Knowing These Life Lessons After 40 is Like Cheating. Literally.

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at first you choose a partner based on appearance and enjoy it until you realize that your children will be raised not based on appearance but based on values no amount of success can compensate for failure at home if people took back the pain they caused you you'd lose the strength you gained the average of five is real if you really want to know someone look at the five people they talk to the most and spend the most time with your friends problems become your problems the smaller your Social Circle the fewer problems you have once you realize your value you will be greatly surprised at what you you used to settle for when you laugh people laugh with you and when you cry you cry alone just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life missing is a part of getting over the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding over trusting betrayal masturbation loss of energy stress hair loss overthinking depression saying no important Revenge ruining your own life observing increase in wisdom forgiving healing Letting Go peace of mind you can always earn money it's not a big deal your world is not going to end because you don't have a fixed income something else will work out every person has three faces firstly the one we show to the world and strangers secondly the one we show to family spouses and close friends and thirdly the one we show only to ourselves not everything in this world should be your problem some things are simply none of your business focus on the issues that affect you directly you will be much happier that way rejection is important important for [Music] self-development no one has the answer you're going to spend a lot of time figuring things out most people stay in the same place for a reason the things they hold dear are the anchors that hold them in place stop trying to make everyone love you you need enemies to succeed sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried but actually you've been planted the person who cares less has the most power in a relationship never sacrifice your progress for a friend they might not do the same if the tables were turned the world doesn't care about your potential it cares about what you've done you spend all your health initially for wealth and then you spend all your wealth for one day of good health never compare your life with others they may seem better than you but they have some problems which are never ever heard by you don't tell anyone what you think or what you know keep your secrets to yourself because a friend of today could be an enemy by [Music] tomorrow Embrace judgment no matter your outcome you'll always be judged so don't live to impress others live to impress yourself worry is the ultimate bully it takes everything and gives nothing wasting time in regretting cribbing and crying won't fetch you results you are right about all the things you think you need to do don't wait get started if something bothers you change it if it is beyond your control learn to to live with it accept it change yourself that is the only thing you can influence when you get up in the morning remember what you promised yourself at night you spend your first 20 years worrying about what people think about you you spend your next 20 years swearing that you don't care what people think about you you spend the next 20 years realizing that they aren't thinking about you to have what you never had you have to do what you never did people will say almost anything when they're happy be wise and careful of this one the world will not treat you better just because you're a good person chasing the opposite sex and having temporary relationships which means nothing but sex is pointless what people say when they are angry aren't things they mean they regret it often forgive angry people it's okay they are only human the more people let you down the easier you'll get back up and realize that life doesn't stop for anyone you can't litter negativity everywhere and wonder why you have a trashy life not everyone will make it to your future some people are passing through to teach you life lessons if you waste money you can earn it again if if you miss the moment it can never be returned life isn't fair and sometimes Good Deeds aren't rewarded and bad Deeds aren't punished things work out when you least expect them life has a funny way of surprising us when we're not looking for it the ego is not a bad thing and sometimes we need it in order to achieve our aims and feel Vitality however the ego is just a tool we shouldn't let it control us there will always be someone who is better than you in something you have to accept that fact and learn from them that's something that will help you grow betrayal never comes from your enemies the hardest part is at the beginning of the journey the rocket loses 90% of its fuel during takeoff a moment of patience in a moment of anger saves from a thousand minutes of regret success is a loner's journey you must learn to accept loss and make compromises putting off until tomorrow is your weakness you can't always have a good day but you can always face a bad day with a good attitude don't compare yourself to others because no one can play Your Role better than you no work is beneath you the only thing that should be beneath you is your big ego work hard in silence and show your skills at the job you get rather than criticizing the job no matter how hard you work you can't have everything you want eventually most of us end up settling in some part of our life owning your truth can be hard but not nearly as hard as spending your life running away from it many of the people you told your secret to have already told it to others there is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind you are the one who hears it people only want to hear the good not the bad so if you have issues it'll be hard to find people to confide in the walls you build to keep things out are also keeping things in there are times when you see someone for the last time and don't even realize it watch out you'll never know the true value of the moment until it becomes a memory never expect too high the more you expect when it doesn't meet your expectation the more it's going to hurt you might regret your speech but you'll never regret your silence learn to let go even if you are right life is a boxing game defeat is not declared when you fall down it is declared when you refuse to get up it is indeed very hard to move on but once you do you'll realize it was your best decision never make a promise you can't keep stop letting other people take advantage of you learn to say no and understand your rights saying no is important people don't get offended as much as you think never awaken a woman's love with no intention of loving her when talking to people look them in the eye and on the face this will make you more confident in front of others find something you love something you can lean on to something that would keep you going you need something to fall back on when you get depressed nothing is complicated not as much as you assume it's just your mind playing tricks with you if you get down to it it's all really simple and clear time is your most valuable resource there are no refunds or second chances for the time you waste in order to love who you are you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you be impatient with actions but patient with results if you're not happy with yourself you'll never be happy in a relationship being lonely and being alone are different things overthinking ruins you it ruins the situation twists things around makes you worry about futile questions and makes everything much worse than it actually is most people are a complete waste of time a lesson never ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know don't let people know too much about you just trust your instincts gut feelings can sometimes save you from big troubles you don't get extra marks for putting up with people you dislike life is unfair don't moan don't complain learn to be thick skinned make the most of what you can you don't have to be great to start but to become great you just have to start the moment poverty walks in through the door love and peace toss themselves out of the window don't be emotionally attached to anyone people change even your best friends May probably turn into strangers one day no one cares except you do what lifts you up in your eyes what people say does not matter think before you act you can take a second to do something you haven't properly considered that isn't a true reflection of your character and it can undo a lifetime of kindness and gener generosity life gives you lemons pepper salt and sometimes cold water but they don't come together or in a certain order so keep struggling until the lemonade is ready if you can't do it now you won't do it ever regret won't change your past and it will end up your future if you continue to do that don't make hopes hopes will create expectation and expectation makes you weaker some people just won't admit they're wrong don't waste time trying to get them to accept it passion is super awesome but it doesn't cure all your problems passion can go a long way in your life but it doesn't mean it's all unicorns and rainbows you are not unique there will always be someone else equally attractive fun and qualified to replace you sometimes you just have to let stupid people be stupid don't read a quote and say this is wise but read a quote and say how can I relate this to my life
Channel: Quotes
Views: 441,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _7Lwj_Iv9KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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