Kobe Bryant LIVE Part 2: Relentless IV 2019

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have you guys had an awesome experience so far so um I don't know but somebody just signed my Jersey and I'll tell you this has been this guy is I just love his energy just just it was this was absolutely awesome I don't know what to say other than where are my questions because I handed them to somebody and you are in for a treat ladies and gentlemen everybody up you're on your feet right now for the Black Mamba the greatest has ever been who's played this game Kobe Bryant [Applause] Koby everybody [Applause] my guitar this is the last day of what four days three days three days yeah little turnt up in here yeah a lot of energy in here like it I like it so um you guys ready for this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we're sorry that thank you yeah we've been we've been working for three full days on quite frankly on being the best version of ourselves yeah and a lot of times you know our our subconscious beliefs and our kind of old habits get in the way and that's what we've been working on it you know to be honest with you when I decided on who I wanted to bring this year I knew it had to be you because you represent nothing gets in your way you're gonna go out and make it happen and and the mob mentality is what we'd want to learn about today right guys yeah so so I got a couple questions sure and the first one is you were born in Philadelphia yep you spent quite a bit of your time as a child in Italy Yeah right what was it like having to move away from the states learn a new language and how did that experience play a role in who you altima became well it was a when we moved I was six and my sisters were seven and eight and at the time we didn't know anything right right we're gonna Philadelphia we didn't know much you know our parents kind of tricked us into saying well you know at the age of 12 you could ride around on like a moped and drive around that got us excited about moving it right so but once we moved over there it was amazing because we didn't really understand you know kind of the shift that was occurring you get there you're immediately putting into an Italian school right where nobody speaks English and you have to adapt you have to adapt you have to adjust and I think I had a way of opening our minds a little bit more to what's possible and being able to or being willing and comfortable to adapt to do things so no way was a good it's a great thing anything awesome and I love that whenever you go back like you go all in you go watch the soccer games yeah all about it well I'm basically Italian it's what we're going vacation you know because Vanessa my wife is Mexican and Italian huh yeah and when we go there you know I just walk around with her and my shades on her stuff we just walking around and stuff you know people that don't know they'll go up to her start speaking Italian to her really and I just sit there I'll just watch her it should look at me like translate say no I won't speak Italian we got it especially when we go shopping and that's I don't I don't speak any to tell you this so Kobe you're gonna get a kick out of this do you know how we we came up we've been doing this event for four years and we call it relentless just because right before I decided to do the event our company was reading the book relentless oh it was Tim Grover wrote yeah so I just happened to think about what a great name and what if we can get Tim Grover to come huh so at relentless one Tim was here and he shared with us what a cleaner was at least what his definition of a cleaner is right being that you're I think the embodiment of a cleaner and a winner how did you being drafted 13th motivate you it's it's funny so like I had a couple teams that wanted to draft me and one was the LA Clippers at the time you know this was it's not it's not the Clippers of today the ownership was a little different everything was a lot of different things about him but long story short they decided not to draft me when I asked why they said well if we draft you we don't think this market would take us very seriously they drafted a high school kid no joke Wow and so then when Sharlee drafted me I get on the phone with there at the time president Bosco operations and here's what a phony tells you say all right you know what's going on you know we're trading you but okay I've kind of heard that right so yeah it's good thing because you couldn't use you anyway Oh mother you know you go in the back and you have your draft hat or you have all these cameras there in front of you people snapping pictures and I'm on the phone these are basketball legends I'm excited to talk to him and then he hits me with dad and so immediately I just transformed it was like tomorrow I'm working out how much time do I got tonight let's get this done I gotta get to the gym you know I mean it just completely changed my mindset so I had a lot to do with me yeah yeah competitive fire [Laughter] [Applause] this is not on the questions but whoa I mean when you played against Charlotte did you have like that little extra wire yeah of course I had a shot at the buzzer to beat him and 2001 in Charlotte and it was such a grief awesome I love that so next why should Kobe I remember your final time I remember clearly watching this day you were playing for Team USA and I think you guys were playing Spain for the championship it yeah it might be right yeah yeah okay and I remember it's like you know you were with all the greats I think LeBron was on that team I think Ray Allen was on that team everybody was on that team and it was like there were a couple of minutes left and they just kind of looked at you and it felt as though they needed you to win the game right what habits allow you to consistently come through in the clutch and specifically when it matters most just be calm let's be calm you know sometimes we tend to overhyped situations kind of our imagination gets in our own way yeah you know at the time Brian do you weigh a lot of those guys especially Brian was still young yeah I hadn't really figured out those pressure situations and for me it was it was able to detach myself from it and and to allow to allow the work that I put in at practice to manifest itself during the game so there's no need to panic like I'm taking these shots thousands and thousands of times before nothing changes yeah I've had games that I've won games and I've lost at the buzzer you show up the next morning and you get the practice again anyway right right so not getting in your own way yeah that was a fun time out cuz Coach K was at the time I was going crazy you guys we cannot lose this game pull it together and I swear to you and I'm sitting there I'm looking around I'm kind of looking understands I'm hearing him R and I'm seeing this hair more this face gets really red and stuff and you know bronze you know biting his finger nose that's like his habit and he weighs like in his zone everybody's kind of doing their own little thing and I just had a chance to kind of look around take it all in and then you know Coach K stands up he has back issues right so he's kind of kneeling down this is so important then he stands up he kind of like does one of those things I had to laugh so I just started laughing at Coach K looked at me he goes it's not funny I said I'm sorry coach buddy we got it man we got it realize we got it he goes I will show me the black mamba oh my god did you really just say that right now did you really just say that right now don't worry about it we're good money you know this my brother this made me think of something we met Coach K in Vegas we happen to be having dinner I saw him I respect the heck out of him yeah so I sent over a nice bottle of wine to his table and then afterwards he came over we talked for like 10 minutes and he told me to ask you this he said ask him who's the only coach that has ever asked him to shoot well there was a you know looking at the team and when we put together this team there was a lot of talk on you know how the pieces would fit together and looking around at the roster we got a lot of guys that were capable scorers Carmelo bran could fill it up where he could fill it up me on and on and on and on but what we lacked was a person I was just gonna dedicate themselves to stopping the other team's best player and at the time you had the best players on the opposition were generally guards and wings and so I said that's gonna be my responsibility I have the ability at the tenacity to do it I'm gonna do it that's why I told coach cats they don't look to me to shoot let me just lock down these other guys give me all the film and when you show up to playing you got to worry about you know spanoulis and the screen roll don't worry about him I'm taking about the game I love that so then as a game goes on especially in close game she's like okay I just want to remind you that you averaged 30 last year could you please shoot the ball imagine that I know right imagine that yeah so so another one just off the cuff cuz I'm I'm giggling here because you mentioned practice a couple times and I don't know what it is every time I hear the word practice I think I'm Allen Iverson how can I practice so you couldn't be like more polar opposite than that and I've heard awesome stories about you practicing our crazy hours what was your practice routine like the same stuff I do any game same stuff I do in practice man it's nothing fancy it's nothing flashy it's footwork its pull-up jumpers its turnaround jumpers in the post its defensive slides it's watching a film and you just do those things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and that's basically yeah I mean I get a kick out of now like because my daughter plays and so I'm very close to the game the youth game I'm watching all these kids and people were training these kids and I just can't help but laugh because you're dribbling like ten basketballs at once and then they're dribbling two basketballs juggling three tennis balls I'm like what is going on right now this rules of the sport change or something we like and I wanted to see how my daughter was gonna react to one of these videos I just wanted to see what a natural reaction was gonna be and so we started and she was my shoulder girl I was her age and she was dribbling with three basketballs so I show her the video and she goes and walks away and that's the next question what is the mama mentality mean to you and what are some simple steps that we can take to apply it in business you know the most important thing about it is curiosity that's the first step is do you have curiosity to learn more and to figure out it's not good enough to just understand that something worked or didn't work but you have to figure out why it worked and why it didn't work and then take it a step further to figure out how you can manifest those things into existence the next time right so like if you take a game for example you watch a game happen you look at a team that goes on a 15 to 2 run or something like that and you're watching film most of the times people will look at it and say okay yeah that team played well that team didn't play well but no but you got to look at why those runs happen what place started it and then how do you how do you stop it right with little itty-bitty things led to a 15-2 run yeah and then you figure out how to make those things happen again right so they don't become an accidental thing but you play with purpose and it's the same thing a business same thing absolutely I love that so uh so coaching so so many today think talent and hard work is enough and yet I believe the third atom element is being coachable and Phil Jackson seems to be the exact opposite of you in terms of like personality you know yet you both worked well together what's the greatest lesson that you learned from your time under Phil as a head coach challenge and confrontation challenging challenging confrontation and different people challenge and confront in different ways phil was very passive he's very indirect with it but he challenged and confronted you've nonetheless from media and through other ways example well you know see you wrote three damn books about me that still wait on royalty for so but you know they were there would be little things that he would do for example there was a season there I scored 40 straight points and whatever nine games whatever was and he knew we had Shaq coming back and Shaq coming back he was a toe injury at the time and he played the last two games both games which I scored a lot offenses running through me and Phil noticed that we were starting to loose Shattuck starting to lose his attention starting to lose his ability to rebound starting to lose his tenacity to get after it right cuz he wasn't as involved as he used to be so Phil sits me down and goes eh so I'm gonna need you to take a back seat so I take a back seat the what it takes you back seat to Shea so me being 23 not a shame I'm gonna take a back seat position so Phil being very zen right did the obvious thing which is nod and then go to media and say I'm selfish [Laughter] but you know the more time I had to think about it he was absolutely right and that's what we did the next game is when the 40 point streak stopped and we went on to win another championship but Phil had ways of confronting you and challenging you but he also wanted that right he wanted to create dissension he wanted to create friction because he wanted to unite his team to move in one direction not you right but at the start of the season he could foresee issues that were going to come up later in the season he could foresee that so unpracticed the way he structured teams the way he structured shooting groups and things of that nature had a way of bringing those things to the surface in practice so we can start dealing with those things in training camp to better prepare ourselves for when those moments would really come to a head yeah he was an absolutely absolute genius I say that's the word that came out of my mind he was a genius at I mean he did a lot of weird stuff to burning incense and all kinds of crazy stuff but it all had a serious serious purpose to it and and he studied like a maniac man this guy can remember every single play he knew the background of players and how they grew up and how their parents would discipline them but your insecurities like yeah and then you see him in a game you kind of sitting there right hey Phil doesn't do anything it's like you go out there win 12 championship it doesn't happen on accident absolutely absolutely so teamwork yeah you didn't win five NBA titles without building a great team environment and I think your example alone cause everyone around you to be better to want to be better yeah can you give us an example of how you were able to pull the most out of your teammates when I gather how hates when I use this example he hates it I've heard of it but I want to hear I'm gonna use it anyway because I'm just like ribbing Powell still but we had played them in the gold medal game and no.8 and beat them right and but coming into that Olympic season there we had just lost to the Celtics of the finals and those guys really beat the hell out of us especially Powell you know physically they roughed them up though so we come back the training camp the first day of practice and I have my gold medal hanging in his locker [Music] and so pal hardly ever curses he charges goes what are you gonna do about it bro you lost twice in a row you're gonna be a loser to all your all your life dude got beat by the Celtics we kicked your ass and now here we are so at least give one out of those three at least get one out of those three you gotta make Spain proud one way or the other right and but the biggest thing for him is playing for country yeah that means everything to him and empower liked direct confrontation he liked it you know he enjoyed being challenged because he knew that we bring the best out of them other players not so much Lamar didn't like to be challenged directly and he would take it maybe just fine he come out and play but with him it was moreso talking about X's and O's because he was the guy on our team that would go out and communicate everything to everybody else he was the guy that brought everybody together right so if I needed something from Shannon Brown or Josh Powell I'd go to Lamar and talk about that and he would go and relay it I got you know I'm saying so everybody had their roles but they just naturally fell into him according to their personality and what I had to do which I learn from you know from being younger was to just sit back and observe sit back and observe and listen and see who's naturally who naturally has what qualities because it's not about one leader but I think a leaders job is to sit back and allow other leaders to take shape yeah and you just simply are there to to guide and you know and funnel things along to give Colby around the what I gotta tell you about this is four years in a row and and there's just something about your personality you're pretty like pretty chill yeah I think the staff did a good job at scaring the out of us just so you know no but that's a good thing because they put the standards up there but you're like yeah this is good I love this all right so all right so this is funny I think I would have had a difficult time walking on the court with a sprained ankle let alone a torn Achilles so what was going on in your head at that moment and how did you push past that because that's like one of the night the Kobe moments the pain wasn't important you know the most important thing was winning that game you know what I mean so the pain I wasn't think I was trying to think of how to get around it so it wasn't like I was okay this thing hurts I got to try to deal with it that wasn't the thought process the thought process was how can I get through this for two minutes to be a threat on the court so we could win this damn game all right so as I'm walking I'm trying to figure out different ways to walk because if you know when you tell your Achilles it's like a spring so I can't go on my toe I can't I just can't do it so I try to walk on my heel they tried to kind of take it step by step see if I can walk on my Hill see in fact maybe I can run on my Hill so that was the thought process man he's trying to figure out how can play with this thing and I started doing the Achilles roll up my calf and I was like you know you literally feel yeah yeah you feel like sliding up like I probably should go sit down yeah now if I go sit down but you know but if you think about it though like if you look at players that get injured for example well you may have a cramp or something like that if you if you if you take a person that pulls a hamstring pops a hammy can't play team shelfs you for 2-3 weeks whatever the case may be yeah all right now this player is sitting at home sitting on the couch watching TV whatever it may be resting the hamstring right kids are upstairs doing whatever I life's around whatever and all of a sudden a massive fire breaks out in the hole and you've got to go get your kids you're not gonna say how you know what yeah sorry kids right you're gonna get up and you're gonna run I'm gonna grab your kids you're gonna do what you need to do to get your family safe right you're not gonna feel your hands on something all right it's not important enough it's not important enough and if and if winning is that important to you then the injuries don't matter so one of the reasons I picked you for this year as specifically to speak to our audience was because I know you're a great father and like I I couldn't think about having this event without my kids running around and selling shirts in the bad Aaron ate all of your mmm back there which was awesome by the way that's great yeah he was so polite - you waited for me to show up and who's like can I have some of these yeah of course take a cup fool me don't worry high-fiving her you thought it's been awesome there's gonna be up here running sprint something down the thing pretty Molly water sugar sugar rush kid yeah absolutely I'm a big believer in well I'm not gonna ask you how do you find balance in your life the type of balance that allows you to win whatever you apply your mind to yeah also win are what's most important which is raising your girls for girls now for girls yeah yeah that's a heavy yeah it's awesome it's you know it's it's a very zen thing I think but it's you know whatever you're doing in the moment is what you're doing yeah whatever you're doing at that time is the most important thing that you're doing at that time and when you behave that way it's not so much about you know work in life being this balance being this infinite balance being and you're trying to walk it perfectly that's not what it is you're always gonna kind of you know you're gonna do a flip and you're gonna be like this oh and you're gonna come back and then you go and do another flipping back oh you know you know one side you have life and family other side you have work man and so you have obsessions and whatever you're doing at that moment in time that is where your focus is so as a result you're gonna keep going back and forth like this back and forth like this back and forth like this back and forth like this and that's the gift of the curse of the life that we've chose to chose to lead it's never really stable in one direct line right it's always gonna be back and forth and I see right now you're spending a lot of times with the girls coaching them helping them how does that feel almost feel it's amazing it's amazing man to be able to have the time to watch them grow up and you know retiring at the time that I did was was was perfect for where Natalia was Gianna and Bianca and now cocoa so it's very very blessed man to be around them every single day and you know have bath time and breakfast and lunch and dinner together it's uh it's awesome awesome so I know you're doing a lot for youth sport but you also have a studio yes tell me about that well you know the studio really just started from my children you know my kids are athletes and they got tired of hearing me trying to teach them stuff right like today your dad where you going I'm gonna go speak speak for what Leadership Conference or what do you have to say I'm like dude - all right so because of that I've had to figure out different ways to teach them life lessons right because you know just like every parent the more wisdom you give to your kids after a while it starts becoming white noise right but what they do loves they do love story they do love entertainment so the idea of the studio originally just started with creating stories for them about perseverance about dedication about dealing with pressure and dealing with failure and all these things and putting them into these very character-driven stories that involve magic and sports hmm right and so that's where granite II studios was born I said okay we need to do more content like this because we don't have content for athletes that involve magic and fantasy and all these sorts of things that teach these very very valuable life lessons and so here we are and it doesn't in a fun way that they can understand oh it's just entertainment fun it's fun it's entertaining and there are a lot of things that are inherently in sports you know and the fear that's there love and the passion and disappointment it's just about how do you bring those to the surface right and we figured out how to do that awesome so this is my final question and I want to show you a clip real class could we have the team shoulders clip with us I think you guys have it this was just what three weeks ago or so and by the way if you have a question for Kobe that would be your time to kind of get ready and and make that happen go back for one more year but that's why that's why I want to show you guys this clip actually that's why I want to show you guys it's cliff all right so so why don't we do this why don't we do this oh he's coming on when right now is it coming on yeah over there bricks yeah they all right now right relax it's all right it happens call me bye you're messing it off okay you take take your time get it right when you go nowhere we're chilling so yeah [Applause] so if you guys don't know thank you guys thank you if you guys don't know that there's something called the drool yeah right and the Julie is Ali I think and the drew league is a league where I didn't know this I just happen to like stumble across as getting ready for this we're like a bunch of like MBA stars come and amateur basketball players come and that was James Harden gardenia right how long ago was that I don't know maybe it was Jesus oh that was seven years ago must have been oh I thought that was like last week or something I'm oldest oh my god tan I was a long time ago damn yeah I thought that was recent no no it demar derozan played in that game too it's a fun matchup okay well then I was gonna ask you how's it feel to be able to still do what you do oh it's uh I haven't played a game since my last game against Utah I haven't played a game since and yeah my focus has been and it's not for you know like I love the game still but you know seeing my daughter play is more thrilling and more exciting than anything I've ever done and watching her develop as a player and as a person has been awesome on the court but like the coming into my retirement year and everybody saying well what are you gonna do next you'll always come back to basketball and and they meant it as like a compliment but I took it as an insult I did I did it was like another challenge it's like listen yes I played the game but I can do other stuff too it's not like I can just play basketball brah I can't sit here you know so that's why I never I will never come back to basketball because I just want to tell those see you were wrong no Brooke so it's time to focus on other things and try to be as good as at dough's and pay attention to every little detail with those as I did on my 20 year NBA career and see where we end up 20 years from now nice I like that Kobe Rama [Applause]
Channel: Danny Morel
Views: 88,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kobe bryant interview, Kobe Bryant Relentless IV, Kobe Bryant Relentless IV Interview, Relentless IV, Kobe Bryant Interview, danny morel, danny morel interview with kobe, basketball, kobe bryant, kobe interview, kobe, interview with Kobe Bryant, Kobe Bryant interview 2019, Relentless IV 2019, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Interview with Kobe Bryant, interview with kobe bryant, last kobe interview, kobe bryant relentless interview
Id: o7LpuaXFLqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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