Korbanth Darksaber N-Pixel Lightsaber VS Hasbro Force FX Elite

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what is up piper drivers today in the house i have the brand new dark saber by corbanth but is this the best and most accurate dark saber on the market today let's find out this is the way welcome back hyper drivers that is right my friends in the house today i have the core band dark saber my first core band lightsaber ever so this is gonna be awesome really excited to get this out of the box but before we get to that if this is your first time on the channel we talk about star wars all the time here on the hyperdrive especially star wars collecting and for me my favorite thing to unbox is the lightsabers this is the stuff that brings me back to when i was a kid and i am just i just love them i just love these things so this is cool can't wait to get to the unboxing so if you enjoy star wars collecting star wars chats and all that good stuff like that make sure you like subscribe and turn on notifications so you could jump to lightspeed every week with us right here on the hyperdrive as most of you know if you've been following the channel i have been hunting a dark saber particularly the hasbro dark saber for a very very long time i had that one on order and they they just canceled my order it they will they're taking extremely long to deliver that and i don't understand what the deal is i also don't understand that when i order something from hasbro why it's going first to all of the other companies and then hazel's not even fulfilling their orders so that that really bugs me but um from what i've seen online it's a really awesome looking dark saber but now i have the core bank and that's what led me to get to the core bank is i was just unable to get the uh the hasbro one so we're gonna do with this one here like i do with all my lightsaber videos is we're gonna unbox it i'm gonna show you the details and the look of the lightsaber so you can see the dark saber up close and personal in all of his glory we're going to go over the electronics and the builders because this one was custom done by solo saber so i'll show you guys what jeremy did for me with that we're going to go over the sound effects and the light up features and i'm going to show you guys how that works and my buddy joseph is going to be joining me and we're going to go over a comparison between the core band and the hasbro dark saver i'm not going to compare this to the disney dark saver it's because in my opinion that only wasn't that accurate at all uh that's why i sold it and i went along with this one here so we're just going to compare the look of the two hilts and see which one is more accurate to the show and then at the end of everything i'll give you my final thoughts on it and whether or not you should run out and buy it at least my opinion if you should run out and buy it all right all right so here we go the corbat box i really love the way this box looks it's got a very elegant feel to it and everything feels like quality i like that you have the corvette in this gold star wars looking font which is nice so really cool corbat sabres customs models and props really dope and we're gonna pop it open there we go and there it is the dark saber very cool so i sent this off to solo savers after i picked it up at core band for the install so that i can get it done uh and we'll talk about that in a second you get a um what is this called a blade plug i don't know why i had to think about that it doesn't have any install to it so this is just to plug up the the blade for display purposes so you have that uh you got the key and some screws so that you can take and put that put the blade in and everything jeremy added in the battery because this one's going to have a removable battery and then we have the hilt this is so dope man this is heavy what else you got in here got uh a couple of stickers we got the solo saver sticker and uh and you got a warning so all right let's move that off to the side but the hilt wow this has got a lot of heft to it man that is that is heavy feels real good in the hands like the way it feels let's get a close-up look at the hilt there you go so you can see that unlike the disney the emitter is really close in size to the grip so i like that you have the open way here for the uh for the light so this is going to have lights that light up so the blade actually goes all the way through and then this lights up here so that's cool really like the design of the emitter and the lines and everything that looks neat and then you got the blade guard that's what it's called like the design of that as well unlike the disney that i remember seeing this is matte finish which i think is more accurate to the tv show uh the other one was more glossy and i think the other one was almost all black where this one here has silver grips which is also more accurate to the tv show so i love the lines on that there is your switch you only have one switch on this one this switch here is just for looks and pierce kind of wish it was a two-switch system you know so that you have your effects and then you have your ignition but everything's done with one looks like you got your key right here so that you can pop this off and get to the chassis which we're gonna look at here in just a second and then unlike the hasbro one this one here comes with the d-ring so that's cool so that's very accurate to the show as well and i like that that was included all right so really nice design it's open here in the back so that the sound can be uh sent out through the back of the pommel so really well done really like the weight all right so let's talk about accuracy to the tv show right because that's why we're spending this much money is that it looks pretty damn close and it really really does here's a picture from the book of boba fett from episode five where you actually see the mandalorian handing the dark saber over to pass vizilla to give to the armor and you can see that it's really really accurate to the to the show the emitter itself has that same matted appearance to it it doesn't have a high gloss to it uh and then it also has these silver grips so i think that's makes it you know pretty almost on point to what we saw in the show now as far as how it looks against the other dark sabers that are out there i think it hands down beats the disney parks and i think so does the hasbro but how does it compare to the hasbro darksaber that's what's really important to me uh because that was another one that like i said i was been trying to get and i wasn't able to get but a good friend of mine does have that so i'm going to give him a call right now we're going to call my boy joseph up he's going to give us a look at the dark saber from corbath compared to the hasbro one side by side so let's do that what's up joseph how you doing man i'm doing well george it's good to see you yeah man so i just got in the new dark saber the one from uh corban's right i know you got one too yeah so um i have been hunting down the hasbro dark saber for like ever and the and i just can't get it it's impossible to find and really what i wanted to do was was compare the core band to the hasbro dark saber so that i can at least get an idea as to what the difference is or or um make me feel better in my heart that this was the way you know okay you know well if so i'm i have both of them right here okay i'm gonna go over both of them with you um do you want me to tell you what my conclusion is now or after let's go let's do that one after let's do that one after show me what you got okay how are we looking there looks real good man okay so i could see them side by side looks like the top one is probably the core bath and the bottom one is your uh is your hasbro correct so yeah so the top one here is the corvanth this is the hasbro and as you can see uh you can probably already tell there are a couple major differences the paint finish uh on the black areas at least on the top and the bottom of the hilt on the black series one is a gloss high gloss black finish yeah i see that and the um the black in between the stripes here on the handle is kind of a semi-gloss you know it has a textured finish okay the gray stripes here are a gun metal and when you compare that to the corvette one there's a huge contrast so the black is matte um it's matte all the way through and the stripes here are silver there are uh there's a huge contrast between the two right now if i recall you mentioned that this one is more accurate right what you see on screen and in fact be aware that this this isn't painted silver right this is actually bare metal right and it's brushed aluminum and then of course there's a another difference you have the d-ring here for the the handle for the um the belt clip whereas here there's no ring yeah but they put the hole there which is weird i don't know why hasbro wouldn't give you that it's very strange right and then right and then the other thing is is that the bottom of this has some silver details there which the poor band does not have right um and then the other thing is the retention screw here for the blade is this silver um hex screw whereas you have two smaller black screws here right the the silver plug the blade plug is is um matte silver whereas it's a lot larger and chrome um you know mirror chrome finish on the core band right um i can tell you the corvamped one feels a lot better right it's a lot thinner right it's not as fat as the black series one yeah the black series one is in general larger the the emitter here is kind of it's a little it looks a little stubbier and the the handle is a lot thicker to hold and then of course the the thing that really mars the finish here uh is this speaker grill that they decided to put right in the handle which is ridiculous yeah i know because then when you put your hand on it it uh it blocks out the sound exactly now um in terms of weight i would say they're actually pretty comparable because they're both metal now be aware mine is uninstalled this one has all the electronics right so it's got the battery in there the rechargeable battery whereas this one um you know doesn't have any electronics in it i didn't get mine installed so and and that being said they're still about the same weight so i imagine once this one has a battery and electronics in it it'll probably be just a little heavier which is amazing since this is actually you know thinner right so and then of course there's the difference in the blades which i don't know if you can see that here um yeah on mine at least i i wasn't really too much of a fan of the core math blade in particular well this blade is um it's thicker than the black series one and it also has the little um uh the little uh kind of lightning yeah streaks in it whereas the black series one does not um and because it's it's fatter uh when you get up to the the tip here there's definitely more more of a pronounced taper at the tip than you have with the other one right now it's kind of hard because now this one is very flat right so this painted on finish uh with the little lightning bolts is um i mean there's it all it is is paint whereas on the black series one you actually have this is a there's a raised plastic plastic area that is definitely different right so in terms of if you wanted to repaint it or something like that or do anything to it you would um the masking job might be a little easier on this than on this right okay uh now impressions i gotta say i kinda like the corbin i think hands down i i think you can stop looking for the black series yeah i'm pretty much going to if i had to choose one of these i think there's no question the core bank one is much nicer so man thank you bro you just made my day so i'm i'm happy that uh that with what i got now i feel that i feel a lot better oh good i'm glad no i'm i'm like i said i actually since i got this i didn't have a chance to sit down and put him side by side okay and take a look so uh i mean this certainly made the decision for me if i were going to keep one of these i would definitely keep the corvanth one i'd have to have it installed but right i definitely like that one better right well joseph thanks for hanging out with me and sharing me you know sharing with all of us you know the difference between the two savers i really appreciate your time buddy thanks my pleasure all right anytime all right so this hilt as it stands right here is 475 if you want to get it empty from core bath it's 700 and change if you want to have it installed by them uh and then the way i did it was i bought it empty and then i sent that off to solo savers and solo savers is about 630 roughly for their install for jeremy's install uh the advantages to getting a custom install from solo savers is that one you get it much much faster than you will get it from coreband um as far as i know right now i don't think anybody has their hilt that that got it with the installation done i think only people that have received their help have been the empty hilts um jeremy also offers expert ins installation um you know with coreband you don't know who's doing the installs but with jeremy guy does excellent work uh so you you know you can always know that it's going to be done correctly and then the other thing too is great customer service you have a one-on-one relationship with jeremy he can you can contact him if you have any issues or if you have any questions and he's always available so that's the advantages i think and that's why i went with with jeremy i trust him when it comes to doing the install so definitely check him out i'll leave a link in the description below for you guys to get to solo sabres he also can go over to his youtube channel every build that he does he always shows the customer how he did the install and how to make it work and everything so that way you know you always have a visual of what to go with all right so let's crack this thing open and check out what the chassis looks like all right so when you're opening up the chassis on this lightsaber you're going to come back here and there's a key in the far back and pops open actually i got to take it all the way out it would help and that opens up your your back pommel the pommel just slides right out and then inside is the chassis and it just pulls right out like that so this is an example of jeremy's work so you got a 3d printed custom chassis all right got your profit board right there i can't remember what kind of speaker that was but it's a very awesome speaker and what i really like is that you have a your battery holder right here and your battery is removable so that's really cool i think that's that's a pretty awesome feature so here's your battery and battery pops in make sure i got this lined up correctly okay all right and whoa okay put that like that all right and then you have a kill switch on this side right here a yield it's yours and there it goes i love the sound effects it doesn't work that way that just seemed freaking awesome grandma f uh a grandmother i always want to say grandma moth gideon has a great laugh all right and then you just slide this back into place [Laughter] that's the only thing about this one it's extremely sensitive to movement so trying to slide this in it's going to make a lot of noise make sure i got that right yeah all right we'll just fix that once it's in apologize about the sound apologies all right and then you just goes right back into place and your key goes back in and then that's it and you're gonna have it ready for the blade to install all right and here is the blade that comes with your your dark saber now when you buy it for 475 dollars you will get the blade but it doesn't have any of the leds put into it so jeremy had to do the actual install for the leds on that um i will say that i feel like the quality of this of this blade is is kind of kind of crappy i i didn't like that if you look here at the tip yeah i don't know if you can see that let me see there you can see right at the tip there it's bent you see that it's got this this bend right here you know this should be a lot more finished in my opinion especially for 475 so i don't like the way that looks um but anyway let's get this put inside i'm going to show you guys how to do that so you got the keys right here and we're just going to pop those open and then you can put the blade in right so let's pull these guys out all right so it only goes in one way all right all right so you put that in and then you just tighten down your screws now they do um actually swap them out for that for the actual testing you have a different set of screws that they offer for the uh for once you have the blade installed so that when you do any clashing or anything like that the blade is a little more sturdy otherwise you have these smaller pins which are good for the for the the blade plug so i had a clip there for that but there was a little bit of trouble installing the screws in because the holes on the blade don't line up that well um but it looks like i got it now so at least that's that's all connected but this is how it looks with the blade installed so it's got a real nice look in my opinion all right all right so let's get lit up i'm gonna go into the next room where it's nice and dark and we can see how it lights up and all the sound effects all right all right time for the moment of truth let's see how this thing lights up that that looks dope and it's loud i don't know if you all are picking up that sound but it is loud you got nice smooth swing [Music] [Applause] very very bright light sounds really really good we got some blaster effects we got clash [Music] cool yeah that sounds really really good because the vent is down here so all the sound is coming out of the bottom of the hilt so it sounds really good all right and then you just press the button to this is the way to get audio that's cool you hold it down and it should go out and then because uh of solo savers custom installs we should have some other stuff here so let's check it out this is an one starfighter all right see what this one sounds like oh it's got like a blue color [Applause] you got like gleam blaster deflection [Applause] you have earned the mud horn as your sickness all right one thing i do like is that you can see that all the lights here light up [Applause] this one's got kind of like a purple effect to it i really really like the smooth swing [Music] really cool now let's see what else we got oh that's pretty cool i don't even know what this is it's kind of like flames that's dope cool traitor all right this one's got kind of like a electricity effect to it very very cool and there's it just sounds really dope this is cool i really like the way the effects are all right let me give you my final thoughts all right and that's it so my final thoughts on this corbath dark saber this thing is a fantastic exciting hilt for me to own i'm really really happy to actually have this one i love the weight of it i love the feel of it i love that it's almost identical to what we see in the tv show so at least as far as accuracy goes i want to say this is if not 100 very very very very close as you can see from the pictures um now that i've seen it against the hasbro lightsaber i know for a fact that i made the right choice as far as the look so i'm happy about that uh jeremy's work from solo sabers on the install on this is outstanding i really love the way the lightsaber lights up the sound effects and everything that it does i like that the sound comes out of the back of the hilt so i think this is a very awesome and well worth the money hilt all right the blade not a big fan of at all i think corbath cheaped out on that and they could have done much better especially for the 475 dollars so is this the lightsaber that i suggest for you guys to buy the darksaber for you guys to buy that's up to you really because of the cost i really don't want to tell you guys run out and go drop 500 bucks on an empty hilt and then go and spend the money that i spent on this uh i think it's well worth the money um in comparison especially if you want something that is accurate to what you see on the show uh it's very hard to beat the hasbro price right you know a little over 200 dollars actually maybe closer to three like 250 or something like that uh but you get a pretty close to accurate uh dark saber but nothing is going to top the look and the feel of this in my opinion so that's my thoughts on it i 100 recommend you guys going to check out corbath and looking at this dark saber if you're looking to pick one up let me know what you guys think about this in the comments below and until next time may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: Hyperdrive A Star Wars Channel
Views: 73,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korbanth darksaber, korbanth darksaber vs hasbro darksaber, korbanth darksaber n-pixel lightsaber unboxing, korbanth darksaber unboxing, korbanth lightsaber, darksaber unboxing, mandalorian darksaber, korbanth mandalorian darksaber, korbanth vs hasbro, korbanth lightsaber unboxing, neopixel darksaber, hyperdrive, Star wars channel
Id: 5dBRIkGh1m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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