Korean Phrases for Restaurants (For Customers)

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hello everyone welcome back to talk to me in Korean I am hello I'm Caroline you're watching talk to me in Korean this video is about some of the phrases that you can use as a customer in a Korean restaurant Korean phrases for restaurants man yeah sheep town everybody eats and sometimes people go to Korean restaurants yeah I'm sure yeah so these phrases will come in handy when you want to use sub Korean in restaurants so when you go into a restaurant and get a seat you need a lot of things yes for example you need chopsticks you need spoons but those are usually on the table so you don't need to worry about those but sometimes the waiters or the waitresses forget to bring you water or the menu or the wet towel in case you want to clean your hands so in order to ask for something what do you say to say to say to say oh so let's ask for water the menu and white towel so if you want water water is mood so you can say we don't you say oh okay so what is that tomb there a little bit a little bit yes he's very useful when you ask for something mm-hmm some water coffee don't you say Oh some coffee some make juice some soju etc etc and yes movie don't just hear John to Teo will to juicy oh how about the menu menu nice menu pan man you pan man you pan pan means a board yes it's a board where you can see the menu so man you putt man you putt so if you don't have the menu in your hands or on your table you can say menu Pancham to say Oh menu pan john to say oh but i like to just read off of the walls oh usually have the menu written on the wall so man yo Pancham juseyo Boojum juicy oh and you might also need some we're so gone we're is so gone yeah we're is water and souk on is how yes so musa gan don't you say oh we're sooo gone don't you say oh yeah and after you look at the menu you decide that you want to eat this mm-hmm how can you order that ah you got to tell you got to say huh you got to say uh of course it'll be nice to actually be able to say the food names in Korean but sometime those are complicated mm-hmm and you might want to try something experimental just by looking at the picture yes and then you can say you got to say oh you got to say Oh ego how go ego ha go ego to say ego Jaco ego how cool you got to say oh if you are very hungry yes baby ok so you can order your food now but what if you change your mind while eating this is so good that you want one more of this how can you order an extra serving uh-huh then you can say ego Hannah thought you say ego Panna torches here you go hang out you sail how do you say one more time at all ha ha ha ha ok ego ha ah ha ha ha ha - Te'o and one person serving is eating boon eating one eating blue two servings is in blue three servings salmon Boone etc etc using the sign of Korean number system yeah and eating Boone is one person's one Bowl one serving so he didn't pause you say oh eco eating phone thought you say oh you go into a time capsule restaurant and you order the amount of some gifts are that two people can eat you say some cup set I'm going to say Oh perfect but what if you are a vegetarian ah you need to be able to know how to ask for food that doesn't have meat in it yes in that case you can ask by saying okay and Rogin go oil do you have something that does not have meat in it cookie is meat and here Okada is to not enter and and arrow can go is something that doesn't have me that entered it Messiah do you have so hoagie and Cadogan go yo-yo cookie Angelo can go East oil cookie and Ogando Easter and sometimes you go to a new restaurant mm-hmm you don't know what's good there ah no you can take your chances recommendation yes and ask for recommendations so how do you ask for recommendations from the restaurant owner or the waiter mmm then you can say bogatell Massey style one more time Moga en masse soil wall means what mmm-hmm and market a TM is the best the most Massey style is is it delicious so more got a Magister what is the most delicious here well got a magisterial yeah and if the waiter points at the most expensive one you can be suspicious but if not you can trust our judgment nobody a Magister but if you don't want their opinion but an actual fact and say what do people order the most you can say tail mani chicken and gay boy oh haha Tenma Nietzsche Kenan gay boy yo T most money a lot shequida is to order so chic inning game boy what is it that people order so what is it that people order the most tail mani chicken and gay boy yeah so so and so okay well it's a good way to ask what is it that you know and if you want to ask for the spiciest food in the restaurant ah can you say that oh hey and a one-game oil today oh boy I'll tell you man gay boy but he's the spiciest here ah giveaway I love spicy food really I don't okay so let's say that you got your order and you are eating but you have to quickly wash your hands or you have to go to the toilet yeah how can you ask for the directions to the bathroom uh-huh her tongue city or the air Hajong shitty audio her tongue CD audio yeah this is rather a survivor phrase hmm was actually audio attention er Dao okay now that you're done with your meal you want to leave but you have some food left in that case you might want to take it home with you yes not all restaurants do that for you so you might want to check with the restaurant how can you do that oh and you can say you got put on to your ego poor Dampier ego what damned here hoedown is rapping or gift wrapping or even getting something ready for take away yes so pull down here is it possible for down tail yeah and if hoedown is available there you can just ask for some Porter what I get you say oh hold on here to tell what's on here to say Oh Donghae juicy oh and you have to pay before you go yes definitely yeah and you don't have your build up with you maybe you can ask for what say K signs all jumped you say yeah case hands how item choose here case I'm so dumb to say Oh case on his calculation and so is a word for paper so calculation paper is a bill Cayton so tongue to tail okay sign so don't you say oh and you know what there's a funny Korean word that some people use oh like old people I think you mean QG yeah it's ridiculous PG I use I use busy really but I'm not old okay if you're getting there ah so the bill is peel mm-hmm and G is also a word for paper so sometimes some people put the words together dude say Pvt yes beauty yeah just saying peel sounds too foreign they wouldn't understand yeah of a foreign language so Phe ha ha g gz o kk console or Pvt more the bill yes and also let's say you ate at a very small restaurant in that case the person at the counter doesn't have any trouble recognizing which table you ate at but if you ate at a very big restaurant might have to say your table number or my say up in this table at this table how much is it how big is our bill hmm in that case you can ask for the total amount of money that you have to pay that table by saying yogi on my yogi is here and lmao as you is how much so yogi or Maya how much is it here yeah yogi or Maya yogi or in my ear but if you say this while you are looking around whole restaurant it might sound like oh you wanna buy whole mess right yogi or mind how much is this place yes so don't say that too far away from your tape so yogi or Mario mm-hmm and you are going to pay but you don't know where to pay you don't know where the counter is you can say Oh DSL or all these whole kids on here yes case on oldies Ohio case on Odie's Ohio or oh this whole case Anne Hale or ODS okay son Hale uh-huh ODS okay Sonia oh these are case a nail or case on all these are a Oh perfect and these days people don't usually carry cash so they always have this hard and restaurants don't really like getting credit cards uh-huh but they do take credit cards in most places yes and just to be sure you can ask yogi carded hey Oh yogi Car Detail yogi here had it hard hey Oh does it work do you accept cards yogi cada aƱo yogi huh detail you don't even have to say credit card Shinyoung copy just say cotton yeah just cut yogi cada dia yogi cut it here all right lastly when you want to pay sometimes you want to split the bill with your friends yeah how do you express that in Korean separately is CAPTA in Korean Cutta Cutta so you can say cactus an Ikea uh-huh Kaka case on her Kyo separately we will calculate or separately we will pay cactus I like kale or you can say taro taro case an Ikea yeah taro taro is a more casual word for cockta ro taro separately case an IKEA taro taro case an IKEA taro taro hedges here taro taro hey Cho say Oh make the bill split so taro taro hey Cho sail or cockta can hockey Oh taro taro head you say Oh Tata case an Ikea alright so that's it for this video right come on yeah I hope it is very useful for you I hope so too and in the next video we will cover some phrases that you can use in a Korean restaurant as a store owner or a waiter well then until then study hard and we'll see you at talk to me in Korean calm and how to Korean calm happy vos ah Piatt Museo and yeah right
Channel: Talk To Me In Korean
Views: 154,105
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Keywords: talktomeinkorean, ttmik, learn, korean, korea, seoul, lesson, language
Id: GpF17lV92fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2011
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