KOSOVO: A Country Worth Visiting Despite Ongoing Fights? 🇽🇰

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This is our story about going to Kosovo. In this second part of our Kosovo documentary we take you to places you would have never expected to find in Kosovo. We show you unique Balkan highlights like Prizren and Rugova. And we bring you closer to daily life in Kosovo which is a land of undiscovered beauty and fantastic people! If there is one place you need to see in Kosovo it’s Prizren! The iconic stone bridge, the mosque and the mountains are the landmark of the city and you can't get enough of this scenery. Prizren is the second largest city in Kosovo located in the south and a picture-perfect place. We walk up to the Kalaja fortress for an epic view over the city. From the top we see wonderful Prizren and hear the call to prayer resonating from every corner. The old town with its cobblestone streets is full of cafés and restaurants. Time to enjoy dinner in a traditional place. We have a typical spread of roasted peppers with Pitalka bread, olives, salad and then chicken in a creamy sauce and vegetable casserole. And we enjoy beer from Peja and wine from Rahovec. Both regions we will visit later. If you've never tried raki, a traditional grape brandy, you'll be on fire. It's really strong and we were pretty tipsy afterwards. – Ice cream? – Yes please … vanilla. – Uh! Oh my God! [laughing and screaming] Prizren is considered one of Kosovo’s most diverse cities in terms of people, religion, culture and food. Here we have fun with a Turkish ice cream seller. – Now I wanna have it! – Please … please! – Enjoy your ice cream! – Mmmhhhh … Monuments like this recall Kosovo's past. To learn more check out our first Kosovo video. Sinan Pasha Mosque is Kosovo’s largest mosque dating back to the Ottoman era. The countless gold and jewelry shops in Prizren caught our attention, so we take a look inside. – Hello! How are you? – Good, how are you? – What would you like to see? – I’m really impressed by the gold. You have so much gold here. – Yes, we in Kosovo are very traditional about gold. – We have a traditional money … gold money. – Oh, okay! – Yes, from Turkey … this is Liar. – They buy so many … They put it in a traditional (wedding) dress. – For the girl or for the man? – For the girl. – I’m wondering what kind of model the girls here like best? What style? – The girls they see the summer trend. – This summer is the Cuban Ring. – It’s also a reptilian model. – Oh this is nice, this is very nice. I like it very much. – How much does it cost? What’s the most expensive one? – For example … this is 4,000 euros. – Thank you very much Kent. – Thank you! This is the way a traditional Kosovo-Albanian bridal costume looks like. Besides traditional clothing there are also other dresses Kosovar ladies love. Let’s see. – This would be my favorite one. – It’s a fairytale wedding. The stores in Prizren are a paradise if you are looking for an amazing dress. And the prices are fair compared to similar costumes in the US or somewhere else. Time to explore Kosovo’s splendid nature. An hour’s drive from Prizren, in the Gjakova region, we discover this gorgeous place by the White Drin River. The old stone-arch-bridge called Sacred bridge and the White Drin Canyon are an eye candy. In western Kosovo lies Dečani, a Serbian Orthodox UNESCO Monastery which is guarded by the KFOR mission. We were not allowed to film inside, so we can only give you a small glimpse. We arrive in Peja and have some traditional food from the wood-fired oven. – Ah, this is the Rugova cheese. – This came from the open fire. Breakfast is served. Typically in Kosovo with coffee, scrambled eggs, salami, cheese and bread. Just outside of Peja, the unique nature wonderland of Rugova valley opens up to us. We drive high up into the region of the Accursed Mountains, also known as the Albanian Alps. – We got this tip from one of our friends in Peja … to drive here 12 kilometers and then 9 kilometers in the mountains … and now we have reached this magical place, over the tops. – Guess how high we are? – I don’t know … 1,500? 1,600? – 1,850 meters high! – Wow, that’s like in our home in Switzerland. – Podi Jakupit. This plateau Podi i Jakupit is a spectacular place for hikes. We enjoy a magnificent view of Hajla peak, with an altitude of over 2,400 meters one of the highest mountains in Kosovo. We are truly enchanted by Kosovo. What’s your opinion about Kosovo? We would love to hear it, you are welcome to share your thoughts with us in the comments. Back down we explore more of Rugova valley’s stunning beauty. The Rugova Canyon is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Kosovo. It’s located at the foot of the gigantic Rugova Mountains in the north-western part of Kosovo close to the border with Montenegro. If Kosovo has caught your interest check out our video about Kosovo’s capital Pristina and Kosovo’s past and today’s life. We are back in Peja. As often in Kosovo, there is an issue with stray dogs, which are close to our hearts. – What’s the name of this? – Qebap! – Very good! [in Albanian] We get a glance of the Old Bazaar and see once again the traces of the tragic history. We smell the flavors of the old town and discover its people and bars. We are heading to our last destination … Kosovo’s famous wine region Rahovec. If you are a wine lover or just like to visit beautiful landscapes then Rahovec is the place to be. We also wanted to go to the northern part of Kosovo, but time was short. So we will come back to Kosovo which treated us with great hospitality! 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Channel: Going to World
Views: 48,514
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Keywords: kosovo country, travel documentary kosovo, Kosovo travel documentary, Visit Kosovo, Kosovo travel, Rugova Gorge, Rugova, Kosovo travel tips, Peja, Kosovo 2022, Kosovo, Kosovo travel vlog, Balkans, Prizren, Travel vlog, Travel documentary, Kosovo best places, Travel video, Travel vlogger, Balkan travel, Kosova, Kosovë, Kosovo Serbia, Kosovo Doku, Balkan, Kosovo Albania, Documentary 2022, Kosovo Urlaub, Europe travel, Eastern Europe, Kosovo vlog, Rahovec, Deçani, Visoki Dečani, pejë
Id: 1ybUVTVqIys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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