Kota Factory - EP 02 - Assembly Line

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A weaker episode than the first one but I like where the story is going.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zarkingfardwarks 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hello, mummy. How are you, son? I am good. How are studies going? It's going well. Classes have begun. His routine will be disturbed. Let him sleep. You let the day pass and then call specifically at night. Tell me. Are you in good spirit? Yes, mummy. How do you manage to keep repeating the same question? Okay. I'll hang up then. Okay. - Goodnight. - Goodnight. Are you revising 'coordinate' inside? Just two more minutes, bro. Did it fall? Did it fall? Did I tell you or not? Jeetu Bhaiya and Physics can never be wrong. Bhaiya. Bhaiya. Once more. How many times did you pay the fees? What if I say 'once more'? Look at that. He is feeling sleepy in class. Am I that boring? I stole someone's wheel at 4:30 AM. He may show up anytime. And this chap is all sleepy. Sorry, sir. - I could not sleep all night, so.. - What did you just say? Come again? - I could not sleep all night.. - No. No. Before that? Sorry, sir. Sir! Did everyone hear that? Sir. Jeetu Bhaiya is no longer a 'Bhaiya' (brother). What am I now? Sir! Batla sir and Rao sir aren't the only sirs. Even Jeetu Bhaiya is now a.. Sir! You surely deserve a prize. - Come over. - Go. Go - Come. - Well done! The credit for my success goes to my mother Mrs. Sumitra.. Scoot! Go and wash your face. Go! He wants to take my hard earned money. - You are so dramatic, Bhaiya. - Why shouldn't I be? I wasn't the Governor of Dramatics society IIT Kharagpur for nothing. Let's resume. - A beautiful damsel. - Yes, sir. Yes! Now you're all awake.. at the mention of 'damsel'. - Are the patties fresh, brother? - Certainly. Give me one. You are foregoing food for patties? It is not food. It is bullcrap! Just a week away from home and you've turned foul-mouthed. Bullcrap is not a cuss word. It's a body product. Fertilizer. Agarwal sir used to utter it even in classroom. Give me pickle. Carry on. Uday, rather than learning hard work, discipline.. ..and punctuality, you choose to learn cuss words from Agarwal sir. And you... Munching patties all the time. You'll grow weaker if you skip meals. If you grow weak you fall ill. And the children who fall ill within the first week.. ..are taken back home by their parents. And they never make it to IIT. Meena, I will fall ill even if I eat this food. This is so oily. - Is oil free or what? - Speak softly. If Chandru hears then we'll get mixed vegetables of all the gourds for dinner. Including bitter gourd. Still drinking Bisleri? Meena. Not Bisleri. Aquafina. It's all the Bisleri's are the same. Why are you squandering money? Drink this. The mess does not make the water. My thirst doesn't get quenched by this water. It is salty. - The Chambal water.. Is hard. - Is hard. I know. I've been hearing this for the past week. Look, if you don't eat well you won't be able to concentrate. Then you won't be able to study long. As it is you are facing so many complexities why invite a new one. Look, if you drink more of this you will spend more money.. ..if you drink less you will be constipated. I already am. You couldn't empty your bowels even today? What kind of conversation is this for the dining table? Wonderful! When you called this delicious food a body product.. ..was the conversation good then!? You couldn't empty your bowels? Are you going empty it for him? Uday! Let's go for some tea. Come. Oh, Shivangi! You bite so hard. Raunchy! Meena. Let's go for a tea. It isn't 5:30 as yet. Have you finished the sheet? Yes, I've completed up to 35. You completed 35? You did it very fast. I am still on the 30th. Why don't you complete it? It will be done by 5:30. How do you guys manage to sit for so long? I get tired in a little while. Don't say that. Even yesterday you didn't finish the homework. If you leave it today as well, it's bound to pile up. I am not up to it. Then try to read the theory. Utilize your time. I don't feel like it now. This is what I've been trying to explain to you for so long. You know what. Read Flamingo for now. It's a light read and will prepare you for boards too. Take it. It contains stories. A monkey is pulling down an object through a pulley. Another monkey is pulling the first monkey's tail. Since it is pulling his tail it is bound to create tension. Vaibhav! Vaibhav! Your symptoms do not appear right to me at all. You need the guidance of someone wise. - Who? - A counselor. Psychiatrist? Counselor? Like hell! Is this a mental problem? Am I depressed? Do I have anxiety? Am I suicidal? Have I lost my mind that I need a counselor? And anyways, half the counselors here are frauds. I don't need anybody. You need Alprozolam, which is good for your sleep.. ..and can restore the balance of serotonin and dopamine in your body. And Lactulose for your constipation problems. Pay the fees outside. You do know that you are not a Doctor, right? Just because I wore a coat instead of an apron.. ..and my handwriting is not good, does it mean I am not a Doctor? Because you don't have a license. Why have you worn this lab coat? Don't dress for the job you have. Dress for the job you want. Vaibhav. I know what you need. Radha Krishna temple. All your prayers are answered over here. Take this. Write it nicely with a clean heart. It is mathematically impossible, Meena. There aren't as many seats in IIT as the number of prayers here. What is this, Meena? Why did you have to bring us here? Help me. Are you crazy? It was needed. But not from anybody. A loved one. Someone who would empathize. Someone who has faced this himself. So, he told me about you. That's why I brought him here. Did the right thing, didn't I? Absolutely. You certainly are wise. Ofcouse, he is in Maheshwari. Piyush. You tell me how you managed, bro. My food, drink, potty and sleep, everything is out of order. How did you get my address? From your parents.. ..because you weren't answering my phone. Smart, right? Again, my idea. Very nice. I won't take up much of your time. I understand the pressure from Maheshwari. Just share with me any coping mechanism. I am not able to handle it. A friend in need is a friend indeed, right? Isn't that right, brother? You did the right thing coming here? Ain't that true? Thank you. You did the right thing.. ..because even I am unable to handle it. It seems even Piyush is constipated. This is something else, Meena. What's the matter, bro? I am not in Maheshwari. I've been taking individual lessons for the past six months. My suspicion turned out right, Meena. Didn't I tell you, what is a 'Maheshwari' boy doing in Talwandi instead of Vigyan Nagar. I don't understand. What are you saying? Dad got me admitted using influence.. ..but when the batch was shuffled after the first test.. ..I ended up in the last batch. The next time I was the last student in that batch as well. Then I had to leave Maheshwari and opt for individual coaching. I see. That's why you wouldn't return my calls, you rascal. - So sorry, brother. - Get lost! How could I tell you? Dad has bragged all over Itarsi.. ..that I am in Maheshwari. Ya. He does brag alot. He told all of Itarsi that I didn't get admitted to Maheshwari. All of Itarsi feels I will surely get admitted to IIT. Yes. All of us feel that way. Yes. I was baffled as to how he soared so suddenly. I hope your family knows. - No, buddy. - No? Last time when I went home for Diwali.. ..I had planned on disclosing everything and end the matter but.. But? For the first time in my life Neha called. Neha Purohit? Yes. You know her younger sister. - Shilpa? - Yes. She was thinking of IIT herself and needed tips from me. So both of them came to my place. Both Neha and Shilpa? - Yes. - Their mom came too. - Aunt Disha? - Yes. For the first time in my life I got so much recognition.. ..how could I have let it go? Also, do you know, during the conversation.. ..aunt confirmed my time and date of birth. Even I am preparing for IIT. I was a better student than you in school. She never asked me for tips. You are studying in Prodigy. Never mind all of that. Tell me what I should do. You.. ..better see a counselor. Yes, mummy. What were you doing? Nothing. Was studying when.. ..an idle lady disturbed me. How could she do that? Make it clear to your landlady when you are studying she.. I got it. I'll hang up. You continue studying. Are you in a good spirit? Yes, mummy. I am. Until I categorically tell you never assume otherwise. Well, goodnight. Goodnight. What do you mean? "I didn't attempt the problem as I didn't understand it." Always look for hints, so many are there. Where? The first hint is that the problem is given. When the maker has posed the problem to us.. ..that means it's solvable with our knowledge. Secondly the velocity is given. See. Is it or isn't it? So, it will be used in either of the two things. Energy or momentum. Now you have to decide which gamble to take. If it still doesn't make sense then keep looking for hints. Is the word 'friction' visible? Yes. It means energy cannot be used. What does that leave? Conservation of momentum. Initial equal to final. Say yes or no. Yes, sir. Just equate initial to final. Tick it and move on. At some point in the future whilst laughing, singing.. ..or in toilet you will realize.. ..why was the mometum conserved. Okay? Even if you don't understand the question jostle with it. What do you do? Jostle with it. Yes. Once you have learned to jostle with questions and twirl the pen... ..you are already half an IITian. Come on. Next. Hello, bro. Didn't you do the rest? Sir, I only did up to number 52. I see. You completed 52. Very good! It's me who hates the environment. I made a 150 page long sheet just to waste paper, right? Sir, Not that I can't crack problems.. ..but I am unable to sit for long. I'm not in the right spirit. Is this the problem or there's more to it? Bhaiya, he doesn't even eat well. He survives on Maggi and patties. He still drinks Bisleri water and doesn't even sleep. Why, brother? Yes, Bhaiya. You came late. So he missed the orientation. He does not know the two important concepts of living in Kota. Tell him, Meenal. What are they? Firstly, Jeetu Bhaiya is not our physics faculty. He is our agony aunt. He solves all kinds of problems. Academic, non-academic, personal, financial or romantic. Even if your landlord has kicked you out of the house.. ..in the middle of the night or if you've argued with the mess people.. ..or if a Policeman has caught you reading obscene literature. Jeetu Bhaiya solves everything. Just call him immediately and Jeetu Bhaiya solves all the problems. And.. ..the second? You forgot the second? Yes. Every child is special. That is utter nonsense. You are not some unique personality. These problems occur to thousands of students each year. Before preparing for IIT at Kota one must prepare themselves to live in Kota. And there are simple ways to do it. If you encounter problems.. Jostle with them. Jostle with them. Even if you don't like the water, Just drink it. Even if you don't like the mess food, Just eat it. Even if you are unable to sit for long Just sit for long. Challenge yourself. I will sit for long. I won't get up at all. I will solve problems. I will read theories. I will watch Unacademy's lessons. I will go through old papers. I will sleep, I will die but I won't get up. So, what have you done? You have turned your problems to dare. And dare is directly connected to ego. Ego has many disadvantages but it has one advantage too. Things seem to be doable. And you don't have to do this drama for long. How many days? 21 days. You can form any or give up any habit in 21 days. I had a smoking problem. 2 packs a day. I lost it. I left it one day and after that I bragged about it at home.. ..to my girlfriend, faculty, driver and the driver's wife. So much so, I gave 2000 rupees to the vendor.. ..not to give me cigarettes to smoke. If you brag about it to the world then the world won't let you smoke. I felt a little urge in the beginning and then some more. By the time 21 days had passed the urge was zero. That's what you have to do. Say something. Yes or no. Yes, Bhaiya. Uday is a nasty fella.. ..but Meena, you knew this was happening with your friend.. ..and still didn't tell him? Bhaiya, I.. You too, Brutus. You too. Did you notice? Bhaiya called me Brutus. 'Brutus Meena' What? Don't you have any sense of humour? I might look nasty but not from the heart. Sure, I'm a member of the Bihar Tigers. I have the responsibility of the entire city on these shoulders. But Uday Gupta never ignores his sidekicks. ..because your brother is the king of the streets. I have taken the annual subscription for Unacademy plus. For you. Go. Attend as many live lectures as you wish. And always remember. Your brother is Caesar, not Brutus. This man rises up at 3 pm. But don't you rise. Go study. What are you looking at? Go study. One cannot hate what one does not see. Don't look at the mess food at all. Pick up bread without a fuss. Dip it in whatever and just chew. Sometimes you may be tempted to look down.. ..but therein lies your defeat. Tastes even better today. Don't drink water at room temperature. Drink chilled water of the fridge. People even savour beer if chilled. Salt water is nothing. Bottoms up. Here x is given as the distance of the block.. ..and we have to find the velocity as a function of x. Just choose the correct option. C. When did you come? I came to check on you. Good! Good! If you have chosen C option then your answer is correct. Now I shall tell you the solution of this question. Yes, I have eaten. I am all well and am in good spirits. Mummy, how do you manage to keep repeating the same question everyday? Okay. Apply more pressure, bro. Vaibhav. Is it working? Lentil soup, veggies and breads have to be prepared.. ..so there is always a scope of mistake. Given the scope, the cooks in the mess ensure mistakes. That's why one should prefer eating what they don't make.. ..such as salad, pickle, papad, yogurt and sugar. And there is your three course meal. I have helped many people crap. Yours is no different. Two puffs. Only two puffs. You will experience streamline motion. Not friction. Nonsense. Take it. This is 'the truth'. -Scram! Bloody addict! Children, today we shall solve a problem on vertical circular motion. Let me first explain the problem to you. Vaibhav. Aunty. She was walking down the stairs and fell. She is frothing in the mouth. Hello. Ambulance. Come to Lal Burj quickly. It's an emergency. What? Froth? Where? You got up? For that two-bit woman? You just want an excuse. Damn you! You will bring disgrace on us in Jeetu Bhaiya's presence. Give me my 100 rupees from the bet. Engineer. Nature has done half the job. Water contains salt. Just add salt and lemon to it. Lemonade is ready. This small tip saves ten million children's lives every year. It's great! Isn't it? Go and prepare two glasses now. Three. Mummy, Uday's girlfriend does not call him as many times as you call me. Go! Go! Go! Come on! Well done, bro! Well done! You are under the oath of IIT. One can't follow one days, how will one follow test cricket? The T-20 format has been created for Kota students. IPL is the future. If only they would take Yuvraj to play. It's very wrong of them. You are correct, bro. It's all politics. Bro, Yuvi can and Yuvi will. That's right, bro. Yuvraj will return. You can quote me on that. You? Yes. He will return. Children, today we shall solve a problem on impulse momentum theorem In it we shall learn to calculate impulse. Wow! There was no sound today. You know this is really inappropriate. I'm happy for you, buddy. Children, we will solve a problem on friction today. As you can see in the picture two blocks are made. Both the blocks are kept on a wedge ..and both are connected with the help of a string. [Educator speaking] Shall we? Yes. It is 6:30 already. For which the system.. Let's go. That was done in class. But I'm glad today you came with DPP and sheets finished. That means this chap is able to sit up longer. Yes, sir. Is food and water sorted? Yes, Bhaiya. Are you able to crap properly? Oh, Bhaiya! Come along. Why are you being shy with me? I am your agony aunt. And we have a long journey together. Everyone has these problems. I too have them. Have you been doing Physical Chemistry? Give me one. A cigarette? Yes. Cigarette, Bhaiya? When I don't feel the urge and the situation is under control.. ..then you can cheat sometimes. Cheating occasionally is fine. As long as it doesn't become a habit. - What's the matter? - Auto! Lets rush to Vigyan Nagar. - Let's go, sir. - Bhaiya! - Bhaiya! - I'll see you later. What happened? Nature's call? Yes. Meena. Come. It's only 5 O'clock. Let's go! Come! It's always the same.. Let's go! I just needed to study one more paragraph. What will you gain from studying one paragraph? Jeetu Bhaiya said so. Occasional cheating is fine. As long as you don't form a habit. 'The person you are calling is not answering. Please try later.' He's not picking my call. Now he is in a happy place.
Channel: The Viral Fever
Views: 24,927,637
Rating: 4.9394946 out of 5
Keywords: the viral fever, tvf, humour, qtiyapa, comedy, web series, kota factory, kota factory ep 02, students, aspirations, dreams, coaching, coaching classes, IIT, engineering, KOTA, tvf kota factory episode 2, Assembly Line, tvf kota factory, tvf kota series, bhaiya, volunteer, mess food, insomnia, constipation, studies, pack, day to day, day to day life, aspirants, problems
Id: zW-fcAGzEew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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