KOREA Vlog 🇰🇷 So Much has CHANGED 2024!! Hongdae Myeongdong 한국 여행

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can't imagine having Thai food other than In tha my sister said this is a must try make one [Music] more what's up guys so for today in this video we're starting out in hung one of the places that we wanted to show you right off the start is right behind us but there's there's actually something special inside that we do have to show you but before that we have a special guest so my sister-in-law is joining us today in this video let's go at this CU there's like a little section that's called like the Laman Library this whole wall is literally dedicated to all of the Laman look how cute this is the table is literally like a cou look at this one that is so I think we need one of these I know seriously right this is awesome now let's select our Laman guys so we have like bean sprouts like other vegetables we have eggs this and look at the price it's only, one less than a dollar kimchi and then yellow radish you want to step up your lamang game man you can totally add all of that sucker in there besides that remember this is a convenience store so you have like bunch of other things that you can add you got like chicken breast you have like Korean sausages other cheese options choices are endless so far we're going to add some bean sprouts other vegetables we got two eggs look at the Variety this is insane what the heck is this it says I've never seen that before so it has eggs and ham and cheese in one thing and also remember guys pay attention to this so it's buy two get one free we're starting off with the shamia we took out out of the box and you have to make sure you check the barod so if you buy like the broy one and then the stir fried one it's going to have different barcod if you guys look if you guys have problem like there's instruction right here and under beneath it they're all in English give it a nice mix why does it feel like we're filming like a cooking show looks good it's so good oh yeah okay guys remember you always have to get a pack of kimchi this one is actually really delicious chil lamia is actually one of my favorite lamia if not the favorite while you're in Korea you have to have banana milk come on you can't skip on this guys that is amazing nice delicious sweet it's perfect with this it's a very good combination this is cute check this out come on you got the Chopsticks you got the napkins here if you're just by yourself or if you want to just have a seat and just sit here and eat they have bunch of different kind of oh they have like different sauces the DU sauce spaghetti sauce oh I mean do you recognize like these Laman option guys let me know in the comments down below cuz there's so many different kind of lamon that is really really delicious and the cool thing is that when you're here you could try them all we got Mal W other different kind of shi Y and then we have a shinaman the red which is like double the spice level of the regular one so next one is the P this is the one that does not have the broth and if you read it here it says it in Korean it says pan so just think of it as without broth and the one with broth it actually has a different amount of water level let's go make this one I mean this one's actually rather simple typically you'll have to dump so much more water but since this thing is so hot and it Cooks it really quickly yeah looks like you don't like to really dump much M water at all so this noodle typically you eat it cold like you would need to run in in cold water before putting in the sauce but we didn't have that option today it's actually not bad I thought it was going to be really really bad yeah but it's actually not bad I'm surprised if someone were to come here and only eat one noodle which one would you recommend I would say just get the broy noodle you know go with like sham if you can't handle spice go to like flavors there's this one if you can't handle spice this one is really good yes but this is the so make sure it has that yes this this is what you're looking for it looks like they have all the section here that's not really like spicy at all yeah the blue is not spicy I would say this one is not spicy so this one this one and the blue is what I would recommend these are not spicy at all the flavor in itself is good but the only thing is the noodle it's mushy it's overcooked so just like what Caroline said highly recommend the one with the broth but even with the broth for me it was a little bit too much water so for you guys for a tip if you wanted a little bit more on the Savory side I would recommend just taking out some of the water and then putting in the suit so yeah for CU guys we highly recommend it I want you guys to check it out get the experience for yourself overall it's not bad it's one of the places that you probably want to visit and you know it's in hung now we're going to head over to my brother-in-law's wife's recommendation where she wants to take us so the place we're going is called Changi two rounds out of [Music] three you could even pay with the credit card that's awesome so the cool thing is it looks like I could get one practice round before I actually shoot once you pay you get a little ticket make sure you hand it over to the staff who's there so you can play the game first one is practice yeah this game is not easy come the making is okay make two make two let's get the first [Music] one and thank you even come close your four chance out of first [Music] one make one more no practice no practice high five [Music] guys we had a blast that place was so amazing unfortunately I wasn't able to film that much uh they did say that we're not allowed to film but luckily enough he allowed us to film just a little bit hey we still won the doll right we're literally at the heart of Hond right now obviously it's not that packed probably because it's early in the afternoon but if you guys come here late at night man it is packed this place is one of the places to be for sure so our drink came out the total we spent here was 27500 but we got one of the cookie as a service so the total was 24,1 mainly because we wanted a mousse cake but they were currently out he said the one that was on display was still frozen so as an inconvenience he just gave us a free cookie that was really nice of him and I got a vanilla latte let's give it a try for their coffee is just pretty standard medium roast and milk it's not bad I would give it seven out of 10 the store name is l tree so here's the complimentary dish yes we also got two these are coas yeah so we got one vanilla one ear so my sister said this is a must try she said she doesn't really like these anywhere else but here so and my sister's picking soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside how it should be and they are really good I would give it 8.5 out of 10 so I got the Earl gr milk tea try out actually it's a pretty nice creamy light milk tea that should pretty good let me try the Bak kind of has that like outside toffee texture and the inside is kind of like comparable like a muffin like the inner side of the [Music] muffin yeah it's really moist inside MH that's pretty good that's not bad obviously this was the place that was highly recommended by Caroline sister pretty good let's try this one out cut it into small piece but think of it as a miniature pound cake I think yeah yeah it's nice and crunchy on the outside the sweetness level maybe about 50% I feel like it's like a fancy crispy on the outside moist on the inside muffin M I feel like this is better than the canle right I like this this one was a plain one plain finan highly recommend it guys this is famous for their fum bread the salt bread typically there's a really long line yeah yeah honestly it's also popular during weekday we've been to like couple locations where we even went at like 10:00 a.m. on a weekday that's true there's like 1 hour line I guess it depends but if you look at the bread selection a lot of them are gone see there's nothing left so if you guys are totally confused this is our next destination pretty much this whole area is Hano Village and it's wonderful yeah they've convert all the like homes into shops but they also have residential areas where you shouldn't like talk really loud cuz everyone still lives there yeah yeah and then I don't know if you guys know but Han is like old school Korean Korean traditional homes and all the homes in this area they're they say it's about 100 years old so they're like antiques it's quality right here right yeah oh ah so this is another hang spot yeah that's crazy but this is the same brand as the one that we saw in oh okay I know so's really been in for past couple years yeah I mean we've tried it it's okay I mean I think it's worth a try and then just to see if you like it you guys shrimp Pai for 19,000 Korean one and then the curry [Music] Dum noodle for 188,000 right honestly I can't imagine having Thai food other than in yes we've been spoiled we know that they have so many dessert shops here and like really cute like crafty little things it is I think they're just dried flowers yeah they're really cute guys they have so many things here like jewelry clothing bags my gosh right here where ah isn't this like a rice cake place yes okay but it's a cafe they said yeah I heard that they're really amazing let's go inside the only one oh okay I think this one's strawberry get one of the strawberries yeah okay they have cookies at that look how pretty this one is guys so pretty there are a lot of foreigners inside this Cafe I guess they already know about this Cafe huh oh [Music] it's so cute inside huh it is yeah and you know this place just Hano Village itself so many things to eat so many things to buy so many things to drink like it's a food Haven and shopping Haven you guys have to come and visit all of Hano Village and we've been here quite a bit of time because we used to live here we almost lived here for almost a year now right mhm yeah so kind of know what we're talking abouto in general has a lot of spots to check out so we highly recommend this area if you guys come visit Korea a lot of places you could just go and have fun just hang out walk around and honestly for me I enjoy shopping in Korea so much so this is the place to be buff looks so good you know when she said you got I was actually kind of excited for some reason I'm not even a huge fan I know anything about it I was like SS good oh it actually looks good like it looks pretty thick if you guys don't know what is multi-grain drink it's actually considered healthy but then sugar yeah I know take out the sugar [Music] right oh it's good good wow it's sweet Rich how it's supposed to taste is it nutty it is very nutty that's good I like my me nutti that's good I got to try this so I think you guys know what this is this is the CH which is like the Korean rice [Music] drink oh yeah that's refreshing yeah and she said that's the most popular drink here I watch M right this is honestly how my grandma used to make it for me nice and thick and sweet for hot summer days mhm that's old school right there m that's good you can't get any more traditional than that if you want traditional experience come here yeah get the rice cake and crayon drinks perfect M right very clean tasting so these two we highly recommend it they're really delicious let's try this one this one was hobak in gery it said it's one of their signatures hobak meaning it's pumpkin pumpkin yeah and iny is the um type of a rice cake yeah but covered in like typically I think soybean powder yeah but this one has something else so let's try this I see why it's a signature it's like nice soft bouncy chewy and it's actually perfect it's not sweet as in like I would say like 25% sweetness you see it when you bite it it's like a Jello almost it's like a nice soft Mochi mhm but you can actually like the quality is really high oh yeah yeah that's amazing I'm actually a huge rice cake fan and I always eat it in Korea 100% And I could tell yeah they put a lot of time in making this that's good W let's try this one this one has a bunch of chestnuts this is called Yaki wo wow dude that is so soft oh my God gosh it has the juju be I see already and then chunks of [Music] chestnut seriously this place top quality can't even stick a fork in it because it just falls apart and typically it doesn't do that it just kind of tells you like the other ones that I've had in the past they're really processed but this one is like all natural wow [Music] this is probably one of the best one I've ever had look how cute this is this is supposed to look like parmen uh and you know every single one of these are handmade here so yeah I'm super excited to try this m oh that's a lot of red bean oh that's totally your style and it has pine nuts oh really pine nuts are not cheap in Korea yeah what's that on top just a decoration I think what's it made out of rice cake oh wow I actually really like this I love redin feelings this one has plenty of it the rice cake on the outside is a lot more chewier than the ones that we had but the feeling oh my God I think was packed with red bean wow did you have Ty nuts in your bite that one alone I'd have to give it a 9 out of 10 so far everything is above an eight easy mhm easy and that's me lowballing it too oh and real quick all of these rice cake and two drinks were under $20 right so we just got done with the rice cake and come to find out it's actually good for up to 7 Days yeah as long as you put it in the fridge yes look how cute these bags are guys you got umbrellas these little hats are kind of cute hats yeah oh look at this one otter 30,000 this one's cute that is really cute this is so cute these are so pretty oh I like these these are really cute so the brand is called find the scent oh this one smells good right what's so fun oh just says 4711 should we get one so I feel like at hanok Village 50% foreigners 50% locals it looks like a lot of grandpas get together and play like Korean or maybe it's Chinese chess they call it right in English I think so they call it in Korean so that's what they're playing so cute well what's going on there I have no idea what they're doing but a lot of kid fear kind of looks like they're on their field trip my gosh wow that's a lot of people guys if you haven't noticed we're here in Mong which is probably one of the most popular destinations in Korea especially for foreigners from what we heard was that a lot of like locals are actually starting to come back to Mong so it's actually getting a little bit more popular you got the locals and you got the foreigners the street vendors are everywhere yeah it wasn't always like so nice and hot right now guys honestly don't they usually sell Kang during the winter time yes yes but we are in Mong Mong is famous for their street food so typically you only find these during winter let's try oh it's ch cheese on top that's a good idea mhm the bread under is so sweet and fluffy and the egg is perfectly cooked and the cheese makes it extra Savory and like it has like a little cheese um crust as well this is so good and only for 2001 which is literally like doll or something right it's hot oh you could really see the egg now oh my kampang is actually one of my favorite like must have winter food in Korea oh my God as soon as I saw it I had to get it there's no way I could pass on this now that you have the cheese on top 10 out of 10 guys 10 out of 10 that's too much ch oh maybe this is actually one of my favorite street food [Music] that have men guys how cool is this this is the best seller where you could literally try five different kinds and then if you like it you can get a whole one over there sometimes uh dude this looks amazing guys wow see all the ingredients in here I'm like salivating I'm going to go for my favorite the crab meat yeah you can eat it all that's fine I feel like we've been eating all day so I am so full but you have to eat street food when you're here at oh yeah yeah this is delicious you guys saw it he makes it right here in front of you I of course this one was pre-made but tastes really good and the thing is is that the good thing about the shop is that they fry it up to a certain point so then they can refry it personally I actually like it that way better I'll share one with you the sausage one try the sausage one the one thing I like is that since they refry it it has that extra crispiness on the outside and the cool thing is he refried it to the point where it's not scorching hot it's just a perfect temperature and then the quality of the fish cake wow that's really good solid 9.2 out of 10 let's try this one I don't know what this is oh I think this is be oh M good mhm oh this one's good you could really taste a beef patty oh yeah wo it has a dumpling inside yeah guys look wo that one's really good I didn't know they put dumpling inside dude all the fillings are freaking amazing wow and that one it just looks like it's plain right but even the plain fish cake the texture man that's wonderful highly recommend it the fish Tes so good guys try them out yeah it's called Mong guys it looks like there's a Kmart obviously the Korean Mar so if you want to buy like extra like snacks and candies and whatnot this is a good place I guess but I feel like since it's inside Mong I think it's going to be really expensive but you know if you're Shor on time you're around this area and this is like your last destination I mean I would go in there check it out buy some snacks souvenirs and whatnot but if you have the time yeah I probably wouldn't get it there right so typically what is it anytime that we go to like these like night markets or something like that we always get one of my favorite which is the which is like the Korean hot dog but I know better yes don't get it here guys yeah oh yeah yeah 100% 10 times better yeah and cheaper yes yeah yeah yeah over here it's unfortunately it's it's not how it used to be mhm and it's a lot smaller like it's all batter oh yeah yeah yeah and they don't really use like the premium sausage either also another thing when you guys are interested in getting like a Kon F which is what we had earlier you want to go around because there's quite a bit of people that are selling Kon funk and one of them is like 21 as opposed to the other location that we went to it was 1, 15001 mhm so you know still what is that 25% cheaper yeah and plus for the same price 2001 you could get the one with the cheat if that's the case that's true yeah yeah guys the Kang was so good we had to come back we got a total of three I wanted one more just in case and then also we got it for my brother-in-law and his wife so one that we went to is right in front of line friend square and then across from UI Bank yeah so make make sure you guys go to this one this one's good and the owner is friendly yeah yeah guys so we had a heck of a long day today we thank you guys so much for watching and joining with us on this adventure and then we'll see you guys on the next one bye peace don't film this kind of stuff I went shopping again guys she has a shopping addiction not me guys that's the truth all right this is not the first time going to Olive y
Channel: Chovy Travel
Views: 4,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 한국 여행, 서울 여행, 한국 브이로그, 서울 브이로그, seoul vlog, seoul travel vlog, seoul south korea, south korea, first impressions of seoul, best things to do in seoul, korean food, korea food, korea travel, korea travel 2024, vlog, foodie, seoul, korea, 서울, cheap eats, korean street food, mark wiens, best ever food review show, korean cafe, 먹방, seoul vlog 2024, korea vlog, 홍대, 명동, 익선동, 익선 한옥거리, hanok village, hongdae, myeongdong, ikseondong hanok village, convenience store korea, cu, chovy travel
Id: lfxRq9IZUOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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