Korean Street Toast - Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is chef john from foodwishes.com with korean street toast that's right they say never judge a book by its cover or a recipe by its name for example spotted dick can be very delicious so when i hear the name of a new food i'm not familiar with i try not to judge but when i heard from a viewer there was something called korean street toast i judged it immediately since i knew i would love it and i did and so will you so with that let's go ahead and get started by julie i need some carrot and for that we will cut off like a two or three inch piece from the thicker end and then we'll cut one slice off the side here so it lays nice and flat and then taking our time we'll make some nice thin slices right the thinner the better and of course as we do this our fingertips are bent back out of the way and then what we'll do once we have a few slices cut like this is simply stack them up and then slowly and carefully we'll go ahead and cut these into really really thin strips and yes in case you're wondering you can grate this or use that vegetable cutter you ordered at two in the morning after watching the infomercial but if you have a sharp knife this is a fast fun and easy way to do it and i think the texture of the sandwich does come out better if it's not grated and cut like this instead and for each sandwich we make we're going to need about a half a handful of that plus a full handful of julienne cabbage which we're basically going to cut the same way which you'll see me do in here with a quarter head of green cabbage and with the cabbage it's even easier because we don't need to slice it first right since we already have all those thin layers of leaves stacked up so with this we have to simply slice across as shown again making nice thin cuts until like i said we have about one handful which we will go ahead and add to our julienne carrot and then last but not least i'm also going to add a little bit of freshly sliced green onion at which point we'll go ahead and season this up with some freshly ground black pepper a few shakes of cayenne or maybe even a pinch of cream chili flakes and then we'll also do two big pinches of salt all right one is for the vegetables and then one is for the eggs we're just about to toss in here but not before we give this a little bit of a mix and mash with our hand and what that's going to do is turn these vegetables from something crisp and unruly to something much more soft and compliant so we'll go ahead and work that over with our hand for about 30 seconds or so and then once that's soft and seasoned we can go ahead and add two eggs and then we'll take a fork and give this a very thorough mixing and that's it we can go ahead and set that aside and we can move on to start building this amazing sandwich and the first step for that would be to melt about two tablespoons of butter over medium-high heat and hopefully a nice large non-stick skillet at which point we will toss in two slices of the thickest whitest bread we can find all right do not mess this sandwich up by trying to use bread that has any kind of nutritional value and what we'll do is toss that around to make sure both sides are well buttered although a spatula would probably be a little less painful to use and then what we'll do is simply grill this bread over medium to medium-high heat until both sides are beautifully toasted in golden brown and hopefully starting to get a little bit crispy and yes i do flip my bread a lot it's fun to flip and there's going to be less chance of me burning it because i'm playing with it so much and then what we'll do once we think that's been grown long enough is remove that tool plate and then in the same pan we'll go ahead and melt another chunk of butter and then as soon as that melts we'll go ahead and transfer in our egg and vegetable mixture and then using the edge of our spatula we'll kind of sort of chop down on the surface like this while at the same time pushing those edges up and over the top as we sort of simultaneously cook and mix this at the same time and yes of course if you want to use less vegetables in just one egg you can make a smaller version of the same sandwich right that's up to you i mean you are after all the glenn close of your korean street toast but speaking of fatal attractions this is so addictive to eat i highly recommend you do the two egg full-size version because if you don't you're going to want more and as this goes from something that's very soft and liquidy to something a little firmer that holds its shape what we'll do is attempt to form this into a rectangle about twice as long as it is wide and the reason we're going to do that is so that we're able to split this in half which is not only going to make this easier to flip since we'll just be doing half at a time but eventually we will stack these two pieces so that they fit on our sandwich but anyway we'll go ahead and cut that and flip it as shown and then we'll cook both sides until they're golden brown and believe it or not even though this is only gonna cook for like three or four minutes because we cut those vegetables nice and thin they're gonna be cooked through and nice and sweet and tender and that's it once we think that's cooked long enough we'll go ahead and stack those up and place that on our beautifully grilled toast which brings us to the most bizarre and unusual step in this whole operation and that would be believe it or not topping this with some white sugar which for me means only like half a teaspoon but apparently from what i've seen on the street in korea they put what looks more like a tablespoon and i know it seems kind of crazy but it totally works and that little extra bit of sweetness really pairs perfectly with that bittersweet flavor profile of the vegetables so you don't have to put a lot but i think you do have to put on a little bit and then what we'll do to finish this off is toss two thin pieces of smoked ham into our still hot skillet then once that starts to sizzle we'll go ahead and flip it over and then top that with a nice slice of american cheese or in my case mild cheddar and then as soon as that cheese melts which shouldn't take too long we'll go ahead and place that over the top at which point we're almost but not quite done since to really finish this properly we have to squeeze over a generous amount of mayonnaise and ketchup and i didn't say swipe or spread and i certainly didn't say dollop right this must be applied from some kind of squeeze bottle so yes i did have to buy those especially for this video which is fine i have an expense account but anyway do what you have to do but i assume there's a reason that we're squeezing if for no other purpose then it just looks cooler and that's it we'll go ahead and place over that top piece of toast and then we'll go ahead and cut this in half and then we'll go ahead and show you one of the most beautiful and gorgeous cross sections in sandwich history i mean come on look at that it's just absolutely stunning and that my friends as hard as it is to believe actually tastes better than it looks just a truly amazing combination of tastes and textures with that crispy grilled buttery bread and that slightly sweet super savory vegetable egg patty and then bringing things home we have that smoky ham and melty cheese and ridiculous amount of mayo and ketchup and all those things together make for one of the most memorable hot sandwich experiences of your life plus we just ate a whole serving of vegetables and barely noticed so i just love absolutely everything about this and again regarding that sprinkling of sugar all right the first time i did this i almost left that out because it just seemed ridiculous but i am so glad i didn't since now that i've been enjoying these on a regular basis i realize how important that is but anyway that's it my take on korean street toast or as i mispronounce it gilguri toast the next time you're in the mood for a breakfast sandwich that will absolutely ruin you for any other kind of breakfast sandwich this is the one you're going to want to make which is why i'm going to finish up by saying i really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 930,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, Street, Toast, breakfast, sandwich, eggs, snack, vegetable, omelet, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, recipes, street food, Asian, recipe
Id: Og1cdmqs9ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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