Knut ordering food makes Mizkif cry from laughing

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we don't like gold Jim oh my God there's people in there why is it packed God people are having fun all right you're getting us way too close to our competition man let's just zoom in hold on just get close and zoom in excuse me hello have you do you know where Iron Forge gym is I've heard I opened up a new gym called iron Forge but I can only find this one Iron Forge yeah haven't you heard about it no I've heard that that was like the new place to go and Round Rock You should uh look it up I'll uh try I'll try Google Maps have a nice day nice can spreading the seed nice pretty good really good we just got to keep going around and do it to everyone that comes out that was awesome everyone that comes out just keep doing that and excuse me do you we do that for 10 hours we planted the seed ah yeah that was good advertisement on the go yeah that was good all right go to let's go to BK really good what's good at BK nowadays chicken fingers are the best hello we want a double whoer cheese what you want a double cheese yes combo combo with large rice large drink drink uh do you think he wants sugar or without sugar what the [ __ ] are you doing water take a No Coke regular Coke regular Coke uh-huh you want anything more give me a chicken sandwich a chicken sandwich huh a chicken sandwich chicken sandwich yeah yes classic spices classic original chicken sandwich or water what the original chicken sandwich or the worldy chicken sandwich what is he asking sorry it's a little bit hard to hear what you're saying just a chicken sandwich yes original chicken sandwich or the Royal original that's it that's it em you want anything no I'm okay yeah that was great Canon awesome so bad ordering food every time every time your I can't hear [ __ ] and I can't I have to scream are we going to this one or the next one I think you said the second one I could I to be fair I could not understand what he was saying yeah why didn't you uh why what I'm not going to butt in you're the driver yeah so you said a a double Walker with cheese large with a large Coke and then a Original Chicken Sandwich by itself or a combo by itself byself anything else huh anything else 1871 you looking at me for like that I don't have my card Jesus [ __ ] this is a heavy card it must be worth millions yeah twitch Run please that was a a ride yeah can you you are the worst person to order food from but I what's crazy is I never have problems and I couldn't understand what he was saying yeah what some see Theon rolls isn't that easy beign in the Big [Music] World nice what did we what did we get them Double Whopper with tee what is that is that the chicken sandwich ew why was an original chicken sandwich why is it long
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 57,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camp knut, knut, mizkif, knut clips, mizkif clips, otk, mizkif knut, knut reacts, mizkif new gym, mizkif knut gym, knut gym, mizkif wrestling, knut mizkif wrestling, extra emily gym, mizkif extra emily gym, extra emily clips, extra emily, extraemily, mizkif extra emily, mizkif knut extra emily, extra emily driving, extra emily driving mizkif, mizkif extraemily car, knut order food, knut ordering food, mizkif knut ordering food, mizkif cry laughing, mizkif real laugh
Id: WbH8O8nWeHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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