Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) VS Compose Multiplatform - Explained

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foreign quickly explain you the difference between two concepts that are getting quite the popularity these days first let's start with the kotlin multi-platform so kotlin multi-platform is a technology which a primary goal is to use a single programming language to build applications for a different platforms like Android iOS a web that includes the front end and the back end and a desktop as well so it allows you to write a common code that can be shared across multiple different platforms so basically you write in the business logic once and share it across different platforms at the time of recording this video kotlin multi-platform is not yet stable but it will be soon which means that the now is the right time to get introduced with it when it comes to the libraries if you want to use some functionality in your costly multi-platform project that will be shared on every platform then you need to search specifically for a multi-platform libraries there are already a bunch of different libraries out there and some of them are called in X serialization cotton X date and time Creator SQL Delight coin core routines and many others otherwise if you don't use a multi-platform libraries it's also fine but in that case you wouldn't be able to share that Library code across the different platforms I have already made a video showcasing how to build a costly multi-platform application for Android costing JS or a front-end and a jvm main or the back end so feel free to check that out and the second concept that I want to talk about is a compose multi-platform so this technology is also built on top of the kotlin multi-platform and the main difference is that it allows you to share the UI between platforms and not just the business logic at the time of recording this video composed for iOS is still in Alpha and the composed for web is a still inexperimental phase like share and subscribe if you want to see some more informative content like this
Channel: Stevdza-San
Views: 14,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kotlin, multiplatform, kmp, jetpack, compose, compose multiplatform, ios, android, desktop, web, alpha, beta, stable, release, how to, guide, tutorial, versus, jvm, js, jsmain, jvmmain, common, shared, logic, business, ui
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 8sec (128 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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