Knowledge of Islam is liberatory

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uh to the West uh even when they were so-called Christians even before the uh the prevalence of blatant atheism they viewed religion as basically a philosophical guide of moral conduct platitudes uh that are supposed to sort of provide lessons on morality and so forth generally vague vague ideas vague platitudes and usually used for the purpose of consoling those whose exploitation was simultaneously justified by means of the same religion in other words religion was both a pretext for oppression and a means of pacifying the oppressed it was dealt with cynically from the beginning and it was treated as nothing more than a a a weapon of Domination by the powerful and a sort of brainwashing Placebo for the dominated the masses used it for comfort for telling themselves uh that they were good people and so forth and that was all that mattered and the overwhelming majority of people both then and now have no real knowledge of their scripture the Christians you could tell them a quote from the Buddha and tell them that it was from the gospels and they wouldn't know any better but once that system of power was transferred to secular authorities then religion just became uh you know about generally being a good person and for a lot of us we've started to think the same way about religion today even about Islam It's Not Unusual today to hear Muslims say Islam is in your heart you know or even as long as you're a good person that's the important thing that's what matters that's what Islam is is all about trying to make you a good person and that's why you can even find Muslims today feeling uncomfortable or even uh objecting or rejecting the idea that there are nice kind charitable kufar who will go to Janam because you have uh reduced religion to nothing but a sort of self-help feel-good character building manual their sole focus is on the dun God to them is just a conceptual symbolic principle I mean you can hear Jordan Peterson for example uh who sees God as a sort of archetype of the highest good or what have you it's purely uh conceptual that makes an individual's relationship to God really just a relationship with thems this is why in my opinion the West is flooded in fact with self-help books and life coaches and so on because religion to them is just another version of that and it doesn't even have exclusivity in terms uh of being the sole source of guidance for them I mean of course as time has worn on religion for them has become entirely sidelined even as a self-help tool it can't compete in the market the self-help Market I mean you see you hear how they use the word God that the word God is used in the west interchangeably with profanity even the name Jesus literally spoken like a curse word so clearly even for those who who don't claim to be atheists they are atheistic in their thinking actually and again this is because of their approach to religion even the so-called religious among them adhere essentially to a Godless religion all of this reduces religion it belittles religion and it removes from religion any deeper meaning or consequence like with everything else in the west religion is just a narrative to them and they can ply it as they like they can bend it they can invoke it or discard it to suit their purposes in the western conception of religion uh it's about your relationship to other people your interactions and your behavior towards others it's all d it's creation to Creation into relation not creation to Creator which essentially takes Allah T takes God out of the equation it takes the out of the equation it takes the before and the after out of the equation what came before this life and what is to follow this life it's not part of their calculation because again in their minds this life is all there is even for religious people socalled now obviously for Muslims alhamdulillah the Looms large in our thinking and of course religion for us constitutes a relationship between creation and Creator in fact for us it's fair to say uh that this is the only relationship we truly believe in the only relationship that truly exists for a person uh is his or her relationship to Allah tala and all their interactions with creation are governed by this relationship they manifest their relationship to the Creator by means of their interactions with his creation everything we do to one degree or another is just us communicating with Allah expressing our relationship to Allah in that he determines uh how we interact creation does not determine how we interact Allah determines how we interact and that's with the conscious knowledge that Allah is real not conceptual and that the future exists and a future exists in which we will stand before him and be judged where we position the duny in our thinking differs or should differ from westerners we understand that our souls existed before the creation of this world and before our births into this world and we understand that our souls will continue to exist for a period of time in the grave in the and will exist During the period of the day of judgment and will then exist in the in the Hereafter and between all of these periods of our existence our time in the dun is the briefest period the life of this world is the shortest part of our total exist existence and we're only in it for a brief moment just for the purpose of demonstrating our recognition uh and our servitude to Allah tala the dun the meaning of this duny is contextualized by what came before and what will come after and if you miss this context you will never understand the world or your life in it but when we are inundated and when we are surrounded by people and by messages that convey a mentality that there is nothing but this worldly life some of that type of thinking can seep through into our own perspectives and you know we see this in many of our countries uh especially in the countries that were specifically colonized by the West like like France and the UK and so on if a student is not doing well in say The Sciences if they're not performing well academically you know if their parents have sort of given up the hope that they're going to become a doctor or a pharmacist or an architect or what have you then they will the parents will conso themselves by directing their their their son or their daughter towards Islamic Studies as if something like Shar is somehow a lower tier of knowledge you can imagine the the the repercussions of this approach if this approach is being taken to Islamic knowledge on a societal level not only do you end up uh getting people uh with subpar intellectual and academic discipline and subpar academic capabilities those people becoming religious teachers which then leads to poor educational standards overall in religious studies studies and that also means lower standards of religious understanding in the society as a result of that but it also means uh that it just perpetuates a sort of self-fulfilling cycle of overall dismissiveness and marginalization of religious knowledge as relevant as useful as vital as crucial for the society and then of course this this belittling of Islamic knowledge uh also manifests in that you will now have an attitude developed in the society that basically anyone can speak about religion this is taking a very Western approach to the religion and it's absolutely destructive and undermining for us because if they can deprive us of our appreciation for our understanding of Islam deprive us of knowledge by making us belittle knowledge by making us not value and appreciate knowledge then they have deprived us of everything and we will be even more conquered uh than if our homes were all surrounded by American Marines the most important the most crucial resource that the colonizers can steal from us is our knowledge of Islam and that begins by stealing our appreciation for that knowledge just like the way they make people in the so-called developing World think that their minerals and their spices and their rare Earths and and and so forth are of no value they make us think that Islamic knowledge has no value and that's how they steal from us the very wealth that we need to secure our Liberation our people are uneducated about our own past about our own history I mean there are Scholars from our history whose names have been forgotten but whose Minds surpassed every famous Western thinker that you've ever heard of I mean literally there were judges and fukah in little provinces in the Muslim lands who worked out legal theories and arguments that would make William Blackstone or Oliver wend Holmes look like toddlers and these were the Lesser minds of our um W you are being severely deprived of treasures that can enrich your life and your understanding of reality and which can Empower your mind in every other field of study that you might pursue because religion is not what the West thinks it is it is existence explained to us by the creator of existence which gives us a holistic comprehension not a compartmentalized comprehension and it enables us to see the connections and the interrelations and the patterns that intersect throughout reality it clarifies for us our role in the world what and why we are who made us and who we belong to and to whom we will be returned understanding Islam and not understanding Islam is literally like the difference between daylight and Pitch darkness and when you reduce Islam to what the West reduces their so-called religion to or their so-called spirituality to then you are reducing daylight to a 15 watt light bulb all you're doing is dimming the light if you keep going uh along that path eventually you won't even be able to see yourself anymore
Channel: Middle Nation
Views: 47,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O_UcoScnb6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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