CHET HAASE: All right, thank you. And number three? AUDIENCE: Sub. CHET HAASE: Wrong. Sorry. Super. So this is the one that's a little bit surprising. And finally, the last one is the same. So it is a Subclass, what is actually going on? Like, shouldn't it be calling that method on the Subclass? It's because of the implementation these things. So if we look at the decomplied bytecode, this is what we've got. getIdentifier is now a static method and it takes an instance of Superclass. Same thing for sub, the getIdentifier on the Subclass object. So that means that when we call it with a Superclass object, we end up in the one that takes a Superclass type. Same thing for sub, and same thing for sub cast as super, we have told the type system this is a Superclass no matter how we actually created it, so it's going to call getIdentifier that takes a Superclass instead. And same thing for the thing that's cast at runtime. ROMAIN GUY: Default parameters. It's a very handy function in Kotlin. You can specify default value for your parameters and then you can use either name parameters to invoke them or just omit the parameters and rely on the compiler to do the right thing. So here, I have a very useful method. It takes two floats and just adds them and returns the results. Chet, where the rest of the-- oh, sorry. Wrong side. All right. So here's the code that gets generated. So from that code that we have that take default parameter values, we have a new static function that was created that just takes our two floats with our default values, because we generated bytecode, and it just adds them and returns the results. But there's another method that was created. So it takes two floats, as we expect, and then it also takes an integer and an object. As far as I can tell, the object is always set to null, so I'm not sure why it's there. It's probably to tag those methods in a way or another. I should ask JetBrains, they will probably know the answer. And the integer is actually a bit field, where every bit tells the method which parameters you did not specify at the call site. So you can see here, when we check the first bit var 2 and 1, if it's set, that means that we did not specify a value. So we use the default value that we specified on the Kotlin site. And then we do this for everybody parameter, and at the end we invoke the actual function that's at the top. What's interesting, because it's an integer I was wondering-- there's only 32 bits, so what happens when you have 33 parameters? And we're going to take a look at that in a moment. But just here are some examples of how it works. So if I called my function directly without specifying any values, the Kotlin complier would just use the default value, 0. And then for the bit field, you have to off set three so the bit 1 and 2 are set. And it's going to use the default values. If I specified the first parameter, we see our value as the first parameter, which is 0. For the second one, the bit field is set to 2 because the second parameter is not set. Same thing when you specify only the second parameter. And then, of course, if you specified the two parameters we call directly the function that does the actual work and we skip all those checks. So we have only 32 bits, what happened when we create a function that has 33 parameters? You should probably not do that in your code. But just in case, a double check for you what happen. Honestly, I was expecting the compiler to just say nope, too many parameters. I can't do that. What it does, it creates two integers, so it just adds a second bit field and it's going to look at the bits in both bit fields. CHET HAASE: Because what's better than a bit field? Two bit fields. [LAUGHTER] ROMAIN GUY: All right. Finally, coroutines. We only have three more slides, so we're going to go through this very quickly. How many of you use coroutines? OK. So sorry for those of you who don't know how coroutines work, I'm not going to explain that too much. But, basically, so you have a suspend function, that means you can do heavy work in there and here I call a function called delay. We are assembling heavy work. Then I launch coroutine, so we print that I'm launching a coroutine and then I called launch. I call my suspend function twice, so compute and compute. And finally, I print "Exiting coroutine". So if we don't run this program we're going to see the falling out [INAUDIBLE].. We're launching the coroutine with computing, that's our suspend function, we're computing again. That's our suspend function, we exit. Coroutines are implemented using state machines. So if you look at the code that's generated, it's going to look something like this. There's going to be an invokeSuspend function generated somewhere. And at the top there's a switch on an internal field, so that function is inside the class. And switches on the field called label. And label is basically where you are in coroutine state machine. So every suspend function you call in the coroutine will be a state in the state machine. So here you can see, we switch on label, and indicate 0, we set the label to 1, that means we advance to the next state. And we call our first instance of the compute function. When those suspend functions return a magic value called suspended, we return from the state machine, that means that the coroutine has to be paused and we have to come back later when we can resume execution. And again, you look at the other states or when this is 1, we advanced a state to 2 we call computer a second time and we return for a suspended. So what I did is, I took the bytecode of that, and the bytecode starts like this, and I hacked it to add this. You don't need to understand what it's doing, but, basically, all I wanted to do was print the current state of the coroutine of the state machine and rerun the program to see what's going on. So this was the original outputs and when I print this label field, this is what it looks like. So we launched the coroutine, we enter the state machine. The state is 0. We call compute after suspend function. We return because we're suspended. And then, at some point later, we reenter the state machine, now the state is 1, we invoke compute, we reach 1 again, we come back into the state machine with the live state and then finally, we exit the coroutine. So again, you should not worry about this too much in your code. You use coroutines, they're amazing. It's just very interesting to go look at the bytecode and the deride code to better understand how they work. What looks magical, how it works under the hood. And with that, you have 30 seconds, Chet, so [INAUDIBLE].. CHET HAASE: i guess I'm gonna wrap up. So the question is, should you actually care about this stuff? We've given a couple of talks in the last couple of years and said, you know what? The runtime has gotten so much better, stop worrying about all the allocation and deallocation stuff. We told you early days of Android, avoid allocations. Now, do the right thing for your code and your APIs. So the question is, did we lie to you? And the answer is, no. Actually, we were telling the truth, that is still good advice. However-- oh, yeah. And there is the advice, allocation, collections, always fine. But it's good to actually understand what's going on in the hood. If you are trying to be lazy about allocating even a Rect object, that's not the right approach. Right? It probably doesn't matter. But isn't it nice to actually know what's going on? And especially if you're in an inner loop somewhere, maybe you actually don't want that overhead, maybe it doesn't matter. On the other hand, if you can save it in a case where it actually matters in a loop, that's probably a good thing. And that is it. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Android Developers
Views: 38,434
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Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: Google I/O, purpose: Educate
Id: Ta5wBJsC39s
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Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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