KORG Pa5X Ultimate Quickstart TUTORIAL

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hello and welcome to piano Shack with me Woody in today's video I have a quick start tutorial on this the cor pa5x perhaps you're a lucky owner or you want to try one out in the store or you're just curious so let's get [Music] started there's a few things I recommend you check to get the best possible results when you're starting out the first thing is this cross flader here interestingly this has two different style engines you can see them here at the top so you can play two different styles at the same time and then cross fade between them here that's for more advanced users for today as we're just starting out just make sure to whack that all the way over to the left so you're just hearing the first style over here on the left there are some settings to check as well these control which area of the keyboard is scanned to detect which chords your playing and again as we're starting out the most common way to do this is just to use the lower part of the keyboard so make sure that lower is lit up and not upper make sure that the memory button is illuminated so that as you play chords and release them the style will continue to play even if you're not holding it down with your left hand that's normally how you want it and over here activate auto fill so that's illuminated that will give you automatic cool fills as you transition I between the different variations we might as well select Synchro start so that the style the accompaniment starts playing a soon as we play a chord in the left hand and also select variation one and if you like an introduction we'll talk more about the variations and the introductions later in the video whilst we're over here these four buttons start and stop pads which is a repeating rhythmic phrase really nice these can be additional drum Loops or arpeggiators for example four of those to play with and there's a stop button there as well another very important setting over here to check is the style to keyboard set control make sure that you've selected user here these buttons here affect what parameters these manipulate so put it onto user this button here affects what the display shows if it's showing what the parameters are for the sliders or for the buttons so switch it over so the buttons are illuminated and here you can see style to keyboard set you want to set this so that it's flashing let me explain why so keyboard set is the pa5x terminology for a sound is actually a combination of four different sounds what this means if it's steadily lit then the keyboard will choose a set of four signs for you whenever you choose a style so that's really handy you get four appropriate keyboard sets to play with if you have it flashing then it's even further enhanced because as you change the variations it will automatically select a new sign for you and that's really great in the beginning when we're starting out as the keyboard will pick suitable signs for us we don't have to do it and it saves us a lot of time when we're performing and auditioning with the keyboard after you've activated that you can just go back to main there and now the faders will control the volume of the various parts most importantly here on the right we can adjust the the volume of the keyboard part the melody part that you're playing in the right hand so you might want to reach for that if you feel it's too soft or too loud over here we have the pad Matrix which has four different modes that you choose from here the first three modes trigger slightly amusing and humorous one-hot samples like uh quiz sounds audience Applause and wrap samples and so on a lot of fun I'll demonstrate some of you some of those for you later but I recommend you have it on the fourth page here and what that does is give you instant access to mute the accompanyment parts in the style so that you can make the style more sparse if you think it's slightly too busy that's really useful so make sure you have it on four for your performance [Music] let me give you an overview of the most important elements here on the main screen here you can choose a style more on that later we'll just exit from there right now here you can see what sounds you have assigned to the pads that we talked about earlier on the left hand side of the screen here is the name of the keyboard set that is currently selected it's called my setting that's a bit strange let's press that button there and choose something which is a bit of a better example and here we can see the four keyboard sets that cor have associated with this style future pop remember since we earlier selected style to keyboard set flashing these will automatically change as we change variation which is super nice in this box here where the style information is we also have the tempo and the time division now there are some tabs here at the bottom that are good to be aware of this is the main one we can then touch this one and get an overview of which sounds are in this particular keyboard set just going to jump through the four different keyboard sets for this style and you can see exactly which sounds are uh selected here and activated I'll go into more details about selecting sounds and keyboard sets a a little bit later in the video If we go into control we get a graphical representation of the sliders and buttons the physical controls that we have on the left of the screen so you can adjust them here if you like or on the physical controls then we have the mixer we won't go into details today but that's where you'll find it and I think that's all the settings you need to be aware of as you're just getting started out so let's go back to the main page there okay then we need to choose our style that's the accompaniment genre that we want to play along with two ways to do that you can press the touch screen here I'm going to jump back to the main screen by hitting the exit button or you can press the style button remember there's two engines so there's two style buttons we're going to choose a style for the left hand the first style so just press the style one here now we have lots of different genres to choose from here I'm going to go to funk over here we have also different pages 10 Styles in each page all different musical genres I want to choose Street soul today choose it exit takes us back to the main scen main screen now remember that I said that the keyboard will automatically choose appropriate keyboard sets for us well it does that but you can also select them manually here it's chosen four different keyboard sets for us piano we have electric piano organ and the brass section if you want to see exactly how these keyboard sets are made up just go over to the Keys section and you can see how all of these different sounds are layered and split and which ones are active go back to the main choose number one and we're ready to go [Music] [Music] okay a few words on the intros the endings that we have over here variations four of those four fills a break and there's as you can see perhaps three intros three endings what's the difference between all of these starting with the intros intro one is the most busy complex and long and it's got a pre-programmed chord progression I'll demonstrate for you in a second intro two is also quite complex and long but you can trigger your own cause which is really cool intro three then is more of a short perhaps a one bar fill or a coun in or something and off you go it's the same thing with the endings ending uh one the longest with a pre-programmed chord progression ending two you play your own chords ending three a short ending we have four fillings here which we can trigger manually but remember we activated autofill which means as we switch between the variations it will automatically trigger a f which is what we want but what is a variation well we have four of them to choose from they are just different parts of a song Perhaps variation one tends to be the most sparse arrangement with the least stuff going on perhaps you'd use that for the verse variation two slightly more busy the second variation three we're getting to perhaps something we can use for the chorus with a lot more going on variation four perhaps suitable for the bridge but you'll just have to experiment that's the whole fun about these is that you can play around and see which Styles and variations you like and remember we can also mute parts to get almost endless combinations of styles we're about to start playing some music let's get funky oh that was a bit cheesy it takes a lot of time work and money for me to make these videos with the preparation research planning shooting and editing of the videos so if you made it this far then please subscribe to the channel it costs you nothing it's just a click but it means a lot to me thanks ever so [Music] much okay let's take a listen to these intros and outros remember we selected sync start so all I need to do is press down the keys here an appropriate chord an F minus 7 and off we [Music] go and we're into it now just play the chords you want even the wrong cords if you like this is a street life style [Music] variation two you heard the [Music] fill variation [Music] three we can also trigger fills manually [Music] and even a break like this and into the ending ending [Music] one very nice just let's take a listen to let's take a different style why don't we since we're let's take the next one here this is everybody Ross let's take a look at intro two have no idea make sure you've chosen which variation you want the intro to lead into as well like so it's flashing saying variation one is ready to go intro two will play let's do something in C I've never played this style before I need to play my own chords here let's try intro uh the ending three actually we can trigger intro three here let's have a listen you can hear that was simple let's do the ending [Music] three have no idea what everything or everybody Bross is referring to let me know in the comments if you recognize that style I didn't okay I've chosen a style at random this is soul Bross another Bross no idea what's going on there let's have the intro and I'm going to demonstrate how the keyboard will automatically select the right hand Melody part for us so off we go another way to start the style is to press the big button here the big play button but I like to use my left hand let's do something in G minor should have been major okay variation one still not quite there yet it's flashing there's also a countdown on the [Music] screen [Music] variation two we got an overdriven guitar variation three [Music] organ variation four tenis sax ending one no virtuoso performances today I just want to demonstrate the features for you and show you how everything [Music] works cool uh Style by the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way you can if you want override the a automatic selection of these signs by just pressing on the four buttons [Music] here another thing you might want to do is change the tempo although the Styles seem to have really good default tempos you just do it with these buttons over here and it's shown on the screen what the value is alternatively you can tap tempo [Music] let me show you now how we can mute some of the style Parts tracks using the Matrix over here so let's start this up variation one the style is called Soul let's hit it in EF flat sink start on off we [Music] go I'm going to go to a more busy variation this is very cool take it to the bridge okay wow loving this love it track one is your base the these are accompaniment Parts just the drums wow cool let's bring in the base guitar nice uh funk guitar [Music] there we'll bring the drums back in in a second with a break I think let's try that [Music] I love [Music] it wow what an epic style I haven't heard that [Music] before I'm not going to go into too much detail here because this is a good video Topic in itself but if you do want to choose signs yourself then you just simply choose the category you want here for example let's do piano then number one and now just like the style browser we have pages and pages of piano sounds to choose from or we don't have to have a piano we can choose a different category over here as well and then just exit to take you back to the main page and here you can see the sound or the keyboard set that we've selected yes a keyboard set actually contains up to four different sounds that are displayed here you have a lower and then three upper parts so let's try what this sounds like with all three upper Parts [Applause] [Music] activated so this is a super easy way to build up nice layers I wish it was as easy on the workstation synthesizers very cool feature and everything in cor pa5x is based on the concept of keyboard sets so you very rarely load individual sounds you're loading a keyboard set which has these pre-programmed layers and splits much like a multi or a comby or perhaps a performance mode if you're used to workstation synthesizers well I hope you found that interesting and informative once again please consider subscribing to the channel and thank you so much if you already have I'll see you again next time cheerio
Channel: Woody Piano Shack
Views: 7,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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